

单词 图尔


图尔库 n

Turku n

图尔高 n

Thurgau n

波尔图 n

Porto n
Oporto n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 构将同总参谋部、外交部、司法部、阿 图尔 克文 化语言和历史高等研究所所长以及基金会 [...]
It is envisaged that the body will work with representatives of the Chief of General Staff, the
Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice,
[...] the head of the Ataturk Cultural Language [...]
and History High Institute and the General Directorate of Foundations.
图尔卡纳 ,人们基本上过着半游牧式的生活,必须为自己、也为家里的牲口而前往很远的地方寻找水源。
Here in Turkana, people live [...]
a predominately semi-nomadic life, as families must travel great distances in search of water
– not only for themselves, but also for their animals.
图中为两个男孩图尔卡纳 南区的家中一起学习。
Here, the boys study together in their home in Turkana South.
我还要感谢秘书长提出的全面报告(S/2009/72), 感谢安全理事会轮值主席日本召开这次公开辩论,感 谢秘书长特别代表图尔·哈雷 先生领导联合国东帝 汶综合特派团(联东综合团)在当地展开不懈的努力, 赢得国际社会高度赞赏。
I would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (S/2009/72), the Japanese presidency of the Security Council for convening this open debate, and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Atul Khare, for the tireless work of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) on the ground, which is highly appreciated by the international community.
此外,我们欢迎秘书长及其特别代表 图尔 ·哈 雷先生,感谢他们提交安理会的报告(S/2009/72), 该报告明确概述了联合国东帝汶综合特派团的工作, 以及今后还存在的各种挑战和重点事项。
Further, we welcome the Secretary-General and his Special Representative, Mr. Atul Khare, and we thank them for the report before the Council in document S/2009/72, which offers a clear overview of the work of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste and of the challenges and priorities that still lie ahead.
Another fascinating new
[...] addition to the Turku scene should appeal [...]
to those who are nostalgic for the flannel shirt pop of the 1990s.
在你到达图尔特岛 时会有旅舍的看管人迎接,确保你在这间迷人安逸的旅舍里安顿妥当。
The Hostel Caretaker will be notified to meet you on arrival and ensure that you are settled into this charming and peaceful hostel.
第3 次会议继续讨 论这个问题,委员会委员、政府观察员、非政府组织观察员和一个政府间组织的 观察员参加了讨论 23.在2月24 日的第9 次会议上,苏菲先生介绍了案文草稿 A/HRC/AC/8/L.6, 提案人为:布瓦松·沙祖尔内女士、陈士球先生、郑镇星女士、卡尔塔什金先 生、希内杜·奥卡福尔先生、雷耶斯·普拉多先生、 图尔 幸 先生、苏菲先生、 瓦尔扎齐女士和佐勒菲卡尔女士。
At the 9th meeting, on 24 February, Mr Soofi introduced draft text A/HRC/AC/8/L.6, sponsored by Ms Boisson de Chazournes, Mr Chen, Ms Chung, Mr Kartashkin, Mr Karokora, Mr Chinedu Okafor, Ms Reyes Prado, Mr Seetulsingh, Mr Soofi, Ms Warzazi, Mr Ziegler and Ms Zulficar.
He served as the Minister of State and the Minister of Health -for a short time- in the governments formed by Mr. Turgut ÖZAL (1983-1989).
10 个国家、地区和当地基金会承诺向这项史无前例的八年期计划拨款 1 亿美元,包括密歇根东南部社区基金会(底特律)、麦克斯 M. 和 马乔里 S.
[...] 、W.K. 凯洛格基金会(密歇根巴特尔克里克)、约翰 S. 和詹姆斯 L. 奈特基金会(迈阿密) 、克雷奇基金会(密歇根特洛伊) 、麦格雷戈基金会(底特律) 、尔斯·斯图尔特·莫 特基金会(密歇根弗林特)和斯格曼基金会(底特律)。
Ten national, regional and local foundations have committed $100 million to this unprecedented eight-year initiative, including the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan (Detroit), the Max M. and Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation (Southfield, Michigan), the Ford Foundation (New York), the Hudson-Webber Foundation (Detroit), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation (Battle Creek, Michigan), the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation (Miami), The Kresge Foundation (Troy, Michigan),
