

单词 国际化

国际化 noun ()

internalization n



International Organization for Standardization (ISO)


International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)

See also:

国际 adj

international adj
global adj

际化 n

internationalization n

External sources (not reviewed)

Support for validation rules
[...] and error messages international.
全体会议为 实行最近提出的高等教育改革与革新的措施提供了机会;四个委员会分析了高等教育方面的
[...] 新动态、高等教育对发展所起的作用、高等教育结构与体制的演变 国际化 问 题
The plenary sessions provided an opportunity to introduce recent initiatives for the reform and renewal of higher education; the four commissions examined new developments in higher education, the contribution
of higher education to development, the evolution of higher education structures
[...] and systems, and internationalization.
2008-2009 年,这些行动所用的资金十分有限,主要用于可行性研究,编制项目建议或选定的试 点活动,包括以色列全国委员会建议在雷霍沃特魏兹曼科学研究所设立一个国际生物技术 (基因技术、蛋白质技术和生物信息技术)中心,在第比利斯(格鲁吉亚)建立一个高加索
[...] 动,俄罗斯联邦关于教科文组织卫星科教项目的初步建议,埃塞俄比亚和其他会员国提出的 2011 年国际化学年 建议以及成立教科文组织教席国际基础科学计划多国基金会。
In 20082009, these initiatives entailed very limited financial implications, principally for feasibility studies, the preparation of project proposals or selected pilot activities, including for the creation of a international Biomics (genomics, proteomics and bioinformatics) centre at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot proposed by the Israeli National Commission; the establishment in Tbilisi (Georgia) of a Caucasian Institute of Biotechnology; the development of the activity of the International JINR Benchmark Centre for training of young researchers from developing countries; the preliminary proposal by the Russian Federation for
a UNESCO satellite science
[...] education project; the International Year of Chemistry [...]
in 2011 proposed by Ethiopia and other
Member States; and the foundation of the IBSP cluster of UNESCO Chairs.
The International Council of Chemical Associations [...]
(ICCA) registered 3.65 accidents resulting in lost workdays for every
one million hours worked in 2008.
瓦克,以有机硅为基础的整体解决方案的领先供应商,将在2013年 国国际化 妆 品 、个人及家庭护理用品原料展览会(PCHi 2013)上展示其最新产品和创新性有机硅解决方案。
WACKER, a leading supplier of complete silicone-based solutions, will present its latest products and innovative solutions at the upcoming Personal Care and Homecare Ingredients (PCHi) 2013 trade show.
在快国际化的 2 1 世纪及中国作为大国的崛起,这种智慧显然比历史上任何时候都更为重要。
In this 21st
[...] century of rapid globalization, including the rise of China as a great [...]
power, this wisdom is arguably more
important than at any other time in history.
此外,它还 就以下方面提出了政策建议:如何在以国际贸易规则正在变化、南方工业强国影 响力日增、生国际化和气 候变化日益受到关注为特征的新的全球环境中促进非 洲的工业发展。
Furthermore, it offers policy recommendations on how to foster industrial development in Africa in the new global
[...] characterized by changing international trade rules, growing influence of industrial powers from the South, the internationalization of production [...]
and increasing concerns about climate change.
14.85 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 相对较小的捐助群体继续提供预算外资 金;(b)
[...] 全球环境基金与化学品有关的重点关注领域扩大,不仅包括对持久性有机污染物和消 耗臭氧层物质的支持,还包括对汞和 国际化 学 品 管理战略方针》的支持,从而有机会更多地 开展配合该次级方案的工作。
Target 2012-2013: 30 14.85 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) extrabudgetary funds from a relatively narrow donor base will continue to be available; and (b) there will be an expansion of the Global Environment Facility focal area related to chemicals to include support with regard not only to persistent organic pollutants and ozonedepleting substances,
but also to mercury and the
[...] Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, which [...]
provides an opportunity to leverage
a greater range of work complementary to the subprogramme.
公务员参加了大多数旨在提高防扩散能力,改善信息流通以及将不扩散生物武器 的相关规范和程国际化的工作。
Civil servants take part in most of the exercises aimed at improving
counter-proliferation capabilities and,
[...] information flow and internationalizing norms and procedures [...]
relating to the non-proliferation of biological weapons.
b) 找出能够产生类似结果并且可以利用以下设备的其他生产流程:当前使用的
[...] 加工设备;或是在安全理事会第 1718 号决议、国际化学武 器公约》以及朝 鲜与执行委员会之间协定规定的框架内进行改装的设备。
(b) to identify other processes which yield a similar result and can be used in the existing processing equipment, or in equipment modified within the
framework established by Security Council
[...] Resolution 1718, the Chemical Weapons Convention, [...]
and the Agreement between the D.P.R.
