









External sources (not reviewed)

A reference is especially charming piece of red gold, animated by a movement with manual winding shape manufacturing visible through the transparent oval.
每一扩散器均盖上一个弹 性 聚 乙烯 的 保以吸 收船只锚链的 碰击和 保 护 扩散器 和排放口。
In addition, each diffuser is equipped with a resilient polyethylene dome designed to absorb the impact from ship anchors for protection.
Individuals who find themselves in a personal relationship or friendship should use tact, good judgment and sensitivity.
该 等 前 瞻 性 陈 述 乃 反 映 中 芯 国 际 高 级 管 理 层 根 据 最 佳 判 断 作 出 的 估 计,存 在 重 大 已 知 及 未 知 的 风 险、 不确定性以及其他可能导致中芯国际实际业绩、财务状况或经营结果与前瞻性陈述所载资料有重大差异的因素, 包 括(但 不 限 於)与 半
导 体 行 业 周 期 及 市 况 有 关 风 险、激 烈 竞 争、中 芯 国 际 客
[...] 户 能 否 及 时 接 收、能 否 及 时 引 [...]
进 新 技 术、中 芯 国 际 量 产 新 产 品 的 能 力、半 导 体 代 工 服 务
供 求 情 况、行 业 产 能 过 剩、设 备、零 件 及 原 材 料 短 缺、制 造 产 能 供 给 和 终 端市 场 的金 融 情况 是 否稳 定。
These forward-looking statements are necessarily estimates reflecting the best judgment of SMIC’s senior management and involve significant risks, both known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors that may cause SMIC’s actual performance, financial condition or results of operations to be materially different from those suggested by the forward-looking statements including, among others, risks associated with cyclicality and market conditions in
the semiconductor industry, intense
[...] competition, timely wafer acceptance by [...]
SMIC’s customers, timely introduction of new
technologies, SMIC’s ability to ramp new products into volume, supply and demand for semiconductor foundry services, industry overcapacity, shortages in equipment, components and raw materials, availability of manufacturing capacity, and financial stability in end markets.
在使视应用程式 6 之前,请务必阅 讀下面表格。
Please do read this table before using AVerTV 6 application.
於订立常州來协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议之时,即使根 据上市规则第14A.25及14A.26条合并计算各自之年度租金,就本集团根据常州來协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议项下应付的年度租金之适用百分比率 (定义見上市规则第14.07条)仍低於0.1%,故根据上市规则第14A.33条,常州來协议、旧常州光电租赁协议及瑞声精密制造租赁协议均豁免遵守申报、年度审阅、公告 及独立股东批准规定。
At the time of entering into
[...] of eachof the Supplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, the applicable percentage ratios as defined under Rule 14.07 of the Listing Rules in respect of the annual rent payable by the Group under eachof theSupplemental Changzhou LFY Agreements, Old Microtech Changzhou Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement, even if required to be aggregated with each other under Rules 14A.25 and 14A.26 of the Listing Rules, were less than 0.1% and therefore, theSupplemental ChangzhouLFY Agreements, [...]
Old Microtech Changzhou
Lease Agreement and AAC Module Lease Agreement were then exempt from the reporting, annual review, announcement and Independent Shareholders’ approval requirements in accordance with Rule 14A.33 of the Listing Rules.
The information contained in this documentation is subject to change without notice.
小 组 委 员 会 有 见 及 此 , 又 相 信 将 问 题 一 并 考 虑 , 没 有 加 以 忽 视 , 会 使 本 身 工 作 更故 此 已 尌 这 问 题 搜 集 了 市 民 的 意 见 。
The subcommittee recognised this, and in the belief that its task would be more completely performed by considering this question, rather than ignoring it, public opinion on this question was canvassed.
In May of 2012, after 36 years in the hands of the same owner,
[...] a 12.04ct. round brilliant Fancy [...]
Intense Pink VS2 sold for a stratospheric
US$17.4 million at auction, after six minutes of frenzied bidding, to an anonymous telephone bidder.
每一领域范畴所颁发之青年研究者奖,包括证书一张及现金澳门币弍万伍(MOP 25,000.00)。
The YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD, for each of the mentioned areas, consists on an Honor Diploma and a pecuniary prize of MOP 25.000.00 (twenty five thousand patacas).
The sun here is very clearly represented by a circular brown
disk in the stone, suggesting that the
[...] white-on-brown half-circle at theneck is [...]
not meant to represent the sun, or indeed
anything else; once the plane of darker colour across the main face of the bottle dictated the angle at which the stone would be cut, whatever areas of colour were present above the main design would be exposed in a pattern determined by the curvature of the neck, not amenable to much editing.
TR(U)最适合用于网状的物 料,如薄纱。
The wide ball point TR is most suitable for broad structured materials like tulle.
右侧三个按钮为控制讯息筛选器:红圈内有白叉的按钮筛选错误讯息,黄色三角形内有惊叹号 的按钮筛选警告讯息,蓝有「i」字母的按钮筛选资讯讯息。
The three buttons to the right control message filters: the white cross in the red circle filters error messages, the exclamation mark in a yellow triangle filters warnings, and the "i" in the blue circle filters information messages.
值第17届香港澳门法语活动节之际,中国法语联盟,比利时驻香港及澳门总领事馆/瓦隆-布鲁塞尔代表团、加拿大驻香港总领事馆、法国驻港澳总领事馆以及瑞士驻香港总领事馆联手为大家呈献“三月香颂饕餮”大型音乐会!法语联盟奉上 Simon Nwambeben(法国/喀麦隆,此巡演得到法国卢瓦尔地区的大力支持)清声綫如阳光穿过手指,带人们重游金色时光隧道。
