单词 | 图像处理 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 图像处理 —image processingSee also:图像 n—imaging n • imagery n 图像—graphic 处理 (...) v—process v • address v • treat v • deal (sth.) v • touch v • manage v • action v • field v • tackle v • do v • approach v • dispose v • cope v 处理 n—process n • handling n • settlement n • usage n 处理—deal with
该摄像机采用了1/2.7英寸CMOS HD传感器,将该传感器和博世数字 图像处理 系 统 结合可实现一流的图像质量。 life.bosch.com.cn | The camera features a 1/2.7-inch CMOS HD sensor, which, when combined with Bosch's own [...] digital image processing system, offers superior image quality. life.bosch.com.cn |
详细的配置打印字符串程序可在用于柯达 i1800 系列扫描仪的图像处理 指南, A-61580 中找到。 graphics.kodak.com | Detailed procedures for configuring print strings can [...] be found in the Image Processing Guide for [...]Kodak i1800 Series Scanners, A-61580. graphics.kodak.com |
其主要功能包括综合图像注释,专业的黑白图像显示(例如灰度级和偏黑),以及专业的黑 白 图像处理。 evget.com | Features include comprehensive [...] image annotation, [...] specialized bitonal image display such as scale-to-gray and favor-black, and specialized bitonal image processing. evget.com |
CogniVue企业发展副总裁Tom [...] Wilson表示:“CogniVue对软件工具和 图像处理 算 法 工具包进行了战略性投资,支持我们的APEX知识产权走向市场。 tipschina.gov.cn | CogniVue has strategically invested in [...] software tools and image processing algorithm [...]toolkits to enable our APEX IP in the [...]market," commented Tom Wilson, VP Business Development. tipschina.gov.cn |
凭借简单设置、功能强大的图像处理 能 力 和多种 配置,MINI HAWK成为了任何条形码或DPM应用的 [...] 理想解决方案。 files.microscan.com | With easy [...] setup, powerful image processing, and multiple [...]configurations, the MINI HAWK is an ideal solution for any barcode or DPM application. files.microscan.com |
中星微电子的PC摄像头解决方案已被全球一线笔记本电脑原始设备制造商(OEM)采用,这些产品具有低功耗和高性能,包括高 清 图像处理 和 最 佳系统灵活性等特点。 tipschina.gov.cn | Vimicro's PC-camera solution used by Tier-1 global notebook original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) features [...] low-power consumption and high performance, [...] including HD-quality image processing and [...]best-in-class system flexibility. tipschina.gov.cn |
这款强大的工具集使用了业界领先的 图像处理 技 术中智能识别文档的功能,该功能可用于识别任何类型的扫描或传真形式的图像。 evget.com | This powerful set of tools utilizes LEAD's [...] industry LEADing image processing technology [...]to intelligently identify document [...]features that can be used to recognize any type of scanned or faxed form image. evget.com |
委员会欢迎接下来拟由印度尼西亚在国际空间气象举措、日地物理学科学委 员会和九州大学的协作下于 2012 年 9 月 17 日至 26 日在印度尼西亚万隆主办的 国际空间气象举措和磁数据采集系统空间科学学校;拟于 2012 年 [...] 9 月 18 日至 21 [...] 日在奥地利格拉茨举行的关于“空间气象”议题的第十九届联合国/欧空局/奥地 利数据分析和图像处理促进 空间应用和可持续发展专题讨论会;拟由基多天文台 代表厄瓜多尔政府于 [...]2012 年 10 月 8 日至 12 日在基多举行的联合国/厄瓜多尔国 [...]际气象空间举措讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee welcomed the upcoming International Space Weather Initiative and Magnetic Data Acquisition System (MAGDAS) School on Space Science to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, from 17 to 26 Septemb er 2012 and hosted by Indonesia in collaboration with the International Space Weather Initiative, SCOSTEP and Kyushu University; the 19th United Nations/ESA/Austria Symposium on Data Analysis and Image Processing for Space Applications and Sustainable Development on the [...] topic “Space Weather”, [...] scheduled to take place in Graz, Austria, from 18 to 21 September 2012; [...]and the United Nations/Ecuador [...]Workshop on the International Space Weather Initiative, scheduled to take place in Quito from 8 to 12 October 2012, to be hosted by the Quito Astronomical Observatory on behalf of the Government of Ecuador. