单词 | 国宾 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 国宾 —state visitorless common: visiting head of state Examples:国宾馆—state guesthouse See also:宾 n—guest n • visitor n 宾—object (in grammar)
Almac Clinical Technologies公司今天宣布,公司扩建了位于 美 国宾 夕 法 尼亚州Yardley市的总部,使其面积扩大了6000平方英尺,以支持公司业务的不断增长。 tipschina.gov.cn | Almac Clinical Technologies announced today that it has added 6,000 square feet of space at its Yardley, Pennsylvania USA headquarters to support the company's continued growth. tipschina.gov.cn |
北京香格里拉饭店毗邻金融街和科技园、钓鱼 台 国宾 馆 、 颐和园、北京动物园和后海娱乐中心,为您游览北京名胜提供了优越的条件。 shangri-la.com | It is also close to the State Guest House, the historical Summer Palace and Beijing Zoo, providing an excellent base from which to explore Beijing's many attractions. shangri-la.com |
在美国宾夕法 尼亚州的阿伦敦,瓦克聚合物有了新邻居。 reports.wacker.com | At its US site in Allentown (Pennsylvania), WACKER POLYMERS has established new ties with the local community. reports.wacker.com |
技术设备由 福伊特在美国宾州的 York 提供。 voith.com | The technical equipment is being supplied by [...] Voith from York, Pennsylvania, USA. voith.com |
美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学理学士以及工商管理硕士(MBA)的学位。 wacker.com | Holds B.S. and MBA degrees from Pennsylvania State University. wacker.com |
Covindassamy先生是美国宾夕法 尼亚大学沃顿商学院的的MBA,并持有乔治敦大学(金融,国际商务,数学)学士学位,他能说流利的英语和法语。 bdallc.com | Mr. Covindassamy has an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School (Finance) and a Bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University (Finance, International Business, and Mathematics). bdallc.com |
挪威创新署的能源管理计划(EMP)2011年3月22日在北 京 国宾 酒 店 与中国饭店协会联合主办了“中国酒店业绿潮论坛”。 norway.org.cn | Innovation Norway’s Energy Management Program (EMP) co-hosted the conference “Green Tide Forum of China Hotel Industry” together with China Hotel Association (CHA) at The Presidential Hotel the 22 March 2011. norway.cn |
挪威驻华大使司文先生和挪威的太阳能公司REC(Renewable Energy Corporation ASA—可再生能源公司)于2012年7月12日出席了在北京钓鱼 台 国宾 馆 举 行的2012中国光伏产业领袖峰会。 norway.org.cn | Norwegian ambassador Svein O. Sæther and Norwegian solar energy company REC (Renewable Energy Corporation ASA) participated at the "China PV Summit 2012", held at Diaoyutai State Guest House on 12 July 2012. norway.cn |
2008年8月,公司与美国宾夕法 尼亚州新 成立的Ormita国际有限责任公司联合起来,建立了Ormita品牌名称。 ormitaslovakia.com | In September 2008, the company joined forces with the newly formed Ormita International LLC, of Pennsylvania, USA, thereby creating the Ormita brand name. ormitaslovakia.com |
该中心总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市全球闻名的卡内基梅隆(Carnegie Mellon)大学计算机软件工程学院,发挥学院人才优势,网聚世界各地的优秀专家,为公司的任一设施提供现场服务。 emerson.com | Headquartered amid the renowned software and computer engineering faculty at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA), the Emerson Software Center of Excellence taps the talents of experts there and elsewhere in the world to serve on-site at any of the company's facilities. emerson.com |
Wickrema先生认为,未成年人从美国宾 夕 法尼亚大学数学金融帝国学院的商学院在伦敦和经济学学士,硕士。 bdallc.com | Mr. Wickrema holds an MSc in Finance from the Imperial College Business School in London and BA in Economics with a Minor in Mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania. bdallc.com |
Sheila M. [...] Olmstead及其同事研究了美国宾夕法 尼亚的Marcellus页岩,并且使用对2万多个地表水质量观测的回归分析估计了页岩气井以及处理后的页岩气废物的释放对下游水质的影响。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Sheila M. Olmstead and colleagues studied the [...] Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and used [...]regression analysis of more than 20,000 surface [...]water quality observations to estimate the effects of shale gas wells and the release of treated shale gas waste on downstream water quality. chinese.eurekalert.org |
目前,公 司与浙江大学、美国宾夕法 尼亚州立大学、中国科学院微电子科学研究所、上海交大微纳科学技术研究院、nLiten Energy、辽宁科技大学化学工程学院、理想能源等国内外著名高校、科研院所和企业机构开展合作研究。 astronergy.com | Currently, the company has conducted cooperative research with Zhejiang University, America Pennsylvania State University, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Micro/ Nano Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, nLiten Energy, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, School of Chemical Engineering, Ideal Energy and other domestic and foreign famous universities, research institutes and enterprises. astronergy.com |
