

单词 国音



Voice of America (VOA)


international phonetic alphabet


Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan)

External sources (not reviewed)

随着国音像产业发生转变,该研究对该产业的决策者来说是一个重要 工具。
The study is an important tool for decision-makers in the industry, as industry is being transformed in the country.
在过去一年中,我们向中国派出了 国音 乐 家、舞蹈家、美术家和电影制作人与年轻受众接触,建立起超越语言障碍的联系。
To give you just a few quick examples,
in the past year, we
[...] sent American musicians, dancers, artists, and filmmakers to China to engage [...]
with young audiences and
to build connections that transcend language barriers.
音乐会的第一部分以管弦乐团演奏 国音 乐 集 成曲结束。
To close the first part of the concert was a great Korean medley.
由于对国音乐的 杰出贡献,郑明勋被授予韩国最高文化奖(Kumkwan)。
He has received Korea's most distinguished cultural award (Kumkwan) for
[...] his contribution to Korean music.
VANTAGE:你是最早进军中国市场的 国音 乐 家 之一,有人说是你培养起中国80年代的一批琴童。
VANTAGE: You were one of the first foreign pianists to come to China, and you are said to have educated a number of young apprentice pianists here in the 1990s.
去年成功进军日本的男子组合B1A4和BOYFRIEND,有着国民妹妹之称的IU也入围BEST3新人奖,由此可以看出 国音 乐 的未来一片光明。
Boy groups B1A4 and Boyfriend and Korea’s “younger sister” IU swept the Best 3 New Artists Award (Asia category) and brightened the beacon for K-pop.
他带来的“新新舞蹈秀”表演可追溯到底特律家喻户晓的电视舞蹈秀《现场》(盛行于上世纪七、八十年代)以及《新舞蹈秀》(盛行于上世纪70年代至21世纪初)、国家广播电视秀《 国音 乐 台 》、《灵魂列车》以及《俱乐部MTV》。
The New New Dance Show” routine takes its cues from the popular Detroit-based television dance shows The Scene (1970s and 1980s) and The New Dance Show (1970s through the 2000s) as well as the nationally broadcasted television shows American Bandstand, Soul Train, and Club MTV.
发言的数字格式(MP3)音频文件将可在联 国音 频 资 料馆网站(http:// www.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/)免费下载。音频方面的查询及要求应联 系联国音频资料馆(电话:212 963 9513,212 963 9272,212 963 9269;电 邮:audio-library@un.org)。
Audio files of speeches in digital format (MP3) will be available for download
free of charge on the
[...] United Nations Audio Library website (http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/). Audio enquiries and requests should be addressed to the United Nations Audio Library (telephone 212 963 9513, 212 963 9272, 212 963 9269; e-mail: audio-library@un.org).
国音乐爱好者真正的节日是“蝴蝶夫人”国际声乐大赛,来自全世界 13 个国家的 [...]
47 名选手参加了本次大赛(2007 年 9 月 16-23 日)。
A real festival for music lovers of our country [...]
was the International Contest “Madame Butterfly”, which was attended by
47 competitors from 13 countries of the world (16–23 September 2007).
B el an 希望明 年能加入一流的学校唱诗班,目 前,她 还参加了费尔蒙特预备学校的课 后加强
[...] 班,学习音乐理论,该课程旨在 学习如 何理解国音乐。
Belan hopes to join the award-winning school choir next year and is also
taking music theory classes during Fairmont Prep’s complimentary after school program to learn
[...] how to read American music.
夏奇拉获得的其他奖项还包括数个拉丁格莱美奖、20 06 美 国音 乐 奖 的最受欢迎拉丁歌手奖,并因歌曲《臀部不说谎》获得了2007人民选择奖最喜欢的流行歌曲奖。
The singer has had a number
[...] of successful musical collaborations [...]
and also wrote two songs for the film Love in the Time
of Cholera, which is based on the book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
发言的数字格式(MP3)音频文件将可在联 国音 频 资 料室(United Nations Audio Library) 网 站 (http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/library/) [...]
免 费 下 载。
Audio files of speeches in digital format (mp3) will be
available for download free of charge on the
[...] United Nations Audio Library website (http://www. unmultimedia.org/radio/library/). Audio enquiries and [...]
requests should be addressed
to the United Nations Audio Library (telephone 212 963 9513, 212 963 9272, 212 963 9269).
