单词 | 土堤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 土堤 noun —bund nSee also:土 n—earth n • dust n • clay n 土 adj—local adj • indigenous adj 堤 n—dyke n • causeway n 堤—dike 土—unsophisticated • Tu (ethnic group) • crude opium • surname Tu
2009 年 2 月 12 日,16 [...] 时 45 分,观察到禁入阵地(Yarun)的土堤上有 一辆敌 默卡瓦型坦克用炮瞄准黎巴嫩领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 12 February 2009, at 1645 hours, an enemy Merkava [...] tank atop an earthen berm at the restricted [...]position (Yarun) was observed directing [...]its cannon towards Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
同時,港鐵公司也 會建造高達2.7米及底部厚達3米的土堤 圍 繞 倉庫四周。 legco.gov.hk | Moreover, the MTRCL will [...] construct an earth bund of up to 2.7 m [...]high, with a base of up to 3 m thick in the vicinity of the store. legco.gov.hk |
后来了解到 其在坐标 [...] Q:747617-N:684836 处挖掘了一条壕沟并筑起一道土堤, 而 且移开了一 块标明蓝线位置的涂蓝漆石块。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Israeli enemy finished work at 0535 hours, and it later [...] became clear that they had dug a trench [...] and erected an earthen berm at coordinates Q:747617-N:684836, [...]and removed a blue-painted [...]stone that had indicated the position of the Blue Line. daccess-ods.un.org |
這 72 公頃用地中,「主題公園用地」(即遊樂設施、零售及飲食用地) 佔 [...] 22.4 公頃,其餘土地則為後台、辦公室、倉庫、園 境 土堤 和 未 發展 用地等。 legco.gov.hk | Of the 72 ha, the “theme park area”, i.e. area for rides, attractions, retail and dinning, [...] accounts for 22.4 ha, while backstage, offices, storage [...] spaces, landscape berms, undeveloped areas [...]etc. account for the rest. legco.gov.hk |
由於務農是很多新界居民的傳統職業,受收回土地或清拆影響的 新界「農民」,可獲特別為農民而設的特惠補償安排,當中包括以莊稼在收 成後市場價格為基準而定的農作物補償;為建於私人土地上合資格農用構 築物而設的特惠津貼( 津貼參考面積及性質相類構築物的標準單位租金減 去折舊值作出估算,折舊值則按有關構築物的狀況而定);及另外因應農地 上的雜項永久改善工程而設的特惠津貼( 津貼將按更換有關項目的標準價 格減去折舊值而定),改善工程可包括農場設備及裝置,如水池、井、圍 欄 、 灌溉管道/渠道、圍牆、大閘、土堤及 其他小型附設裝置。 legco.gov.hk | As farming is a traditional occupation of many New Territories residents, special ex-gratia compensation arrangements are made for “farmers” in the New Territories affected by land resumption or clearance. These include among others a crop compensation, assessed on the basis of the market value of the crops under cultivation; an ex-gratia allowance (EGA) for qualified farm structures on private land, assessed at standard rates based on the type and floor area less depreciation value which makes references to the conditions of the affected farm structures; and another EGA for miscellaneous permanent improvements to farms e.g. farm installation and fixtures such as water ponds, wells, fences, irrigation pipes/ditches, boundary walls, gates, bunds and other minor annexures, assessed at standard rates which are based on the standard replacement rates of the items less their depreciated value. legco.gov.hk |
如 估 計交通 會 對 鄰 近 住 宅樓宇 產 生 超 逾 標準的噪音時 , 有 關 部門或 發 展 商 便須採取一切 [...] 可行的直 接措 施 , 例 如 興 建 土堤、 設置隔音屏障或隔音罩, 以 減 [...]少 噪音對 鄰 近 居 民 的 影 響。 legco.gov.hk | If it is envisaged that traffic noise generated will exceed the prescribed level, they must [...] adopt all practicable direct measures such [...] as building earth berms, erecting noise [...]barriers or enclosures, to reduce the noise [...]impact on neighbouring residents. legco.gov.hk |
我們曾考慮採取其他噪音紓減措施,例如另選定線,並 探討可否借助土堤或樹木以減低噪音。 legco.gov.hk | We have considered other noise mitigation measures such as alternative alignments and the [...] feasibility of using earth bunds or trees. legco.gov.hk |
