

单词 土耳其人



See also:




clay figure

External sources (not reviewed)

我认为,受到最大影响土耳其人穆斯林世 界中一直是以色列的朋友,并且他们还一直努力尝试 [...]
I believe thatthe Turkishpeople, who were [...]
most of those affected, have been friends to Israel in the Muslim world and
have worked hard to try to break this impossible impasse.
土耳其人巴尔干半岛之后,塞尔维亚失去独立性,并于 1459 年被置于土耳 其当局管辖之下。
Following theincursion ofthe Turks intothe Balkan [...]
Peninsula, Serbia lost its independence and was placed under the Turkish authority in 1459.
土耳其人继续声 援巴基斯坦,我们将尽我们的最大努力帮助巴勒 斯坦人民医治创伤。
Turkey andtheTurkish people will remain in solidarity with Pakistan and we will do our best to heal the wounds of the Pakistani people.
3.请土耳其政府向伊斯坦布尔市土耳其人达会议对与会者受到款 待和热烈欢迎的感谢。
the Government of Turkey to convey to the city of Istanbul and
[...] to the people of Turkey the gratitude of [...]
the Conference for the hospitality and
warm welcome extended to the participants.
最后,我认为应当在此指出,欧洲议会在最近关于2011年3月9 日土耳其 的进展报告的决议中呼吁土耳其及其下属地方行政当局“避免在岛上建立新土 耳其人点,因为此举会改变该岛的人口平衡,减土耳其人共同的历史 为基础的未来共同国家的效忠”,并应“依照《日内瓦公约》和国际法原则解决 岛土耳其人居问题”。
In closing, I consider it pertinent to note that, among others, the European Parliament, in its recent resolution on Turkey’s 2010 progress report of 9 March 2011, called on Turkey and its subordinate local administration “to
refrain from any new
[...] settlementsof Turkish citizens on the island, as this would continue to change its demographic balance and reduce the allegiance of its citizens to a future common State based on its common past” and to “address the issue of the settlement of Turkish citizenson the [...]
island, in accordance
with the Geneva Convention and the principles of international law”.
1458 年,马蒂亚斯 14 岁时当选匈牙利国王,因为在征服奥斯土耳其人争中的表现以及热爱学习与科学的精神而广受好评。
Elected king of Hungary in 1458 at the age of 14, Matthias won great acclaim for his battles against the OttomanTurks and his patronage of learning and science.
但是,格鲁吉亚觉得不能接受的是将所有这些人都贴上某一族裔的标签,因此, 不能接受“梅斯赫土耳其人一用语,这种预先定性妨碍了他们行使自我认 同的权利。
However, Georgia finds it unacceptable to label all of them with a certain ethnic origin and thus, cannot accept the term “Meskhetian Turksas a priori hindering their inherent right to self-identification.
此外,我国政府在全国范围再次发起了“人民助 人民”捐赠活动,在这个神圣的斋月体土耳其人巴基斯坦人民的友好情谊。
Moreover, my Government has initiated an additional nationwide
people-to-people donation campaign that
[...] will reflect the Turkishnation’s warm feelings [...]
towards Pakistan during this holy month of Ramadan.
b. 结 果 : 她 的 衰 落土 耳 其 人再 有 效 地 操 制 其 邦 国 , 卒 令 巴 尔 干 各 邦 国 有 机 会 扩 张 各 自 的 势 力 , 亦 令 列 强 有 机 会 向 巴 尔 干 半 岛 扩 张 。
b. Result: Her decline made her ineffectively control her states and so she gave a good chance for the expansion of Balkan states and also the European powers.
7.4 关于案情,缔约国重申,根据《宪法》第72 条,服兵役是义务性的:“履 行国家服务是每一土耳其人利和义务。
7.4 With regard to the merits, the State party reiterates that according
to article 72 of the Constitution, military service is compulsory: ―National
[...] service is the right and duty ofeveryTurk.
[...] 务高级专员办事处致意,并借此荣幸地转交北塞浦路斯土耳其共和国外交部长 Hüseyin Özgürgün 阁下的一封信的副本,信中反映了塞浦路土耳其人级专 员办事处向人权理事会第十九届会议提交的塞浦路斯人权情况报告 (A/HRC/ 19/22) [...]
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Turkey to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland presents its compliments to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and has the honour to transmit herewith a copy of the letter of the
