

单词 土阶茅茨

External sources (not reviewed)

它请柬埔寨分享在冲突阶段 创立土著机 构的经验,询问这些机构如何支持其自由的经济政策。
It asked Cambodia to share its experiences
[...] in creating indigenous institutions in the post-conflict phase and wondered how [...]
those institutions
were supportive of its liberal economic policies.
Bean goes to a funfair at Southsea, Portsmouth, but accidentally leaves his Mini's boot unlocked, and the handle pulls a baby's pram with it to the funfair.
2004年的New Musical将茨茅斯大 学评为全英最好的学生会。
The Student Union of Portsmouth is the best Union in the UK as said by the New Musical express in 2004.
灵活运用: 渔业部门的性别问题和应对战略》,英国 茨茅 斯 , IDDRA.
Room to manoeuvre: gender and coping strategies in the fisheries sector.
地热能源 在小岛屿发展中国家预期有很大潜力,但仍处于初步探 阶 段 (在 茨 尼 维斯 及圣卢西亚)。
Geothermal energy is expected to have considerable potential in small
island developing States, but it is
[...] only in the early phases of exploration (in Saint Kitts and Nevis [...]
and Saint Lucia).
Do you still remember Portsmouth FC?
[...] 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣 茨 和 尼 维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway,
Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the
[...] Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
y 倡議者應具體說明,如何擁有相對有限 的土地 (實際上並無擁有任茅坪的土 地 ) ,卻可有效地提高整個地點的保育價 值,特別是在茅坪生態較易受破壞的地 方。
The proponent should demonstrate, in specific terms,
that with their
[...] relatively limited landholdings (virtually owning no private land in Mau Ping), how [...]
they can effectively
enhance the conservation value of the whole site, especially the ecologically more sensitive area in Mau Ping.
土著人民参与调查的设计和业务过程的各 阶 段 , 并在使 土 著 方 言方面提供协 助(见 E/C.19/2006/4,第 69-80 段)。
Indigenous peoples participated in the
design of the survey and in
[...] the various phases of the operational process, and provided assistance with the use of local indigenous languages (see [...]
E/C.19/2006/4, paras. 69-80).
俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫于 2011 年 4 月 25 日至 26 日对格鲁吉亚 被占土——阿布哈兹茨欣瓦 利地区进行了一次“地区走访”。
On 25 and 26 April 2011, the Russian Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Mr. Sergey Lavrov, went on a “regional tour” of
[...] Georgia’s occupied territories — Abkhazia and the Tskhinvali region.
各国在执行“世界土著人民国际十年”行动计划,特别是其阐明的目 标,拟在从政策制订到执行和评价过程的所有决策过 阶 段 促进 对 土 著 人民的不 歧视和包容,并且根据自由、事先知情同意的原则促进土著人民充分和有效参与 [...]
(f) States, when implementing the plan of action for the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, and in particular, its stated goals to
promote non-discrimination and
[...] inclusion of indigenous peoples in all phases of the policy [...]
process, from design through
implementation and evaluation, and to promote full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the decisions that affect their lives, based on the principle of free, prior and informed consent.
然而,代 表特定土著人民的土著人民组织可能只代表社会的某 土 著 阶 层 , 而极少能代表 世界不同区域众多国家中的土著人民。
Indigenous peoples’ organizations that represent particular indigenous peoples are likely to be representative of an indigenous segment of society and rarely in a large number of countries in different regions of the world, however.
博茨瓦纳代表团指出,茨瓦纳的所 土 著 群体都拥有每个 茨 瓦 纳人 所享有的机会。
The Delegation noted that all indigenous groups in Botswana are accorded opportunities [...]
guaranteed to every Motswana.
