单词 | 圣神 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 圣神—general term for saint in former timesfeudal term of praise for ruler, king or emperorHoly Spirit (in Christian Trinity)Examples:神圣的adj—sacredadj divineadj 神圣性n—sanctityn 圣神降临周—Whitsuntide 圣神降临—Whit Sunday (Christian Festival celebrating the Holy Spirit) 神圣罗马帝国—the Holy Roman Empire (history) 神圣周—Easter week (esp. Catholic) Holy week See also:神n—Godn godn souln godsn lookn deityn 神圣n—holinessn 神圣adj—sacrosanctadj 神圣—hallow
所有基督徒,既因圣水及圣神再生而为新人 (8),且被称为也实际是上主的子女,则自有接受基督徒教育之权利。 catholic.edu.hk | Since all Christians have become by rebirth of water and the HolySpirit a new creature (8) so that they should be called and should be children of God, they have a right to a Christian education. catholic.edu.hk |
例如:拉尼尔(Karl Rahner)就谈到教会未来的灵修,他认为:「在与弟兄的共融内可以体验与天主圣神基本的经验。 focolare.org | Karl Rahner, for example, speaking of the spirituality of the Church [...] of the future, saw it as a [...] “fraternal communion in which it is possible to make the same basic experience of the Spirit”. focolare.org |
天主教学校确知圣神在每个人的身上工作,因此将本身独特的宗旨及方式向所有的人们开放,也包括向非基督徒开放,并承认、维护与倡导不同文化的精神和道德的特质,社会和文化的价值。 catholic.edu.hk | In the certainty thatthe Spirit isat work in [...] every person, the Catholic school offers itself to all, non-Christians included, [...]with all its distinctive aims and means, acknowledging, preserving and promoting the spiritual and moral qualities, the social and cultural values, which characterise different civilisations(47). catholic.edu.hk |
卢嘉勒在这些公开颁奖典礼上发表领奖演说,以不同的方式,深入说明圣神赐给她合一神恩(carisma dell’unità)的不同层面,把获得嘉奖的和平与合一的成果归因於合一神恩。 focolare.org | In Chiara Lubich’s addresses on such public ceremonies, she presents in [...] different ways a careful study of the various [...] aspects ofthe charismentrusted to [...]her by the Holy Spirit, thus attributing the [...]fruit of unity and peace that are thereby recognised. focolare.org |
远自中西纪,咖啡已被视为神圣之物,一个来自也门的牧羊人,发现多了羊只逃跑,同时发现牠们一直有吃一种神秘小树的种子。 clarins.com.hk | It tells of a Yemeni shepherd whose goats had been running off more than usual, who noticed they had been eating the seeds of a mysterious small tree. clarins.co.uk |
今日便是香港人用手上神圣的一票共同起义之 时。 legco.gov.hk | Today is the time for Hong Kong [...] peopleto usethe sacred votein their hands [...]to start an uprising together. legco.gov.hk |
他们被以下的事实激励 了﹕意大利在过去曾两次达致统一﹐一次是在神圣罗马帝国﹐ 一次在教宗统导下的天主教会。 hkahe.com | They were stirred by the fact that in the past Italy had twice given to humanity a sense of unity, based first on the Roman Empire and then on the Catholic Church headed by the Pope. hkahe.com |
从惠福‧伍会长所说的话,我们学习到:「神圣圣职是神与世人沟通交往的管道;曾经造访地球与世人沟通的天上使者都是在世时持有并敬重圣职的人;从人来到这世上开始到世界被救赎为止,神为世人的救恩所做的每一件事都是藉由永恒的圣职来完成的,将来也是如此。 igreja-jesus-cristo.pt | From the words of President Wilford Woodruff, we learn: [...] “The HolyPriesthood isthe channel through which Godcommunicates and [...]deals with man upon the earth; [...]and the heavenly messengers that have visited the earth to communicate with man are men who held and honored the priesthood while in the flesh; and everything that God has caused to be done for the salvation of man, from the coming of man upon the earth to the redemption of the world, has been and will be by virtue of the everlasting priesthood. igreja-jesus-cristo.pt |
今时今日,这种想法已经落伍,一般选民都希望安静地进入票站,投下神圣的一票。 hkupop.hku.hk | Voters generally want to enter the polling stations [...] silently to cast theirsacred votes. hkupop.hku.hk |