选择方法很简单——选出的乐队/艺人要足够好,并且适合 国音 乐 市 场的定位——将Sonicbids巡演作为进入中国市场的一把钥匙,那么艺人就需要真正适合中国,并能将新的声音带给中国听众。
Our mandate was simple – to choose a
band/ artist that is
[...] well-positioned musically to use the Sonicbids tour as an entry into the China-market, an [...]
artist that really had
a “fit” with China and that, at the same time, would bring something new to the audiences of this country.
陈曼春,青年钢琴演奏家、教育家,中央音乐学院附中钢琴学科副教授,中央音乐学院附小校长,2002年 国音 乐 最 高奖项“金钟奖”全国钢琴比赛的金奖获得者,文化部 “区永熙”优秀音乐教育奖最年轻的获奖者。
Man Chun CHEN, youth piano recitalist and pedagogue, associate professor of the middle school affiliated to the Central Conservatory of Music, schoolmaster of the primary school
affiliated to the Central
[...] Conservatory of Music, recipient of the highest prize of music in China the gold [...]
medal of national piano
competition of 2002 Chinese Golden Bell Award, and the youngest recipient of the Ministry of Culture “Qu Yong Xi” outstanding music education award.
其中之一是“乡村音乐统一工程”,这是由来山上海盗成员和 国音 乐 家 共同进行的,他们将在这个夏天访问在四川、云南和广西的9所乡村学校,通过举办夏令营,捐赠物资和培训教师的方式,来建立音乐课程。
The Unity Rural Music Project, a music education project initiated by members of Los Piratas del Monte and other Chinese musicians will be visiting 9 rural schools in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guangxi this summer to hold free summer camps, donate materials, and train teachers in order to establish music classes.
这组数据反映出面对盗版行为, 国音 像 企 业感受到的压力非常 大。
None of the enterprises interviewed believe that their own operating results are in proportion to the
[...] size of the market of pirated movies.
自2011年讲座开设以来,美国晨晖儿童治疗中心负责人理卢幼慈(Professor Norma Y. Leben)教授,国际多元智能学会常务董事Julie Viens,香港明德儿童启育中心专业理疗师柏安妮(Ann Bridgewater),国音协奥 尔夫专业委员会幼教中心主任曹利等多位海内外权威儿童教育专家应邀出席,对家长们最关注的问题进行了讲解,并在讲座现场针对家长提出的疑问给予了专业的建议和最实用的指导,从而帮助家长朋友们运用更科学的方法培育孩子,让孩子们拥有最好的未来。
Since the inception Ivy Schools Distinguished Speaker Series in 2011, many outstanding and authoritative early childhood educators around the world, such as Professor Norma Y. Leben, the founder of US Morning Glory Treatment Center; Ms. Julie Viens, the managing partner of MI Institute; Ms. Ann Bridgewater, an occupational therapist from Hong Kong’s Child Development Centre; Ms. Li Cao, all delivered informative sessions.
中国国际广播电台(CRI)8月17日举行仪式向一位挪威妇女转交她1990年代在北京遗失的家庭照片。这位名叫乔安娜•叙松(Joanna Syson)的挪威妇女在仪式上与这些照片重新团聚,而照片的失而复得要归功于中国演员王 国 ( 音 ) 的 不懈努力和中国国际广播电台的帮助。
China Radio International (CRI) hosted an event on 17 August where Joanna Syson, a Norwegian woman who lost her large collection of family photos in Beijing in the 1990s, was reunited with her photos due to the persistent efforts of Chinese actor Wang Weiguo and the help of CRI.
自2011年讲座开设以来,美国晨晖儿童治疗中心负责人理卢幼慈(Professor Norma Y. Leben)教授,国际多元智能学会常务董事Julie Viens,香港明德儿童启育中心专业理疗师柏安妮(Ann Bridgewater),新加坡国际学校幼儿园园长Joanne Tsang女士,国音协奥 尔夫专业委员会幼教中心主任曹利等多位海内外权威儿童教育专家应邀出席,对家长们最关注的问题进行了讲解,并在讲座现场针对家长提出的疑问给予了专业的建议和最实用的指导,从而帮助家长朋友们运用更科学的方法培育孩子,让孩子们拥有最好的未来。
Since the inception Ivy Schools Distinguished Speaker Series in 2011, many outstanding and authoritative early childhood educators around the world, such as Professor Norma Y. Leben, the founder of US Morning Glory Treatment Center; Ms. Julie Viens, the managing partner of MI Institute; Ms. Ann Bridgewater, an occupational therapist from Hong Kong’s Child Development Centre; Ms. Joanne Tsang, the Head of Preparatory Years Department at the Singapore International School in Hong Kong; Ms. Li Cao, all delivered informative sessions.
正规音像企业的 B 版和现金交易部分,也是盗版电影光盘的来源之一国音像企 业面临着来自同行和盗版商两个方面的激烈竞争,在这种情况下,音像企业为了 自身利益和生存,各自寻求生存之道。
China’s audiovisual enterprises face fierce competition from both their peers and pirates.
