单词 | 图 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 图noun—mapnpicturenchartnless common: diagramn drawingn 图—attemptschemepursue图verb—seekvExamples:图书n—libraryn bookn 图形n—graphicsn graphspl 图片n—picturespl
他知道,检测和认证局稍後会安排与业界举行会议,进一步讨 論有关发展藍图。 cfs.gov.hk | He understood that HKCTC would arrange meetings with the trade later to discuss further on the development plan. cfs.gov.hk |
有关上述准则及食物样本微生物质素的微生物含量限值,扼要载述 於下页的图表。 cfs.gov.hk | Microbiological limits in respect of the above components, and the associated microbiological quality of the food samples concerned are summarisedin the table on next page. cfs.gov.hk |
居住於加拿大及美国的申请人可查阅存放於各公共图书馆的加拿大医 院及长期护理名录内的雇主清单。 multilingolegal.ca | Applicants living in Canada or [...] the U.S. can check employer listings in Canadian hospital and long term care directories [...] available in public libraries. multilingolegal.ca |
透过此研习与实验标准,学生 [...] 可学习到形成假设,利用适当工具和技术,运用资料,沟通研习步骤,评估证据,按时 间顺序解释图表与事件以及指明自然现象的变化。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn to develop hypotheses, use appropriate tools and technology, manipulate data, communicate [...] the steps of an investigation, evaluate [...] evidence, interpret maps andevents by [...]sequence and time, and identify changes in natural phenomena. sfusd.edu |
(18) 经营作为书商、书籍制造商、钉装商、印刷商、出版社以及各类报章、杂志、 书籍、期刊、门票、场刊、简介、宣传单张及其他刊物、机器、凸版印刷机 东主、雕刻师、制模工、设计员、绘图员、报贩、报章代理、新闻从业员、 文学代理、文具店店主与版画、图画、照片及绘图生产商及交易商、制图员、广告代理及承办商、艺术家、雕塑家、设计师、装饰师、插画师、摄影师、 录像师、各类摄影及录像用品及器材交易商、菲林冲晒公司、电影制作人、 监制及发行商、宣传代理、布置专业人员之所有或任何业务,以及任何其他 本公司可能视为可以基於上述项目经营之业务。 equitynet.com.hk | (18) To carry on all or any of the business of book-sellers, book manufacturers, bookbinders, printers, publishers and proprietors of newspapers, magazines, books, periodicals, tickets, programmes, brochures, promotional literature and other publications whatsoever of all description, machine, letterpress, engravers, diesinkers, designers, draughtsmen, news agents, press agents, journalists, literary agents, stationers, manufacturers of and dealers in engravings, prints, pictures, and drawings, cartographers, advertising agents and contractors, artists, sculptors, designers, decorators, illustrators, photographers, videographers and dealers in photographic and videography supplies and equipment of all kinds, film-processors, film makers, producers and distributors, publicity agents, display specialists and any other business which may seem to the Company capable of being carried on in connection with any of the foregoing. equitynet.com.hk |
任何人意图行贿 ,亦 属违法,房委会会将个案转介廉政公署查究,不论是否因此被起诉或定罪,房委会均可取消其申请。 housingauthority.gov.hk | HA will refer the case to ICAC for investigation and cancel the application irrespective of whether such person has been prosecuted or convicted of the relevant offence. housingauthority.gov.hk |
(e) 书面表达(除非有相反的含义)应当解释为包括列印、平版印刷品、图片和各种其他用视觉形式表达语言或图形的可见形式,并且包括采 用电子显示方式的表示,只要同样的内容可以下载到用户的电脑上 [...] 或通过传统的小型办公设备列印;同时,无论采用何种方式,所涉 [...] 及的股东(在根据本章程细则的规定必须就其股东身份向其递送、送 达任何文件或通知的情况下)已经选择或被视作同意采用电子方式 进行相关下载或通知接收,并且无论是相关通知/资料的送达模式 还是股东的选择或视作同意均符合所有适用法规、规则及条例的规 定 coscopac.com.hk | (e) expressions referring to writing shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including printing, [...] lithography, photography and [...] other modes of representing words orfigures in a visible form, and including where [...]the representation [...]takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment and, in each case, the Member concerned (where the relevant provision of these Bye-laws require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as Member) has elected or is taken to have agreed for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the Member’s election or deemed agreement comply with all applicable Statutes, rules and regulations coscopac.com.hk |