Korea and the Executive Committee.
39% 的受访者声称,他们的 政府通过公私伙伴关系促进在硬件和软件开发方面的研究,包括专有、开放源代
[...] 码和免费软件、标准字符集、语言编码、电子词典、术语和辞典、多语种搜索引 擎、机器翻译工具国际化域名、内容参考以及综合软件和应用软件。
However, 39 percent of the respondents asserted that their governments promote through private public partnerships, research in hardware and software development, including proprietary, open-source and free software, standard characters sets, languages codes, electronic dictionaries, terminology and thesauruses, multilingual
search engines, machine
[...] translations tools, internationalized domain names, content [...]
referencing as well as general and application software.
国际化电子 邮件的技术标准出台后,将加快推进中文电子邮件的部署,纯中文 的电子邮件服务将会很快提供给中文互联网用户使用。
After the promulgation of the above e-mail address technology standard, Chinese e-mail deployment will be accelerated, and full Chinese e-mail will be soon available to Chinese Internet users.
(g) 考虑与区域和次区域中心以及组织间化学品无害管理方案参与组
[...] 织的区域办事处合作,建立一个国际机制,支持化学品无害管理方面教育和 能力建设,使其国际化学品 管理战略方针和三个主要的化学品和废物公约 的实施保持一致。
(g) Consider establishing an international mechanism, in collaboration with the regional and subregional centres as well as the regional offices of the participating organizations of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals, to support education and
capacity-building for the sound management of chemicals aligned with the implementation of the
[...] Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management [...]
and the three main conventions on chemicals and waste.
在毒品贩运超越国界的情况下,打击该罪行应 该真正地实国际化,并 不分政治信仰联合所有国 家。
As drug trafficking had little regard for national
borders, efforts aimed at combating
[...] that plague must be international in scope and must [...]
include all States, regardless of political considerations.
2006 年,储存的 CTC
[...] 几乎全部用完,但在获得设备方面出现了严重的项目拖 延,其原因可能是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国没有批准 国际化 学 武 器公约》(遵守 该公约的其他国家不得向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国出口能够用于生产化学武器的设 [...]
In 2006, the stocks of CTC had been virtually depleted, but there are serious project delays in
obtaining equipment, possibly due to
[...] non-ratification of the International Chemical Weapons Convention [...]
by the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (other countries which adhere to this convention are not allowed to export equipment enabling the production of chemical weapons to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).
在中兴通国际化开拓 的进程中,我们坚持“与本地社会和经济融合发展”的方针,运用通信技术帮助不同 地区的人们享有平等的通信自由,尊重当地的文化,努力成为当地的优秀公民;我们充分考虑当地社会和社区的 经济、社会和环境利益,扩大本地采购;我们提供切实可靠的技术转移,招 国际化 、 本 地化的人才。
During ZTE’s internationalization development, we insist on the policy of “Integrated Development Together with Local Societies and Economies,” using communication technologies to help people in different areas enjoy equal freedom of communication while showing respect for the local culture and striving to be excellent citizens.
[...] 资源不断涌现——尤其在亚洲——同时,创新模式也越来越开放 国际化 , 对 知识市场的依赖性也在 逐渐增强。
Over the past decade, the innovation landscape has continuously changed: driven by fast economic growth, new sources of innovation have emerged –
especially in Asia – and innovation models are becoming
[...] increasingly open, international, and reliant on markets [...]
for knowledge.
他们指出,向该组织提出关于独 国际化 域 名 的 34 个请求中,有 3 个在专家组帮助下得到解决,希望专家组继续对其他国家的请求提供帮助。
It was noted that 3 out of the 34 requests made to the
[...] Corporation for unique internationalized domain names had [...]
been solved with help from the Group
of Experts, and it was hoped that the Group would continue to provide advice as more countries made requests.
包括建立新的、额外和多边的生产设施,甚至实现所有浓缩活动(可能包括 后处理)在内的更为宏大项目的多化 或 国际化 , 显 然是更为复杂的项目,其前 提条件是核供应商和接受国应建立一种新的信任感,并建立一种合作与商业并重 的新的和平核能合作形式。
More ambitious projects encompassing the creation of new, additional, multilateral production facilities, even the total multilateralization or internationalization of all enrichment (and possibly reprocessing), are obviously much more complex undertakings that would presuppose a new sense of trust between nuclear suppliers and recipients and new cooperative, commercial forms of peaceful nuclear cooperation.
有人认为,这正说明有必要为这个问题提供国 际化的解决方案。
This, it is argued,
[...] justifies a more international solution to this issue.
作为一家全球性公司,我们的研发工作十 国际化。
As a global company, we conduct
[...] research and development internationally.
成功的主要因素和保险业的基本状况是:人均收入水平很高、 对安全性的需求极强、养老金制度的结构稳固、保险业中心具有 开放国际化的网 络、监管环境值得信赖、再保险业务具 国际 化的专业知识。