你已经看到了 [...] 统一在一个人底下的伟大国家:你已经看到了他神圣的权力、如同父亲的和绝对性:你已经看到 了引导着那个附随於一个首脑的政治体的神秘 [...]原因:你已经在君王身上看到了上帝的影像,并 且你将会知道君主的高贵权威。 nysedregents.org | You have seen a great nation united under one [...] man: you have seen hissacred power,paternal and [...]absolute: you have seen that secret [...]reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. nysedregents.org |
在这些街区环绕之下,让我觉得公共空间并非神圣不可碰触的场域,而是多彩多姿的非正式空间,任何人都可以加油添醋」。 thisbigcity.net | Being surrounded by these blocks made me feel like public space [...] wasn’t a pristine, sacredspace that I shouldn’t [...]touch,” Chang says. thisbigcity.net |
工 人 、 农 民 、 资 产 阶 级 皆 在 「 自 由 、 平 等 、 博 爱 」 这个神 圣的口号 下 团 结 起 来 。 hkahe.com | Workers, peasants and bourgeoisie citizens alike rallied to the slogan “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” as toaholy cause. hkahe.com |
哥林多前书 2:14 然而,属血气的人不领会神圣灵的事,反倒以为愚拙,并且不能知道,因为这些事惟有属 [...] 灵的人才能看透。 magdalenatoday.com | 1 Corinthians 2:14 (NASB) says, “But [...] a natural man does not accept the things [...] of the Spirit of God, for theyare foolishness [...]to him; and he cannot understand [...]them, because they are spiritually appraised. magdalenatoday.com |
在神的人特别yashts致力於我们发现Ardvi苏拉的女神水域; Tishtrya ,恒星天狼星;米特拉神,神的光与真理的Fravashis ,或灵魂的正义, Verethragna [...] ,天才的胜利和在Kavaya Hvarenah , “王者的荣耀”,神圣的光照亮了古老的伊朗国王。 mb-soft.com | Among the divinities to whom special yashts are devoted we find Ardvi Sura the goddess of waters; Tishtrya, the star Sirius; Mithra, the divinity of light and truth; the Fravashis, or departed souls of the righteous, Verethragna, [...] the genius of Victory and the Kavaya Hvarenah, [...] "kingly glory",the divinelight illuminating [...]the ancient kings of Iran. mb-soft.com |
虽然解经家 Lightfoot 笑责犹太人迷信,以为卧着吃就更神圣,但他们这吃的姿势的改变,是同时表明他们对真 理正确的领悟。 lordsgrace.ca | While Lightfoot attributed it to their [...] “superstition” in believing [...] thisas a sacred posture, I believe this change did signify apropertheological understanding [...]as a break with the past. lordsgrace.ca |
中 国 对 婚 姻 关 系 的 看 法 可 能 有 别 , 特 别 是 由 於 一 夫 多 妻 制 的 特 色 和 妇 女 那 种 明 显 从 [...] 属 的 角 色 , 但 认 为 婚姻神 圣和应当 受 到 国 家 尊 重 的 [...]观 念 则 不 遑 多 让 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The marital relationship may have been regarded differently, particularly in its polygamous [...] features and the apparently subservient role of the [...] woman, but as noless sacredand deserving of [...]respect from the state. hkreform.gov.hk |
损失的原因是神圣的书籍的追随者Zoroaster入侵亚历山大“艾斯坎达的诅咒” ,因为他们叫他,谁焚烧宫图书馆在波斯波利斯,从而摧毁了一个原型的文本,并把其他到附近的河流撒马尔罕,根据声明巴列维记录( [...] Dinkard ,浅滩。 mb-soft.com | The loss of the sacred books is attributed [...] by the followers of Zoroaster to the invasion of Alexander "the accursed Iskandar", [...]as they call him, who burned the palace library at Persepolis, thus destroying one archetype copy of the text, and threw the other into the river near Samarkand, according to the statement of the Pahlavi records (Dinkard, bk. mb-soft.com |
迷迭香被罗马人称为「神圣之草」,纯净清新的天然草本芬芳能展现肌肤活力光采,给予肌肤舒爽清新的感受。 cosme-de.com | Suitable for the most sensitive skin and persons with skin problems. cosme-de.com |
储蓄帐户里的钱神 圣不可侵犯,只有在准 备购屋是才能动用。 arthome.org | Treat the money you put in your [...] savings account assacred—the onlytime you’ll [...]make a withdrawal from this account is when [...]you are ready to purchase your home. arthome.org |
