单词 | 圆锥形 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 圆锥形 adjective —conic adj圆锥形 —coniformSee also:圆锥 n—conic n 圆锥—tapering 圆形 adj—rounded adj • orbicular 锥形 n—cone n • taper n
泡沫被蜇在喉咙里的蜜蜂,她在她的脖子上 戴 圆锥形 领 看 过医生后,和她是唯一一个谁可以弄清楚是怎么回事。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Bubbles gets stung in the throat by a bee and that [...] made her wear a conical collar around [...]her neck after visiting the doctor, and she [...]is the only one who can figure out what is going on. seekcartoon.com |
每一个同步器装置都包含一个圆锥形 剖 面 的同步环,它紧固地安装在特定齿轮的硬化钢锥体上。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Each synchronizer mechanism comprises a “blocker” ring with a conical profile, which fits snugly over a hardened steel cone on the gear being selected. drivelinenews.com |
花柱基浅圆锥形 结果实淡褐色,长圆形或长圆形倒卵形,(7-)10-15毫米; 侧的具宽翅; 油管(1-)3-4在每棱槽,4-8在上合生面。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit pale brown, oblong or oblong-obovate, (7–)10–15 mm; lateral broadly winged; vittae (1–)3–4 in each furrow, 4–8 on commissure. flora.ac.cn |
花盘环状 子房圆锥形到卵球形,比花盘长,每室有12胚珠;花柱长于子房,无毛;柱头盘状。 flora.ac.cn | Ovary conic to ovoid, longer than disk, [...] with 12 ovules per locule; style longer than ovary, glabrous; stigma disciform. flora.ac.cn |
因此,机匣不可能是一般箱形,但必须 是 圆锥形。 bksv.cn | Therefore, the cabinet could not be the usual [...] box-shape but had to be conical. bksv.ru |
基台穿龈部分的设计也不是简单的圆 柱 形 或 圆锥形 , 而 是更符合天然牙龈的自然形态;基台工作端设计就如同一个预备好的牙齿,使上部结构的制作非常方便并且节省材料。 sic-invent.com | The abutment design is shaped like a prepared tooth [...] and ensures easy, cost-effective fabrication of superstructures with [...]minimal material reduction - in the same way as prosthetic treatment of a natural tooth - regardless of whether the restoration is a single crown or a long-span bridge. sic-invent.com |
BeoSound 8 扬声器采用圆锥形设计 ,拥有两大特征。 bang-olufsen.com | The conical shape of the speakers on [...] BeoSound 8 has two functions. bang-olufsen.com |
花柱基浅圆锥形 果长圆形到椭 圆形,约5×4毫米,背压扁;突出的背棱,狭翅,侧棱宽膜质翅; 油管小,1在每棱槽,4在合生面上。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit oblong to ellipsoid, ca. 5 × 4 mm, dorsally compressed; dorsal ribs prominent, narrowly winged, lateral ribs broad-membranous-winged; vittae small, 1 in each furrow, 4 on commissure. flora.ac.cn |
自调球轴承是由带有凹形槽板的实心外圈带有圆柱 或 圆锥形 孔 的 内圈及球和保持架组件组成的双列自留单元。 schaeffler.cn | Self-aligning ball bearings are double row, self-retaining units [...] comprising solid outer rings with a concave raceway, inner [...] rings with a cylindrical or tapered bore and ball [...]and cage assemblies. schaeffler.us |
花柱长且粗;果浅黄色和淡黄绿色,球状,扁球形,梨形,或宽 倒 圆锥形 , 通 常直径大于10厘米,具大的突出的油点,达200枚种子或无籽;果皮海绵状; 瓢囊10-15(-19)果瓣,白色,粉红色,带红色,或很少乳黄色。 flora.ac.cn | with large prominent oil dots, to 200-seeded or seedless; pericarp spongy; sarcocarp with 10-15(-19) segments, white, pink, reddish, or rarely milky yellow. flora.ac.cn |
对具有特殊优点流冷却圆锥形离合 器进行了尝试和测试(LuK TorCon 系统)。 schaeffler.cn | Flow-cooled conical clutches offering special benefits were also tried and tested (LuK TorCon System). schaeffler.kr |
分块崩离包括切割矿体以便岩石压力和 [...] 重力带动矿石的分离,从而使矿石沿 着 圆锥形 的 漏 斗自然 落下,在放矿点收集并吊至地面。 riotinto.com | Block caving involves undercutting the orebody to allow rock stresses and gravity to [...] fragment the ore, so that it falls [...] naturally through cone shaped funnels to be collected [...]at drawpoints for hoisting to surface. riotinto.com |
叶片5-11具小叶; [...] 小叶叶片没有具圆齿的星散,明显腺体,边缘圆齿到锯齿或者复合圆齿到锯齿;聚伞圆锥花序圆筒状或 者 圆锥形 ; 分 枝容易; 苞片无。 flora.ac.cn | Leaf blade 5-11-foliolate; leaflet blades without [...] scattered, conspicuous glands, margin crenate to serrate or compoundly so. flora.ac.cn |
翅果3,每3-10有翼; 翅圆锥形,长 度不相等,共同组成星状。 flora.ac.cn | Samaras 3, each [...] 3-10-winged; wings conic, of unequal lengths, together thus star-shaped. flora.ac.cn |
视不同的机器结构而定,可加工圆形 、 锥形 和 /或双锥形的精密棒材, 而且可用于所有常见的钢合金、圆形铸件、钛和各种有色金属材料。 sms-meer.com | All of which is available in all [...] conventional steel alloys, round cast steel, titanium [...]and non-ferrous materials. sms-meer.com |
