

单词 图书馆员

See also:

图书 n

library n
books pl
book n


(in former times) private school
library (of classic texts)
(attached name of publishing houses)


books (in a library or bookstore)

External sources (not reviewed)

委员会在第五次会议上审议了项目 5.16:国图书馆员协会和图书馆联合会(IFLA)《多文化图书馆 宣言》。
During its fifth meeting, the Commission examined item 5.16 – Multicultural Library Manifesto of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
确定的领域有:培训教师使用信 息与传播技术;媒体教育,包括对信息内容进行批判性分析;以及专业人员的培训,其中包括记者 和媒体专业人员、档馆员、 图书馆员 以 及 其他信息专业人员。
The following areas were identified in this regard: teacher training in the use of ICTs; media education, including critical analysis of information contents; and training of professionals, including journalists and media professionals, archivists, librarians and other information specialists.
因此,人力资源在以下领域 有了加强:教育政策的制定,规划和管理;社会科学及人文科学,其中涉及到与 “科学技术伦理”、知识社会和参与民主进程的方法有关的问题;收集和保存文 化遗产,以期保护文化多样性和促进文化多元化及文化间对话;培 图书馆员、 档 案馆员、计算机专家和媒体专家,使他们能够充分利用信息和传播技术。
Human resources were therefore enhanced in the following areas: the formulation of educational policy, planning and management; the social and human sciences, on issues relating to the “Ethics of Science and Technology”, to knowledge societies, and ways of participating in the democratic process; the collection and conservation of cultural heritage with a view to protecting cultural diversity and promoting cultural pluralism and intercultural dialogue; the training of librarians, archivists, computer and media specialists so as to enable them to make full use of ICTs.
而且,宣言还鼓图书馆员主动参与全国性数字 化战略的制定和实施工作,这些战略通过大规模的数字化计划支持国内和国际的数字图书馆 [...]
Furthermore, it
[...] provides impetus to librarians to proactively [...]
engage in the development and implementation of national e-strategies
that support national and international digital library initiatives through large-scale digitization programmes, which make cultural and scientific information more widely accessible to all.
出席会议的还有阿尔及利亚、安道尔、安哥拉、日本、巴勒斯坦和 联合王国的观察员,以及以下国际组织的观察员:红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)、国 际档案理事会(ICA )、国际博物馆理事会(ICOM )、国际古迹遗址理事会 (ICOMOS)、国图书馆员协会和图书 馆 联合会(IFLA)和国际蓝盾委员会(由国际档案 理事会的观察员所代表) 。
Observers from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) and the International Committee of the Blue Shield (represented by the ICA Observer) were also present.
比 如,从图书馆员控制 (根据标准的)向社会构建元数据的方式转变中,我们认为很重要的就图书馆员降低 新用户建立条目的门槛,以便让他们能够参与到创建元数据的工作中,这就意 味着放弃死板的元数据质量的控制。
For instance in moving from librarian-controlled (standards-based) to a socially-constructed metadata approach, it is found important that librarians lower the barriers [...]
to entry for new
users, in order to enable them participate in the creation of metadata, which implies to relinquish the stringent metadata quality controls.
第二议定书 19 个非缔约国的观察员也出席了会议:阿尔及利亚、德国、比利时、 加拿大、中国、克罗地亚、埃及、匈牙利、意大利、日本、黎巴嫩、马达加斯加、马里、摩 洛哥、挪威、荷兰、联合王国、塞内加尔和土耳奇,以及巴勒斯坦、红十字国际委员会(红 十字委员会)、国际档案理事会(CIA)、国际博物馆理事会(ICOM)、国际古迹遗址理 事会(ICOMOS)和国图书馆员协会和 图书 馆 联 合会(IFLA)等组织的观察员也出席了会 议。
The Meeting was also attended by observers from 20 States not Parties to the Second Protocol, namely Algeria, Belgium, Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Senegal, Turkey and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and by observers from Palestine, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
委员会建议大会注意到题为“国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书 馆 联 合会(IFLA)数字图书馆 宣言”的 36 C/20 号文件。
The Commission recommended to the General Conference that [...]
it take note of document 36 C/20 entitled “Digital Library Manifesto of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)”.
图书馆员协会和图书馆联 合会的自由获取信息及言论自由计划 (FAIFE)已经编写完成“因特网宣言(附件 1)”,宣称因特网用户拥有 不受限制地通过因特网获得取息和发表主张的基本权利。
The Programme for Free
[...] Access to Information and Freedom of Expression of the International Federation of Library Associations [...]
and Institutions (IFLA/FAIFE)
