

单词 国旗

国旗 noun, plural ()

flags pl

国旗 ()

flag (of a country)


船旗国 n

flag State n


USA (land of the stars and stripes)

See also:


flag n
banner n

External sources (not reviewed)

构 成对国家象征的不尊重的行为包括焚烧、毁损、涂划、玷污或践 国旗 或 国徽 等
The disrespect for the national symbols
includes, inter alia, the acts of burning, damaging, painting, defiling or
[...] trampling upon the national flag or national emblem.
在这方面, 第 61/105 号决议第 86 段吁请旗国根据该决议第 83 段通过和执行措施,或在 根据该决议第 83 或第 85 段采取措施之前,停止批准悬挂 国国旗 的 船 只在国家 管辖范围以外、未建立有权监管底层捕捞活动的区域渔业管理组织和安排,也没 有根据该决议第 85 段制定的临时措施的地区进行底层捕捞活动。
In this regard, paragraph 86 of resolution
[...] 61/105 called upon flag States to either adopt and implement measures in accordance with paragraph 83 of the resolution, or cease to authorize fishing vessels flying their flag to conduct bottom [...]
fisheries in areas beyond
national jurisdiction where there was no RFMO/A with the competence to regulate such fisheries or interim measures in accordance with paragraph 85, until such measures were taken in accordance with paragraphs 83 or 85 of the resolution.
申诉人宣称,Sonko 先生登上国民卫队船只的那一刻,即处 于西班国旗之下 ,西班牙当局要对船上发生的事情负责,并有责任为 国国旗 之下的人提供应有的保护。
The complainant alleges that, once on board the vessel of the Civil
Guard, Mr. Sonko was
[...] under the Spanish flag, and the Spanish authorities were responsible for what happened on that vessel and for providing due protection for persons present under that flag.
五艘船中一艘为渔业局巡逻船,一艘为国家海洋局行 政巡逻船,一艘为人民解放军海军海洋监测船,另外两 艘为挂国旗的海军拖网渔船。
The five vessels included a Bureau of Fisheries
Administration patrol
[...] vessel, a State Oceanic Administration patrol vessel, a PLAN ocean surveillance ship, and two Chinese-flagged naval trawlers.
伊朗不得从本国领土,或由本国国民,或使用 悬挂国国旗的船只或飞机,直接或间接地提 供、销售或转让武器或有关材料,所有国家都应 禁止本国国民,或使用悬挂国国旗 的 船 只或飞 机,从伊朗购置这些物项”。
Iran shall not supply, sell or transfer directly or indirectly from its
territory or by its
[...] nationals or using its flag vessels or aircraft any arms or related materiel, and that all States shall prohibit the procurement of such items from Iran by their nationals, or using their flag vessels or aircraft”.
(b) 犯罪发生在犯罪实施时悬挂国国旗 的 船 舶或根据本国法律登记的航 空器上;或
(b) The offence is committed on board a
[...] vessel flying the flag of that State or [...]
an aircraft registered under the laws of
that State at the time the offence is committed; or
第 166 条 规定了对个人误用联国旗帜或 符号、红十字 旗帜或符号或类似符号、抑或其他被认可的为 保护免遭军事行动袭击而用以标示特定物体的 [...]
Article 166 provides for the punishment of a
person who has misused the
[...] United Nations flag or symbol, the Red Cross flag or symbols [...]
or similar symbols, or other recognized
symbols used for marking specific objects for the purposes of protection from military operations.
建造一个带有 11 件科学仪器的复杂的航天器;(b)通过在近地轨道上作轨道提升
[...] 机动,将航天器送入绕月圆型轨道;(c)在月球上插上印度 国旗 ; (d )进行成像 作业和收集关于月球土壤矿物含量的数据;(e)建立一个深空跟踪网络,实施深 [...]
The completed mission’s objectives were: (a) to construct a complex spacecraft with 11 scientific instruments; (b) to place the spacecraft in a circular orbit around the Moon by
orbit-raising manoeuvres from a near-Earth
[...] orbit; (c) to place the flag of India on the Moon; [...]
(d) to carry out imaging operations
and collect data on the mineral content of the lunar soil; and (e) to set up a deep-space tracking network and implement operational procedures for travel into deep space.
北京—为追悼甘肃山体滑坡的遇难者和遵守由中国国务院宣布的全国哀悼日,在北京的美国大使馆及其在中国大陆的各领事馆将 国旗 降 半 旗。
BEIJING - In memory of the victims of the Gansu landslides and in observance of the National Day of Mourning declared by the
Chinese State Council, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and its consulates on
[...] mainland China lowered U.S. flags to half mast.
沿海国可在其领海内采取必要的 步骤以防止非无害通过,包括在悬挂 国国旗 的 船只从事违反《公约》的故意和严 重污染行为,或任何捕鱼活动时。