根据《建筑物条例》第 17(1)条第 6 项,在批准图则时会施加条件,要求注册结构工程师和注册承建商呈交品质监督 计划,为经批准图则所示工程所使用的钢化玻璃,对生产商的 热浸程序进行品质监督。 bd.gov.hk | Under item 6 in [...] Section 17(1) of the BO, a condition will be imposed, when giving approval of plans, to require the submission of a quality supervision plan by the [...]RSE and the RC for the [...]quality supervision of manufacturer’s heat soak process of the tempered glass to be used in the works shown in the approved plans. bd.gov.hk |
(38) 承办任何其他行业或业务,而董事认为本公司在其日常业务中进行该等行业 或业务将对本公司有利或方便,或有助直接或间接提升本公司任何财产或权 利之价值或令其有利可图。 equitynet.com.hk | (38) To undertake any other trade or business which can in the opinion of the Directors be advantageously or conveniently carried on by the Company in connection with or ancillary to the ordinary general business of the Company or calculated directly or indirectly to enhance the value or render profitable any of the Company's properties or rights. equitynet.com.hk |
所载的作业备考(新编号字首“APP”)说明建筑事务监 督如何应用和执行《建筑物条例》及其附属规例和其他由 建筑事务监督或屋宇署署长施行的条例,以及并非由建筑 事务监督或屋宇署署长施行但关乎屋宇署批准图则和楼宇 监管权限范围的条例。 bd.gov.hk | It consists of PNAPs (new serial numbers prefixed “APP”) explaining how the BA applies and enforces the provisions of the BO and its regulations and other Ordinances administered by the BA/Director of Buildings (DB), as well as those Ordinances not administered by the BA/DB but relating to plan approvaland building control under the jurisdiction of the BD. bd.gov.hk |
透 过研习与实验标准,学生可学习到如何使用适当工具与技术,以及多样性的印刷与电子 资源,邏辑地表达意念,建构出比例模型与图表以表达知識,并且沟通调查的步骤与结 果。 sfusd.edu | Through the investigation and experimentation standards, students learn how to use appropriate tools and technology and a variety of print and electronic resources, communicate ideas logically, construct scale models and diagrams to communicate knowledge, and communicate the steps and results of investigations. sfusd.edu |
我 们 特 别 希 望 能 达 到 以 下 两 大 目 标 〆 第 一 , 我 们詴图建议修 订 规 管 供 认 陈 述 及 其 在 刑 事 法 律 程 序 中 的 可 接 纳 性 的 现 有 法 律 和 程 序,而 我 们 觉 得 这 些 修 订 会 更 加 符 合 香 港 社 会 和 个 人 的 利 益 々 第 二 , 我 们 力 求 制 订 一 套 能 协 助 执 法 人 员 在 调 查 刑 事 罪 行 时 查 明 真 相 的 方 案,而 这 套 方 案 是 同 时 能 为 个 人 的 公 民 权 利 和 自 由 提 供 妥 善 保 障 的 。 hkreform.gov.hk | In particular, we have set out to achieve two objectives:- firstly, we have soughtto suggest amendments to the current law and procedures governing confession statements and their admissibility in criminal proceedings, which we feel would better suit the interests of the community and the individual in Hong Kong; secondly we have endeavoured to devise a scheme that assists law enforcement officers to ascertain the truth in the investigation of criminal offences while at the same time providing proper protection for civil rights and liberties of the individual. hkreform.gov.hk |
(c) 本公司(倘指定证券交易所规管股份上市的规则有所规定)已向指定证券 交易所发出通告及按照指定证券交易所的规定於报章刊发广告,表明其按 指定证券交易所规定的方式出售该等股份的意图,且自刊登广告之日起计 三(3)个月或指定证券交易所允许的较短期间已届满。 epro.com.hk | (c) the Company, if so required by the rules governing the listing of shares on the Designated Stock Exchange, has given notice to, and caused advertisement in newspapers in accordance with the requirements of, the Designated Stock Exchange to be made of its intention to sell such shares in the manner required by the Designated Stock Exchange, and a period of three (3) months or such shorter period as may be allowed by the Designated Stock Exchange has elapsed since the date of such advertisement. epro.com.hk |