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新加入阵容的EOS相机佳能EOS 60D条,拥有18万像素,三英寸的多角度清晰查看LCD液晶屏,具有手动覆盖包括音频电平控制状态方程全高清录像,在相机功能,让加上创新的原 始 图像处理 过 滤器 来 处理图像 后 服 用。 technologeeko.com | The latest addition to the EOS camera lineup is the EOS 60D, boasting 18-megapixel resolution, a three-inch Vari-Angle Clear View LCD screen, EOS Full HD video recording with manual overrides [...] including audio level [...] control, and in-camera functionality for RAW image processing plus Creative Filters to manipulate images after taking them. technologeeko.com |
始终将图像处理装置的OUT(出)接头连接到接收装置的 IN(入)接头上。 olympus-owi.de | Always connect the OUT connector of the source unit to the IN connector of the receiving unit. olympus-owi.de |
它由美国著名排版与图像处理软件 公司Adobe公司于1993年首次发布(1.0版),Adobe公司同年推出了相应的支持软件产品系列Adobe [...] Acrobat 1.0;随后Adobe公司又对它进行修订和升级,于1994年发布了1.1版,并推出了支持软件产品系列Adobe Acrobat 2.0及2.1版。 oapdf.com | It is well-known [...] American publishing and image processing software company [...]Adobe company first released in 1993 (1.0 version), [...]Adobe launched the company the same year, the corresponding software product line to support Adobe Acrobat 1.0; then Adobe company for its revision and upgrading of the released 1994 version 1.1 and introduced a software product line to support Adobe Acrobat 2.0 and 2.1 version. oapdf.com |
华沙全球资源信息数据库中心一直在促进使用卫 星图像和图像处理软件 ,将其作为在波兰各中学开展环境相关科目教育的工 具。 daccess-ods.un.org | The GRIDWarsaw centre has been promoting [...] the use of satellite images and image-processing software as a tool for education [...]on environment-related topics in Polish secondary schools. daccess-ods.un.org |
基于拓邦强大的研发能力和图像处理 技 术的深层理解,我们将在TB-SD650高清摄像机的基础上,推出完全数字化的输出1280×720P纯高清制式摄像机。 topband-e.com | Topband based R & D [...] capability and powerful image processing technology, [...]deep understanding, we will be TB-SD650 HD camcorder [...]based on the introduction of fully digital output 1280 × 720P HD format cameras pure. topband-e.com |
另外,ARMADA 1000/88DE3010还集成有一个采用屡获殊荣的Qdeo™处理技术的视 频 / 图像处理 子 系 统,可执行像素级3D噪声抑制、3D去隔行、缩放、自然深度扩展、智能色彩重映射和自适应对比度增强等功能。 marvell.com.cn | Additionally, the ARMADA 1000/88DE3010 also [...] integrates a video/image processing subsystem that implements the award-winning Qdeo™ processing, performing per-pixel 3D noise reduction, 3D de-interlacing, [...]scaling, natural depth [...]expansion, intelligent color remapping and adaptive contrast enhancement. marvell.com |
理光2009年12月推出的GXR是一款革命性的组件可互换数码相机系统,可通过装载在单个单元中集成镜头、图像感应器 和 图像处理 引 擎 的相机单元来更换镜头。 ricoh.com | Introduced in December 2009, the GXR is a revolutionary interchangeable unit camera system in which lenses [...] can be changed by mounting camera units that [...] integrate lens, image sensor, and image processing engine into [...]a single unit. ricoh.com |
