单词 | 土地权 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 土地权 noun —land right nExamples:(土地或财产的)所有权 n—title n See also:土地 n—land n • lands pl • soil n • ground n 土地—territory • genius loci • local god 土 adj—indigenous adj • local adj 土 n—earth n • clay n • dust n
这些人目前被视为需要国家特别 保护的少数群体,需要国家保护他们 的 土地权 利 和 以可持续方式管理其自然资源 的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | These communities are now recognized as minority groups deserving [...] special protection by the State with [...] regard to their land rights and ability to manage [...]their natural resources in a sustainable manner. daccess-ods.un.org |
土地改革机关、村庄主管和男性 亲属的反对会阻挠为扩大单身和已婚妇女合 法 土地权 利 所做的各项努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | Opposition from land reform authorities, [...] village authorities and male relatives can frustrate efforts [...] to extend legal land rights to both single and [...]married women. daccess-ods.un.org |
应将暗含土地权利重 大转移的土地投资视为最后的和最不理想的 选择,只有当任何其他投资模式都无法对当地发展做出类似贡献或改进有关地方 社区的生计时,才可接受这类投资。 daccess-ods.un.org | Land investments implying an important shift in land rights should represent [...] the last and least desirable option, acceptable [...]only if no other investment model can achieve a similar contribution to local development and improve the livelihoods within the local communities concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
报告透露的关键信息就是,虽然保有权保障至关重要,应被视为实现食物权的关 键,但个人所有权发放和创建土地权 利 市 场不一定就是达成目的的最合适手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The key message is that, while security of tenure is important and should be seen as crucial to the realization of the right to [...] food, individual titling and the creation [...] of a market for land rights may not be [...]the most appropriate means to achieve it. daccess-ods.un.org |
在许多情况下,这都是土地权利的 流失、族 裔冲突、侵犯人权行为、流离失所以及失去可持续生计的根基性起因。 daccess-ods.un.org | In many instances, this is the [...] underlying cause for land dispossession, ethnic conflict, human rights violations, [...]displacement and the loss of sustainable livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
鼓励和支持建立利益相关者之间的协调机制和公私合作关系,尤其是在 [...] 矿业部门发展方面,并确定可惠益各方的建设和平行动,包括社区(尊重环境、 尊重社区价值观、土地权、社 会服务、地方经济发展)、青年和妇女(直接和间接 [...] 就业、尊重劳动者权利)以及矿业公司(减少与社区的紧张关系、建议解决冲突机 制、改善设施/工厂的保安) daccess-ods.un.org | Encourage and support the setting up of mechanisms of coordination and mutual consultation between stakeholders and a public-private partnership, in relation especially to the development of the mining sector; and identify peacebuilding actions that might benefit not only communities (respect for the [...] environment, respect for [...] community values, land rights, social services, [...]development of the local economy), but also the youth and women (direct and [...]indirect employment, respect for workers’ rights) and mining companies (reduction of tension with communities, existence of conflict-resolution mechanisms, guarantee of greater safety of plants and facilities). daccess-ods.un.org |
应该在国家法律体系内承认并保护共享或集 体土 地权体系以及习惯土地保有 权和财产权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Systems of shared [...] or collective land rights and customary land tenure and property [...]rights should be recognized and protected [...]within the national legal system. daccess-ods.un.org |
意识到虽然更多外国投资者在发展中国家大量购买土地可能给当地人民带 [...] 来机会,包括保证出口、就业、基础设施投资和提高农业生产力,但当地人民可 能也失去获得土地、用水和其他资源的机会,特别是如果他们没有参与土地分配 的决策过程,他们的土地权又没 有得到保障 daccess-ods.un.org | Aware that while the increase in large-scale land acquisitions in developing nations by foreign investors might bring opportunities to local people, including guaranteed outlets, employment, investment in infrastructure, and higher agricultural productivity, local people might also lose access to land, water, and other resources, [...] particularly if they are not [...] included in the land allocation decision-making process and their land rights are not protected daccess-ods.un.org |