has prepared an "Internet Manifesto" (Annex 1) that proclaims the fundamental rights of users both to access and to publish information on the Internet without restriction.
秘书处作完介绍后,主席宣布一般性讨论开始,参加讨论的有 16 个缔约国的代表,以 及红十字国际委员会的观察员和国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书 馆 联合会(IFLA)的代表,后者 代表国际蓝盾委员会在大会上发了言。
Following the Secretariat’s introduction, the Chairperson opened the floor for a general discussion in which participated representatives of 16 High
Contracting Parties as
[...] well as the Observers of the International Committee of the Red Cross and of the International Federation of Library Associations [...]
and Institutions (IFLA).
为托存图书馆开办的培训方案非 常成功,为各区域中图书馆员建立 了一个具备联合国知识和专长的网络。
Training programmes offered to depository libraries have been very successful in building a network of librarians across various regions with knowledge of and expertise on the United Nations.
这就需要拟定可在黎巴嫩各地推广的 示范学校图书馆的设计方案,针对学 图书馆员 和 教 师编写有关如下领域的培训资料:教 师-图书馆员课程 ;以资料为基础的教学;编目、图书馆管理、倡导阅读活动等。
This will involve the development of a model school library concept replicable in various regions of Lebanon, of training materials for school librarians and teachers on teacher-librarianship curriculum, resource-based teaching and learning, cataloguing, library managing, reading promotion activities, etc.
2006 年,为庆祝国际妇女节,该组织的代表向加拿大议员和议 图书馆员以 及加拿大参众两院成员做了重要发言。
In 2006, to mark International Women’s Day, representatives of the organization presented a
keynote speech to Canadian
[...] parliamentarians and parliamentary librarians, and members of the Canadian [...]
Senate and House of Commons.
150 名与会者包括教产文组织会员 国、国际刑警组织、兰盾、世界海关组织、国际博物馆理事会(ICOM)、国际古迹遗址理 事会(ICOMOS)、国际文化财产保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)、国 图书馆员 协 会和 图书馆联合会(IFLA)等组织以及 Quai Branly 博物馆(法国巴黎)和 Smithsonian 机构(美 国)等博物馆的代表。
The 150 participants included representatives from UNESCO Member States and organizations including Interpol, Blue Shield, the World Customs Organization, the International Council of Museums (ICOM), International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), and museums including the Musée du Quai Branly (Paris, France) and the Smithsonian Institution (United States of America).
邀 请 Umusanzu 中心的代表在基加利科学和技术研究所为 100 名卢旺图书馆员举 办的培训班上做被告。
Representatives from the Umusanzu Centre were invited to make a presentation at a training programme for 100 librarians in Rwanda, organized by the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology.
以下国际非政府组织的代表出席了会议:国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书 馆 联 合会 (IFLA)、国际电视档案联合会(FIAT)和国际档案理事会(ICA)。
Representatives of the following international non-governmental organizations were present: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), FIAT and the International Council on Archives (ICA).
这对于元数据的丰富性尤其相关,在这方面,我们可以和根据标准的 图书馆员创 建 的元数据一道,来利用用户生成(社会构建)的元数据。
This is especially relevant for metadata richness where both user-generated (sociallyconstructed) metadata is harnessed along with the standards-based, librarian created metadata.
以下国际非政府组织的代表出席了会议:国际通信和媒体研究协会(IACMR)、国际 有声和视听档案协会(IASA)、国际档案理事会(ICA)及国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书 馆 联合 会(IFLA)。
Representatives of the following international non-governmental organizations were present: International Association of Communication and Media Research (IACMR), International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA), International Council on Archives (ICA), and International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
还举办了“信息传播技术与残疾人”讲习 班,许多从事普及利用信息领域工作的非政府组织,包括与教科文组织保持密切正式协作关 系的非政府组织国图书馆员协会和 图书 馆 联合会(IFLA)“图书馆为残疾人服务”科的 代表都参加了讲习班。
Likewise, a workshop on “ICT and persons with disabilities” was organized with the participation of a large number of NGOs working in the area of access to information, including a representative of the section on “Libraries serving disadvantaged persons” of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), an NGO in formal associate relations with UNESCO.
