

单词 圈足

See also:

a fold
pen in
lock up
pen (pig)

External sources (not reviewed)

狀況報告:整體的狀能相當好,只 圈足 外 緣呈些微乎其微的傷缺(最大的為0.2厘米)。
Condition: The overall condition is very good except for a few tiny nibbles
[...] to the outer footrim (max 0.2 cm).
斂凸底稍微馬虎,但因為周圍圈足 雕 刻得那麼乾淨利落,如果沒有稍後更草率的例子,我們一定不會意識到,本壺代表指標下降的先聲。
The slightly lazier recessed convex foot is so beautifully finished and
is surrounded by such a well-defined and
[...] crisply carved footrim that without [...]
the existence of later, more careless examples,
we would never see in this foot a hint of a decline in standards.
半透明琥珀色與雄黃色的琥珀,金;由三塊琥珀作成,肩部、底以金絲箍圈箍斂,上有黃金頸,底有塞洞的黃金塞子;凸形唇、平面略斂底,底緣箍圈當作突出凸 圈足 ; 琥珀無飾紋,頸上部有繩紋一周,下有細繩紋環;底中心金塞子刻“珍”一字楷款
Translucent orange and yellow-ochre amber, and gold; made of three segments of amber joined at the shoulders and base with gold, with a gold neck and a gold plug in a hole in the foot; with a convex lip and slightly recessed flat foot, the lower join doubling as a protruding convex footrim; the amber undecorated, the gold with formalized
floral filigree work, the upper-neck rim with a
[...] simulated-rope band, repeated on a [...]
smaller scale at the edge of the shoulder
and base joints, the slightly raised circular gold plug on the foot engraved in regular script with the single character zhen (precious)
珊瑚;掏膛規整,平唇、平斂底、突 圈足 , 圈足 底 全 面接觸地面;通體飾以雲紋,雲際間有九隻蝙蝠飛翔。
Coral; well hollowed, with a flat lip and a recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved with a continuous scene of nine bats amidst formalized clouds
其實,斂底更凹入的話圈足要加 深或者底上的壺壁要加厚,不管怎麼樣,壺身要加重。
To have had a deeper recession would have meant either increasing the depth of the footrim or reducing the degree of hollowing above the foot area, both of which would have increased the weight of the bottle and altered its balance in the hand, which is currently difficult to fault just the way it is.
考慮底部細節甚整潔,圈足底完 全接觸地面,斂底幾乎平坦,這件壺可能是乾隆晚年的作品,但也可能是十九世紀前半的,沒有十分性的把握。
Although the neatness of the foot detail, with its
[...] broad, flat footrim and almost flat recessed foot, and [...]
the impeccable hollowing would allow
a late Qianlong date for this bottle, it is perhaps as likely to date from the first half of the nineteenth century.
本壺最有意思的特點是,雖然大家會想這種鼻煙壺應該是吹製的,但它好像倒是由一塊玻璃雕琢而成的,也許可以跟第四場拍賣會拍賣品號 55 及 92聯繫起來,而後者也是利用螭龍的尾巴形 圈足 的。
This provides a tentative link to bottles such as Sale 4, lots 55 and 92, which
frequently have another feature in common with
[...] this bottle: a footrim composed of the [...]
curling extremities of the dragons.
狀況報告:唇內沿呈微乎其微的傷缺;橫 穿 圈足 的 細 瑕不是傷損,是質料固有的。
Condition: Tiny chip to the inner lip; the small
[...] flaw across the footrim is in the stone, [...]
not damage.
半乳濁白玻璃套透明紅寶石紅料,兩種含有零星的小氣泡;平唇、平斂底、突 圈足 , 圈足 底 呈 方圓形;雕單層套料九螭圖案
Transparent ruby-red and semi-transparent milky white glass, both with a scattering of small air bubbles; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous design of nine chi dragons
狀況報告圈足一邊 稍微狹隘,或許是削減的;為了磨除傷缺,一正面 圈足 的 綯 紋有所減掉,又重新雕琢,並不引人注目。
Condition: footrim possibly slightly trimmed on one side (which is marginally narrower than the other); one area of rope border above footrim on one main side [...]
slightly reduced and
recarved to remove chip, not obtrusive.
透明瑪瑙、墨、水彩;凹唇、凹底 圈足 底 完全接觸地面;一正面內畫一葉舟中三高士一舟夫仰望倒倚孤松懸絕壁,另一正面內畫四高士山中閒坐對語圖,上題曰:“午寅杏月葉仲三作”,後鈐象徵性白文“印”篆印一枚
Transparent agate, ink, and watercolours;
with a concave lip and a concave foot
[...] surrounded by a flat footrim; painted on [...]
one main side with three scholars in a boat