Minister for Foreign
[...] Affairs of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Hüseyin Özgürgün,* reflecting the Turkish Cypriot views [...]
on the report of the
Office of the High Commissioner on the question of human rights in Cyprus (A/HRC/19/22), submitted to the Human Rights Council at its nineteenth session.
Nonetheless the people of
[...] Afghanistan, IranandTurkey consider him to [...]
be their own poet.
采取有效措施,为梅斯赫土耳其人格鲁吉亚提供便利,并保 证他们的权利( 俄罗斯联邦)
106.55. Take effective measures to
[...] facilitate the return of Meskhetian Turks to Georgia, [...]
and to guarantee their rights (Russian Federation)
有 三 个 原 因 可 解 释 这
[...] 变 化 : 君 士 坦 丁 堡土 耳 其 人、巴 尔 干 半 岛 上 各 [...]
基 督 徒 民 族 的 兴 起 以 及 欧 洲 列 强 的 政 策 及 其 影 响 。
Three factors determined it: the
[...] growing weakness ofthe Turk atConstantinople, [...]
the rise of small, vigorous Christian nationalities
in the Balkan peninsula, and the effect of both on the policy of the Great Powers,” remarked Grant and Temperley.
Turks and Indonesians, for [...]
example, often give responses supportive of human rights that are above world averages. Thus
there is not a consistent basis for concluding Islam itself is a factor at odds with the principles of the Declaration.
After his death,
[...] and especially after the conquest of Buda by the Turks in 1541, the [...]
library was dispersed and much of the
collection was destroyed, with the surviving volumes scattered all over Europe.
106.57 开展宣传运动,说明梅斯赫土耳其人的历史原因,以避免对 他们的任何不容忍
106.57. Launch an awareness campaign to explain the historical reasons for the return of Meskhetian Turks so as to avoid any intolerance against them (Turkey)
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我 要和大家一道 表示,我国 代表 团对昨天遭受自然灾害土耳其人示声援。
Last, but by no means least, I would like to add the voice of
my delegation in pledging solidarity
[...] with the people ofTurkey in theaftermath [...]
of the natural calamity that befell their country yesterday.
构 成 近 东 问 题 的 主 要 原 因 如 下 : 第 一土 耳 其 人族 、 信 念 、 社 会 习 俗 的 不 同;第 二,土 耳 其 对 境 内 基 督 徒 子 民 的 苛 刻 统 治;第 三, 巴 尔 干 民 族 主 义 的 兴 起 ; 第 四 , 土 耳 其 帝 国 本 身 缺 乏 有 效 率 的 政 府 ; 最 後 是 欧 洲 列 强 与 鄂 图 曼 帝 国 变 化 不 定 的 关 系。
Leeds specified the problems underlying the “Eastern Question” as follows: firstly, the Turksdiffered in race, creed and social customs; secondly, Turkeymisgoverned millions of Christians; thirdly, the rise of nationalism in the Balkans; fourthly, no effective answer to the problems of the Turkish Empire herself; and lastly, the relationship was never certain between the European powers and the Ottoman Empire.
年,是为了审查实际落实近期改革的进展情况,包括那些旨在改土耳其 人况的改革进展情况。
It was formed in 2003 to overview the progress in the
actual implementation of recent reforms, including those which aim at improving
[...] the situationof human rights in Turkey.
乌 拉 圭 还 建议土库曼斯坦紧 急 展开一场运动并启 动 旨 在 消除对 妇女一 切形式的法律 上和事实 上的歧视的方案 ,并取消导
[...] 致 对 俄 罗 斯人、乌兹别 克人、哈萨土 耳其人尔德人等少数民族成员歧视的所有准则和做法。
Uruguay also recommended that Turkmenistan urgently undertake a campaign and initiate programmes aimed at eliminating all forms of discrimination against women, de jure and de facto, and that all norms and practices that lead to
the discrimination of members of national minorities, such as
[...] Russians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Turksand Kurds, be eliminated.
