

单词 圣人

圣人 ()

the current reigning Emperor



the Sage Confucius


Santa Claus
Father Christmas

See also:


saint n
sage n



people n
human n
man n

External sources (not reviewed)

诗篇从出生开始回圣人的生 平,叙述了他的军事才能、远见和成长,直到建立耶稣会,受到教皇保罗三世 [...]
(Pope Paul III) 的祝福。
The poem
[...] relates the life of the saint from his birth and [...]
recounts his military prowess, vision, and the developments that
led to the establishment of the Jesuit order and its blessing by Pope Paul III.
她智慧而远见,被当圣人,以 至于到她死后,宗教裁判所捣毁了她为人制作和膜拜的所有肖像。
Being wise and visionary, she
[...] was taken for a saint to the point in [...]
which, after her death, the Holy Inquisition destroyed all the portraits
of her that had been produced and worshiped.
也正因为此,同全国其它城市相比,利马可能有最大数量的捐赠 圣人 的 庆祝活动,这些都是由移民通过他们的俱乐部和文化团体建立的。
Hence, Lima might have the biggest number
[...] of patronal and saint festivities from [...]
other cities in the country, build by their
migrants through their clubs and cultural associations.
后者1030年在斯蒂克尔斯塔战役中的壮烈牺牲使他获 圣人 的 称 号。
The latter's death as a martyr at the battle of Stiklestad in
[...] 1030 gave him status as a saint.
Cecilia是音乐人的守圣人,这 让学校成为了拍摄的最完美布景。
It turned out to be the perfect setting for the shoot as St.
[...] Cecilia was the patron saint of musicians.
在亚历山大举行牢牢任何天主教徒的传统,对法治的信仰,至少在理论上,但除了让自己的传统,他们推测,使“Hypotyposes”克莱门特帐户已几乎完全失去了对这些错误的发现在这些地方,和奥利的作品下跌下的教会的禁令,但其作者过 圣人 的 生 活,死亡后不久,Decian迫害,他已在它经历了痛苦。
The Alexandrians held as firmly as any Catholics to tradition as the rule of faith, at least in theory, but beyond tradition they allowed themselves to speculate, so that the "Hypotyposes" of Clement have been almost entirely lost on account of the errors which found a place in them, and Origen's works fell under the
ban of the Church, though their author
[...] lived the life of a saint, and died, shortly [...]
after the Decian persecution, of the sufferings he had undergone in it.
我们圣人常常提醒我们铭记米利暗的故 事,她是摩西的姐姐,也是犹太教的第一个女先知。
Our sages often remind us of [...]
the story of Miriam, who was Moses’ sister and Judaism’s first female prophet.
这 些类别包括基于个人宗教或信仰而对其实施的暴力、歧视或煽动行为;对宗教场
[...] 所的袭击;宗教和种族划线;宗教标志;以及对宗教、其信众 圣人 的 成 见。
These categories include acts of violence or discrimination, or incitement thereto, against individuals on the basis of their religion or belief; attacks on religious sites;
religious and ethnic profiling; religious symbols; and negative stereotyping of religions,
[...] their followers and sacred persons.
有人甚至断言,它现在仅仅是不能容忍的;但这种说法是不可能的先验有关这方面的指责学校,其中没有一个命题一直以来,以如此众多的高度尊敬的男性(主教,枢机主教,教皇, 圣人 ) 均 是和它更可能是在至少批准,各一天)一般法规(重复经常下降到目前的中Scotism是鉴于建议。
It has even been asserted that it is now merely tolerated; but this statement is a priori improbable in regard to a school of which not a single proposition has been censured, and to which so
many highly venerated men (bishops,
[...] cardinals, popes, and saints) have belonged; and [...]
it is still less probable in view of
the approval of the various general statutes (repeated so often down to the present day), in which Scotism is at least recommended.
此 后,
[...] 克 利 对 那 些 未 达圣 人 境 界 的 人 作 了 描 述。
Hereafter, Krishn dwells upon the lot of those who have
[...] not achieved the saintly condition
圣人ERP X 3和Dynamics AX的都是有能力的ERP软件,倾向于制造单位,但要选择其中之一去详细分析这些软件提供的选项和功能。
Sage ERP X3 and Dynamics AX are both capable ERP software, [...]
inclined towards manufacturing units, but to choose one of them
one has to go in details for analyzing the options and features these software provide.
这些报告看起来分为五个宽 泛但不详尽的类别:(a) 基于宗教或信仰理由针对个人的暴力或歧视行为或煽动 上述行为;(b) 袭击宗教场所;(c)
[...] 宗教和族裔貌相问题;(d) 宗教标志;以及 (e) 对宗教及其信奉者圣人的负面成见。
The reports appear to fall under five broad and non-exhaustive categories: (a) acts of violence or discrimination, or incitement thereto, against individuals on the basis of their religion or belief; (b) attacks on religious sites; (c) religious and
ethnic profiling; (d) religious symbols; and (e) negative stereotyping of religions,
[...] their followers and sacred persons.
圣人ERP X3和Dynamics AX都在各自不同的版本有不同的功能,并配有设施的添加更先进的功能和工作的工具。
Sage ERP X3 and Dynamics [...]
AX both have different features in their different editions and come with facility of add on tools
for more advanced features and working.
表示严重关切继续发生媒体蓄意丑化宗教、这些宗教教徒 圣人 的事 件,严重关切一些极端主义组织和团体推行的计划和纲领,旨在制造和维持对一 [...]
Expresses deep concern at the continued serious instances of
deliberate stereotyping of religions,
[...] their adherents and sacred persons in the media, [...]
as well as programmes and agendas
pursued by extremist organizations and groups aimed at creating and perpetuating stereotypes about certain religions, in particular when condoned by Governments