虽然各领土的情况不同,一些领土处于比另外一些 土 更 高 的发 阶 段, 但联合王国将继续根据情况在诸如善政、政治和经济发展以及透明、加强安保和 减少自然和非自然灾害的受损等方面,同所有领土一起努力。
Although the situation in each
[...] Territory was different and some Territories were at a more advanced stage of development [...]
than others, the United
Kingdom would continue to work with all the Territories, as appropriate, in areas such as good governance, political and economic development and transparency, enhanced security and reduced vulnerability to natural and non-natural disasters.
土著论坛认为,会员国与土著人民开展广泛的互动对话最为可行的时机是 在常设论坛即将举行的年度会议期间、之后或之前,因此 土 著 大 会各 阶 段的 筹备工作将在会员国土著人 民平等协作的基础上来进行。
The Permanent Forum is of the view that the most feasible time to have a broad-based interactive dialogue
between Member States
[...] and indigenous peoples would be during, after or before its forthcoming annual sessions and that all stages of the preparatory process for the World Conference should be conducted in equal partnership between Member States and indigenous peoples.
我们和自然保护局一起补种了约10公顷的树林;为了补偿所占用的一小片桦树林,瓦克在农特 茨 的 莱克 维 茨 ( L e ck witz)对13公顷 土 地 进 行了绿化。
Working with nature conservation bodies, we have replanted just under 10 hectares of
woodland. In Leckwitz, a
[...] suburb of Nünchritz, WACKER has landscaped 13 hectares to compensate for clearing [...]
a small birch wood.
推算了冬小麦各生阶段及各土层可 行的调亏指标,例如,入冬前 050 厘米土层的土壤含水量不应低于田间持水量的 [...]
60%,而在抽穗至灌浆期,0-100 厘米土层 的土壤含水量应高于田间持水量的 60%,不会造成明显减产。
He derived that the feasible regulation deficit indicator of winter wheat
[...] for each crop stage and soil horizon: for example, [...]
the soil moisture content should
not be below 60% of field capacity in 0-50 cm soil layer before winter, but should be higher than 60% of field capacity in 0-100 cm soil layer in tassel to milking phase.
事实上,在“国际透明度”总排 行榜中,卡塔尔在各国反腐败方面名列 茅 , 并 且位 居阿拉伯各国之首。
Indeed, in the general ranking of Transparency International, Qatar is ranked high among all countries in the fight against corruption, and it has placed first among Arab countries.
但在库里克罗(Koulikoro)地区,大地上遍布着 土 墙 和锥 形 茅 草 屋 顶搭建的小屋组成的小村庄。
But in the region of Koulikoro, where small
villages of huts with mud walls and
[...] conical thatched roofs dot the land, things have been [...]
relatively peaceful, even with the
large number of displaced people taking shelter here.
我们把计划于2011年投入生产的农特 茨 “ Po ly 9”扩阶段的年产量提高到15000吨。
Our Nünchritz site’s Poly 9 expansion stage, which comes [...]
on stream in 2011, will see annual capacity there rise to 15,000 metric tons.
经过14年的努力,弄官山区重获生机:北热带季雨林(North tropical monsoon
[...] [...] forest)的生物多样性正在逐步恢复;白头叶猴的数量从原先只有96只(1996年),增长至660多只(2009年);弄官山区农民人均年收入从1996年的300~400元/年,增加到2009年的1500~1600元/年,目前已经有大约30~40%的农户把节余的钱用来修建新的钢筋混凝土房屋以替代祖先留下 土 坯 茅 草 屋
Through 14 years of endeavor, the Nongguan mountainous region regains vim and vitality: The biodiversity in the North tropical monsoon forest is being restored; the number of the white-headed langurs rose from 96 in 1996 to 660-plus in 2009; the per capita income of the farmers in this region rose from 300-400 yuan in 1996 to 1500-1600 yuan in 2009; at present nearly 30-40% percent of the farmers use their
savings to build
[...] reinforced concrete houses to replace the sod abode with thatched roofs left [...]
behind by their elder generations.
大多数边境了望站 也已被改造成山茅舍、 残疾儿童康复中心或 边境地区文化中心。
The majority of border watch posts have been transformed into mountain huts, recreation centres for disabled children, or cultural centres in border areas.