the McGregor Fund
[...] (Detroit), the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Flint, Michigan), and the Skillman Foundation (Detroit).
会议期间,安理会成员与主管 维持和平行动助理秘书长图尔·哈 雷先生、维持和平行动军事顾问奇卡迪比 亚·奥比亚科中将、维持和平行动部警察司阿塔·耶尼京先生和外勤支助部埃米 尔·彼得鲁诺夫先生及与会的部队派遣国和警察派遣国代表交换了意见。
During the meeting, Council members exchanged views with Mr. Atul Khare, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Lieutenant General Chikadibia Obiakor, Military Adviser for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Ata Yenigun of the Police Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Emil Petrunov of the Department of Field Support and the representatives of participating troop- and police-contributing countries.
在法国的科学伙伴是 昂热大学医疗系生理实验室图尔大 学 医疗和空间生理组。
The scientific partners in France are the Physiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Angers and the Medicine and Space Physiology Unit of the University of Tours.
伊拉克政府根据同一决议第 5 段提交的第二份季度报告则由伊拉
[...] 克财政专家委员会主席阿卜杜勒·巴希 特 · 图尔 基 ·赛 义德提出,他扼要说明伊 拉克关于该基金的继承安排的计划。
The second quarterly report by the Government of Iraq pursuant to paragraph 5 of the same resolution was presented by the President of the
Iraqi Committee of Financial Experts, Abdul
[...] Basit Turki Saeed, who outlined Iraq’s [...]
plans for the successor arrangements for the Fund.
立达在温图尔设有 一个现代化的培训中心,在 世界各地还有五个纺纱中心及纺织实验室,可随时为客户 [...]
Five Spinning Centers, five textile laboratories and a modern
[...] training center in Winterthur are at the [...]
disposal of customers worldwide for spinning trials and training purposes.
这些芬兰乐坛新势力有不同的的风格,从赫尔辛基的灵巧英语说唱 (Rap) 到图尔库的浪漫流行音乐,从九十年代经常以捣毁吉他作高潮发泄表现的流行音乐到现代电子音乐,都有出色代表。
The stylistic spectrum of new Finnish music groups varies from
intelligent English-language rap from Helsinki to
[...] romantic pop from Turku, from ‘90s-inspired [...]
trashing guitar music to modern electronic sounds.
从阿图尔克国 际机场和撒比哈库肯机场乘出租车经由欧洲南北主干线公路(TEM)45 分钟或1小时。
45 Minutes to 1 hour by taxi from Ataturk International Airport and Sabiha Gokcen Airport via TEM Road.
2010 年,委员会主席团的组成为:主席 尔图鲁 尔·阿帕 坎(土耳其),法国、加蓬和俄罗斯联邦任副 主席。
In 2010, the Bureau of the Committee consisted of Ertuğrul Apakan (Turkey) as Chair, and France, Gabon and the Russian Federation as Vice-Chairs.
215 (藏于梵蒂冈图书馆)的字体,以及收录在《柏根达尔收藏集》中的另一部大约在 1025 年同样完成图尔市的 手稿的字体,我们可以据此确定这部古抄本大约是在 950 年完成图尔圣马丁修道院的缮写室。
Lat. 215 (in the Vatican Apostolic Library) ascribed to Tours and dated after 877 and the
scripts of another
[...] manuscript in the Bergendal Collection, also done in Tours circa 1025, it is fairly certain that this codex was prepared in the scriptorium of the Abbey of Saint Martin [...]
in Tours circa 950.
此外,土耳其的尔图鲁尔·阿帕 坎大使以会议东道国代表身份发了言;各国议 会联盟常驻联合国观察员安达·菲利普发言介绍了各国议会就会议和筹备工作开 展的工作;民间社会组织指导委员会主席阿尔琼·加尔基发言介绍民间社会开展 的工作;联合国全球契约办公室副执行主任加文·鲍威尔发言介绍了私营部门开 展的工作(见本报告第 18 至 23 段)。