为向所土耳其人供体面和安全的生活区域,需要自觉而合理地使用 所有相关资源。
In order to
[...] provide allthe population ofTurkey withdecent [...]
and secure living areas, all relevant resources need to be
consciously and rationally used.
根据2003土耳其人健康调查结果,总的生育率在下降 ,而采用避孕方式的比率在上升。
According to the
[...] 2003 results ofTurkey Demographic and [...]
Health Survey (TDHS), the total fertility rate is declining while
the rate of the use of contraceptive methods is on the rise.
此次征兵活动吸引了 4 373 个应征者,包括 120 个女性和 180 个少数族裔成员(36 个科索沃塞族人、48 个科索沃波斯尼亚族人、13 个科索沃埃及人、54 个科索土耳其人2 个科索沃戈拉人、21 个科索沃阿什卡利族和 5 个科索沃罗姆人)。
The campaign drew 4,373 applicants, including 120 females and 180 members of minorities (including 36 Kosovo Serbs, 48 Kosovo Bosnians, 13 Kosovo Egyptians, 54 Kosovo Turks, 2 Kosovo Gorani, 21 Kosovo Ashkali and 5 Kosovo Roma).
据难民署统计,在 181 名强迫回返人员中,有 109 名科索沃罗姆人、28 名科索沃埃及人/阿什卡利族人、15 名科索沃戈兰尼人、14 名科索沃波什尼亚克
[...] 人、11 名科索沃塞族人、1 名科索土耳其人3 名少数族裔中的科索沃阿尔巴 尼亚族人。
According to UNHCR statistics, of the 181 forced returnees, 109 were Kosovo Roma, 28 Kosovo
Egyptian/Ashkali, 15 Kosovo Gorani, 14 Kosovo Bosniaks, 11 Kosovo
[...] Serbs, 1 Kosovo Turk and 3 Kosovo Albanians [...]
in a minority situation.
之 後 俄 国 在 土 耳 其 的 政 策 , 加 上 德 国土 耳 其 人军 队、海 峡 问 题、巴 尔 干 战 争 的 影 响、德 国 人 的 焦 虑、 罗 马 利 亚 与 三 国 同 盟、奥 匈 帝 国 与 塞 尔 维 亚 的 关 系 以 及 随 之 而 来 的 导 火 线:裴 迪 南 大 公 被 刺 及 列 强 对 此 事 的 不 同 态 度 ---所 有 这 些 危 机 是 互 相 关 连 的 , 都 是 一 次 世 界 大 对 的 痕 蹟 。
Then Russian policy in Turkey, plus German reorganization of the Turkisharmy, the Straits question, the military effect of the Balkan Wars, the anxieties of the Germans, Rumania and the Triple Alliance, the relationship between Austria-Hungary and Serbia and then the immediate spark: the assassination of the Franz Ferdinand and the different attitudes and moves of the Great Powers towards this - all these piles of crisis stepping and overlapping one after another, were the trace of First World War.
2.7 申诉人指出,独立人权组织( 例如大赦国际土耳其人金会) 的报告将责 任归咎于库尔德工人党,这与申诉人的指控相反。
2.7 The complainant points out that the Federal Court had argued, inter alia, the reports of independent human rights organizations (such as Amnesty International and the Human Rights Foundation of Turkey) attributed responsibility to the PKK, contrary to the complainant’s allegations.
[...] 塞族人:75.2%;罗姆人:10.9%;黑山人:3.9%;穆斯林:2.5%;戈兰奇人: 1.5%;埃及人:0.4%;阿尔巴尼亚人:0.2%;马其顿人:0.2%;南斯拉夫人: 0.2%;克罗地0.1%土耳其人0.1%。
The structure of internally displaced persons according to their nationality is: 75.2 per cent Serbs, 10.9 per cent Roma, 3.9 per cent Montenegrins, 2.5 per cent Muslims, 1.5 per cent Goranci, 0.4 per cent
Egyptians, 0.2 per cent Albanians, 0.2
[...] per cent Macedonians, 0.2per cent Yugoslavs, 0.1 per cent Croats and 0.1 per cent Turks.
制订一项全面战略,解决有助于梅斯赫土耳其人的语言学 习、上学和就业等问题( 土耳其); 与亚美尼亚社区和亚美尼亚使徒教会密切协商,按照消除种族歧视 委员会、人权事务委员会、宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员以及欧洲委员会 《保护少数民族框架公约》咨询委员会的建议,促进对亚美尼亚少数群体权 利的保护
106.59. Promote the rightsof the Armenian minority in line with the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Human Rights Committee and the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, as well as Council of Europe Advisory Committee of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities with close consultations with representatives of the Armenian community and the Armenian Apostolic Church (Armenia)




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