[...] 析和测量;将卫星图像应用到尼日尔河和乍得湖;应用到 茨 瓦 纳 的 土 地 退 化;评估和监测 南非的桌山山脉;在尼日尔和贝宁建立本科和研究生的课程和学位,教授水资源和生态系统 [...]
The results include satellite retrospective analysis and mapping of forestry ecosystems in Côte d’Ivoire; the satellite
imagery applied to the Niger River
[...] and Lake Chad; land degradation in Botswana; assessment and [...]
monitoring of Table Mountains
in South Africa; and the establishment of undergraduate and postgraduate courses and degrees in GIS and remote sensing applied to water resources and ecosystems in Niger and Benin.
建議項目是否成熟 y 由於倡議者只擁有梅子林 70% 的私土 地,並無茅坪的擁有土地,設立建議 的自然保護區和有效推行擬議保育及管 [...]
As the proponent owns only
[...] 70% of the private land in Mui Tsz Lam and none in Mau Ping, the whole [...]
idea of setting up the proposed
Nature Reserve and effective implementation of the proposed Conservation Management Plan is uncertain.
这些研究以及成果使人们能够了解用户在内容的一致性和质量上及语言多元化方 面的主要期望,并使教科文组织在那些为实施其活动探讨较集中地利用该网站和因特网提供 的可能性的各机构中名列茅。
They have also helped to identify the main expectations of users in terms of coherence, quality of content and multilingualism, and have also enabled UNESCO to take its place among the leading group of institutions seeking to make more extensive use of the web and the possibilities offered by the Internet in carrying out their activities.
方案的第一阶段是根据民众参与和权利下放的概念, 许多明确的项目有利土著人民;第 阶 段 (2005-2009 年)是一土著人民方案, 其灵感来自劳工组织第 169 号公约,玻利维亚土地改革关于土著地区的规定,以 [...]
及常设论坛的号召,要求让土著人民直接参与设计发展方案并成为这些方案的受 益人。
While its first phase was based on a concept of popular participation and decentralization, with explicit
components in
[...] favour of indigenous peoples, the second phase (2005-2009) was an indigenous programme [...]
inspired by International
Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169, the indigenous territory dimension of Bolivian land reform and the challenge of the Permanent Forum to directly involve indigenous peoples directly in the design of development programmes and as beneficiaries of such programmes.
他在作为圣卢西亚代表发言时提醒特别委员 会,太平洋区域研讨会在其报告中呼吁,更好地评 估每个非自治土现阶段的 非殖民化进程,对当前 的挑战进行清查,并为第三个十年制定一份务实的 行动计划。
Speaking as the representative of Saint Lucia, he reminded the Special Committee that the Pacific regional seminar, in its report, had called upon it to
make a better assessment
[...] of the current stage of decolonization in each Non-Self-Governing Territory, and to undertake [...]
a stocktaking of current
challenges and draw up a pragmatic plan of action for the Third Decade.
在 2011 年 4 月其第二十三届会议通过的第 23/17 号决议中,人居署理事会 鼓励各国政府和《人居议程》合作伙伴通过认识和尊重多种形式的土地权制度以 及通过加强土地保有权,促进社会各 阶 层 享 有 土 地 保 有权。
In resolution 23/17, adopted at its twenty-third session, held in April 2011, the Governing Council encouraged Governments and Habitat Agenda partners to promote security of tenure for all segments of society by recognizing and respecting a plurality of tenure systems and by strengthening tenure rights.
土著人民以这种平等、直接和有意义的方式参 土 著 大 会各阶 段的 筹备工作对于国际社会达成建设性的结果,真正地提高世界各地土著人民的 [...]
Such equal, direct and meaningful participation
[...] by indigenous peoples throughout all stages of the World Conference [...]
is essential if the
international community is to arrive at a constructive result that will genuinely improve the status and conditions of indigenous peoples worldwide.




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