

单词 国有企业

See also:

国有 n

state-run n


government owned


state enterprise

External sources (not reviewed)

中国的领导人逐渐认识到,中国有企 业的海 外投资不仅仅增加了企业的利润,还给国 家的能源安全带来很多其他影响。
Chinese leaders are coming to understand that their state companies’ investments abroad have contributed far more to those companies’ profits than to improving the country’s energy security.
有人提到,吸引外国战略投资者,让他们参 与经济转型期国家国有企业的私 有化,这一点非常重要,这是改变这些国家经 济的有效方式。
The importance of foreign strategic investors’ involvement in the privatization of state-owned companies in transition economies was mentioned as an effective way to transform these economies.
铁路基础设施由PKP PLK 股份 有限公司进行管理,它国有企业波 兰 国铁集 团的下属企业。
The infrastructure is operated by PKP PLK SA (PKPPolskie Linie Kolejowe: PKP-Polish Rail Lines), part of state-run PKP Group.
这包括,例国有企业,以及出口信贷机构和官方投资保险或保证机 构可以发挥作用鼓励其客户尊重人权。
That would include, for example, State-owned enterprises and the role that export [...]
credit agencies and official investment
insurance or guarantee agencies could play in incentivizing their clients to respect human rights.
创建一个中央部委 级机构,授予其必要的权力和资源,管理能源安
[...] 全并有效规范能源政策和目标、调解国家政治国有企业间的 利益冲突,这样的要求已迫在眉 睫。
There is a pressing need to create a central ministerial-level body with the authority and resources to manage energy security and effectively regulate energy
policy and goals as well as reconcile competing interests between the vast
[...] state bureaucracy and state-owned companies.
2000 年,中石化国有企业中国 石油化工集团公司合并,公司同年在香港(SEHK: 0386)、纽约(NYSE: SNP)和伦敦(LSE:SNP)上市。
Sinopec was incorporated in 2000 by the state-owned China Petrochemical Corporation and the company was listed on the HKEx (SEHK: 0386), NYSE (NYSE: SNP), LSE (LSE: SNP), in the same year.
计划在中期计划内逐步推行更为具体的变革,包括:(a) 劳动改革,涉及公共部门工作人员的重新分配、准许在私营部门就业并通过对私 营部门的活动征税增加国库岁入;(b) 增加农产工业、旅游业和住房领域的非国 有份额,例如采取合作社和合资企业形式,同时给 国有企业 更 大的自主权;(c) 取消国有企业的补贴,同时允 国有企业 在 一 定范围内自行定价;以及(d) 通 过下放投资决策权,增加规划和控制机制的灵活性。
More specific changes are planned to be progressively implanted over the medium term, including (a) labour reform that involves reassigning workers within the public sector, authorizing private employment and increasing public revenue through taxation of private-sector activity; (b) increasing non-State participation, for example by cooperatives and joint ventures, in agro-industry, tourism and housing, while granting greater autonomy to State enterprises; (c) eliminating subsidies for State firms while allowing them, within limits, to fix prices; and (d) increasing the flexibility of planning and control mechanisms by decentralizing investment decisions.
米格雷蒙公司位于乌克兰 Zaporizhya,原先是设在一个空军基地的军用修理 厂,但在 1996 年成国有企业。
Located in Zaporizhya, Ukraine,
MigRemont was originally a military repair
[...] facility located on the air force base, but in 1996 it became a State-owned company.
[...] 是代表王室政府、各部门、议会办事处、储备银行的借贷,因此不包 国有企业 的债务。
Core crown debt represents borrowings of the
Crown, departments, offices of Parliament, and the Reserve Bank, and therefore
[...] excludes the debt of state-owned enterprises.
讨论和评论主要围绕投资政策审查报告建议所涉六个主要方面进行:(a) 促 进越南经济的新领域尤其是服务部门的直接外资;(b) 采用侵扰性较低的做法进行 投资管理,并减轻 管理负担; (c)
[...] 础设施和熟练工人的提供和质量问题;(d) 出于有效性和竞争力的原因,确保商业国有企业和私营公司获得公正 和公平的待遇;(e) 简化税制,在成本效益分析基 [...]
础上审查对投资实行的财 政奖励办法;(f) 吸收最近通过的改革举措,并确保这些
举措在越南 64 省都能得到一致的实施。
Discussion and comments revolved mainly around the six main areas of recommendations of the IPR: (a) promoting FDI in new areas of Viet Nam’s economy, particularly the services sectors; (b) adopting a less intrusive approach to investment regulation and reducing the administrative burden; (c) forcefully addressing potential constraints to sustained growth, including the availability and quality of infrastructure and skilled workers; (d) ensuring a fair and
equitable treatment between
[...] commercially-oriented State-owned enterprises and private companies, [...]
for reasons of effectiveness