土木 工程署總工程師/海港工程證 實,必須在填海 土地上堆建加荷 土 堤令沉降 加 快 , 才 可安裝喉管及其他地下 設施,因此存放惰性拆建物料並不 會 對 填 海 土地構 成問題。 legco.gov.hk | The Chief Engineer/Port Works, Civil Engineering Department confirmed that as formation of surcharge mounds was required to speed up settlement before installation of pipes and other underground facilities, the stockpiling of inert C&D materials would not pose a problem at the reclaimed land. legco.gov.hk |
8 时 两辆梅卡瓦式坦克穿越技术围栏,在超过约 5 米 处在山丘上的土堤后面 摆好阵势,并从那里可以 眺望瓦扎尼堡旅游胜地。 daccess-ods.un.org | 0800 Two Merkava tanks breached the technical fence and, [...] some five metres beyond it, took up [...] position behind an earthen berm on the hill that [...]overlooks the Wazzani Fort tourist resort. daccess-ods.un.org |
(f) 把 主要已 知 噪音源頭的周 圍土地規劃作不易 [...] 受噪音滋擾 的用途,或建造景觀美化 土 堤 作為緩衝 區,在切 實 可 行 範圍內 [...]盡 量 將 噪音源頭圍封 起 來 。 legco.gov.hk | (f) shielding off noise sources [...] through planning noise-insensitive uses or [...] landscaped earth bunds along major known [...]noise sources as a buffer as far as possible. legco.gov.hk |
3 时 30 分 在黎巴嫩军队 Maysat 阵地对面,一个以色列敌 [...] 方巡逻队越过围栏,并在超过约 10 米处修建两 个土堤。 daccess-ods.un.org | 7 June 2012 0330 Opposite the Lebanese Army Maysat [...] position, an Israeli enemy patrol breached the technical fence and, some 10 metres beyond it, [...] erected two earthen berms. daccess-ods.un.org |
敌方以色列进行施工的目标是用该壕沟 和 土堤 ( 10 米×10 米×5 米)切断通 往蓝线黎巴嫩一侧的铺面公路。 daccess-ods.un.org | The aim of the engineering work undertaken by the Israeli enemy was to block the paved road that leads to the Lebanese side of the Blue Line by means of the trench and the earthen berm (10m x 10m x 5m). daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 進行園景建築和花木種植工作,包括建造園景美化 土堤和花 木護養站,在路旁種植樹木,以及闢設約 [...] 10 公頃的林地 legco.gov.hk | (i) construction of hard and soft landscape works [...] including landscape berms, a maintenance [...]depot for soft landscape works, roadside planting [...]and about 10 ha of woodland planting legco.gov.hk |
在额外资源以及政府部门间良好协调以支持雇佣担保计划的帮助下,村民们在 70 公顷的退化林上重 [...] 新栽上了树木,并在丘陵周围修建起 4 万处等高土堤以储 蓄雨水和补充地下水。 teebweb.org | With additional resources, and good coordination between government departments supporting the EGS, the village members [...] regenerated 70 ha of degraded forests and built [...] 40,000 contour bunds around the hills [...]to conserve rainwater and recharge groundwater. teebweb.org |
10 时 30 [...] 分,另外一辆坦克抵达,越过 技术围栏,停在土护堤后面 ,将炮口朝各个方向旋转,其中 包括黎巴嫩领土的方向。 daccess-ods.un.org | At 1030 hours, another tank arrived, [...] crossed the technical fence, positioned itself [...] behind the earthen berm, and rotated [...]its cannon in all directions, including the [...]direction of Lebanese territory. daccess-ods.un.org |
主要措施包括管制陰澳填海工程的速度和方法、種植不少於 6 公頃的補償性樹木、豎立圍欄保護稀有/受管制/受保護的植物、 [...] 建造附設後備設施和辟除氣味設備的污水泵房、在公共運輸交匯處設 置油污截流設施,以及在土堤上進行環境美化工程。 legco.gov.hk | The key measures include control on the rates and methods of reclamation for Yam O Reclamation, at least 6 ha of compensatory tree planting, erection of fences to protect rare/restricted/protected plant species, construction of sewage pumping stations with backup facilities [...] and odour control, provision of oil interceptors at public transport interchanges and [...] landscape works on the earth berms. legco.gov.hk |
另有 1 辆坦克 停在附近土护堤后方。 daccess-ods.un.org | A tank also positioned [...] itself at the nearby earthen berm. daccess-ods.un.org |