秘书处邀请向音像档案协会协调理事会(CCAAA)、国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书 馆 联合 会(IFLA)和国际档案理事会(ICA)等非政府组织作为观察员出席上述会议,使其不断了 解全民信息计划的各种活动。
The Secretariat has continuously kept NGOs such as the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the International Council on Archives (ICA) informed on IFAP activities by inviting them as observers to those meetings.
这一领域的非政府组织,尤其是国际档案理事会(CIA)、国 图书馆员 协 会 和 图书馆 联合会(IFLA)、视听档案协会理事会协调委员会(CCAAA)、世界记忆(MOW)计划各专 门分委员会以及地区和国家合作伙伴网络。
NGOs active in this field, especially the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), and the Coordinating Council of the Audiovisual Archives Associations (CCAAA), the specialized sub-committees of Memory of the World (MOW) and regional and national networks of partners.
作为我们拓展努力的一部分,我 们同样也图书馆员接触,这 图书馆员 帮 助向 SAHARA 项目提供资源的学者理解和 使用元数据字段。
As part of our outreach efforts, we also are engaging librarians who work with SAHARA scholar contributors to help them understand and use the metadata fields.
大学行政部门的成员,包括参与将电子论文项目引进到其机构的大 图书馆员 :在 (2003 年 5 月)在德国举行的一次会议上组织的辅导课期间,开始实施他们在电子论文项目 [...]
Members of university administration
[...] including university librarians involved in the [...]
introduction of ETD projects in their
institutions started implementing the new skills in ETD project management that they acquired during tutorials organized at a conference in Berlin, Germany (May 2003).
这个问题并不只图书馆员会面对,它也发 生在印刷的百科全书修正事实错误这件事情上。
This problem is not particularly unique to librarians, as the same holds true when updating a factual error in a print encyclopaedia entry.
1997 年,意大利图书馆联合目录、书目
信息中心(ICCU)组建了以更新 RICA 为使命的 RICA 联合会,最后,将联合会的工作职
[...] 责确立为修改和更新现行的规则(确切地说就是是意大利编目规则(RICA)),同时利用 学者图书馆员的贡 献,号召人们表达看法或参与到规则的准备过程中来。
Established in 1997 by the Central Institute for Unified Catalogue of Italian libraries and for bibliographic information (ICCU), the Commission for updating the RICA has finalized its work to revise and update the code in use, precisely the Regole italiane di catalogazione per autori
(RICA), also making use of the contribution
[...] of scholars and librarians, called upon to [...]
express opinions or involved in the preparation of rules.
他认为,尽管把图书馆的遗产记录转化为RDA的工作是重要的,作为其结果的数据集采用的仍 然是只属于图书馆领域的语言和术语,这“对于 图书馆员 查 找 有用的数据,仍然会造成困 难。
He contends that, whilst converting legacy library records to RDF is crucial, the resultant datasets still retain the library-domain-specific languages and terminologies which would be “impenetrable for anyone who is not a librarian looking for useful data”.
通过在 SSH(安全外壳)网络上运行
[...] RDP,Arden 无需运行和管理成本高昂的虚拟专用网 (VPN), 即可支持四个远程位置和监狱 图书馆员 工 访 问中 图 书馆 系统。
By running RDP over a SSH (secure shell) network, Arden could give library staff at 4 remote locations and the
prison access to the central library systems without having to
[...] run and manage an expensive Virtual Private Network (VPN).
作为这项工作的一部分,国际海洋法法庭 图书 馆员访问 了管理局,探讨在提供信息服务方面可能的合作领域。
As part of this exercise, the librarian from the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea visited the Authority to explore possible areas of collaboration in the provision of information services.
作为对 图书馆数据标准的补充,CCO 为图书馆员创建艺术和文化作品的记录提供了基本工 具,这些记录可以和图书馆主流藏品的记录和谐共处。
Used as a supplement to library data standards, CCO provides librarians with the basic tools for creating records for art and cultural works that can live in harmony with the records for their mainstream collections.
有多种工具可图书馆员使用 ,包括, 但不仅限于, 预订的电子信息、与联合国日常议题有关的印刷资料以及公开化的1946年以来联合国文件正式文件系统。
Librarians have many tools at their disposal [...]
including, but not limited to, subscription-based electronic resources and
historical printed materials related to the issues on the United Nations agenda, as well as publicly-available United Nations documentation going back to 1946.




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