and competitiveness; (e) simplifying the tax system and reviewing fiscal incentives to investment based on a cost/benefit analysis; and (f) absorbing the reforms recently adopted and ensuring their coherent application throughout Viet Nam’s 64 provinces.
但在 2005 年 12 月 29 日,阿尔
[...] 及利亚国家公司“索纳特拉奇公司”和利比 国有企业 “ 国 家 石油公司”签署了 一项框架协议,就开发阿尔及利亚 [...]
Alrar 和阿拉伯利比亚民众国 Wafa 地区的矿 床启动了一项共同研究。
However, on 29 December 2005 a framework agreement was signed between the Algerian national company
Sonatrach and the Libyan national company,
[...] the National Oil Corporation, to launch a joint [...]
study on the exploitation of the deposits
at Alrar in Algeria and Wafa in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
(d) 竞争法和竞争政策应当如何适用于国家活动,例如应当如何管 国有 企业、国家垄 断、自然独占以及拥有国家给予的专有权的企业
(d) How competition laws and policy should apply to State
activities such as
[...] regulation of State enterprises, State monopolies, natural monopolies and enterprises with exclusive [...]
rights granted by the State; and
以北京,上海,深圳,哈尔滨及香港为五大人才集聚地,通过德勤中国的丰富服务网络,为整个大中华区的大中 国有企业 , 在 华跨国公司,高科技高成长的民营企业提供覆盖企业全价值链的高质量行业专精化的战略与运营管理咨询,人力资本咨询和信息技术服务。
Our talents from the Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Harbin and Hong Kong offices provide industry-oriented and high-quality strategy, human capital and IT consulting services covering the whole value chain of corporates to clients all over the Greater China region through Deloitte China's extensive service network.
当然,和其他公司一样国有企业也 要 遵守第三部分所讨论 的公司尊重人权的义务。
Of course, State-owned enterprises, like other companies, [...]
are also subject to the corporate responsibility to respect human
rights, discussed in section III.
有两名女性担国有企业主管 (喀麦隆新闻出版公司- SOPECAM、中央人 口分析研究局- BUCREP),还有两位副主管(国家社会福利基金- [...]
CNPS、喀麦隆 土地信贷- CFC)。
The general
[...] managers of two State enterprises (the Cameroon News [...]
and Publishing Corporation (SOPECAM) and the Bureau for
Population Census and Research (BUCREP)) and the deputy general managers of two further such entities (CNPS and the Cameroon Mortgage Bank (CFC)) are women.
另一位代表解释说,他所代表的国家的管理机构的优先事项,是在本国和 外国公司之间以及在私营业与 国有企业 之 间平等适用竞争法。
Another delegate explained that the priority of his country’s authority was equal
application of competition law as between domestic and foreign companies
[...] and between private and State–owned enterprises.
之四 贸发会议应评国有企业和国家支持的企业对国内投资环境以及 发展中国家市场竞争条件日渐增长的影响。
(c)quater UNCTAD should assess the growing impact of State-owned and
[...] Statesupported enterprises on domestic investment [...]
climates and competitive conditions
in developing country markets.
清 华高校企业长于研发,有核心技术;而社会企业,特别 国有企业 有 良好的高素质的管 理团队、存量资产、技术人员队伍和营销网络,但是往往缺少好的机制和技术,两者的 结合可以发挥巨大的力量。
Tsinghua university
[...] sponsored enterprises have core techniques and are good at research, while social enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises, have high-qualified [...]
team, remnant assets, technician team and sales network, but always short of mechanism and techniques, the combination of which can be of significant power.
土地、运输和海洋事务部保证,该申请涉及的区域与已划定的保留区或其他 缔约国国有企业或自然人或法人主张的区域不重合。
The Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs has ensured that the area in respect of which the application is made does not overlap with reserved
areas already delineated or with those claimed by other
[...] States parties, State enterprises or natural or juridical [...]
Emptoris, Inc.中国区总经理兼集团副总裁李玉新(William Li)表示:“我们很荣幸与中国海洋石油总公司合作实施技术基础架构,这将为中国其 国有企业 树 立 榜样——也将增强中国海洋石油总公司作为全球领先的石油公司的价值创造力和竞争力。
We're obviously quite proud to be working with CNOOC in implementing a technology infrastructure that will serve as a model for other Chinese national companies -- and will serve to strengthen the value-creation and competitiveness of one of the world's leading oil companies," said William Li, General Manager and Group Vice President for China for Emptoris, Inc.
是否有任何现任或前任政府官员 国有企业 雇 员 、政党官员、政治职位候选人或任何该等人员的亲属直 [...]
Does any current or former government official, employee
[...] of a state-owned enterprise, political party [...]
official, candidate for political office,