教皇本笃十六世(2005—2013)也大规模 圣 ( 4 4 人 ) ,这也是保罗二世大量宣福的反映。
Pope Benedict XVI’s (2005-2013)
[...] large number of saints (44) reflects mainly [...]
the large stock of beatified people left behind by John Paul II.
在教会的圣达米亚诺,由Francesco重建:它是只是一个可怜的教堂专用 圣人 和 烈 士的大炮的大教堂,,因为它是几乎完全毁了,并放弃了所有,vl'hanno心甘情愿地卖圣弗朗西斯在出发他的转换的初期。
Departure for
[...] the Church of San Damiano, rebuilt by Francis was just a poor chapel dedicated to the saint and martyr [...]
belonged to the Canons
of the Cathedral, which, as it was almost completely in ruins and abandoned by all, vl'hanno willingly sold in San Francisco first day of his conversion.
阿富汗代表吁请所有会员国通过发行一枚以毛拉纳·贾拉尔丁·巴尔希-鲁米的名字命 名的纪念章,来承认这位杰出的诗人、思想家 圣人 所 做 出的极其重要的贡献。
The representative appealed to all Member States to honour the very important contribution of Mawlana Jalal-Ud-Din Balkhi-Rumi, an outstanding poet, thinker and spiritual master, by issuing a UNESCO Medal in his name.
书中还探讨了很多其人物和圣行, 包括一些可能仅仅是穆斯林民众才熟悉的人物,如先知舒阿卜 (Shuayb) 和希德尔 (Khidr) 以及其他宗教中圣人,最后以描 圣 经 人 物 施 洗者约翰 (John the Baptist) 和耶稣 (Jesus) 结尾。
Many other lives and sacred actions are discussed, including some who may be unfamiliar to non-Muslims, such as Shuayb and Khidr, and others who are held to be holy in other religions, culminating the biblical progression [...]
with the lives of John the Baptist and Jesus.
只 有 通圣 人, 那 些 堕 落 在 无 知 深 渊 中 的 灵 魂 才 能 够 感 知, 因 为 只圣 人 才 能 够 真 正 控 制 精 神 及 感 官, 才 真 正 了 解 战 场 上 的 战 况。
The mind lying in the abyss of ignorance perceives through one who has mastered the mind and the senses, and thus knows what has transpired [...]
on the battlefield,
where fighters include even those who have known its reality.
以色列的民主 体制、独立和高度专业的司法机构和充满活力的公
[...] 开辩论,确保了以色列能够遵守最高的国际标准及 其所做的实现正义和圣人权的承诺。
Israel’s democratic institutions, independent and highly professional judiciary and vibrant public debate ensured that it held itself to the highest
international standards and its commitment to
[...] justice and to the sanctity of human rights was [...]
on a par with that of other democratic States.
而如果楠榜二人 的叙述为实,那么组织圣战和人圣 战 的 界限在 这里就变得更加模糊不清。
If the Lampung men are right, the line between organised
[...] and individual jihad becomes much more [...]
摩洛哥王国,包括其领人、圣城委 员会主席穆 罕默德六世陛下,重申声援巴勒斯坦人民争取建立民 [...]
The Kingdom of Morocco, including its leader, His Majesty Mohammed VI,
[...] who chairs the Al-Quds Committee, reaffirms [...]
its solidarity
with the Palestinian people in their quest to create a national State.
法鲁尔的组织是人圣战的一个很好的典型,其中有 几个特征值得评述。
Fahrul’s group is a good example of individual jihad (jihad fardiyah), and several things are worth noting about it.
据说首先发现了美洲大陆的人是出生于公元484年的爱尔兰 人圣 布 兰 登。
America was allegedly first discovered by
[...] an Irish monk, St Brendan, who was [...]
born around 484AD.
思科带来圣诞老人圣诞老人连接 到医院,并说所有重要的圣诞闪耀到病房,给所有我们的脸上的笑容,并帮助孩子们提供一个和他们的家人和朋友愉快的体验。
The Cisco Santa Connection brings Santa to the hospital, adding that all-important Christmas sparkle to the ward, putting a smile on all our faces, and helping to provide an enjoyable experience for the children and their family and friends.
达戈斯蒂诺一直被誉为“吉他手的吉他手”木吉他“杂志以及”声学吉他 人 “ ( 圣 地 亚 哥读卡器),并拥有许多顶级吉他奖项,但”旧金山纪事报封装的本质区别,区分D’ [...]
D’Agostino has been hailed as “a guitarist’s guitarist” by Acoustic
Guitar magazine as well as “a giant of the
[...] acoustic guitar” (San Diego Reader), and [...]
holds many top guitar awards, but the San
Francisco Chronicle encapsulated the essential difference that distinguishes D’Agostino’s music when it dubbed him “a poet.
2011 年秋季,国际专家在当地专业人员,包括加沙伊斯兰大学建筑保护学科的教授们的协助下,
[...] 挽救了拜占庭遗址的关键部分,避免了倒塌和不可挽回的损失,如马赛克地板和据说埋葬着 Levant 修道院创人圣希拉容遗体的地下室。
During autumn 2011, international experts, assisted by local professionals, including professors of architectural conservation at the Islamic University of Gaza, rescued key parts of the Byzantine site from collapse and irreversible loss, such a mosaics
floors and the crypt where it is believed is
[...] buried the body of Saint Hilarion, founder [...]
of the monastic life in the Levant.
加拿大的包圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 [...]
圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四
For Canada,
[...] those covered the terminal phase-out [...]
management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector
in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚圣卢西亚、 圣 基 茨 和尼维 斯、萨摩亚圣马力 诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往 圣 , 同 时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.




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