国际人权法,包括关于平等和不歧视的准则,如《消除一切形 [...] 式种族歧视国际公约》和联合国《土著人民权利宣言》中所重申的各项有关准则, [...] 都要求通过法律和政策改革,纠正过去因这类信条所造成的不公正,并就土著人 民土地权遭受 的侵犯,予以物归原主或其他形式的补偿,如上述联合国《宣言》 [...]第 27 和 28 条所提到的补偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | International human rights law, including norms on equality and non-discrimination such as those affirmed in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, demand that States rectify past wrongs [...] caused by such doctrines, including the [...] violation of the land rights of indigenous peoples, [...]through law and policy reform, restitution [...]and other forms of redress for the violation of their land rights, including those referred to in articles 27 and 28 of the United Nations Declaration. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种租赁时限上的巨大差异 和施行的不同法律制度,使驯鹿牧民难以确立正式完全的使 用 土地权 , 而 这是为 期一年的游牧迁徙周期所需要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | These disproportionate rental times and the application of different legal regimes make it difficult for reindeer [...] herders to establish the full [...] and official permissions to use the land that is needed in [...]the one-year cycle of nomadic migration. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员还强调,通过一项 [...] 关于农民和其他农村地区劳动者权利的宣言,将使各方进一步了解国际法已经承 认的各项权利,推动承认土地权、种 子权和其他国家农民的粮食补贴所致损失获 得赔偿的权利等各项新权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur also underlined that the adoption of a declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas would increase visibility on the rights that are already recognized in [...] international law, and help to [...] recognize new rights, such as the rights to land, to seeds and to compensation [...]for the losses [...]due to food subsidies given to farmers in other countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织 强调确保向人权维护者和代理土地权 案 件 的律师提供保护的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | It underscored the recommendation to ensure protection [...] for human rights defenders and lawyers working on land rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
亚马尔土地使用变化 的问题可以分为几个方面,即(a) 由于自然资源的产业开发发生的土地使用变 化;(b) [...] 牧民在一年的迁移周期中所使用土地的不同法律地位;(c) 驯鹿牧民的 组织状态所附带的土地权利的差异。 daccess-ods.un.org | The problem of land use change in Yamal might be divided into several dimensions, namely (a) land use change owing to industrial development of natural resources; (b) different legal status of lands used by herders in the one-year cycle [...] of their migration; and (c) the [...] discrepancies in the rights to land attached to the [...]organizational status of reindeer herders. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议缔约国加大努力,与土著居民和托雷斯海峡岛民协商,改善《土 著土 地所有权法》的执行情况,并消除阻碍土著人民实现 其 土地权 的 所 有障碍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party increase its efforts to improve the operation of the Native Title system, in consultation [...] with Aboriginal and Torres [...] Strait Islander Peoples, and remove all obstacles to the realization of the right to land of indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国政府和援助机构应当 始终牢记确保最低的土地权保障的重要性,并且抓住 机会解决不平等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Governments and aid agencies should bear in mind the importance of ensuring a minimum of tenure security and take the opportunity to address inequality. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,近来的部族 紧张局势也突出表明,必须解决 土地权 、 移徙问题和部落和平共处等问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, recent tribal tensions underline the [...] importance of addressing land rights, migration issues [...]and the peaceful coexistence of tribes. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国家一级,许多复杂问题,诸如 土地权 利 、气候变化、武装冲突、 全球化和私有化的影响、自然资源的特许权、资源的稀少和歧视,往往是在发展 [...] 进程中如何处理土著人民问题的决定因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the national level, [...] complex issues such as land rights, climate change, [...]armed conflicts, the effects of globalization [...]and privatization, the concession of natural resources, the scarcity of resources and discrimination are often determining factors in how indigenous peoples’ issues are approached in development processes. daccess-ods.un.org |
敦促美国政府和相关土著人民审查《阿拉斯加土著 人 土地权 属 解 决法》的措 辞,以确保与《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的措辞一致,特别是在以下方面:土 著人民自决权,尤其是维护和发展其政治、经济和社会制度或自治机构;按照其 习俗确定自己的特性或成员,有保障地享用自己的谋生和发展手段,或对损害寻 [...] 求公正和公平补救;谴责“灭绝”阿拉斯加土著原住民狩猎和捕鱼权利的政策; [...] 处理向阿拉斯加土著人民传统机构转让土地的未决问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the United States and [...] the indigenous peoples concerned are urged to review the language of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act [...]in order to ensure its [...]consistency with that of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, specifically in relation to: the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination, particularly to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions of self-government; to determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, or for just and fair redress for its impairment; to denounce the policy of “extinguishment” of Alaska Native aboriginal hunting and fishing rights; and to address the outstanding issue of transfer of lands to traditional institutions of the Alaska Native people. daccess-ods.un.org |