or relative of any of these persons have an ownership interest, direct or indirect, in your company?
有与会者指出,如国有企业列入破产框架的范 围,可能有一些重要的社会考虑因素,包括文化敏感性、与社会组织结构是否 [...]
相容的问题以及破产法的目的和目标,因为这些企业涉及不同社会中需要审查 其对资格标准的影响的债务人类别。
It was suggested that if SOEs were to be included [...]
in the scope of an insolvency framework, there might be important social
considerations, including cultural sensitivities, issues of compatibility with the social fabric and the purposes and goals of insolvency law as they related to these types of debtor in different societies, that would need to be reviewed for their impact on eligibility criteria.
(e) 上述办法适用于包国有企业在内 的所有企业
(e) This approach is
[...] extended to all companies including State-owned enterprises
本人谨此进一步保证并证明,本人不知道有以下活动的发生:任何金钱的支付提议、实际支付、支付许 诺或支付授权,或任何有价物品的赠送提议、实际赠送、赠送许诺或赠送授权,且其直接或间接的支付 或赠送对象是外国官员、外国 国有企业 雇 员 、外国政党、任何外国政党官职的候选人、或任何人士, 明知这类钱物的全部或部分直接或间接提供、赠送或许诺 ,以便获得或保持业务,或用来获得使 [...]
Valspar 公司业务受益的法律、法规或裁决。
I further attest and certify that I have no knowledge of any offer, payment, promise to pay, or authorization of the payment of any money, or offer, gift, promise to give, or authorization of the giving of anything of value made or offered directly or indirectly to a foreign
official, employees of a
[...] foreign state-owned company, foreign political party, or any candidate for foreign political office, or to any person, knowing that all or a portion [...]
of the money or
thing of value will be offered, given, or promised, directly or indirectly, to obtain or retain business or payments to obtain favorable legislation, regulations or rulings which would benefit Valspar’s business.
我的一个消息源告诉我江西赛维实际已经聘请投行摩根斯坦利(NYSE: MS),试图将公司卖给一家中国大 国有企业。
One of my sources tells me LDK has actually
hired investment bank Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) to try and sell the
[...] company to one of China’s big state-owned enterprises.
常博逸率领他的咨询团队,成功地为众多立足于上海的大 国有企业 和 政 府部门提供战略管理和规划建议,全力支持上海市政府有关产业转型、以服务业为导向的战略目标,为上海国际金融中心城市发展、静安区城市航站楼、创意园区建设等提出了极具建设性的战略规划,2011年,罗兰贝格被授予了“静安区百强企业”的称号。
Mr. Bouée and his team of
[...] consultants have worked with the Shanghai Municipal Government to offer strategic planning [...]
for industrial transformations
and service-oriented industry strategy, conducting projects such as the development of the Shanghai World Financial Center, the construction of Creative Parks, and the Jing'An District city airport terminal.
中国石油天然气股份有限公司(中石油) 国有企业 中 国石油天然气集团公司(CNPC) 的上市公司,前身是成立于 1949 年的中国燃料工业部。
PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) is the publicly traded arm of the state-owned China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), which grew out of the Chinese Fuel Industry Ministry, founded in 1949.
这些投资的范围从小型企业到大型企业,包括大连万达集团最近的数十亿美元的AMC影院连锁公司的收购以及像天津钢管,尚德太阳能,金龙精密铜管这样的公司,甚至像中海油,中石化和中航工业这样 国有企业 的 重 大投资项目。
These investments range from small enterprises to large, including Dalian Wanda’s Group’s recent multi-billion dollar acquisition of the AMC theater chain as well as major investments by companies
like Tianjin Pipe, Sun Tech, Golden Dragon Precise Copper,
[...] and even state-owned enterprises like CNOOC, SINOPEC, [...]
and AVIC.
(a) 新的拥护者:尚不了解“指导原则”的内容或影响的利益攸关方,可 能包括:例如,经合组织之外的拥护者、国内和外延的供应 企业 、 国有企 业、中 小企业和民间社会网络、基于社区的组织和基层组织等
(a) New audiences: Stakeholders who are not yet aware of the content or the implications of the Guiding Principles, who may include, for example, audiences outside OECD, domestic and
extended supply-chain
[...] businesses, State-owned enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises and networks [...]
of civil society, community-based
and grass-roots organizations, among others
破滥用行为与“正当合理”行为的平衡,例如占市场 支配地位的国内业(包括国有企业 ) 的 排他性行为 可能得到容忍,而国际企业的类似行为则可能受到惩 处。
Consequently, exclusionary practices by dominant domestic firms (including SOEs) may be tolerated, whereas similar practices by dominant international firms may be penalized.




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