单词 | 土阶茅屋 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 土阶茅屋 —frugal living conditions [idiom.]lit. earthen steps and a small cottageSee also:茅屋—thatched cottage
但在库里克罗(Koulikoro)地区,大地上遍布着 由 土 墙 和锥 形 茅 草 屋 顶 搭 建的小屋组成的小村庄。 unicef.org | But in the region of Koulikoro, where small [...] villages of huts with mud walls and [...] conical thatched roofs dot the land, things have been relatively [...]peaceful, even with the [...]large number of displaced people taking shelter here. unicef.org |
大部分製品都是原味 [...] 的,不過有些製品則可能已調味(flavoured)或含有水果、蔬菜或肉等配料, 例如茅屋乳酪及忌廉乳酪。 cfs.gov.hk | Most products are plain, however, [...] some, such as cottage cheese and cream [...]cheese, may be flavoured or contain ingredients [...]such as fruit, vegetables or meat. cfs.gov.hk |
调查分为两阶段进行:第一阶段为家庭调查(2007 年 11 月至 2008 [...] 年 2 月),调查对象为家庭房屋,在这阶段 调 查了 96 000 户家庭/260 000 [...] 个人;第二 阶段为中心调查(2008 年 5 月至 7 月),第一次调查了老年人中心,残疾人中心, [...] 精神病医院,老年病医院,在这阶段调查了 800 个中心/11 000 个人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The survey [...] was conducted in two stages: the first, EDAD-households [...](between November 2007 and February 2008), aimed at family [...]homes, polled 96,000 homes and 260,000 persons; the second stage, EDAD-centres (May-July 2008), targeted for the first time centres for older persons and persons with disabilities and psychiatric and geriatric hospitals; 800 centres and 11,000 persons were polled. daccess-ods.un.org |
土著人民参与调查的设计和业务过程的各 个 阶 段 , 并在使 用 土 著 方 言方面提供协 助(见 E/C.19/2006/4,第 69-80 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indigenous peoples participated in the [...] design of the survey and in [...] the various phases of the operational process, and provided assistance with the use of local indigenous languages (see [...]E/C.19/2006/4, paras. 69-80). daccess-ods.un.org |
各国在执行“世界土著人民国际十年”行动计划,特别是其阐明的目 标,拟在从政策制订到执行和评价过程的所有决策过 程 阶 段 促进 对 土 著 人民的不 歧视和包容,并且根据自由、事先知情同意的原则促进土著人民充分和有效参与 [...] 对其生活产生影响的各项决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) States, when implementing the plan of action for the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, and in particular, its stated goals to [...] promote non-discrimination and [...] inclusion of indigenous peoples in all phases of the policy [...]process, from design through [...]implementation and evaluation, and to promote full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in the decisions that affect their lives, based on the principle of free, prior and informed consent. daccess-ods.un.org |
它请柬埔寨分享在冲突后阶段 创立土著机 构的经验,询问这些机构如何支持其自由的经济政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | It asked Cambodia to share its experiences [...] in creating indigenous institutions in the post-conflict phase and wondered how [...]those institutions [...]were supportive of its liberal economic policies. daccess-ods.un.org |
经过14年的努力,弄官山区重获生机:北热带季雨林(North tropical monsoon [...] [...] forest)的生物多样性正在逐步恢复;白头叶猴的数量从原先只有96只(1996年),增长至660多只(2009年);弄官山区农民人均年收入从1996年的300~400元/年,增加到2009年的1500~1600元/年,目前已经有大约30~40%的农户把节余的钱用来修建新的钢筋混凝土房屋以替代祖先留下 的 土 坯 茅 草 屋。 beijingforum.org | Through 14 years of endeavor, the Nongguan mountainous region regains vim and vitality: The biodiversity in the North tropical monsoon forest is being restored; the number of the white-headed langurs rose from 96 in 1996 to 660-plus in 2009; the per capita income of the farmers in this region rose from 300-400 yuan in 1996 to 1500-1600 yuan in 2009; at present nearly 30-40% percent of the farmers use their [...] savings to build reinforced concrete houses to replace the sod [...] abode with thatched roofs left behind [...]by their elder generations. beijingforum.org |