何况,㆗英联合联络小组不是神圣不可侵犯的组织,如 果其作出的决定是错误的,是违反了㆗英联合声明和基本法的,香港㆟,包括立法局 [...] 的同事便有责任站出来纠正甚至推翻这个错误,去扞卫联合声明和基本法,去扞卫香 港㆟未来 50 年生活的根本依据。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, theJLG isnot asacred andinviolable body. [...] If it has made a wrong decision which is in breach of the Joint Declaration [...]and the Basic Law, members of the Hong Kong public including Members of the Legislative Council have a duty to correct or even overturn the wrong decision so as to defend the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law on which is based the lifestyle of Hong Kong people in the coming 50 years. legco.gov.hk |
这个规定,是为了保护神圣佛法的清净,预防剃度律仪遭受毁坏,也为了巩固 大众的信心。 meditation.hk | This rule has been adopted only to protect the purity of holyDharma, to prevent ordination from being broken in the future, and to save people’s faith. meditation.hk |
在一个追求纯 [...] 美学合成的过程当中,伍韶劲探索艺术创作的空隙,在这个神圣的时刻,当界限被扭曲同 时,思绪,图像和形式亦被溶解成一个存在於可能与现实之间的实体。 osagegallery.com | In a quest for pure aesthetic synthesis, [...] Ng is exploring the interstice of [...] artistic creation, thatdivine moment where boundaries [...]are distorted and thought, image [...]and form are dissolved in a physical reality that sits just in the middle between possibility and reality. osagegallery.com |
古代用法 [...] 埃及人、希伯来人、希腊人和罗马人均认为迷迭香是神圣的, 甚至直至中世纪它都被用来作驱除恶邪和避免瘟疫发生。 vitagreen.com | History Of Use The Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans [...] considered rosemary to be sacred, and evenin the [...]Middle Ages it was used to ward off evil [...]spirits and for protection against the plague. vitagreen.com |
坐落在一个备用的将来,该系列被称为Geass的前王子的鲁鲁修Lamperouge获得的权力,并决定用它来摧毁的神圣Britannian帝国,帝制和一个超级大国,已经征服了各国如何。 apkzoom.com | Set in an alternate future, the series focus on how the [...] former prince Lelouch Lamperouge obtains apower known [...]as Geass and decides to use it to [...]destroy the Holy Britannian Empire, an imperial monarchy and a superpower that has been conquering various countries. apkzoom.com |
当时的雕塑多以神像,伟大的人物和事迹作取材,作品比例较大,安置於巨型石柱等较高位置,与大众保持绝对的距离,人们每每要仰首远望,令公共艺术与观赏者之间添加了一条神圣不可侵犯的界线。 think-silly.com | They were mostly large in size and placed on top, deliberately keeping a distance with the public. think-silly.com |
刑 法 的 [...] 重 要 性 应 压 倒 婚姻神 圣这个原 则,抑 或 实 现 [...]我 们 维 护 婚 姻 关 系 这 个 重 要 制 度 的 愿 望,比 实 现 我 们 拘 捕 所 有 罪 犯 的 愿 望 更 为 重 要 ? hkreform.gov.hk | Is thesanctity of marriage a principle [...] which must be overridden in the interests of the criminal law or does the fulfilment [...]of our desire to capture all criminals take second place to the fulfilment of our desire to uphold marriage relationship as an important institution? hkreform.gov.hk |
Keil and [...] Delitzsch就认为「如果摩西是要成 功的完成这神圣的使命,就需要证明自己先在家庭中 [...]作耶和华忠心的仆人」: a. 因此,这事件对摩西有什麽重要的意义? lordsgrace.ca | Keil and Delitzsch opine that “But if Moses was to [...] carryout the divine commission with [...]success, he must first of all prove himself [...]to be a faithful servant of Jehovah in his own house. lordsgrace.ca |
赵无极自幼习书法,有家学渊源,後在杭州艺专学习国画、西画,自然熟悉中国山水画的精髓与意境,他追求西方艺术的神圣光辉,也折服於东方绘画高妙深远的层次,结合两种文化的传统,带入现代性,创造出一种新的抽象视觉。 ravenelart.com | Having studied calligraphy since childhood, and versed in the techniques of traditional Chinese literati painting after his enrollment at the school of Fine Arts in Hangzhou, Zao Wou-ki was able to deftly combine this cultural tradition with the new movements he encountered in Europe. ravenelart.com |