

单词 国民党军队

See also:


Guomindang or Kuomintang (KMT)
Nationalist Party

民党 n

Kuomintang n

军队 n

military n
service n

External sources (not reviewed)

监察组在其 2008 年 12 月的报告中提到出现了一支由 Warsengeli 的一名军火商领导的隶属青党 的民兵队伍(见下文第四 A 节)。
In its report of December 2008, the
Monitoring Group
[...] described the emergence of a Shabaab-affiliated militia headed by a Warsengeli [...]
former arms dealer (see section IV.A. below).
2010 年 10 月 17 日,过渡联邦政府队、埃塞俄比 国 防 军 和 “谢 贝 利 河谷行政当局”的 哈瓦德尔小 部族民兵从 埃塞俄比亚的边 境 镇 Kalabaydh 进击,在贝莱德文的 Eel Gaal 和 Qowlad 村与青党民兵部队发 生冲突。
On 17 October 2010, advancing from the Ethiopian border town of Kalabaydh, a joint
[...] operation between Transitional Federal Government forces, the Ethiopian National Defence Force and the Hawaadle sub-clan militia of the “Shabelle Valley Administration” clashed with Al-Shabaab militias forces in Eel Gaal and Qowlad villages both in Beledweyne.
同时,在《公约》的方针指引下,在其他方面也取得了进步,主要表现在颁 布了第 29478 号法,规定为残疾人参与投票选举提供便利;颁布了第 29524 号 《聋盲人法》,规定聋盲是一种单一性的残疾;出台了 国国民 身 份 登记处的第 0269-2009 号部门决议,规定为残疾人免费办理和发放身份证件,为此类人口, 特别是没有出生证明的残疾儿童身份证件办理简化了大量手续;颁布了针 军队 和警察部门成员的《保健福利法》。
Other achievements under the Convention have included the adoption of Act No. 29478, which deals with the provision of facilities to enable persons with disabilities to vote; Act No. 29524 on Deafblind Persons, which recognizes deafblindness as a single disability; Administrative Decision No.
0269-2009 of the
[...] National Identity and Civil Status Registry (RENIEC), which establishes that national identity documents are to be issued free of charge to persons with disabilities and provides for expedited procedures for persons, especially children, who do not have a birth certificate; and legislation on health-care provisions for members of the armed forces and police.
裙带商人军队 和政党精英 仍会发展得不错,但他们需要遵守新的 游戏规则,面临来国内外 的竞争压力,甚至需要 缴税。
The crony businessmen, military and party elite will still do well but will need to play by new rules, meet domestic and foreign competition [...]
and even pay taxes.
几天后,在青年党部队从该地区撤离时,埃塞俄比 国 防 军 部 队 和 “ 先知的信 徒”组织民兵袭击了青党部队在 God Dhorwaay 和 God Waraabe 的剩余阵 地,然后于 2011 年 3 月 14 日在 Balanbaale 跨越边境撤回。
As Al-Shabaab forces began to withdraw from the area just days later, troops of the Ethiopian National Defence Force, together with ASWJ militia, attacked [...]
their remaining positions
at God Dhorwaay and God Waraabe before withdrawing across the border via Balanbaale on 14 March 2011.
而且,尽管我对来自索马里的关于被政 军 和像党这样的武装团体打死和打伤的 民 人 数的报 告感到极为担忧,但我也感到关切的是,其任务得到 安理会批准而其行动得到联国资助 的非洲联盟驻 索马里特派团(非索特派团),在回应对它的袭击时没 有充分注意区分战斗人员与平民和使用武力必须适 度等基本原则。
And, while I am extremely worried by reports from Somalia about the number of civilians being killed and injured by both Government forces and armed groups like Al-Shabaab, I am also concerned that in its response to [...]
attacks on it, the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)
— whose mandate is authorized by the Council and whose operations are financially supported by the United Nations — is not taking sufficient notice of the basic principles of distinction between combatants and civilians and proportionality in the use of force.
2007年1月23日,应尼泊尔政府的要求,安全理事会通过第1740(2007)号决议设立联 国 尼 泊尔特派团(联尼特派团),目的是为制宪会议选举协助营造自由、公平的氛围,及促进尼泊尔军队和尼泊尔共 党军队 ( 毛 主义)之间的和平进程。
The United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) was established by the Security Council on 23 January 2007 through the adoption of resolution 1740 (2007) at the request of the
Government of Nepal, to assist in creating a
[...] free and fair atmosphere for the election of the Constituent Assembly as well as to facilitate the peace process between the Army of Nepal and the Army of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoists).
[...] 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散;成功完 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门民主管理和监督,统 军队 并 建 立能够发挥作用和属于共 国 的 科 特 迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国各地的权力。
The Security Council also endorsed the following benchmarks introduced as preconditions for further drawdown of the UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants and dismantling of militias; successful completion of the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building
measures within a broader
[...] framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment [...]
of functional and republican
Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country.