現時機場鐵路在陰澳的軌道位於水平基準面6.2米以㆖,竹篙灣鐵路由機場鐵路 軌道伸展至隧道入口的㆒段將會位於同㆒水平高度,隧道段的縱坡設計線將稍作 調校,略向竹篙灣填海區傾斜,同時配合政府所建議在隧道口附近高速公路的規 劃,及朝向 [...] 士尼站㆒段位於約水平基準面2.0米,在加 ㆖ 土堤 後 , 可遮蔽主題 公園鐵路的運作。 legco.gov.hk | Throughout the tunnel section, the vertical alignment follows a slight up gradient towards the Penny’s Bay reclamation, designed to match with the Government’s highway proposals at that portal, then trending downwards to Disneyland Station, where it is at a [...] level of approximately +2.0mPD, which in [...] conjunction with earth bunds, serves to mask [...]train operations from the Theme Park. legco.gov.hk |
泰国机场集团公司副总经理、暂任泰国素万那普国际机场执行长官Somchai Sawaddeepol先生向记者表示:“今日(2011年11月14日)所召开的会议,邀请了北榄府Ladkrabang区地方政府领导和机场邻近85个社区领导参加,主要目的是讨论有关采取强有力的防洪措施,介绍机场周围所筑起3.5米高 的 土堤 是 始建于1995年,2000年完工,并说明所采取的防洪措施不会对机场周围社区产生任何影响,因为机场内所承受的水高达400万立方米。 suvarnabhumiairport.com | Mr. Somchai Sawasdeepon, Senior Executive Vice President of Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited and Acting General Manager of Suvarnabhumi Airport, disclosed today (Nov. 13, 11) that Suvarnabhumi Airport has invited representatives of Samuthprakarn Province, Ladkrabang District Office, Chief Executives of Sub-district Administrative Organization and Leaders of 58 Communities around the airport to attend the meeting for explaining about the Flood Preventive System of Suvarnabhumi Airport, which includes 3.5 meters high dykes being constructed since 1995 and completed in 1999. suvarnabhumiairport.com |
這些措施包括使用 臨時隔音屏障和低噪音機器/設備,以減低噪音;在工地灑水,以減 [...] 少塵土飛揚;以及在進行挖掘工程期間,在採取適當引水措施並設置 土堤和屏 障的乾燥環境工作,以控制水污染情況。 legco.gov.hk | During construction, we will control noise, dust and site run-off within established standards and guidelines through implementation of mitigation measures such as the use of temporary noise barriers and silenced construction equipment to reduce noise generation, water-spraying to reduce emission of dust, working [...] in dry environment with appropriate water [...] diversion with bunds and barriers to [...]control water pollution during excavation. legco.gov.hk |
在双方配合下,难民署继续实施建立信任措施方案,协助廷杜夫难民营的西 撒哈拉难民与其在该领土上护堤西侧 的家人保持联系和通信。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the cooperation of the parties, UNHCR continued to implement the confidence-building measures programme to [...] facilitate contact and [...] communication between Western Saharan refugees in the Tindouf camps and their families in the Territory west of the berm. daccess-ods.un.org |
全民投票和立法选举的投票也在该领 土 内 护 堤 以 西 地区举行,不 过其合法性尚未确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The polls for the referendum and for [...] the legislative elections were also [...] held in the Territory west of the berm, although their [...]legality has not been determined. daccess-ods.un.org |
關於第 3(b)項 ( 土木工程( 海堤提升 工程))費用減少 500 萬元,是由 於土木工程拓展署合約的個別承建商所提交的報價十分具競爭力。 legco.gov.hk | As regards item 3(b) [...] (Engineering works (seawall upgrading)), the decrease [...]of $5.0 million is due to very competitive prices [...]submitted by the separate contractor under CEDD‘s contract. legco.gov.hk |
第一分会:土地恢复:农业水管理(排水、灌溉、 卫生、筑堤),土地管理、土地开垦。 cigr.org | Section I: land reclamation with: agricultural water management (drainage, irrigation, sanitation, embanking), land management, land clearing cigr.org |
