单词 | 圣徒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 圣徒 noun —saints plExamples:耶稣基督后期圣徒教会—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 耶稣基督末世圣徒教会—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints See also:圣 n—saint n • sage n 圣—sacred 徒—apprentice • believer • disciple • on foot • no avail • prison sentence • surname Tu • bare or empty
十 我们相信得胜的圣徒要在 千年国度里与基督一同作王掌权;并且所有在基督里的信徒,都将 有分于新天新地新耶路撒冷里神圣的福分,直到永远。 concernedbrothers.com | We believe that [...] the overcoming saints will reign with Christ in the millennium and that all the believers in Christ [...]will participate in the [...]divine blessings in the New Jerusalem in the new heaven and new earth for eternity. concernedbrothers.com |
我们鼓励所有在地方教会里的圣徒,每 天要有一段个人祷告的时间。 concernedbrothers.com | All those in the local churches are encouraged to have a time of personal prayer every day. concernedbrothers.com |
国家宗教事务局设立了新部门负责管理民间宗教和五大宗教以外的宗教活动,其中包括东正教和耶稣基督末 期 圣徒 教 会。 embassyusa.cn | SARA established a new administrative division responsible for the activities of folk religions and [...] religions outside the main five, including the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Church of Jesus [...] Christ of Latter-day Saints. eng.embassyusa.cn |
说:“安理会的历史记录的情况是,一个学说的信条没有申报,而父亲并没有一致的见证,和一些著名 的 圣徒 几 乎在设置方面的反对,而整个东没有拒绝作为一种象征,一次,而是两次,元老的元老,第一大城市的都市,由1 [...] 100口以上,然后由被强迫600口以上的主教,并要求其拒绝的理由,以作为一个另外的信条,呼吁安理会,而不是作为一个信条的确,然而,另一方面,不只是认购,但它的信仰接受,作为一个定义下的一个诅咒制裁,安理会被迫通过该决议的教宗一天,通过他的legates和代理的支持下,民间的力量“(新民”发展“,五,§ 3,第1版。 mb-soft.com | "The historical account of the Council is this, that a doctrine which the Creed did not declare, which the [...] Fathers did not unanimously witness, and [...] which some eminent Saints had almost in set [...]terms opposed, which the whole East refused [...]as a symbol, not once, but twice, patriarch by patriarch, metropolitan by metropolitan, first by the mouth of above a hundred, then by the mouth of above six hundred of its bishops, and refused upon the grounds of its being an addition to the Creed, was forced upon the Council, not indeed as a Creed, yet, on the other hand, not for subscription merely, but for its acceptance as a definition of faith under the sanction of an anathema, forced on the Council by the resolution of the Pope of the day, acting through his Legates and supported by the civil power" (Newman, "Development", v, §3, 1st ed., p. 307). mb-soft.com |
在以弗所书6:18-20节中,保罗请求以弗所人为所有教会和他自己代祷:"靠着圣灵,随时多方祷告祈求;并要在此儆醒不倦,为 众 圣徒 祈 求 ,也为我祈求,使我得着口才,能以放胆开口讲明福音的奥秘,我为这福音的奥秘作了带锁炼的使者,并使我照着当尽的本分放胆讲论。 amccsm.org | In Ephesians 6:18-20, Paul asked for prayer for all the church and for himself: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to [...] this end with all perseverance and [...] supplication for all the saints - and for me, that [...]utterance may be given to me, that I [...]may open my mouth boldly to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains; that in it I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak. amccsm.org |
谈到兰伯特,我了解到他已经为圣徒 在 点球大战中踢进31球,这是一个不可思议的记录,我相信没有多少球员可以匹敌。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Talking of Lambert I read the other day he has taken 31 [...] penalty kicks for the Saints and scored everyone, [...]that’s a fantastic record which I’m sure not many can match. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国建议以防灾和减灾为重点,在斯科普里建立 “ 圣徒 西 里 尔 和默多狄”大学国际地震工程和工程地震学研究所(IZIIS),作为教科文组织赞助的第 2 类 机构。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has proposed the establishment of the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, IZIIS, University “Ss. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当局允许在国外加入耶稣基督末期 圣徒 教 会 的教徒回国后举行宗教活动。 embassyusa.cn | Authorities permitted citizens who joined the Church of Jesus [...] Christ of Latter-day Saints while outside of [...]China to hold services after their return. eng.embassyusa.cn |
本文件概述了这一建议的背景 和性质,以及认可“圣徒西里 尔和默多狄”大学国际地震工程和工程地震学研究所 (IZIIS)作为教科文组织赞助的第 2 类机构预计将产生的影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This document outlines the background and nature of the proposal and the foreseeable consequences of the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, IZIIS, University “Ss. unesdoc.unesco.org |
享受新闻提要形式的耶稣基督后期 圣徒 教 会 以及其他教会的资源网站。 cn.moba-app.com | Enjoy news feeds form the Church of Jesus [...] Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as other [...]church resource sites. moba-app.com |
而是要看他以前的 [...] 样子。他们认为,他再来的目的就是要用惊 慌和恐怖填满除圣徒以外 所有人们的心灵; 他来就是为了召集被拣选的人,毁灭其他所 [...]有的人,烧毁整个世界。 thestudiesinthescriptures.com | They consider the object of his [...] coming one which will fill the hearts [...] of all except the saints with dismay and terror; [...]that his object is to gather the [...]elect, destroy all others of mankind, and burn up the world. thestudiesinthescriptures.com |
