

单词 圣母



Mary (mother of Jesus)


Assumption of the Virgin Mary (Christian festival on 15th August)


Mt Everest
Goddess peak (Nepalese: Sagarmatha, Sky Goddess)


Church of Our Lady

See also:



mother n


female adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这个镇有一个丰富而愉快的建筑遗产与历史悠久的市中心,教堂 圣母 院 LA GRANDE)和“优雅的修剪整齐的花园中的Parc de Blossac。
The town has a rich and pleasant architectural heritage with an historic centre, churches (Notre-Dame-la-Grande) and elegantly manicured gardens in the Parc de Blossac.
联合国儿童基金会正在为一个圣母 大 学和海地公共卫生和人口部管理的制盐厂提供支持。
UNICEF is supporting a salt plant managed by the
[...] University of Notre Dame and the Haitian [...]
Ministry of Public Health and Population.
但秘书长报告中提到发现有人从普里兹圣 母 Ljeviška 教堂盗走了 13 平方米的屋顶铅膜。
However, the Secretary-General’s report mentions the discovery of the theft of 13 square metres of lead sheet roofing from the Virgin Ljeviška church in Prizren.
这是特别值得注意的是,Scotism没有一个特有的主张司各脱或已被当局谴责了教会,而观学说 圣母 很 快 就接受了所有学校的订单,以及订单的神学家以外的多米尼加,并提高到一个教条比约九。
It is especially noteworthy that none of the propositions peculiar to Scotus or Scotism has been censured
by ecclesiastical authority, while the
[...] doctrine of the Immaculate Conception was [...]
soon accepted by all schools, orders, and
theologians outside the Dominican Order, and was raised to a dogma by Pius IX.
在这方面,我国代表团非常悲痛地想起最近对巴 格圣母教堂的袭击,造成很多虔诚基督徒的暴力死 亡,我认识其中的一些人,包括 Tha'ir Saad 和 Boutros Wasim 这两位被谋杀的牧师。
In that regard, my delegation recalls with profound sorrow the recent siege of the Church of Our Lady of Deliverance, the Syrian Catholic cathedral in Baghdad, which caused the violent death of so many Christian faithful — some of whom I knew personally, including the two priests who were murdered, Tha’ir Saad and Boutros Wasim.
[...] 年 10 月,由于伊拉克 伊斯兰国组织对圣母救赎 教堂”的袭击,据报道,巴格达的许多学校,常常与 [...]
其教会共用场地,由于害怕伊拉克伊斯兰国组织或另外的叛乱团体为恐吓社区而 发动类似的袭击,停课数周。
For example, in October 2010, as a result of the attack by ISI
[...] against Our Lady of Salvation Church, it was reported [...]
that many schools in Baghdad, often
sharing the same grounds as their churches, cancelled classes for several weeks out of fear of a similar attack taking place by ISI or another insurgent group intending to terrorize the community.
[...] 普里兹伦天主教大教堂重建合同,由希腊和捷克共和国政府捐款资助的普里兹伦 Ljeviška 圣母教堂 壁画的修复工程也已经完成招标工作。
During the reporting period, the contract for the reconstruction of the Roman Catholic cathedral in Prizren, funded by the Government of Albania, was signed, and the tender
for the restoration of wall paintings in
[...] the Church of the Holy Virgin Ljeviška [...]
in Prizren, funded by donations from the
Governments of Greece and the Czech Republic, was completed.
在第十二届世纪,第一菜市场(市场)和巴 圣母 院 大教堂建国王菲利普 - 奥古斯特下了订单。
In the XIIth century, the first Halles (market) and the
[...] Cathedrale Notre Dame were built [...]
under the order of King Philippe-Auguste.
在下列学校设立了三个新的可持续发展方面的教席 (1)法国波尔多第 III
[...] 大学,(2)西班牙拉蒙·柳 利大学和(3)比利时那慕尔和圣母 院。
Establishment of three new Chairs in Sustainable Development at (1)
University of Bordeaux III, France, (2) University Ramon Llull, Spain, and (3)
[...] Facultés Notre-Dame de la Paix, [...]
Namur, Belgium.
在第 8 次会议上,下列具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织代表也发 了言圣母进殿 派修女国际协会;希腊东正教大主教管区会议;巴哈教国际联盟。
At its 8th meeting, the representatives of the following non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council also spoke: International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation; the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council; and the Bahá’í International Community.
路德希望基督徒了解伊斯兰教,以便他们能够驳斥其神学立场,从而“传播基督教信仰 圣母 教 会 ”。
Luther wanted Christians to be informed about Islam so
that they could refute its theological positions, “for the propagation of the
[...] Christian faith and of Holy Mother Church.
公共雕塑通过大教堂中的圣徒和英雄形象成为城市宗教 仪式的中间人,比方Orsanmichele教堂中或 圣母 百花 大教堂的钟楼上的壁龛里面的人物形象,曾是艺术作品 的委托人,根据想象来,运用革新的表现力和技术来修 复古代的范品。