该中心的 研究成员来自众多学科,擅长不同的 技术应用,从生物信息学图像处理到 安全研究等。 setupineurope.com | The multi-disciplinary team of the PRC Henri Tudor has [...] proven expertise in diverse technological [...] applications ranging from image processing in bioinformatics [...]to security research. setupineurope.com |
为执行国际原子能机构出资的 RLA/7/014 项目“采用核心技术针对加勒比海 地区腐烂藻类毒性进行预警和评估的系统设计和应用”,古巴西恩富戈斯环境研 究中心已经从德国卡尔·蔡司公司购得一台卡尔·蔡司 Axiovert 40 显微镜,但是 受美国干扰古巴与国际组织进行合作的政策的影响,却买不到用 于 图像处理的 AxioVision 软件,原因是该软件包含美国的技术成份,因此拒绝向古巴提供这种 软件。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a result of the same policy designed to affect Cuba’s cooperation with international organizations, the Centre of Environmental Studies in Cienfuegos, which had purchased a Carl Zeiss Axiovert-40 microscope from the German company Carl Zeiss through the IAEA-financed project RLA 7/014, entitled “Designing and Implementing Systems for Early Warning and Evaluation of the Toxicity of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Caribbean Region, Applying Advanced Nuclear Techniques”, could not purchase the AxioVision microscope image processing software. daccess-ods.un.org |
为此,基于Adobe [...] PostScript 3的RIPs(页面描述栅格图像处理器)需 要加以改进才能处理透明度问题,然而现今使用的许多RIP仍没能升级到这一水平。 oapdf.com | To this end, the Adobe PostScript 3-based [...] RIPs (raster image processor description [...]page) needs to be improved in order to address [...]the issue of transparency, however, many of today's use of RIP are not able to upgrade to this level. oapdf.com |
近年来,随着计算机、网络以及 图像处理 、 传 输技术的飞速发展,在视频技术不断的发展情况下,视频显示技术也有了长足的发展,从CRT模拟显示技术过渡到到DLP、PDP等离子、LCD液晶数字显示技术,从沉重厚实的屏幕结构过渡到轻薄的平板显示设备,其超薄、轻量化的特点,同比其它数字显示设备具有的低廉价格优势使其迅速得以推广应用。 jxlcd.com | In recent years, along with the computer, network and the [...] rapid development of image processing, transmission [...]technology, video technology unceasing [...]development, video display technology has made considerable development, the transition from the CRT simulation display technology to the DLP, PDP plasma, LCD digital display technology, from the heavy thick screen structure transition to frivolous flat-panel display device, the characteristic of its ultra-thin, lightweight, compared with other digital display device has the advantages of low cost make it quickly to popularization and application. jxlcd.com |
由于Aglaia公司产品的模块化特征,它 的 图像处理 解 决 方案可以用于交通流量分析和其他应用领域。 analog.com | Due to the modular nature of the company's products, Aglaia's image processing solutions can be used in other application areas besides traffic flow analysis. analog.com |
另一个成功因素来自,巴黎导演Julius [...] Berg选择运用广告片或剧情短片典型的 图像处理 方 式 和叙事手法来拍摄,而不是采用常见的传统企业介绍影片那种"新闻报道"式风格。 audemarspiguet.com | Another strong point is that Parisian filmmaker Julius [...] Berg opted for image-processing and narration [...]typical of an advertisement or a short-fiction [...]clip, instead of the “news-reporting” style frequently used in traditional institutional films. audemarspiguet.com |
Blackfin提供了可伸缩的处理性能用于 图像处理 和 其 他任务,比如在TEPLA和摄像头传感器网络之间通过CAN总线和LIN总线通信。 analog.com | Blackfin will offer scalable processing power for image processing and other tasks, such as communications between the TEPLA and the network of cameras and [...] sensors that interact with [...]the vehicle's CAN-Bus and LIN-Bus. analog.com |