being paddled by a boat-boy to view a pine growing from an overhanging cliff, the other main side with four scholars seated on a rocky plateau at the foot of a cliff, inscribed in draft script, ‘Executed by Ye Zhongsan in the second month of the year wuyin,’ with one seal of the artist, yin (‘seal’), in negative seal script
There are hints of mid-reign style, however, in the painting and, particularly, in the simpler neck and foot bands.
紅寶石紅透明玻璃,滿布細微氣泡;平唇、微凹斂底、突出平 圈足; 兩 正面雕一雙相對的夔紋,側面各雕一束卷枝紋,頸雕垂葉紋一圈
Transparent ruby-red glass suffused with tiny air bubbles; with a flat lip and a recessed, slightly concave foot surrounded by a protruding flat footrim; carved on each main side with a pair of confronting kui dragons, the narrow sides with formalized vajra-shaped floral clusters, and the neck with a band of pendant leaf lappets
半乳濁玻璃套多彩料,都含大小的零散氣泡;平唇、平斂底、突 圈足 , 圈足 底 呈 方圓形 ; 雕單層套圖案,腹下部有象徵地、湖石的一圈紋飾,一正面雕蝙蝠口銜卍字紋,下有松樹一棵,另一正面雕竹、梅,其形式有一點像“福”字的偏旁兩部分;側面雕蝙蝠耳,一隻銜靈芝,一隻銜桃枝
Transparent ruby-red, sapphire-blue, yellow, semi-transparent turquoise- blue, brown-streaked green, and milky glass, all with scattered air bubbles of various sizes; with a flat lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim; carved as a single overlay with a continuous rocky ground, one main side with a bat holding a beribboned fylfot in its mouth flying above a pine tree, suggesting the form of the character shou (‘longevity’), the other with a blossoming prunus tree and bamboo, suggesting the form of the character fu (‘happiness’), with two further bats positioned to stand for handles, one with a lingzhi in its mouth, the other with a branch with two peaches
銅胎畫琺瑯,黃金;平唇、突出微凹底 ,平圈足;各正面繪藍色團壽字,上有蝙蝠一隻,其翼後緣為如意雲頭紋,下有番蓮紋及六瓣花紋,間有纏枝紋,底書暗褐“雍正年製”無框橫向楷款;器內施斑駁白色琺瑯彩,頸內裝入金屬襯層;口底沿鍍金
Famille rose enamels on copper, with gold; with a flat lip and a protruding, slightly concave foot surrounded by a flattened footrim; painted with a formalized design repeated on each main side of a circular shou (‘longevity’) character in blue seal script with a bat above it, its inner wings terminating in five formalized lingzhi, surrounded by a scrolling floral design comprising a formalized lotus flanked by highly stylized camellias and buds; the foot inscribed in brownish-black enamel regular script Yongzheng nian zhi (‘Made during the Yongzheng period’); the interior covered with a patchy white enamel, the interior of the neck with an additional, metal lining below the lip; all exposed metal gilt
淡淡的藍寶藍色透明玻璃,夾在二層半透明含條紋的乳白玻璃,白玻璃含有小氣泡,有的拉長;平唇、微凸斂底、突出圓 圈足 , 兩 正面雕單層套料黃蜀葵
Very pale, transparent, sapphire-blue glass and biotite, sandwiched between two layers of semi-transparent, streaked, milky white glass suffused with
small air bubbles, some elongated; with a
[...] flat lip and recessed, slightly convex [...]
foot surrounded by a protruding rounded
foot rim; carved as a single overlay with a formalized mallow flower on each main side
青白半乳濁玻璃;平唇、平斂底、突 圈足 , 圈足 底 呈 方圓形;雕通體雙螭紋 圈足 是 一 隻螭身伸出來的部位。
Translucent, whitish-green glass; with a flat lip and a recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding rounded footrim made up of elements of the design; carved with a continuous design of two chi dragons, a sinuous extrusion from the upper body of one curling beneath the foot to form the footrim
無瑕水晶、墨、水色;微凹唇、平斂底、凸 圈足 ; 一面內畫遠山三疊,中景林村隱約可見,近景左右兩岸間泛著小舟一艘,舟中一士人坐,一舟人掌篙,左上有二白地朱印:“樂”、“元”,另一面畫有類似的布局,澗中卻是士人隨著拿大包的童子在小橋上漫步