小锥度的圆锥外形的愈 合基台多用于前牙美观区域,以形成良好的牙龈袖口。 sic-invent.com | The concave anterior contour should be selected to produce an enlarged emergence profile in the aesthetic region. sic-invent.com |
雷格兰青年旅舍注重环境的可持续发展,拥有独特的背包客住处,包括回收的火车车厢、全新的环 保 圆锥形 帐 篷 和当代风格的生态度假屋。 cn.yha.co.nz | With a focus on environmental sustainability, the YHA Raglan hostel has unique backpacker accommodation in a recycled Railway Carriage or 'off the grid' eco-living in our brand new Tipi Retreat or contemporary Eco Baches. yha.co.nz |
叶全部基生 托叶三角形,大约5×毫米,近无毛; 叶柄9-15厘米,具稀1-2毫米; 叶片宽卵形, [...] 6-7 * 5-6 厘米,纸质,具皱纹和成圆锥形地具泡状隆起, 背面稀少具糙伏毛在脉上和具缺刻在翅室,正面稀疏基部肿的刚毛,基部6或7脉,第三脉到顶和疏松网状,基部斜心形,边缘具缘毛和细锯齿,先端圆形。 flora.ac.cn | Leaves all basal; stipules triangular, ca. 5 × 3 mm, subglabrous; petiole 9-15 cm, with sparse strigae 1-2 mm; [...] blade broadly ovate, 6-7 × 5-6 cm, [...] papery, rugose and conically bullate, abaxially [...]sparsely strigose on veins and notched [...]on areolae, adaxially sparsely tumid-based setose, basally 6- or 7-veined, tertiary veins percurrent and loosely reticulate, base obliquely cordate, margin ciliate and serrulate, apex rounded. flora.ac.cn |
果深裂为2或3分果的,通常只1或2发育,卵球形或近球形;果皮革质(干燥时壳质),背面具象乌龟的壳一样的裂缝,带有散布 的 圆锥形 的 突起,有时近平滑。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit deeply parted into 2 or 3 schizocarps, usually only 1 or 2 developed, ovoid or subglobose; pericarp leathery (crustaceous when dry), abaxially with tortoise-shell-like fissure, with scattered conical prominents, sometimes nearly smooth. flora.ac.cn |
核果花盘形,直径的1.5-3.5厘米,无毛,基 部 圆锥形 , 经 常具宿存萼片,先端圆形;翅宽和薄,5-12毫米,纸质,边缘全缘,多少波状; 中果皮薄; 内果皮倒卵球形。 flora.ac.cn | glabrous, base conical, often with persistent sepals, apex rounded; wing broad and thin, 5-12 mm, papery, margin entire, ± undulate; mesocarp thin; endocarp obovoid. flora.ac.cn |
点型图可以被可视化为柱状,圆柱体 , 锥形 , 倒 立 锥形 , 棱 锥体,倒立棱锥体,球型, 椭 圆形 , 交 叉点,对角交叉或星形形状。 evget.com | Points can be visualized as bar, cylinder , cone , inverted cone, pyramid, inverted pyramid, sphere, ellipse, cross, diagonal cross or star shape. evget.com |
圆锥孔轴承可以直接安装在锥形轴或 轴颈上,或者通过紧定套或退卸套安装在圆柱轴上。 schaeffler.cn | Bearings with a tapered bore are mounted either directly on the tapered shaft or journal, [...] or by means of an adapter sleeve [...]or withdrawal sleeve on the cylindrical shaft. schaeffler.us |
在上面的范例里,圆锥体的 顶点和立方体的角位于同一个位置,这样的 情 形 会 造成布尔运算失败。 rhinoceros.helpmax.net | This is one of the situations that can cause the Boolean operations to fail. rhinoceros.helpmax.net |
为进一步强化Kevlar纤维的性能,我们 在 圆锥 体 周围新增了一个 环 形 减 震 器——FST™,它几乎能吸收所有外逸 至 圆锥 体 周 围、能扰乱音质的弯曲波。 bowers-wilkins.cn | To enhance the properties of Kevlar® yet further, we’ve added FST™ – a circular shock absorber around the cone that almost totally absorbs the sound-smudging bending waves that travel outwards to the cone’s perimeter. bowers-wilkins.eu |
穗状的圆锥花序,10-30 厘米小穗淡绿,不对称的的长圆形, 轻而易举背压扁,3.3-5毫米,无毛,锐尖到近尖; 宽卵形的下部颖片,1/4-1/3小穗长度,3-5脉; 上面颖片卵形,稍囊状,脉,锐尖; [...] 很少发生雄蕊花的更下部的小花中性或,外稃倍于上面颖片,卵形,7; [...] 更低的内稃宿存,通常非常退化; 淡黄的上面外稃,狭卵形,2/3-3/4小穗长度,锐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Spikelets light green, asymmetrically oblong, lightly dorsally compressed, 3.3–5 mm, glabrous, [...] acute to subacute; lower [...]glume broadly ovate, 1/4–1/3 spikelet length, 3–5-veined; upper glume ovate, slightly gibbous, 9-veined, acute; lower floret neuter or infrequently staminate, lemma as long as upper glume, ovate, 7-veined; lower palea present, often much reduced; upper lemma yellowish, narrowly ovate, 2/3–3/4 spikelet length, acute. flora.ac.cn |
我个人觉得有点失望的是这个研究仅仅限 于 圆 柱 形 的 杯 子…而没有包括非常常见的 弧 形 或 是 锥形 杯 ,比如在意大利用来盛卡布奇诺和拿铁咖啡那样的杯子,”他说。 chinese.eurekalert.org | I was personally a bit disappointed that the [...] study is limited to cylindrical mugs … leaving out the very common curved or conical cups, such as [...]those used for cappuccinos [...]and lattes in Italy," he says. chinese.eurekalert.org |