4.28 阁下及授权使用者(如适用)不得或不可试图解构、还原、翻译、转换、改编、改动、更 改、添加、增添、删改或以任何方式干扰或进入网路/电话银行服务之任何部份或任何互聯 网站或当中组成之任何软件。 hncb.com.hk | 4.28 You and, where applicable, the Authorized User shall not, and shall not attempt to decompile, reverse-engineer, translate, convert, adapt, alter, modify, enhance, add to, delete or in any way tamper with, or gain access to, any part of the Internet/Phone Banking Services or any internet site or any software comprised in them. hncb.com.hk |
当綠化总纲图的制 订工作及建议綠化工程的详细设计完成後,我们 会确定所需资源及推行时间表。 devb.gov.hk | After the formulation of the GMPs and completion of the detailed design of the recommended greening works, we will determine the resources required and the timetable for implementation. devb.gov.hk |
信托人与基金经理可经彼此同意订立补充 信托契约,藉以修改原订信托契约,惟须由信托人书面认可所作之修订乃(1)有利於基金进行经 济、简单、有效或有利可图之运作或管理,并对基金单位持有人利益并无重大妨碍,亦不会导 致信托人、基金经理或任何其他人对基金单位持有人之负债或责任有任何程度之解除,更不会 增加基金支付之费用与收费,或(2)为要遵守财政或其他法定或官方提出之规定。 htisec.com | The Trustee and Manager may agree to modify the Trust Deeds by supplemental deed provided that the Trustee certifies that such modification (a) is expedient for the economical, simple, advantageous or profitable working or management of the Funds and is not materially detrimental to the interests of Unitholders and does not operate to release to any material extent the Trustee, the Manager, or any other person from any liability or responsibility to Unitholders, and does not increase the costs and 28 charges payable out of the Funds or (b) is necessary in order to comply with fiscal or other statutory or official requirements. htisec.com |
公司政策、美国 《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) 及全球各地类似的反行贿法皆禁止公司成员或其代 理无论是否以现金形式且无论是否直接或透过他人间接提供金钱或任何有价物品给任何国外官员 (即外国政府公务员、外国政党或政党干部或国外政党办公室候选人),企图引诱该名官员影响 任何政府行为或决策或者协助公司获取或保留生意。 colgate.com | Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in obtaining or retaining business. colgate.com |
g. 延长开放时间:數码弱势社群比较集中地区的公众图书馆 电脑中心,及 2008-09 年度财政预算案拟设立的地区數码中心,应延长开放时间以照顾使 用者的需要。 procommons.org.hk | g. Longer opening hours: Computer rooms in publiclibraries especially those in the areas with high concentration of the digitally deprived, and in the district digital centres in as suggested in the 2008-09 Budget should extend their opening hours in order to accommodate the needs of the users. procommons.org.hk |
开 发 阶 段 的 支 出,只 有 在 同 时 满 足 下 列 条 件 时,才 能 予 以 资 本 化,即:完 成 该 无 形 资 产 以 使 其 能 够 使 [...] 用 或 出 售 在 技 术 上 具 有 可 行 性;具 有 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 [...] 并 使 用 或 出 售 的意图;无形 资 产 产 生 经 [...]济 利 益 的 方 式,包 括 能 够 证 明 运 用 该 无 形 资 产 生 产 的 产 [...]品 存 在 市 场 或 无 形 资 产 自 身 存 在 市 场,无 形 资 产 将 在 内 部 使 用 的,能 够 证 明 其 有 用 性;有 足 够 的 技 术、财 务 资 源 和 其 他 资 源 支 持, 以 完 成 该 无 形 资 产 的 开 发,并 有 能 力 使 用 或 出 售 该 无 形 资 产;归 属 於 该 无 形 资 产 开 发 阶 段 的 支 出 能 够 可 靠 地 计 量。 zte.com.cn | Expenditure incurred on projects to develop new products is capitalised and deferred only when the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset [...] so that it will be available for use or sale, [...] its intention to complete and its [...]ability to use or sell the asset, how the [...]asset will generate future economic benefits (including demonstration that the product derived from the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset, and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(j) 有关机构或其承办商/代理商 提供服务的收费 - 会计服 务、人事服务、采购服务、图书馆服务、保安服务、清洁服务, 法律服务及中央和部门行政服 务。 itf.gov.hk | (j) charges for services provided by the recipient organization or their contractors/agents accounting services, personnel services, procurement services, library services, security services, cleansing services, legal services, and central and departmental administrative services. itf.gov.hk |