The coastal State may take the necessary steps within its territorial sea to prevent passage that is not innocent, including when a foreign-flagged ship engages in an act of wilful and serious pollution contrary to the Convention, or any fishing activities.
在非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动的背 景下,对非法捕捞进行了界定,其中包括本国或悬挂 国国旗 的 船只在一国管辖 的水域内、未经该国的许可或违反其法律和法规的活动。
In the context of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, illegal fishing has been defined to include activities conducted by national or foreign-flagged vessels in waters under the jurisdiction of a State, without the permission of that State, or in contravention of its laws and regulations.
各国必须确保其国民、 公司、挂国旗的船 舶和在其管辖或控制之下运作的任何其他实体遵守这些义 务。
States must ensure that their nationals, companies, ships flying their flag and any other entities [...]
operating under their
jurisdiction or control comply with these obligations.
一般Grawl到达并指出Chuck的国国旗徽 章 是一条走不通的赠品,他不是一个“本地”。
General Grawl arrives and points out
[...] Chuck’s United States Flag insignia is a dead [...]
giveaway that he isn’t a “local”.
[...] Goldberg)的带领下,聚集在使馆正门内的旗杆下,举行了一场悼念活动,为遇难者默哀,敬献花圈,美国海军陆战队队员将 国国旗 下 半 旗。
In Beijing, the Embassy community, led by Chargé d’ Affairs Robert Goldberg, gathered outside by the flagpole of the ceremonial gate to participate in a memorial ceremony that included a
moment of silence for the earthquake victims, a presentation of a wreath, and
[...] the lowering of the flag by U.S. Marines.
(c) 阻止从本国境内、或境外本国国民、或使用悬挂 国国旗 的 船只或飞机 向这些个人、团体、企业和实体直接或间接供应、销售或转让军火和各种有关物 资,包括武器和弹药、军用车辆和装备、准军事装备及上述物资的备件,以及与 军事活动有关的技术咨询、援助或培训; (b) 为其供应、销售或转让军火和有关物资; (c) 为其招募人员;或
(c) Prevent the direct or indirect supply, sale, or transfer to these individuals, groups, undertakings and entities from their territories or by their nationals outside their territories, or using their flag vessels or aircraft, of arms and related materiel of all types including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, and technical advice, assistance, or training related to military activities
以色列 社会在国旗上印刻着,我们要努力奋斗,确保劳动者劳有所得,并作为一名自 豪的劳动者而不是靠福利救济的人有尊严地活着的权利”。
The society engraved on its flag, after difficult struggles, [...]
to ensure the right of a working person to earn a living from
his/her job, and to live respectably out of it, as a proud working person and not as a person supported by welfare”.
敦促 敦促 敦促 敦促没有建立有效海事管理机构和适当法律框架的 旗国 建 立或加强 必要的基础结构及立法和执法能力,以确保有效遵守、执行和实施国际法尤其是 《公约》规定的责任,并在未采取这种行动前,考虑不授权新船舶悬挂 国旗, 停 止船舶登记或不开放登记册,同时吁请 旗国 和 港 口国采取一切符合国际法的 必要措施,防止不合标准的船舶从事营运
Urges flag States without an effective maritime administration
and appropriate legal frameworks to establish or enhance the necessary infrastructure, legislative and enforcement capabilities to ensure effective compliance with, and implementation and enforcement of, their responsibilities under international law, in
[...] particular the Convention, and, until such action is taken, to consider declining the granting of the right to fly their flag to new vessels, suspending their registry or not opening a registry, and calls upon flag and port States to take all measures consistent with international law necessary to prevent the operation of substandard vessels
根据大会通过的第66/1号决议,利比亚常驻联合国代表团通知联合国,利比亚全国过渡委员会在2011年8月3日宣布将阿拉伯利比亚民众国国名改为“利比亚”,同时更 国旗。
Following the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 66/1, the Permanent Mission of Libya to the United Nations formally notified the United Nations of a Declaration by the National Transitional
Council of 3 August changing the official name of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to "Libya" and
[...] changing Libya's national flag.
As Chuck plants the U.S. flag, he steps on a “rubber [...]
ducky” someone left on the ground.
12月20日第5/1999 号法律公布的《中华人 民共国国旗法》 和《中华人民共和国国徽法》所规范的。
Such laws shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the MSAR, as it is the
case of the Law of the People’s