Public sculpture interpreted this celebration of the city with statues of hero-saints and prophets for the cathedral, but above all, it was the large-scale figure sculpture commissioned by the Arti, or guilds, for their niches at Orsanmichele and the statues for the bell-tower of Santa Maria del Fiore that marked the rediscovery of Classical models while reflecting updated ideals and a quest for innovation in both expression and execution.
作品结尾处是塞鲁格的雅各布(Jacob of Serugh,卒于 521 年)关圣母之死 的格律布道,此副本缺失布道的后半部分。
At the end of this work comes a metrical homily by Jacob of Serugh (died 521) on the death of Mary, the last half of which is missing in this copy.
13个受惠机构为浸会爱羣社会服务处丶护苗基金丶香港晨曦会丶生命热线 圣母 洁 心 会安老之家丶世界自然(香港)基金会丶香港青年艺术协会丶生命小战士会丶脊髓肌肉萎缩症(SMA)慈善基金丶思拔中心丶保良局丶励智协进会及Autism Partnership Foundation。
The beneficiaries are Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service, End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation, Operation Dawn, Suicide Prevention Services, Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Elderly Home, WWF HK, Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation, Little Life Warrior Society, Autism Partnership Foundation, Families of SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) Charitable Trust, The Nesbitt Centre Ltd.
圣母大学的主任让.马克.布里索(Jean Marc Brissau)解释说,该项目不会止于生产:“我们正在有目标地为社区配送,同时也在促使行为转变。
Director of the
[...] University of Notre Dame in Haiti Jean [...]
Marc Brissau explains that the programme does not end with production:
“We are targeting communities for distributions, but also for behaviour change.
2009 年开始了对亚美尼亚教堂及尼科西亚地区 Ty re 圣母院修 道 院的筹备修复工程,该工程基于一份详细的设计计划及开发署-促进塞浦路斯合 [...]
A recent example is the commencement in 2009 of preparatory
rehabilitation works for the Armenian Church and
[...] Monastery of Notre Dame De Tyre in [...]
Nicosia, based on a detailed Scheme Design
and a technical report, prepared by the UNDP-ACT in consultation and with the approval of the Department of Antiquities.
在尼亚美圣母兄弟会工作团分发食物给孤儿和 贫苦家庭;㈤ 蒙古乌兰巴托:在乌兰巴托的施食处/供餐车,2004 年至 2007 年 期间,向住在阴沟里的成年和青年游民分发 89 500 多份热餐。
In Niamey, at Fraternite Notre Dame’s Mission, feeding distributions to orphans and destitute families; (v) Ulaanbaatar Mongolia: Soup Kitchen/Meals on Wheels in Ulaanbaatar: Between 2004 and 2007, over 89,500 hot meals were served to homeless adults and youth, living in the sewers.
森佩尔歌剧院、古代大师绘画陈列 馆、新绿色和老绿色穹隆珍宝馆、阿尔伯特姆艺术博 物馆圣母教堂等景点与古迹的知晓度早已越过萨克 森地区,声名远扬。
Places of interest such as the Semperoper, the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Old Masters’ Art Gallery), the Neues Grünes Gewölbe (New Green Vault), the Historisches Grünes Gewölbe (Historical Green Vault), the Albertinum and the Frauenkirche are renowned beyond the borders of Saxony.
圣母大学 和辛辛那提大学均在招生宣传材料中和学生参观校园时通过强调学校出色的安全绩效来突出自己的与众不同之处。
Both Notre Dame and the University [...]
of Cincinnati make a point of differentiating themselves in their marketing materials
and on their student tours by focusing on their superior safety performance.
对于巴格达救圣母教堂 和埃及亚历山大两圣教堂发生的事件,领导人深表 [...]
遗憾,强调了恐怖分子以这些公民为目标,是要扩大我们阿拉伯人民各个组成部 分之间的纷争,煽动骚乱和制造歧视,以削弱和瓦解社会结构,破坏阿拉伯国家 的稳定。
The leaders absolutely deplore the events that
[...] took place in the Church of Our Lady [...]
of Salvation in Baghdad and the Two Saints
Church in Alexandria, Egypt, and stress that the terrorist targeting of this group of citizens is intended to spread civil strife, provocation and discrimination amongst the various components of our Arab peoples, with a view to weakening and unravelling the fabric of society and undermining the stability of the Arab nation.
随特斯酒店 (五星级,紧圣母教堂) Hotel Suitess *****+ 私人经营的超五星级随特斯酒店紧 圣母 教 堂 ,给您 提供旅途中家一般的享受时刻。
The five-star-plus Hotel Suitess offers a sumptuous home-from-home experience just a stone’s throw away from the Frauenkirche.