国会议 期间的内部辩论 以及毛派领导人的一些公开言论在党外也产生了反响,使人们进一步质疑尼共 (毛主义)对党民主的 承诺以及对该党是否已经放弃其以往采用 军 事 手 段的 关切。
The internal debate held during
[...] national gathering and some public statements by Maoist leaders also resonated outside the party, giving rise to further questioning of the CPN (M) commitment to multi-party democracy and concern that the party has not abandoned its military past.
其次,我要感谢埃塞俄比亚联民主 共 和 国 大力 支持过渡联邦政府军,导致从青 党 手 中 夺回与索 马里边境沿线重要地区。
Secondly, I want to
[...] thank the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the strong support it has given to the TFG allied forces, which has led to the capture from Al-Shabaab of important areas [...]
along the border with Somalia.
推举金正恩作为政府国防委 员会副委员长 党 的 中 央 军 事 委 员会 副委员长,显然是将其作为接班人,准备接替金正日成为朝 民 主 主义 人 民 共和 国领袖
The selection of Kim Jong-un as
one of the two Vice-Chairmen
[...] of the National Defence Commission of the State and the Party’s Central Military Commission places him in a position of heir apparent to succeed Kim Jong-il as the head of the Democratic People’s [...]
Republic of Korea.
约旦呼吁国际社会履行其在武装冲突中保护平 民的责任和义务,包括敦促以色列立即执行第 1860(2009)号决议,该决议中要求立即停火,导致以 色军队完全撤出加沙,并保国际 社 会为加沙民 提供 充分保护,使其免遭以色列军事侵略的危害。
Jordan calls on the international community to uphold its responsibilities and obligations in protecting civilians in armed conflict, including by calling upon Israel to immediately implement resolution 1860 (2009), which calls for an immediate ceasefire that
would lead to a full
[...] withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza and guarantee the full protection of the international community for the people of Gaza against [...]
the Israeli military aggression.
如同最近在 Khirbat Salim 和 Tayr Filsi 发生的事件一 样,这军事化是真党在平民地区 附近以及沿主要交通干道进行的,对黎巴嫩 平民、联黎队以及 该区域的和平与稳定造成了严重风险。
As in the recent incidents in
[...] Khirbat Salim and Tayr Filsi, this military build-up is carried out by Hizbullah in close proximity to civilian areas and along main traffic thoroughfares [...]
in a manner that presents serious risks to the Lebanese civilian population and to UNIFIL, as well as to the peace and stability of the region.
中国的武装力量由武装警察、人民解 军 现 役 与预队、民兵组成,三者均由国共产党 中 央 委员会下属的 中央军事委员会指挥。
China’s armed forces are made up of the PAP,
the active and reserve
[...] units of the PLA, and the people’s militia, all of which are directed by the Central Military Commission under the leadership of the Communist Party of China’s Central [...]
我们的联络官合作伙伴的积极性、工作热情和帮助自 国 家 的奉献精神是日 军队 和 人 民 的 品 格的见证,目睹此举让我们敬佩不已。
Our liaison officer partners’ enthusiasm, work
ethic and dedication to help their
[...] country is a testament to the Japanese military and people and is humbling to witness.
根据可靠信息,克钦邦独立军、克伦民族联盟/克伦民族解放军、和平委员会、 克伦和平阵线、克民族进步党/克伦 族 军 、 南 部掸邦军和佤邦联 军 的 部 队 中 也有 儿童。
Credible information indicated that children are also present in the ranks of the Kachin
Independence Army, KNU/KNLA
[...] Peace Council, the Karen Peace Front, KNPP/KA, the Shan State Army-South and the United Wa State Army.
2011 年初,为进一步对青党施加军事压 力和保护 国 边 境 ,埃塞俄 比亚为行动和利益各不相同民兵发起的另一次联合攻击提供了支持。
In early 2011, in a further
[...] attempt to exert military pressure on Al-Shabaab and to secure its own border, Ethiopia backed another coordinated offensive by militias with diverging [...]
agendas and interests.
瑞士 (g) 请 布隆迪继续努力,毫不 拖延地 将解放胡图民党――民 族解放力量收国防和安保队,以 及安插在各种行政、管理和外交领域。
It (g) invited Burundi to continue its efforts
to integrate without
[...] delay the Palipehutu-FNL into the defence and security forces, as well as in the various [...]
executive, administrative and diplomatic areas.
1949 年中华人民共和国成立以后,由于中国政府视北
[...] 边的苏联和东边的美国代理基地为最大的威胁,因此北 海舰队获得了所有从苏联购买的驱逐舰,而东海 队继 承了几乎所国民党留下来的船舰。
After the founding of the PRC in 1949, the North Sea Fleet received all the destroyers purchased from the Soviets and the East Sea Fleet inherited almost all the vessels left by
the Kuomintang government as
[...] China perceived its biggest threats to be from the Soviet Union [...]
in the north and the U.S.’s proxy bases in the east.
在过渡联邦政府无 法酬报其队之时,青党在其国际 合 作伙伴的帮助 下却能定期向民兵付钱。
While the Transitional Federal
Government has
[...] been unable to compensate its troops, Al-Shabaab has regularly paid its militia with the help of its international [...]
联苏特派团根 据预警系统提供的信息,好几次向遭受威胁的社区派 军民 联 合巡 逻 队 , 展 开快 速局势评估并确定需由苏丹南方政府、苏丹解放军和苏丹南方警察局及必要时由 联国立即采取的步骤,以便改善社区安全状况、更好地保护社区,当苏丹解放 军与穆尔勒族人在皮博尔地区和苏丹解放军与阿托尔将军在琼莱州霍尔富卢斯 地区发生冲突时就是这样做的。
On the basis of information provided through the early warning system,
