

单词 国际私法

See also:

国际 adj

international adj
global adj


national law

法国 n

French n

External sources (not reviewed)

我们赞成将债务人的“营业所”(这一向是一个很难定义的概念,如《阿根国际私法法》草案(第 2016-D-04 号)第 6 条所示)定义为债务人使用人工以 [...]
及货物或服务从事非短暂性经济活动的任何经营地,目的是指明有关程序是否 为非主要程序。
We welcome the definition of the “establishment” of a debtor (always a difficult concept to define, as
shown, for example, by article 6
[...] of the draft Code of Private International Law of Argentina, [...]
No. 2016-D-04) as any place of
operations where the debtor carries out a non-transitory economic activity with human means and goods or services, the aim being to indicate whether the proceeding at issue is a non-main proceeding.
在任何情况下,通融规则都不是知识产权、知 识产权担保或一般性担保所特有的;它 国际私法 中的一项一般性规则。
In any case, the accommodation rule was not specific to intellectual
property, security in intellectual property or security in general; rather, it was
[...] a general rule of private international law.
[...] 年通过的关于被盗或非法出口文化财产的公约对1970年《公约》做了补充,并填补了1970年 《公约》国际私法方面 的多项空白,如:被盗文化财产的归还(尽管并未对这些财产进行登 [...]
At the request of UNESCO, in 1995 the Convention was supplemented by the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects, which closed some
of loopholes of the 1970
[...] Convention in terms of international private law, such as the restitution [...]
of stolen cultural property
even if not inventoried, fair compensation, due diligence, good faith and so on.
该法院还认为,根据《销售公约》第 78 和 7(2)条,以及克罗地国际私法法第 20 条,适用的利率应为奥地利法律作为卖 方法律规定的利率,而不是克罗地亚法律规定的利率。
The court also held that on the basis of article 78 and 7 (2) CISG, as well as
[...] article 20 Croatian Private International Law Act, the applicable [...]
interest rate
was that provided by Austrian law, as the law of the seller, and not Croatian law.
一些代表团认为,由于《关于空间资产特有事项的议定书》是三十多年来 通过的首项空间法条约,也是商业空间活动领域首 国际私法 协 定,因而对空 间活动国际监管的完整性非常重要,并将为商业空间活动建立一个任择国际制 度。
Some delegations expressed the view that the Protocol on Matters specific to Space Assets, being the first space law treaty
adopted in more than three
[...] decades and the first international private law agreement in the [...]
field of commercial space activities,
was important for the completeness of the international regulation of space activities and would establish an optional international regime for commercial space activities.
对法律的统一解释是各国协调一致和有效执 国际私法 的 关 键。
Uniform interpretation of the law is the key to the harmonization and effective
[...] implementation by States of international private law.
最高法院承认公证结婚主要是基 国际私法 , 并在此基础上进一步裁定,婚 姻和家庭生活权以及尊重家庭单位的义务更加强了使这些婚姻生效的必要性。
The Supreme Court based the recognition of civil
[...] marriages, inter alia, on international private law, and further determined [...]
that the necessity to
validate these marriages is strengthened by the right to marriage and family life, and the obligation to respect the familial unit.
提案中标为 E 和 F 的关键备选案文是由有关知 识产权法律冲突的欧洲马克斯-普朗克小组和海国 际私法会议 常设局完成的,两者都对法律冲突国 际私法有着 浓厚的兴趣,但是对有担保交易或知识 产权没有直接兴趣。
A key inspiration of the options in the proposal, labelled E and F, was the work of the European MaxPlanck Group for Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property and the
Permanent Bureau of the
[...] Hague Conference on Private International Law, both of which had a strong interest in conflict of laws and private international law, but neither [...]
of which had a direct
interest in secured transactions or intellectual property.
资问题,但并不是第一次研究最惠国条款这一主题,有代表团忆及于此,表示怀 疑这一专题是否可能编纂成法,并进一步指出,这一主题十分复杂,而且同国际
[...] 法的其他领域密切相关、相互交织,特别是同属于联合国国际贸易法委员会(贸 易法委员会)和世界贸易组织(世贸组织)范围 国际私法 、 贸易法和投资密切相 关、相互交织。
At the same, recalling that the Commission was not taking up the subject for the first time, albeit at the present instance focusing on investment, the view was expressed doubting the viability of the topic in terms of its possible codification, noting further that the subject was complex, and closely related to and intertwined with other fields of international law, particularly private international law, trade law and investment, areas
within the domain of the United
[...] Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) [...]
and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
这些组织包括海国际私法会议、国 际 统 一 私法协会(统法协会)、国际海事委员会(海事委员会)、美洲国家组织 (美洲组织)、经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)、联合国各区域委员会、 贸发会议、世界银行、世界海关组织(海关组织)、世界知识产权组织 [...]
Those organizations include the Hague