然而,代 表特定土著人民的土著人民组织可能只代表社会的某 个 土 著 阶 层 , 而极少能代表 世界不同区域众多国家中的土著人民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indigenous peoples’ organizations that represent particular indigenous peoples are likely to be representative of an indigenous segment of society and rarely in a large number of countries in different regions of the world, however. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然各领土的情况不同,一些领土处于比另外一些 领 土 更 高 的发 展 阶 段, 但联合王国将继续根据情况在诸如善政、政治和经济发展以及透明、加强安保和 减少自然和非自然灾害的受损等方面,同所有领土一起努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the situation in each [...] Territory was different and some Territories were at a more advanced stage of development [...]than others, the United [...]Kingdom would continue to work with all the Territories, as appropriate, in areas such as good governance, political and economic development and transparency, enhanced security and reduced vulnerability to natural and non-natural disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,我相信坐 在這個議事廳 內的人,沒 有一個不會 因為房屋署所興建 的樓宇出現了如此 大的醜聞而深 感 痛 心 , [...] [...] 而我亦相信作為立法者 , 我們當然 會 深深明 瞭 , 近 月 來 接二連三的居者 有其屋 (“居屋 ”)事 件 , 令 公 眾對主 其 事 的 房屋委 員會(“房 委 會 ”)及房屋署 極度不 滿 , 茅 頭 亦 指 向分別負責 這兩個部門的王 鳴 女士和苗學禮先生。 legco.gov.hk | First of all, I believe everyone of us sitting here today feel deep pain for such a big scandal concerning blocks built by the HD. legco.gov.hk |
大部分土著人 居住在很有代表性的简陋泥地房屋, 茅 草 或 瓦楞铁皮房顶,木墙 或 土 坯 墙 ,房屋 带有一小块土地,居民们在上面种植自己所需的粮食。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most indigenous people typically live in a modest earth-floor [...] building with a straw or [...] corrugated iron roof and wooden or adobe walls, with a small patch of land on which they [...]grow food for themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 從經濟、人力資源、教育、房屋、土 地 供 應、環保、與內地 關係等各方面,進行檢討和研究,以確保香港的資源得到適 [...] 當運用,使香港能夠跟上世界競爭潮流,保持旺盛的經濟發 展。 legco.gov.hk | (b) to conduct reviews and studies [...] on Hong Kong’s economy, human [...] resources, education, housing, land supply, environmental [...]protection and relations with the [...]Mainland to ensure that Hong Kong’s resources are well-used, and that Hong Kong keeps up with world trends in competitive terms, and to maintain the vitality of economic development. legco.gov.hk |
於是當晚,這位大詩 人便寫了那首《茅屋為秋 風所破歌》,當中流傳至今的一句名句是:“安得 廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏”,正好道出了一位長者希望住在一間好 屋的心聲。 legco.gov.hk | Hence during that night, DU Fu wrote the poem "My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales". The famous lines from that poem are: "How I wish I could get mansions covering ten thousand miles to house all poor scholars and make them beam with smiles. legco.gov.hk |
土著论坛认为,会员国与土著人民开展广泛的互动对话最为可行的时机是 在常设论坛即将举行的年度会议期间、之后或之前,因此 , 土 著 大 会各 个 阶 段的 筹备工作将在会员国和土著人 民平等协作的基础上来进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Forum is of the view that the most feasible time to have a broad-based interactive dialogue [...] between Member States [...] and indigenous peoples would be during, after or before its forthcoming annual sessions and that all stages of the preparatory process for the World Conference should be conducted in equal partnership between Member States and indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