增强的图像处理和 VisionClear 技术为您呈现逼真的影像。 bang-olufsen.com | Enhanced [...] picture processing and Vision Clear technology give you a true-to-life image. bang-olufsen.com |
此外,戏剧节,电脑动画和数字视频效果,许多研讨会,海报会议和演讲等活动:活动相关的计算机和休闲娱乐,文化,体育等传输设备的信息技术活动,设备的有线通信的接收,录制和音频和视频,制作,发行和电影,广播电视,其他娱乐,商品壮观的主要群体筛选播放设备:计算机技术,计算机辅助设计,计算机图形,动画,数字电影和电视,广告,网页设计,音乐视频,实时电脑游戏,多媒体手机技术的进步,科研数据,互动装置,三维造型,新的图形软件,数字照片,数 字 图像处理 , 可 视化等。 dump.lesavik.net | In addition, the festival program, computer animation and digital video effects, numerous workshops, poster sessions and presentations, etc. Activity: Activity related to computers and information technology activities for recreation and entertainment, culture and sports, transmission equipment, equipment for wired communications equipment for the reception, recording and playback of audio and video, production, distribution and screening of films, radio and television, other entertainment, spectacular main groups of goods: Computer technology, computer-aided design, computer graphics, animation, digital cinema and TV , commercials, WEB design, music videos, computer games in real time, technological advances in multimedia phones, data visualization for [...] scientific research, interactive equipment, 3D modeling, new graphics software, [...] digital photo, digital image processing, etc. dump.lesavik.net |
Allied Vision [...] Technologies 创建于 1989 年,从事设计、生产和销售用于工业和生命科学应用中进 行 图像处理 的 摄 像头和元件。 cognex.cn | Founded in 1989, Allied Vision Technologies designs, produces [...] and sells cameras and components for image processing in [...]industrial and life science applications. cognex.cn |
奥林巴斯的增强TruePicⅢ+图像处理器 生 产水晶般清晰的照片利用信息为每个图像的所有像素,提供更快的处理速度,卓越的图像质量和更准确的色彩,真实贴近生活的色调和。 technologeeko.com | Olympus’ enhanced [...] TruePic III+ Image Processor produces crystal-clear [...]photos using all the pixel information for each image [...]to deliver superior picture quality with more accurate colors, true-to-life flesh tones and faster processing speeds. technologeeko.com |
ImageJ是当前最快的纯Java图像处理程序。 javakaiyuan.com | ImageJ is currently the fastest pure Java image processing program . javakaiyuan.com |
Datastream渊博的图像处理知识和数字成像平台结合在一起,使Datastream公司成理想的OEM开发商,为领先的成像平台提供商和制药公司完成临床试验。 moderntech.com.hk | DataStream's in-depth knowledge of image processing and digital imaging platform integration positions the Company as a ideal OEM developer for leading imaging platform providers and pharmaceutical firms performing clinical trials. moderntech.com.hk |
我们是世界领先的成像解决方案的公司之一;提供CMOS图像传感器 , 图像处理 器 , 晶圆级相机模块,和无可匹敌的技术和商业头脑予世界各地的客户。 cytech.com | We're one of the [...] world's leading imaging-solutions company; providing CMOS image sensors, image processors, wafer-level-camera modules, and peerless technical and business acumen to [...]customers around the globe. cytech.com |
深圳中微电科技有限公司是一家半导体设计公司,其研发的系统级芯片(SOC),均采用自有的和谐统调处理器技术,把两种不同类型的处理器,中央处理器(CP U) 和 图像处理 器 (G PU),统一在一个核芯内。 icubecorp.com | ICube is a fabless semiconductor company developing semiconductor System-On-Chip (SOC) solutions based on our Harmony Unified Processor Technology, genuinely integrating two [...] different processor types: a central processing [...] unit (CPU) and a graphics processing unit [...](GPU), into one unified core. icubecorp.com |