12.6.1 未经政府书面同意,申请机构不得转 让、转移、处置其在拨款协议下的权 [...] 利或责任;又或以其他形式处理其在 拨款协议下的权利或责任;又或意图这样做。 design.csi.gov.hk | 12.6.1 None of the project applicant may assign transfer, dispose of or otherwise deal with any of its [...] rights or obligations under the project agreement, or purport to do so without the prior [...] written consent of theGovernment. design.csi.gov.hk |
除了上述保证和声明外,通过发布含有图像、 照片、图片的提交内容,或另外全部或部份采用图片形 式的提交内容(「图像」),您保证并声明(a) 您是此等图像的着作权人,此等图像的着作权人已授权您按照您自己的使用方式和目的以及按照本使用条款和服务中另外允许的方式和目的来使用此等图像、 或此等图像中的任何内容和/或其他图像,(b)您拥有按照本使用条款授予许可和分许可所需的必要权利,和(c)此等图像中描述的每个人,如有的话,已同意本使用条款下规定的图像用途,包括例如但不限於分发、公开展示和复制此等图像。 solvusoft.com | In addition to the warranty and representation set forth above, [...] by Posting a Submission that containimages, photographs, pictures or that are [...] otherwise graphicalin whole or in part ("Images"), you warrant and represent that (a) you are the copyright owner of such Images, or that the copyright owner ofsuch Images has granted you permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in such Images consistent with the manner and purpose of your use and as otherwise permitted by these Terms of Use and the Services, (b) you have the rights necessary to grant the licenses and sublicenses described in these Terms of Use, and (c) that each person depicted insuch Images, if any, has provided consent to the use of theImages as set forth in these Terms of Use, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, the distribution, public display and reproduction of such Images. solvusoft.com |
本行对於任何在未收到该通知及本行未有足够时间处理 前的基於上述文件或法团印章或图章支 付的款项或执行的交易不承担任何责任。 hncb.com.hk | We accept no responsibility for any payment made or transaction executed against the above documents, seal or chop before we have actually received such written notice and have reasonable opportunity to respond. hncb.com.hk |
(4) 任何人犯第(2)(a)或(b)款所订罪行,一经定罪,可处第2级罚款或该人藉其行为规避或意图藉其行为规避的徵款的款额的3倍,两者以款额较大者为准。 hkcic.org | (4) A person who commits an offence under subsection (2)(a) or (b) is liable on conviction to a fine at level 2 or 3 times the amount of the levy that was evaded or intended to be evaded by his conduct, whichever is the greater. hkcic.org |
当且仅当拥有以净额结算当期税项资产及当期税项负债的法定权利,且递延税项资产及递延税项负债是 与同一税务当局对同一纳税主体徵收的税项相关或者是对不同的纳税主体徵收相关,但在未来每一项 具有重要性的递延税项资产及负债预期结算或拨回的期间内,涉及的纳税主体意图以净额结算当期税项 资产和负债或是同时取得资产、清偿负债时,方可互相抵销递延所得税资产与递延所得税负债。 southgobi.com | Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are offset if, and only if, a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets against current tax liabilities and the deferred tax assets and liabilities relate to income taxes levied by the same taxation authority on either the same taxable entity or different taxable entities which intend to either settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis, or to realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, in each future period in which significant amounts of deferred tax assets or liabilities are expected to be settled or recovered. southgobi.com |
欧洲联盟驻香港及澳门办事处与法国教育中心(Campus [...] France)、德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)及欧洲各领事馆联手於2013年3月9至10日,假铜锣湾香港中央图书馆举办「欧洲高等教育展览2013」。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The Office of the European Union to Hong Kong and Macao in cooperation with Campus France, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and European Consulates General will hold the [...] European Higher Education Fair (EHEF) 2013 on 9th and 10th March 2013 at the Hong [...] Kong Central Library in Causeway Bay. consulfrance-hongkong.org |