以此为动力,为 使女性获得土地保有权并使其参与决策,政府还改革 了《土地权利法》。 daccess-ods.un.org | Building on that momentum, it [...] had also reformed land law with a view to giving women access to land ownership and involving them [...]in decision-making. daccess-ods.un.org |
分析和了解法律制度,包括法律和条例以及如 何贯彻落实特别是与土地权有关 的法律和条例的能力,对于确保妇女和男子享有 [...] 平等机会往往是很重要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The capacity to analyse and understand the legal system, including laws, regulations and how they [...] are implemented and enforced, [...] especially in relation to land rights, is often important [...]for ensuring that women and men have equal access. daccess-ods.un.org |
在二十世纪初,菲律宾的美国殖民地政府将Ibal oi 的 土地权 授 予 了私人采矿公 司。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the early twentieth century, [...] the United States colonial administration of the [...] Philippines granted rights over Ibaloi lands to private mining [...]companies. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,无地或只有边际土地的家庭被赋予 了 土地权 , 而 愿意出售取水权的村民也 可以进行出售。 teebweb.org | In addition, [...] families with no land or marginal land have been given land rights, and those who wish to can sell water entitlement. teebweb.org |
鉴于委员会先前的结论性意见(第19段) ,请对针对人权维护者施加暴力和 [...] 恐吓行为的指控做出评论,这些人权维护者包括人权活动人士和上访人员、抗议 强制拆迁和查封住房的住房和土地权 活 动 人士、维吾尔族和藏族维权人士、环保 活动人士、援助艾滋病患者活动人士和劳工权利活动人士。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of the Committee’s previous concluding observations (para. 19), please comment on allegations of acts of violence and intimidation against [...] human rights [...] defenders, including human rights activists and petitioners, housing and land rights activists [...]protesting against forced [...]evictions and seizures, defenders of the Uighur community and the Tibetan community, environmental activists, HIV/AIDS activists and labour rights activists. daccess-ods.un.org |
将归还任意或非法被剥夺合法财产或 土地权 的 所 有流离失所者和其他人 其财产和权利,并将立即对其在被剥夺期间遭受的持续损失或损害进行充分赔 偿。 daccess-ods.un.org | All displaced persons and other persons arbitrarily or unlawfully deprived of their lawful possessions or rights to land shall have their possession [...] and rights restored and shall be compensated [...]adequately and promptly for the losses or damages sustained during the period of deprivation. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,千年发展目标框架不足以促进全面实现妇女权利,原因是其目标和指标没 有涉及对妇女赋权至关重要的暴力侵害妇女、享 有 土地权 、 财产权和住房权等关 键问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the framework for the Millennium Development Goals is insufficient for the full realization of women’s rights, as its targets and indicators do not capture key issues such [...] as violence against [...] women and the right to land, property and housing, which are essential to the empowerment of women. daccess-ods.un.org |
该项目旨 在确保乌克兰的农村土地所有者认识到自己的各项权利,并了 解 土 地 和财产所有 权带来的经济实惠;向公民提供法律协助和资料,以便于他们切实行使财产 和土 地权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | The project aims to [...] ensure that rural landowners in Ukraine become aware of their rights and understand the economic benefits that land and property ownership entail and to provide legal assistance and information to citizens in order for them to effectively exercise their property and land rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女的土地连接非洲倡议是 2004 年启动的土地和住房运动,自 2005 [...] 年以来,它还同更多的组织开展了合作:基 [...] 层姐妹基金会、加纳城市贫民联合会、Ntankah 村妇女共同倡议小组、南非获取 土地权利小 组、马赛族妇女发展组织、Kamyokya [...] 基督教关怀社区、妇女促进孤 儿教育和福利协会、行动协会、贫民窟妇女发展倡议、妇女行动和农村环境觉醒 [...] 组织、孤儿寡母正义项目、非洲妇女可持续发展网络以及津巴布韦妇女和土地组 织。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Women’s Land Link Africa initiative, a programme of the Land and Housing Campaign that was started in 2004, has also worked with an increased number of organizations since 2005: Grassroots Sisterhood Foundation, Ghana Federation for the [...] Urban Poor, Ntankah Village Women [...] Common Initiative Group, Land Access Group of South [...]Africa, Maasai Women Development Organization, [...]Kamyokya Christian Caring Community, Association des Femmes pour l’Education et le Bien-être des Enfants Orphelins, ITERAMBERE, Slum Women Initiative for Development, Action for Women and Awakening in Rural Environment, Justice for Widows and Orphans Project, Women’s Network for Sustainable Development in Africa, and Women and Land in Zimbabwe. daccess-ods.un.org |