[...] 表发了言:国际促进阿拉伯-以色列和解委员会、博 圣母 院 、 波罗的海论坛、 公民促进罪犯自新联合会、国际家庭发展联合会、世界青年联盟、天主教医疗传 [...]
Also at the same meeting, the representatives of the following non-governmental organizations in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council made statements:
International Committee for Arab-Israeli
[...] Reconciliation; Fraternité Notre Dame; Baltic Sea [...]
Forum; Citizens United for Rehabilitation
of Errants; International Federation for Family Development; World Youth Alliance; Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries; International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics; Passionists International; International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse; and SustainUS.
复活节星期五的庆祝更加严肃,死难基督 圣母 玛 利亚的雕像被抬着走遍大街小巷。
This is followed on Good Friday with a much more sombre
procession during which two sculptures, one of the dead
[...] Christ and one of his mother Mary, are carried [...]
through the streets.
他将一百万美元诺贝尔奖奖金全数捐赠予位于德国德累斯顿 圣母 教 堂 和犹太教堂作重建之用。
He donated the entire proceeds of the Nobel Prize of one million USD to the
[...] reconstruction of the Frauenkirche and the Synagogue [...]
in Dresden, Germany.
此外圣母兄弟 会于 2005 年在旧金山开 设一个慈善工作团,专门帮助无家游民。
Moreover, Fraternite Notre Dame was able to open a charitable mission in San Francisco in [...]
2005, specially dedicated to the homeless people.
圣母会国际声援基金报告说,2011 年,主管幼童至18 [...]
岁青年教育以及成人 和非正式教育问题的教育、体育、艺术和文化部,以及高等和三级教育部从政府 总预算中获得了最大份额拨款。
Marist International Solidarity [...]
Foundation Onlus (FMSI) reported that in 2011, the Ministry of Education, Sport, Art and
Culture responsible for education from early childhood to the age of 18 as well as adult and non-formal education, and the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education received the largest allocation of total government budget.135 FMSI further noted that education in Zimbabwe is not free, since pupils are required to pay tuition fees as well as development levies.
前世界独生子的按照神的源头,但在最后的日子和我们 圣母 玛 利 亚救赎根据长大成人同质同父亲的神性,同质同我们在长大成人的两个联盟性质发生了,人哪,我们得承认一个基督,一个儿子,一个主。
Before the worlds begotten of the Father according to the Godhead, but in the last days and for our salvation of the Virgin Mary according to the Manhood; consubstantial with the Father in the Godhead, consubstantial with us in the Manhood; for a union of two natures took place, wherefore we confess one Christ, one Son, one Lord.
这家四星级的格雷茅斯背包客旅舍在上个世纪30年代是当 圣母 修 会会员居住的场所,旅舍保存了原有的原生木特色,营造了温馨而特别的背包客青年旅舍住宿环境。
This 4 star Greymouth backpackers
[...] was the local Marist Brothers Residence [...]
in the 1930s and a lot of the original native
wood features have been retained in the hostel to create a unique and welcoming backpacker hostel.
Q我知道你们都去通过,我已经走了TBM,我是被迫中止和HJ遭受这一巨大损失,然后立即得到了怀孕的再次17年,并遭受了很多的指控,我的家庭,社会的耻辱,恐惧,不安全的...时代报我与男友结婚怀孕了很多困难,但我们的成长和成熟起来的我的秘密,并在分娩时要求帮助 圣母 玛 利 亚,她帮我帮我的儿子,因为HJ 16年,并已华丽,聪明的我的朋友和我有更多的2孩子和我结婚,HJ。
Q I know you guys are going through, I've gone tbm, I was forced to abort and hj to suffer this great loss, then immediately got pregnant again at 17 years and suffered a lot with the accusations of my family, of society shame, fear, insecurity in ... epoca I married her boyfriend pregnant many difficulties but we grow and mature together my secret and in childbirth asked for help and the Virgin Mary and she helped me to help my son because hj 16 years and has gorgeous, smart my friend and I had more 2 children and am married to hj.
迦密山,或喷气孔麦当娜后来被称 圣母 被 认 为是由当时的Trastevere保护和保持Scipione Borghese贝​​佳斯专门修建一座小教堂,在1890年为“开放建筑被拆除国王大道,后来成为位于Viale Trastevere的。
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady fumarole or as it was later called, was considered by that time the protector of Trastevere and kept in a chapel built specially by Scipione Borghese, the building was demolished in 1890 for the 'opening Avenue of the King, who later became Viale Trastevere.




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