[...] Conference on Private International Law; the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (Unidroit); [...]
the International Maritime
Committee (CMI); the Organization of American States (OAS); the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the United Nations regional commissions; UNCTAD; the World Bank; the World Customs Organization (WCO); World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO); and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
注意到教科文组织在制定下列保护文化遗产的准则性文件方面所做的具有深远意义的 工作:1954
[...] 年的《关于在武装冲突情况下保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其两份议定书, 1970 年的《关于采取措施禁止并防止文化财产非法进出口和所有权非法转让公约》,2001 年的《保护水下文化遗产公约》,以及教科文组织 国际私法 统 一化机构合作制定的 1995 年的国际私法统一 化机构关于被盗或非法出口文物的公约
Noting the far-reaching work of UNESCO in establishing normative instruments for the protection of cultural heritage, namely the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict of 1954 and its two Protocols, the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property of 1970, and the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural
Heritage of 2001, as
[...] well as the cooperation between UNESCO and UNIDROIT, which resulted in the UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects of 1995
茨韦塔纳·卡梅诺娃,“欧共体通过《罗马公约》后 国际私法 领 域 的态势发 展”,《普罗夫迪夫大学法律系年鉴》,2001年。
[...] EC Developments in Private International Law after the [...]
Adoption of Rome Convention– In: Yearbook of Plovdiv University, Law Faculty, 2001.
工作组第十六届会议(2009 年 11 月 2 日至 6
日,维也纳)继续以秘书处编 写的题为“《贸易法委员会担保交易立法指南》关于知识产权担保权的补编草
[...] 案”的说明(A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.39 和 Add.1-7)和海国际私法会议 常设主席 团的一项建议(A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.40)为基础开展工作。
At its sixteenth session (Vienna, 2-6 November 2009), the Working Group continued its work based on a note by the Secretariat entitled “Draft Supplement to the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions dealing with security rights in intellectual property” (A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.39 and Addenda 1
to 7) and a proposal by the Permanent Bureau of the
[...] Hague Conference on Private International Law (A/CN.9/WG.VI/WP.40).
法院参照了 《销售公约》第 7 条,并指出关于不受《销售公约》直接规范的问题,应按照
[...] 《销售公约》的一般原则来解决,在没有一般规则的情况下,则应根 国际私 法所适用的规则来解决。
The court referred to Article 7 CISG and stated that issues not directly governed by the Convention should be subject to settlement pursuant to
the general principles of the CISG and, in their absence, to the rules
[...] applicable according to private international law.
大会还强调必须落实经委员 会的工作而产生的各项公约,以推 国际私法 的 逐 步协调和统一,并为此目的 敦促尚未签署、批准或加入这些公约的国家签署、批准或加入这些公约。
The General Assembly also stressed the importance of bringing into effect the conventions emanating from the work of the Commission to
further the progressive harmonization
[...] and unification of private international law, and to this [...]
end urged States that have not
yet done so to consider signing, ratifying or acceding to those conventions.
茨韦塔纳·卡梅诺娃,《外层空间领域 国际私法 问 题 》,莫斯科Nauka出版 社,1993年,(俄文版)合著。
KAMENOVA, T., Private International Law Issues in Outer [...]
Space, Moscow Nauka Publishing House, 1993 (in Russian) co-author.
一些代表团认为,未来的空间资产议定书的目的不是影响联合国各项外层 空间条约缔约国以及国际电联各项文书的缔约国的权利和义务,而是仅仅处理 与商业空间资产融资有关的特殊 国际私法 问 题
Some delegations were of the view that the future protocol on space assets would not be aimed at affecting the rights and obligations of States parties to the United Nations treaties on outer space and to the instruments of ITU and that it would
be aimed at addressing only
[...] the distinct issue of private international law related to financing [...]
commercial space assets.
还介绍了作为《1970 年公约》之补充的 1995 年国际私法统一化机构公约》。
The 1995 UNIDROIT Convention, which complemented the 1970 Convention, was also presented.
换言之,每当条约涉及一个问题,例如个 人地位国际私法的某 些方面时,而且据认为意外地撤回保留会因其他缔约方没 有调整其国内法律而给它们造成困难时,条约中应加入一项条款,规定解决撤回 所造成的情况而需要的时间。
The 1965 commentary itself, however, gives the correct answer to the problem: in such a case, “the matter should ... be regulated by a specific provision of the treaty”.491 In other words, whenever a treaty relates to an issue, such as personal status or certain aspects of private international law, with regard to which it might be thought that the unexpected withdrawal of a reservation could cause the other parties difficulty because they had not adjusted their internal legislation, a clause should be included in the treaty specifying the period of time required to deal with the situation created by the withdrawal.