我们领受的呼召是继续坚持祷告,并且在过去 的 圣徒 打 下的基础上进行建造,因为一个人种植,另一个人浇灌,但是惟有神能够使它成长。 amccsm.org | Our call is to be persistent in prayer and build upon the [...] foundation that these saints of the past have [...]laid, for one plants, another waters, but [...]only God can give the increase. amccsm.org |
在那些比赛中南安普顿对阵维拉的比赛我看满了90分钟,最 终 圣徒 4 - 1 获 胜,坦白的说,无论从哪个角度讲,维拉的表现都很糟糕。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Of those games I watched the full [...] 90minutes of the Southampton v Aston Villa [...] game where the Saints won 4-1, when frankly [...]speaking Villa were awful in every sense of the word. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
例子:给耶路撒冷圣徒的奉 献、“耶稣传”的电影、在前门问候的人、带薪传道人、周三(或 [...] “每周一次”)晚上的查经。 sallee.info | Examples: Offerings [...] for the Jerusalem saints, the Jesus Film, [...]greeters at the front door, paid preachers, Wednesday (e.g. [...]“once-a-week”) evening Bible study. sallee.info |
科比耶尔山的心脏地带的Les Jardins de圣徒伯努 瓦让您有机会受益于丰富且保存完好的自然环境。 hotelspreference.com | Located in the heart of the Corbières mountains, [...] Les Jardins de Saint Benoît offers [...]you the opportunity to benefit from a rich [...]and preserved natural environment. hotelspreference.com |
幸运的是,我们都做一些圣徒我们照顾:阿帕奇好友( http://www.apachefriends.org/ [...] )已经开发的XAMPP,自由便携式和完整的解决方案,易于使用的软件包/配送包含Apache,MySQL和PHP和Perl。 technologeeko.com | Luckily, we [...] all do have some saints looking after us: [...]Apache Friends (http://www.apachefriends.org/) have developed XAMPP, [...]a free portable and complete solution, easy-to-use package/distribution containing Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. technologeeko.com |
从罗马帝国的尼禄皇帝(AD [...] 54-68年间在位,第五代皇帝)逼迫基督徒开始,到君士坦丁大帝公认基督教为止,约250年间,初代教会 的 圣徒 们 受 尽迫害。 manmin.or.kr | From the reign of the Emperor Nero who sat the throne in 54 AD and commenced persecutions against Christians until Constantine the Great issued the [...] Edict of Milan and legalized Christian [...] worship in 313, many believers of the early church [...]had to endure and overcome severe persecutions. manmin.or.kr |
在《Beunans Ke》最近与世人见面之前,《Beunans [...] Meriasek》是人们所知道的唯一一个初创于中科尼什时期 的 圣徒 剧。 wdl.org | Until recently, when Beunans Ke came to light, Beunans Meriasek was [...] the only known saint's play in Middle [...]Cornish. wdl.org |
书卷的背面有圣徒索引 ,作者是本笃会修道院院长和重要的神学作家卡尔·斯坦格尔(Karl Stengel,1581-1663 年),他大部分时间生活在巴伐利亚州的奥格斯堡。 wdl.org | The author, Karl Stengel (1581–1663), was a Benedictine abbot and major theological writer who lived much of his life in Augsburg, Bavaria. wdl.org |
用圣徒来与 拉丁美洲福音教派竞争的想法来源已久——随西班牙征服者而来的修道士为每一个有核社区(nucleated community)留下了守护圣徒。 project-syndicate.org | The idea of using saints to compete with evangelicals in Latin America goes back a long way – the friars accompanying conquering Spanish troops introduced patron saints in every nucleated [...] community. project-syndicate.org |
有许多香赐给他,要和众圣徒的祈祷一 同献在宝座前的金坛上。 liangyou.net | He was given much incense to offer, with the [...] prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar [...]before the throne. liangyou.net |
这对双人摄影组合希望通过作品向卡拉瓦乔的明暗对照法及著名油画, 《 圣徒 马 太 的召唤》(The Calling of Saint Matthew)、《酒神巴克斯》(Bacchus)、《诈赌人》(The Cardsharps)等作品致敬。 ba-repsasia.com | The photography duo pays homage to Caravaggio’s use of light and dark with images modeled after famous paintings such as The Calling of Saint Matthew, Bacchus, and The Cardsharps. ba-repsasia.com |
Mohamed 先生(马尔代夫)说,马尔代夫作为穆斯 [...] 林国家,对于伊斯兰恐惧症愈演愈烈感到痛心,由 于歧视和诋毁行为增加,导致了针对穆斯林和伊斯 兰教圣徒的暴力行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | (Maldives) said that the Maldives, as a Muslim country, was saddened by the rising tide of Islamophobia with [...] increasing acts of discrimination and denigration resulting in acts of violence [...] against Muslims and their sacred persons. daccess-ods.un.org |
有时,如果受折磨的人是信徒,圣灵 会带领他们亲口 承认他们在基督里的身份,为导致自己被鬼魔辖制的罪悔改,并斥责撒但。 sallee.info | Sometimes in cases where the person being [...] afflicted is a believer, the Holy Spirit will lead [...]them to acknowledge their position [...]in Christ, repent of the sins that resulted in demonic oppression, and refute Satan themselves. sallee.info |
在 伊斯兰和基督教徒圣地地 下及周边进行的挖掘和隧 道作业也应该停止。 daccess-ods.un.org | All excavations and tunnelling operations under and around Islamic [...] and Christian holy places should [...]also cease. daccess-ods.un.org |
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、 信徒 较少的宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。 daccess-ods.un.org | It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the [...] requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a [...] small number of believers and the form of [...]discrimination to be avoided. daccess-ods.un.org |
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往 朝 圣 , 同 时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。 daccess-ods.un.org | Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life. daccess-ods.un.org |