Presentations were also made by Ambassador Ertuğrul Apakan of Turkey, speaking in his capacity as the representative of the host country for the Conference; Anda Filip, Permanent Observer of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to the United Nations, on the parliamentary track of the Conference and preparatory process; Arjun Karki, Chair of the Civil Society Organization Steering Committee, on the civil society track; and Gavin Power, Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact Office, on the private sector track (see paras. 18-23 of the present report).
等高线图和坎尔图是旋 转机械显示数据最方便的方法。
Contour plots
[...] and Campbell Diagrams are convenient [...]
ways of displaying data gathered for rotating machinery.
该书与Schedel图书馆的其余藏书一起,成了约翰·雅各布·富 尔图 书 馆 的一部分,而该图书馆在1571年成为巴伐利亚公爵阿尔布雷希特五世的私人财产。
Along with the rest of Schedel's library, the book became part of the library of Johann Jacob Fugger, which in 1571 came into the possession of Duke Albrecht V of Bavaria.
这包括:(a) 2005 年,阿格伦斯卡基参加了罕见疾病及罕用药物国际会议的开幕 仪式,并同意开始建设一个致力于家庭方案的中心的网络;(b) 卫生和社会事务 部在 2008 年访问了位于哥德堡的阿格伦斯卡中心后,建立了该中心,并开始了 两个中心之间的合作;(c) 2007 年 10 月,瑞典西尔维娅王后以及爱沙尼亚第一
[...] 斯卡中心的启用;爱沙尼亚阿格伦斯卡座落于爱沙尼亚的塔米斯图,位于 尔图 外,该中心与瑞典阿格伦斯卡基金会密切合作;(d) [...]
澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学医院 按照阿格伦斯卡模型,启动了一项家庭方案;(e)
为了开始更好地与北欧国家在 罕见疾病领域合作,启动了一个项目,奥劳松先生担任项目顾问。
This included: (a) in 2005, Agrenska participated in the launch of ICORD and authorized the start of a network of centres that worked in the field of family programmes; (b) the Ministry built the centre after a visit to the Agrenska Centre in Gothenburg during 2008 and started a cooperation between the two centres; (c) in October 2007, Queen Silvia of Sweden, together with the First Lady of Estonia, Mrs. Ilves, inaugurated the Eesti Agrenska centre for families who have children with
disabilities; Eesti Agrenska is situated in
[...] Tammistu, outside Tartu, in Estonia; the [...]
centre works in close cooperation with the
Agrenska Foundation in Sweden; (d) the University Hospital in Newcastle in Australia started a family programme in line with the Agrenska model; (e) in order to start a better cooperation between the Nordic countries in the field of rare disorders, a project was started in which Mr. Olauson participated as a resource person.
展览包括WAI在北京和圣胡安的个展,WAI参与联合展览,包括伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶、巴塞罗那、东京、大阪、上海、北京、布拉迪斯拉发、圣地亚哥、布宜诺斯艾利斯、 尔图 、 柏 林、赫尔辛基、奥斯陆、鹿特丹、巴黎、布鲁塞尔及都柏林。
Exhibitions include WAI’s solo shows in Beijing and San Juan, and group exhibitions in London, New York, Los Angeles, Barcelona, Tokyo, Osaka, Shanghai, Beijing, Bratislava, Milan, Santiago de Chile, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Helsinki, Oporto, Paris, Brussels and Dublin.
下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、尔兰、 意大利、牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、尔 多瓦 共和国、罗马尼亚、圣卢西亚、圣基茨和尼维 斯、萨摩亚、圣马力诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦图瓦卢
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria,
the Central African
[...] Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.




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