在护堤以东该领土各地 举行的庆祝活动中,波利萨里奥阵线重申了在西撒哈拉举 行多重选择全民投票的呼吁。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the celebrations in various [...] localities in the Territory east of the berm, the Frente Polisario [...]renewed its call for a multiple-option referendum in Western Sahara. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 建造長約270米的臨時海堤以便闢拓約 0.4公頃的臨時填海土地,並於日後移 除上述臨時海堤和臨時填海土地 legco.gov.hk | (b) construction of temporary seawall of about 270 m long and temporary reclamation of about 0.4 hectare (ha), and their subsequent removal legco.gov.hk |
(ii) 隧道會橫跨香港仔海峽,要在海峽內興建隧道,先要封 [...] 閉海峽部份海面,然後建造圍堰(即在海中 填 土 築 起 防水 堤壩),圍繞施工範圍,抽走其中海水後,始可展開敷設 [...]沉管等工程。 legco.gov.hk | (ii) In order to construct the tunnel section across the Aberdeen Channel, part of the Channel will be required to be closed to [...] facilitate the construction of cofferdams [...] (that is, deposition of earthy materials in the sea [...]to form a waterproof dam), followed [...]by dewatering of the works site, and subsequent construction of the tunnel units. legco.gov.hk |
近年,國家推出 了不少新政策法規,包括取消或降低商品出口退稅率,全面落實加工貿 [...] 易限制類商品的台帳保證金制度,嚴格的環保法規,《勞動合同法》, 徵收多項稅費如土地使用稅、堤圍稅 、流動人口調配費、殘疾人就業保 障金,以及提高員工工資和福利待遇等。 legco.gov.hk | In recent years, the State has introduced quite a number of new policies and regulations, including abolishing the export VAT rebate or lowering the rebate rates, comprehensively implementing the Guarantee Shadow Margin Account system for products under the restricted category in processing trade, introducing stringent environmental protection requirements and the Labour Contract Law, [...] levying various taxes and [...] fees, such as the Tax on Land Use, the Embankment Tax, [...]the Floating Population Deployment Fee and [...]the Employment Protection Fund for the Disabled, and increasing the wages and benefits for employees, and so on. legco.gov.hk |
措施可以包括把气候风险方面的考虑纳入发展规划进程、 宏观经济预测和部门计划;要求在城市规划 、 土 地 使 用规划、水资源管理 以及环境和自然资源管理中使用与气候风险有关的信息;加强和维护沿海 防波堤、河流堤坝、 泄洪道和蓄洪池等防护工程;要求基础设施项目、建 筑设计和在其他工程实践中对气候风险作出例行评估和报告;建立风险转 移机制和社会安全网;支持生计多样化方案;在具体的灾后恢复计划中开 展适应活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures can include incorporating climate riskrelated considerations in development planning processes, macroeconomic projections and sector plans; requiring the use of climate [...] risk-related information in [...] city planning, land-use planning, water management, and environmental and natural resource management; strengthening and maintaining protective works such as coastal wave barriers, river levees, floodways [...]and flood ponds; requiring [...]routine assessment and reporting of climate risks in infrastructure projects, building designs and other engineering practices; developing risk transfer mechanisms and social safety nets; supporting programmes for diversification of livelihoods; and instituting adaptation activities in plans for recovery from specific disasters. daccess-ods.un.org |
的Puy de火山圆顶位于在谢万Puys,德蒙圆顶显着的岩石corries,山谷,他们的圈 套 堤 坝 的 玄武岩,他们的湖泊,位于深处的古火山口的熔岩流或狭窄的山谷和广阔的平原牧场 的 土 地。 leapfrog-properties.com | The volcano Puy de Dome is located in the Chaine des Puys, in the Monts Domes remarkable for their [...] rocky corries, their [...] valleys, their trap dykes of basalt, their lakes lying in the depths of ancient craters or confined in the valleys by streams of lava, and their wide plains of pasture-land. leapfrog-properties.com |