[...] Republic of China on the National Flag and the Law of the [...]
People’s Republic of China on the
National Emblem, both enacted locally in Law 5/1999, of 20 December.
在沙漠中随风飘扬的是阿布扎国旗 , 国旗 将 穆 斯林酋长国的传统红色与白色相结合,白色是英国根据 1820 年《海上合约》(General [...]
Maritime Treaty),要求停战诸国(当时的酋长国)加上的,表明各国的和平意愿。
Seen flying in the desert breeze is the flag of Abu Dhabi, [...]
which combines the traditional red of the Muslim emirates with
white, which Great Britain, under the General Maritime Treaty of 1820, asked the Trucial States, as the emirates became known, to add to their flags as a sign of their peaceful intentions.
我们已日益整合在联国旗帜下 开展的各种努力,而且我们终于明白, 在支持国家主导的优先事项方面,我们只有与其他 [...]
We have increasingly integrated
the various efforts carried out under
[...] the United Nations flag, and we have come [...]
to understand that we can succeed only
if we work in close partnership with other key international actors, in support of nationally owned priorities.
三台汽车均已售罄,每台各采用意大 国旗 中 的 一种颜色——绿色、白色、红色,从而交织成一部三部曲,彰显独特魅力。
The three cars sold to customers each feature a single color of
[...] the Italian national flag, together a triology [...]
in green, white and red accents and
thus representing each a unique piece.
确认《公约》、《促进公海渔船遵守国际养护和管理措施的协定》(《遵守措 施协定》)、7 《协定》和《守则》规定,旗国有 义 务对悬挂 国旗 的 渔 船和悬挂国旗为渔 船提供支助的船舶进行有效监督,确保这些渔船和辅助船舶的活动不 损害根据国际法在国家、次区域、区域或全球各级采取的养护和管理措施的效力
Recognizing the duty provided in the Convention, the Agreement to Promote Compliance with International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas (“the Compliance
Agreement”),7 the Agreement
[...] and the Code for flag States to exercise effective control over fishing vessels flying their flag, and vessels flying their flag which provide [...]
support to fishing vessels,
to ensure that the activities of such fishing and support vessels do not undermine the effectiveness of conservation and management measures taken in accordance with international law and adopted at the national, subregional, regional or global levels
2008 年1月11 日,总检察长办公室要求休达第一预审法院重审此案, 因为新的资料表明,有关事件发生在悬挂西班 国旗 的 船 只之上,西 班牙法院因此有权审理此案。
On 11 January 2008, the Office of the Attorney General requested that Examining Court No. 1 of Ceuta reopen the
case in the light of
[...] new information that indicated that the events in question had taken place on board a vessel flying the Spanish flag, which would [...]
render the Spanish courts competent to hear the case.
例如,在悬挂俄罗国旗的船 上工作的摩尔曼斯克海员的薪水已增加至每月最高 500 美元,同时 SUR 报告说目前已经离将他们的薪酬提升到 ILO 的联合海事委员会所建议的水平的目标不远了。
Murmansk seafarers working on board Russian-flagged ships for example, have received pay rises bringing them up to US$500 per month, and the SUR reports to be at the point of bringing their pay up to the level recommended by the Joint Maritime Commission of the ILO.
2002年,瑞士加入联合国的时候,联合国官员面临一个不同寻常的问题:瑞士 国旗 是 正方形的,但联合国规定所有在联合国总部升起 国旗 必 须 是矩形的。
When Switzerland joined the UN in 2002, UN protocol
officials faced
[...] an unusual problem: the Swiss flag is square, but UN rules say that all flags flying at its headquarters must be oblong.
[...] 港口港务主任办公室这一公共机构 指示悬挂摩尔多瓦共国国旗的船 主和利用该等船只运营的营运商,不得直接或 [...]
In the field of inland waterway transport, the harbour master of the port of Giurgiulesti
instructed the owners and operators of vessels
[...] operating under the flag of the Republic [...]
of Moldova to refrain from carrying out direct
or indirect transport of goods stipulated in the resolutions to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
该条例还将实施第 10 段,把新加坡国民或使用悬挂新加 国旗 的 船只或飞机从阿拉伯利比亚民众国 采购第 10 段所指物项的行为定为刑事罪。
The Regulations will also implement paragraph 10 by criminalizing the procurement of the items referred to in that paragraph from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by Singapore nationals or using Singapore flagged vessels or aircraft.




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