方案的第一阶段是根据民众参与和权利下放的概念, 许多明确的项目有利于土著人民;第 二 阶 段 (2005-2009 年)是一个土著人民方案, 其灵感来自劳工组织第 169 号公约,玻利维亚土地改革关于土著地区的规定,以 [...] 及常设论坛的号召,要求让土著人民直接参与设计发展方案并成为这些方案的受 益人。 daccess-ods.un.org | While its first phase was based on a concept of popular participation and decentralization, with explicit [...] components in [...] favour of indigenous peoples, the second phase (2005-2009) was an indigenous programme [...]inspired by International [...]Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169, the indigenous territory dimension of Bolivian land reform and the challenge of the Permanent Forum to directly involve indigenous peoples directly in the design of development programmes and as beneficiaries of such programmes. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,有一 次刮大風,將整間茅屋的屋頂吹 散了,當時年老的杜甫不僅沒有能力修理屋 頂,還被頑童欺負,偷走了他屋頂的 茅 草 ,更慘的是這時竟然下起大雨來, 杜甫想找一處較乾的地方歇腳也沒有,結果全身盡濕。 legco.gov.hk | Not only was old DU Fu unable to mend the roof, he was even bullied by some mischievous children who stole the straw away from his rooftop. legco.gov.hk |
美丽的布雷顿屋顶用茅草盖 的房子在一个大花园,一个小池塘里的鸭子,关闭的门,紧闭的大门,直接从花园的游泳池(共享与其他两个出租4和6人)键。 sibellevilla.fr | Beautiful Breton house with thatched roof in a large [...] garden with a small pond with ducks, closed by gates, direct access [...]from the garden to the swimming pool (shared with two other rental 4 and 6 persons) with a closed door key. sibellevilla.fr |
y 倡議者應具體說明,如何擁有相對有限 的土地 (實際上並無擁有任何茅坪的土 地 ) ,卻可有效地提高整個地點的保育價 值,特別是在茅坪生態較易受破壞的地 方。 legco.gov.hk | The proponent should demonstrate, in specific terms, [...] that with their [...] relatively limited landholdings (virtually owning no private land in Mau Ping), how [...]they can effectively [...]enhance the conservation value of the whole site, especially the ecologically more sensitive area in Mau Ping. legco.gov.hk |
陳偉業議員:主席,“安得廣廈千萬間,大庇天下寒士俱歡顏,風雨 不動安如山!”上述由杜甫在1 300年前所作的“茅屋為秋 風所破歌”中 的寥寥數句,描述了詩人當時如何渴求一處居所,使他不致顛沛流 離,受風吹雨打之苦。 legco.gov.hk | This poem entitled "Song of My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales" written by DU Fu 1 300 years ago consists of only a few lines but it describes how the poet yearned for an abode at that time, so that he would not have to be homeless, drifting and be battered by the elements. legco.gov.hk |
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及復建居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他 房 屋 措 施 和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃 及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓 齡屋 邨重 建;工程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項目愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測 量服務水平。 legco.gov.hk | One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the [...] additional workload due to [...] resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services. legco.gov.hk |
4.3 以購買、租賃、交換或其他方式獲得 土 地 、 房 屋 、 樓 宇及其他財產或 在世界任何地方以相同形式存在之任何權益。 nh-holdings.com | 4.3 To acquire by purchase, lease, [...] exchange, or otherwise lands, houses, buildings and [...]other property or any interest in the [...]same in any part of the world. nh-holdings.com |
小剧场的部分是空间里最戏剧化的地方,在屋面坡下来与地面相交的瞬间,地面也随之下行,构成了一个由曲 线 屋 面 及 台 阶 状 的观众席围合的剧场,可以用于小型演出和报告。 chinese-architects.com | While the curve room comes down and almost crashes into the ground, [...] the ground suddenly folds down with it, framing an interesting space with L [...] shaped seating area and the sloping ceiling. chinese-architects.com |