The key factors for success and the basic conditions for the insurance industry include a generous per capita income and a strong need for security, a solidly structured
old age pension system,
[...] an open and internationally networked insurance centre, a credible regulatory environment and international know-how in [...]
the reinsurance business.
鉴于移居英国前有在加拿大、香港、俄罗斯和以色列生活的经历,Maksim Etingen以国际化的视角看待一切事物,而且,他的创新能力和动力与近些年英国伦敦商业金融学院的办学宗旨不谋而合。
Having lived in Canada, Hong Kong, Russia and Israel before
moving to the UK, Maksim Etingen
[...] brings with him an international perspective to everything, [...]
along with a degree of innovation
and drive that has defined London School of Business & Finance in recent years.
相反的情况是,科 索沃冲突终止后不久,采取了国际社会参与科索沃审判分庭的做法。当时司法系
[...] 统只能勉强运作,国际法官在审判分庭也不占据多数,这种做法被认为是不足的, 人们认为增国际化程度 是改善司法所必须的。
Conversely, international participation in trial panels in Kosovo, introduced soon after the conflict was over, when the judicial system was barely functioning and international judges were not in the majority in
trial panels, was seen as
[...] insufficient, and increased internationalization was regarded as [...]
necessary to improve the administration of justice.
[...] 国粮食及农业组织、《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》秘书处、国际化学品 管理战略方针》秘书处、联合国开发计划署、欧洲经济委员会、 [...]
联合国环境规划署、联合国工业发展组织、联合检查组、世界银行和世界气象 组织。
Representatives of the following United Nations bodies and specialized agencies also attended: the International Maritime Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the secretariat of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their
Disposal, the secretariat of the
[...] Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management, the [...]
United Nations Development Programme,
the Economic Commission for Europe, the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Joint Inspection Unit, the World Bank and the World Meteorological Organization.
为防止非法贩运化学品和危险废物的各项举措包括批准相关多边环境协定, 例如《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》、5
[...] 《控制危险废物越境转移及其 处置巴塞尔公约》6 和《斯德哥尔摩公约》,以及 国际化 学 品管理战略方针》 等全球性举措。
Initiatives to prevent the illegal trafficking in chemicals and hazardous wastes included the ratification of relevant multilateral environmental agreements, such the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,5 the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal,6 and the
Stockholm Convention, as well as global initiatives such as the
[...] Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.
公司针对此市场状况,提出“安全过冬、跨越发展”战略,提高供应链管理水平和市场反应速度,大力控制生产成 本和存货水平;两年来,公司建立 国际化 销 售 渠道、稳定的合作伙伴和客户群,逐步提升品牌认知和市场形象,积 [...]
Targeted at the market status, the company proposes the strategy of “safe winter and leap-over development”, improves the management level of supply chain and market
reaction speed, and exerts effort to control production cost and inventory level; over the past two years, the
[...] company has established international sales channel, stable [...]
partners and customer
group, gradually promoted brand recognition and market image, accumulated the capacity of developing domestic and foreign power stations.
将 特别关注以国际贸易规则正在变化、南方工业强国影响力日增、生 国际化 和气 候变化日益受到关注为特征的新的全球环境。
Special attention will be given to the new global
environment characterized
[...] by changing international trade rules, growing influence of industrial powers from the South, the internationalization of production [...]
and growing concerns about climate change.
2008北京奥运会的成功举办,让北京的本已恢宏的天际线又增加了许多亮点,除此以外,更多商业活动、设计师品牌商店、高级餐厅和高档酒吧的出现,还有更多当代艺术品使北京站 国际化 的 尖 端。
Proud host of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Beijing's skyline is punctuated with some of the world's most stunning architectural marvels, while the city resonates with business activity, designer shopping, fine dining, nightlife and cutting-edge contemporary art.
除此之外公司还走向国际化,在美国和中国拥有自己的子公司,并且在全球各地30多个国家和地区 [...]
拥有代表处,艾伯纳公司不但在世界工业炉市场上发挥了重要的作用,还保持了对家族传统的忠诚和稳健 经营的理念,以及与客户间的亲密伙伴关系。
Despite its international role with subsidiaries [...]
in the US and China as well as representatives in more than 30 countries
around the world, despite its role as a major player on the world market of industrial furnaces, EBNER has remained true to the family tradition and the principle of safe and personal partnerships with customers.




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