For enforcement purposes, the usual
[...] rules of English private international law continued to apply.
构成该方案一个组成部分的还有与设在德国海德堡的 马克斯·普朗克比较公法和国际法研究所以及设在德国的汉堡的马克斯·普朗国际私法研究所的合作安排。
Cooperative arrangements with the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and Public International Law in
Heidelberg, Germany, and the Max
[...] Planck Institute for Private International Law in Hamburg, [...]
Germany, form an integral part of the programme.
[...] 的适用性;另一方面,他们必须排除国家特殊法律的适用性,即适用于国际关 系的国际私法典》 5 (该法典第 2 条详细说明的),特别是其第 62 条(述及 关于自愿义务的适用法律),该条规定了“自治法律”,即当事双方选择的规 [...]
Tunisian judges must thus exclude the application, on one hand, of national general law, in reference to the Code of Obligations and Contracts; on the other hand, they must exclude the
application of national specific law, that
[...] is the Code of International private law5 applicable on international relationships [...]
(as defined by article
2 of this Code), especially its article 62 (dealing with the law applicable on voluntary obligations) specifying the application of the “Law of autonomy” that means the rules chosen by the parties.
法院还命令被告支付拖欠款利息,将依据瑞国际私法指定 的国内法(在本案中为法国法律)确定利息额。
It also ordered the defendant to pay interest on arrears, the amount of which was to be
fixed in accordance with national law as
[...] determined by Swiss private international law, i.e., in the [...]
present case, French law.
在所提议的有些网上解决规则中,要求申请人在支付货款 6
[...] 个月内提起网上解决程序(美利坚合众国向美洲国家组 国际私法 问 题 第七次 泛美专门会议提交的《关于提供消费者争议解决和消费者救济办法的泛美法律 [...]
立法指南》附件 A 第 4 条(“美洲组织/网上解决建议”))。
In some proposed ODR rules, the claimant is required to initiate ODR proceedings within six
months of paying for the purchase (Article 4
[...] of Annex A to Legislative Guidelines for [...]
Inter-American Law on Availability of Consumer
Dispute Resolution and Redress for Consumers submitted by the United States of America for Organization of American States (OAS) Seventh Inter-American Specialized Conference on Private International Law (“OAS/ODR Proposal”).
上诉法院引用了 1991 年 12 月 18 日通过的 《荷兰民法》第 2 条和第 753 号政府公报,这两份文书称,根 国际私法 的规 定,如果荷兰法律适用于《销售公约》所定义的动产的国际贸易,也应同时适 用《销售公约》。
The Court of Appeals referred to
[...] article 2 of the Law of 18 December 1991, Official Gazette 753 according to which under private international law rules if [...]
Dutch law is applicable to an international sale of movables in the meaning
of the CISG, then the Convention is applicable.
在海国际私法会议、统法协会和贸易法委 员会这三个机构的秘书处之间举行的会议之后,目前正在编写一份报告,阐明 这些组织关于担保权益的法规之间的相互关系,以协助各国考虑执行这些法 规。
Further to previous meetings held
among the secretariats of the
[...] Hague Conference on Private International Law, Unidroit and [...]
UNCITRAL, a paper dealing with
the interrelationship among the texts on security interests by those organizations is being prepared to assist States considering the implementation of those texts.
教 授课程:宪法、环境法、管理法、普通公司法、金融市 法 、 国际私法 、 国际 公 法 、 非洲人权法规、人权法、关于法律以及创建企业和制定业务计划的一般性介绍
Courses taught: constitutional law, environmental law, administrative law,
common corporate law, financial
[...] markets law, international private law, international public law, [...]
African securities regulations,
human rights law, general introduction to law and creating a business and a business plan
波兰的公司在与其他国家的公司签订合同时 都遵国际私法(19 65年11月12日设立的法 案),因为国际法律的规则可以定义有关协 [...]
Contracts between Polish and foreign
[...] companies use the International Private Law (the Act from [...]
12 November 1965), because the rules of international law may define proper law as concerning
the rights/obligations of each party arising from the agreement.
各种外交会议和政府专家会议的代表团成员(1993-2005年:知识产权组织—— 日内瓦、贸易法委员会——纽约、统一私法协会——罗马、海 国际私法会 议——荷兰海牙)。
Member of delegations to a number of diplomatic conferences and meetings of Governmental experts (1993-2005: WIPO —
Geneva, UNCITRAL — New York, UNIDROIT — Rome,
[...] Hague Conference on Private International Law — The Hague, [...]
The Netherlands).
秘书处参加了美国国务国际私法顾 问 委员会的年度会议(2011 年 9 月 22 日至 23 日,华盛顿特区),这次会议为向与会者介绍贸易法委员会工作的最新 [...]
The Secretariat participated in the Annual meeting of the
United States State Department
[...] Advisory Council on private international law (Washington [...]
D.C., 22-23 September 2011), which
gave an opportunity to provide participants with an update on the work of UNCITRAL.




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