活动内容包括:「澳门之夜」,每场约有七百至八百名日本市民参与的文艺晚会,邀请日本着名音乐家演绎中国及 国音 乐 、播放澳门虚拟旅程、推介澳门独有的中葡文化风情及多项大型节庆活动等;「传媒晚宴」,向近百名传媒介绍旅游产品、展现澳门的不同面貌;「业界工作坊及洽谈会」,提供澳门最新旅游情报、让澳门及日本业界进行洽谈。
The activities included: "Macau Nights", each attended by 700 to 800 Japanese
citizens featuring Chinese and
[...] Portuguese music performed by famous Japanese musicians, on-site [...]
Macau visual tour and destination
presentation; "Media Nights" which introduced Macau's tourism products to some 100 local media; "Trade Workshops and Seminars" which provided the travel trade in Japan with the latest tourism updates on Macau and networking opportunities for the trade representatives of Macau and Japan.
这一次,观众将见证Abigail Washburn另外一个版本的巡演:在这次中国巡演中,多乐器演奏者和能讲汉语的KAI WELCH将会参与其中,Abigail那独特的融合了传统 国音 乐 和 中 国音 乐 的民谣,将会因为他的小号、钢琴、吉他和手风琴而增加新的层次。
This time around, audiences will witness yet another version of the Abigail Washburn
Roadshow:  Along for the China
[...] tour is multi-instrumentalist — and Mandarin-speaker — KAI WELCH, whose trumpet, piano, guitar and accordion will add new layers to Abigail’s special mix of folk and traditional American music with a Chinese twist.
四位东南亚现代音乐青年作曲家将与15名来自来自新加坡,马来西亚与 国 的 音 乐 家联合15位来自 国音 乐 工 厂青年室内乐团的学生在总监彼德威尔的率领下,为听众们开设音乐飨宴。
Four acclaimed ASEAN composers
[...] and join 15 musicians from Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand as they partner 15 students from Germany (Studio musikFabrik) and their director, Mr. Peter Veale to put contemporary music on stage.
据泰航总裁 Sorajak Kasemsuvan 博士介绍, 泰航将于4月10日-13日期间在曼谷素万纳普机场值机柜台举行泼水节祈福仪式,泰航员工还将在泰航头等舱和商务舱休息室表演传统的水果雕刻、 国音 乐 演 奏节目。
Dr. Sorajak Kasemsuvan, THAI President, said during this Songkran period THAI will hold special activities on 10-13 April 2013 at the check-in counter at Suvarnabhumi Airport, with traditional water blessing, Thai fruit carving demonstration, and Thai music performances by THAI staff for Royal First Class and Royal Silk Class passengers in the Royal First Lounge and Royal Silk Lounge.
日前,在由中国电子视像行业协会主办的“20 11 中 国音 视 频产业技术与应用趋势论坛”上,海信凭借领先的技术创新能力,在智能电视领域的领先布局和完善的智能产业生态链建设,一举囊括了“20 11 中 国音 视 频 产业技术创新奖”、“20 11 中 国音 视 频 产业产品创新奖”和“20 11 中 国音 视 频产业应用创新奖”全部三大奖项,成为业内获得奖项最多的品牌。
A few days ago, by China in video
industry association,
[...] the "2011 China audio and video industry technology and application trends BBS" on, hisense with leading technology innovation ability, in the intelligent TV leader in layout and perfect intelligent construction industry should, with one action include "2011 China audio and video industry technology innovation", "2011 China audio and video industry product innovation" and "2011 China audio and video industry [...]
application innovation"
all three awards, become the most won prizes of the brand.
葛培理组织是一个主要的催化剂,尤其是在世界上调用福音大会(柏林,1966年)和世界 音国 际 大 会(洛桑,1974)。
The Billy Graham organization has been a major catalyst, especially in calling the World Congress on Evangelism (Berlin, 1966) and the International Congress on World Evangelization (Lausanne, 1974).
[...] 支助特别艺术研讨会举办的“共同的 音 ” 国 际 节、Nyírség 区有视力障碍的人协 [...]
The cultural government supports people living with disabilities with
regard to public education programmes,
[...] thus to the “Common Voice” International Festival [...]
of the Special Art Workshop, the
events of the Nyírség Association of People with Impaired Sight as well as the cultural and art activities of people living with Down’s syndrome.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、音 和 水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機; 增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.




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