On the occasion of the 17th Francophonie Festival in Hong Kong and Macao, The network of Alliance Française de Chine, The Delegation of Wallonia-Brussels in China, The Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong, The Consulate General of Canada (Hong Kong & Macau), The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong & Macau, The Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong invite you to take part in a musical tour: MARS EN FOLIE 2012 !
巨型的平治标志置於新式散热器护栅的翼形百叶板上,加上附有动(powerdomes) 的新式铝质引擎罩,展现非凡的阳刚气息。
The large Mercedes star is positioned on a wing-shaped horizontal grille slat in the new radiator grille and, together with the newly-designed aluminium engine cover which has powerdomes, underlines the masculine feel of the vehicle.
1.0.20 总括而言,回应者建议在电费单上提供更多资讯,并以简单易明的方式显示,让他们 可以轻易地获得主要资讯,例如棒形图,或表格的形式显示能源消耗量和用 量支出的细节。
1.0.20 In general, respondents suggested more information should be included in their electricity bills and the types of information should be presented in a simple and easy-to-read manner so that they could grasp the meaning easily at first glance like a bar chart or pie chart or in table form, which could show the details of energy consumption and the amount paid.
6.2.2 就某些项目而言,创新及科技基金秘 书处可能考虑把项目资助金额的 5% 扣起作保留款项,直至所有阶段成果 均成,并符合秘书处定下的 所有要求。
6.2.2 For some projects, the ITF Secretariat may consider it necessary to withhold a sum of retention money of 5% of the ITF fund, until all the prescribed milestones have been completed satisfactorily and all the requirements set down by the Secretariat havebeen accomplished.
例如,当学生观察四边 形的对角互补时,教师可提问他们有否在不同四边形验证他们的猜想。
For example, if students observe that the opposite angles of a cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary, the teacher may ask them whether they have verified their conjecture by referring to different quadrilaterals.
目录的的产品系列Curviline ROLLON,实现常量和变量的半径明显不同的设计和细节的所有技术数据从可用尺寸最小半径,材料和额定载荷的代表给用户的信息在正确南特定的应用程序。
The catalog for the product family Curviline Rollon, the different designs to implement constant and variable radii clearly and with details All technical data from available sizes up to minimum radii, materials and load ratings represent give the user information on the correctarc guide for the specific application.
[...] 类交代变质作用)的陡立地层带,导致形成了使深度狭缩状脉,并位於花岗闪长岩及辉长岩-闪长岩侵入体的近接触部分。
Gold ore mineralisation is confined to a
[...] steeply dipping zoneofberesite alteration (quartz-potassium [...]
feldspar metasomatosis) which
forms a conic stockwork thinning out with depth and located in the near-contact part of granodiorite and gabbro-diorite intrusions.
豪华半岛月饼皮篮 - 人造,12-15种豪华水果(包括 日本苹果,日本鸟取水晶梨,泰国金柚,美国盒装篮梅麒麟果(又名燕窝果),特大芒果,特大杨桃,美国红提子2磅/进口盒装水果,天桃(又名莲慕),富有柿/以色列柿,金奇异果,美国双色梨/桃驳梨,特大火龙果等), [...][...]
法国波尔多AOC Grand Bataeu红酒, 半岛酒店精选月饼(2x双黄白莲蓉,2x双黄金莲蓉,零售$368).
Supreme Hotel Peninsula Mooncake Leather
[...] Hamper. Extra-Large cylindrical leather hamper, [...]
with 12 -15 types of S class fruits (includes
Japanese Apple, Japanese Nashi Pear, Large Thai Golden Pomelo, Colombia Golden Kirin Fruit, Extra-large Mango, Extra-large Start Fruit, USA red grapes x 2 lbl/imported fruit in box, Eugenia javanica Lam, Japanese/Israeli Persimmons, Golden Kiwi Fruits, USA Double color pear/peach, Extra-Large dragon fruit, etc), France Bordeaux AOC Grand Bataeu Red Wine, Hotel Peninsula Connoisseur Assorted Mooncake retail $368.
赵卓宁先生在回应一名业界代表的提问时表示,净重量和国际编码等产品资料相同 但包装容器形状不同(为四方形)的相同预先包装食物,在申请小量豁免时会视 作不同的产品。
In reply to enquiries of a trade representative, Mr. C. L. CHIU advised that same prepackaged food products of the same net weight, international barcode, etc. but were packed in different shapes of packaging containers, i.e. from round to rectangular shape, etc. were regarded as different products for the purpose of applying for SVE.
Telegent Systems是一家领先的无CMOS半导体厂商,提供高性能单晶片解决方案,支援在手机、笔记型电脑、上网本电脑和其他可擕式设备上访问免费和按次付费的移动电视内容。
[...] Systems is a leading fablessCMOS semiconductor [...]
company providing high performance, single-chip solutions enabling
free-to-air and subscription mobile TV in mobile handsets, laptops and netbooks, and other portable devices.
传统UL 标志,是专用於终端产品和完整元件;而反向的 "UR" 标志,则是用於要安装在其他设备或产品中的元件。
The traditional UL in a Circle Mark which is intended for end-products and complete components and the backwards "UR" Mark which is for components intended to be installed into another device or product.
为响应世界视觉日,香港盲人辅导会及香港执业眼科医生会携手主办的「视觉2020 : 看得见的权利 世界视觉日2009 ﹣香港站 • 『青光眼No Way』公众敎育及免费青光眼筛查活动」经行。
To echo the World Sight Day, the Hong Kong Society for the Blind (HKSB) and the Hong Kong Association of Private Eye Surgeons (HKAPES) jointly organized ‘Vision 2020: The Right to Sight World Sight Day 2009 – Hong Kong “Glaucoma No Way” Public Education and Free Glaucoma Screening Programme’.




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