UNMIS on several occasions dispatched joint civilian and military patrols to communities under threat with a view to conducting rapid situational assessments and identifying the steps that needed to be taken immediately by the Government of Southern Sudan, SPLA and the Southern Sudan Police Service and, where relevant, the United Nations, to improve community security and better protect communities, as was the case during the SPLA-Murle clash in Pibor and the clash between the SPLA and General Athor’s forces in Khorfulus county, Jonglei State.
该数字包括了所有比利时民以及 主要住所位于比利时的 国 人 , 但不包 国际 官员及其亲属和驻比利军队。
This figure includes all Belgians and
foreigners whose main
[...] residence is in Belgium, but excludes international civil servants and the like and military personnel stationed in the country.
欣见阿富国民军和阿 富汗国家警察的继续组建,确认国际社会提供的 支持,呼吁阿富汗和国际社会加紧努力,加强这两个机构和相关政府部门,使其 现代化,尤其要注重阿富汗国家警察,对国际伙伴提供的援助表示赞赏,确认欧 洲联盟驻阿富汗警察特派团的继续部署、北大西洋公约组织尤其是通过设立阿富 汗培训特派团提供的支持、欧洲宪兵 队 计 划 派人参加该特派团以及其他双边训 练方案,鼓励酌情进一步开展协调工作,并欢迎重点县发展方案和县内改革方案
Welcomes the continued development of
[...] the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police, recognizes the international support provided, calls for intensified Afghan and international efforts to modernize and strengthen both institutions and related Government departments, with particular attention to the Afghan National Police, expresses its appreciation for the assistance provided by international partners, acknowledges the continued deployment of the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan, the support provided by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, in particular through the establishment of its training mission in Afghanistan, the planned European Gendarmerie Force contribution to [...]
that mission, as well
as other bilateral training programmes, encourages further coordination where appropriate, and welcomes the focused district development and in-district reform programmes
Beforehand, the Civil Guard officers had punctured all the migrants’ [...]
dinghies except that of the woman.
我在 2012 年 4 月 30 日的特别报告中已经说明,政变发生后,西非经共体立 即率先在几内亚比军政府、各党 以 及 民 间 社 会之间进行调解,以确保在国 全面恢复宪政秩序。
As indicated in my Special Report of 30 April 2012, immediately following the
coup, ECOWAS took
[...] the lead in mediating between the military junta, political parties and civil society in Guinea-Bissau, with [...]
a view to ensuring
the full restoration of constitutional order in the country.
重申全力支持秘书长通过其缅甸问题特别顾问,按照秘书长关于缅甸人 权状况的报告7 开展斡旋,促请缅甸政府与斡旋团通力合作,包括为特别顾问访 问国提供便利,允许其不受限制地接触所有有关的利益攸关方,包 军队 和政 党最高 级领导人、人权维护者、族裔群体代表、学生领袖和其他反对派团体,并 毫不拖延地对秘书长的建议作出实质性回应,包括设立一个联合国办事处以支持 [...]
Reaffirms its full support for the good offices of the Secretary-General pursued through his Special Adviser on Myanmar, consistent with the report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in Myanmar,7 and
urges the Government of Myanmar to cooperate fully with the good offices mission, including by facilitating the visits of the Special Adviser to the country and granting him unrestricted access to all relevant stakeholders,
[...] including the highest level of leadership within the army, political parties, human rights defenders, representatives of ethnic groups, [...]
student leaders and other opposition groups, and to respond substantively and without delay to the proposals of the Secretary-General, including the establishment of a United Nations office in support of the mandate of the good offices
这 些改革将对根深蒂固的商业精英——裙带商人军 队以及与执党有关 系的前重量级政治人物产生极 大影响,这些商业精英将不得不在一个更公平的环 境中与其他人进行竞争,甚至要开始纳税。
These changes will have a big impact on the entrenched
economic elite – crony
[...] businessmen, the military and former political heavyweights linked to the government party – who will [...]
have to compete on a more
level playing field and even start paying tax.
小组会见了总理、被指定为特别委员会主席的副总理、其他官员、 陆军参谋长和尼泊尔军队高级官员、毛 军队 指 挥 官、 党 代 表以及可能愿意协 助整编和转业安置进程国际社 会成员。
The team met with the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, who has been designated to chair the special committee, other officials, the Chief of Army Staff
and senior officers
[...] of the Nepal Army, Maoist army commanders, representatives of political parties and members of the international community [...] [...]
potentially willing to assist in the process of integration and rehabilitation.




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