Flawless crystal, ink, and watercolours; with a slightly concave lip and recessed flat foot surrounded by a protruding convex footrim; painted on one main side with a scholar seated in a boat, being poled by a boatman, in a river gorge between tree-laden banks and cliffs with a country retreat or small village in the middle distance and towering mountains beyond, with two seals of the artist, le, and, yuan, both in positive seal script, the other main side with a similar scene, but with a scholar crossing a rustic bridge, holding a long staff, his attendant walking behind him carrying a large bundle
[...] 解决办法是,在被视为地质稳定和“防水”的地下深层储存设施中长期保留,从 而确保放射性粒子从其原址到生圈 有 足 够 长 的移徙时间,使放射性衰减到大大 低于可接受的限度,或完全禁锢在存放地。
The available technological solution for the disposal of intermediate-level waste with long-lived isotopes and high-level waste is long-term containment in deep subsurface storage facilities considered geologically stable and “watertight”, making sure that the migration time of the
radioactive particles from their original
[...] site to the biosphere will be long enough for the radioactivity [...]
to have decayed to far below
acceptable limits or that the particles will stay fully confined in their deposit location.
橡胶O形圈在最小和最大有效截面尺寸间公差范围较大;当有效截面较小时, O 形 圈 有 足 够 的 初始压缩量装入沟槽,而当有效截面较大时它仍将不会被从密封沟槽间隙中挤出而失效。
Elastomer O-Rings have a relatively large tolerance field between the minimum and maximum effective
cross-section; where at the lower
[...] limit there will be sufficient squeeze to fill [...]
the sealing groove and at the higher,
it will not extrude beyond the sealing gap.
自从离开沃里克郡的乡下来到伦敦,对于在伦敦大学学院的地理系学业她多少有些漫不经心,相反地Rose与其它音乐人频繁出没在open mic之夜,所有这些表现都为她在伦敦音 圈 立 足 奠 定 了基础。
After arriving in London from rural Warwickshire ostensibly to read geography at University College London, Rose instead sought out open mic nights and other musicians, performed constantly and worked to establish herself in the London scene.
當然,我一定要澄清,免足球圈人 士 以為我反對發 展足球。
I must, however, make a clarification here lest
[...] people in the soccer circle may think that [...]
I oppose the development of soccer.
我自己也是 足球發燒友,也可算足球圈的人, 在 足 球 圈 已 有 很多年。
I am a soccer fan
[...] myself and I can be considered a member of the soccer circle.
海洋时计2000计时腕表具有200巴防水性能,配备厚实、超亮夜光旋转 圈 , 可以 满 足 最 具探索精神的潜水员的严格要求。
With pressure-resistance to 200 bar and a chunky, highly
[...] luminescent external rotating bezel, the Aquatimer Automatic [...]
2000 will meet the demands of the most ambitious diver.
API Delevan 致力于设计、制造和销售门类齐全的优质电感器、扼 圈 及 线 圈 , 能够 满 足 各 种电气滤波需求。
API Delevan - API Delevan designs, manufactures, and
markets an extensive line of quality
[...] inductors, chokes, and coils to satisfy various electrical [...]
filtering requirements.
圣戈班高功能塑料集团具有完整的 NORGLIDE® 衬套和 RENCOL® 精密定圈产品线,可足您对 工业阀门和泵应用的苛刻要求。
Saint-Gobain Performance
[...] Plastics fulfills your critical Industrial valve and pump applications with its complete line of NORGLIDE® bearings and RENCOL® tolerance rings.
我们有着强大的内部设计、测试和研发能力,借助对当地客户提供支持的国际技术中心,我们快速开发出 RENCOL® 精密定圈、NORGLIDE® 衬套,以足世界 各地各个客户的需求。
We have extensive in-house design, test and R&D capabilities and using our international technical centres for local customer support, we are
able to rapidly develop
[...] RENCOL® Tolerance Rings and NORGLIDE® Bearings to meet individual customer requirements around the world.
(a) 某 人與本足球圈 有關,跟 其作為持有舉辦足球博彩牌 照的公司的董 [...]
事 或 主要人員的適當與否 ,並無 任 何直接 關 係 ; (b) 鑒 於持牌經營機構只 容 許 就不牽 涉 香港球隊 的 國 際 主要 足球賽事接 受 投注,持牌經營機構涉
及本地 與足球事 業 , 跟 其持有足球博彩牌照資 格沒有任何 利 益 衝突;及
(a) a person’s
[...] involvement in local football industry should [...]
not have any direct bearing on its fitness and properness for
the purpose of being a director or principal officer of a company holding a licence for conducting football betting




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