此外,在弗朗西斯坎圣地管理委员会开展的一个项目框架内,第 一 阶 段 编 写的《 房屋 维修手册》正在 Al Saha 建筑群进行测试。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, the Housing Rehabilitation Manual [...] prepared during the first phase is being tested in the [...]Al Saha compound within the framework of a project carried out by the Franciscan Custodia of the Holy Land. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他在作为圣卢西亚代表发言时提醒特别委员 会,太平洋区域研讨会在其报告中呼吁,更好地评 估每个非自治领土现阶段的 非殖民化进程,对当前 的挑战进行清查,并为第三个十年制定一份务实的 行动计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speaking as the representative of Saint Lucia, he reminded the Special Committee that the Pacific regional seminar, in its report, had called upon it to [...] make a better assessment [...] of the current stage of decolonization in each Non-Self-Governing Territory, and to undertake [...]a stocktaking of current [...]challenges and draw up a pragmatic plan of action for the Third Decade. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2011 年 4 月其第二十三届会议通过的第 23/17 号决议中,人居署理事会 鼓励各国政府和《人居议程》合作伙伴通过认识和尊重多种形式的土地权制度以 及通过加强土地保有权,促进社会各 个 阶 层 享 有 土 地 保 有权。 daccess-ods.un.org | In resolution 23/17, adopted at its twenty-third session, held in April 2011, the Governing Council encouraged Governments and Habitat Agenda partners to promote security of tenure for all segments of society by recognizing and respecting a plurality of tenure systems and by strengthening tenure rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
土著人民以这种平等、直接和有意义的方式参 与 土 著 大 会各 个阶 段的 筹备工作对于国际社会达成建设性的结果,真正地提高世界各地土著人民的 [...] 地位和改善他们的条件至关重要。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such equal, direct and meaningful participation [...] by indigenous peoples throughout all stages of the World Conference [...]is essential if the [...]international community is to arrive at a constructive result that will genuinely improve the status and conditions of indigenous peoples worldwide. daccess-ods.un.org |
联合国发展集团的准则突出了若干相互关联的方法问题,这些都可能成为在 国家一级启动有文化和特性的发展的关键问题,包括对自由、事先和知情同意原 则的尊重和适用、土著人民充分有效参与有可能直接或间接影响其发展行动的每 一阶段以及关于土著人 民情况的分类数据和指标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The United Nations Development Group Guidelines highlight a number of interrelated methodological issues which could become critical for setting development with culture and identity into motion at the country level, including respect for and application of the principle of free, prior and informed consent; full and effective [...] participation of indigenous [...] peoples at every stage of any development action that may affect them directly or indirectly; and disaggregated data and indicators regarding the situation of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
建議項目是否成熟 y 由於倡議者只擁有梅子林 70% 的私人土 地,並無在茅坪的擁有土地,設立建議 的自然保護區和有效推行擬議保育及管 [...] 理計劃的整個概念成疑。 legco.gov.hk | As the proponent owns only [...] 70% of the private land in Mui Tsz Lam and none in Mau Ping, the whole [...]idea of setting up the proposed [...]Nature Reserve and effective implementation of the proposed Conservation Management Plan is uncertain. legco.gov.hk |
这些研究以及成果使人们能够了解用户在内容的一致性和质量上及语言多元化方 面的主要期望,并使教科文组织在那些为实施其活动探讨较集中地利用该网站和因特网提供 的可能性的各机构中名列前茅。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They have also helped to identify the main expectations of users in terms of coherence, quality of content and multilingualism, and have also enabled UNESCO to take its place among the leading group of institutions seeking to make more extensive use of the web and the possibilities offered by the Internet in carrying out their activities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
The White Lion 獲得「一流酒吧指南」(Good Pub Guide) 評選的年度保存完好酒吧大獎 (Unspoilt Pub of the Year [...] Award),其內部擁有都鐸 (Tudor) 時期的奇妙風格,如低矮的樑柱、茅 草 屋 頂 以 及花格窗。 visitbritain.com | The Winner of the Good Pub Guide’s Unspoilt [...] Pub of the Year Award, The White Lion has a fantastic Tudor interior with [...] low beams, a thatched roof and latticed [...]windows. visitbritain.com |