美国宾夕法 尼亚州就采取了这个办法,州政府指定若 干“数据管家”负责创建和维护数据及管理网上数据交换中心 daccess-ods.un.org | This was the approach taken by the United States state of Pennsylvania, where the state Government identified a number of “data stewards” to create and maintain data and manage an online data clearinghouse (Shanley, 2007: 17). daccess-ods.un.org |
我们与日本的医疗机构互相配合,合作,对来自国外患者的问询,查询,以及从患者入院到出院等多种语言对应服务。此外通过JTB集团在海外的营销网络,承办各种入境手续,“医疗居留签证”等事项,为使 外 国宾 客 ,患者可以顺利入境,安心接受日本的医疗服务以及治疗,开展和提供各项服务。 jp-jmhc.com | We collaborate with medical institutions in Japan and in addition to providing support in multiple languages, such as inquiries from patients and the support during their stay from the time they enter the facility to the time they check out, we developed services so that foreigners can smoothly and safely travel for medical care by freely using travel services through the JTB Group overseas network and the medical stay visa. jp-jmhc.com |
同样,由于开发 署的支持,拟定了亚美尼亚国家反腐败战略和菲 律 宾国 家 反 腐败计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, UNDP support resulted in [...] the development of a national anti-corruption strategy in Armenia and a national [...] anti-corruption plan in the Philippines. daccess-ods.un.org |
荷兰是本届北京图书博览 会的主宾国,作为主宾国就 要 承 担 起 一 定 的 责 任 。 china.nlambassade.org | The Netherlands is the host country at the Beijing Book Fair, and being the host entails certain responsibilities. china.nlambassade.org |
2011 年 12 [...] 月,在经济和社会事务部技术合作股和联 合 国 菲 律 宾国 家 工 作队 的支持下,常设论坛秘书处在马尼拉举办了一次培训讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | In December 2011, with the support of the Technical Cooperation Unit of the Department of Economic and [...] Social Affairs and the United Nations [...] country team in the Philippines, the secretariat [...]of the Permanent Forum conducted a training workshop in Manila. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家委员会秘书长在联合国菲律宾国 家 工 作队中 的“观察员”身份改善了通讯与信息交流;然而,它并没有改变国家工作队的态度,在供资 [...] 机会出现时(例如西班牙千年发展目标计划),教科文组织很难参与并为该组织确定一个角 色。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The “observer” status of the [...] Secretary General of the National Commission [...] in the UNCT in the Philippines has improved the [...]communications and information exchange; [...]however, it has not yet resulted in a change of attitude in the UNCT, where it has been difficult for UNESCO to participate and establish a role for the Organization whenever funding opportunities arise (e.g. Spanish MDG programme). unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了改善与联合国菲律宾国家工 作队的沟通,在 2008 年 采取了两项措施:(i) 该办事处协商国家委员会秘书长出席国家工作队会议事宜;(ii) [...] 约请教 科文组织顾问跟进联合国联合倡议活动,并参与有关国别计划的工作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With a view to improving the communications [...] with the UNCT in the Philippines, two measures [...]were taken in 2008: (i) the Office negotiated [...]the attendance in UNCT meetings of the Secretary General of the National Commission, and (ii) a UNESCO consultant was contracted to follow up on joint United Nations initiatives and to work on the UCPD. unesdoc.unesco.org |
违反国际人道主义法罪行、灭绝种族罪和其他危害人类罪法》第八章第 17 节规定,无论犯罪行为在何处发生,只要被告(a) 为菲律宾国民; (b) 在菲律宾 境内,无论其公民身份或常住地位为何,或(c) 对菲律宾人实施犯罪,则国家应 对此人行使管辖权,无论其为军人或平民,是涉嫌还是被控实施该法所述的罪行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under section 17 of chapter VIII of the Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity, the State shall exercise jurisdiction over a person, whether military or civilian, suspected or accused of a crime under the Act, regardless of where the crime is committed, provided that the accused (a) is a national; (b) regardless of citizenship or residence, is present in the Philippines; or (c) has committed the crime against a Filipino. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009年3 月,菲律宾 国会就《菲律宾地雷法》(第1595 号国会法案) 举行了听证,该法仍处于技术工 作组阶段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Philippines reported that, in March 2009, the Philippines Congress held public hearings on the Philippine Landmine Bill (House Bill No 1595) and that the bill remained at the Technical Working Group level. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于这些问题及其与菲律宾国家氟氯化碳淘汰计划的关系,会议同意,要求澄清的 成员们将与执行机构在会议的会外举行非正式会议,处理尚未解决的问题,将氟氯烃淘汰 管理计划和菲律宾国家氟 氯化碳淘汰计划一起讨论,然后向全体会议提出报告。 multilateralfund.org | Given those issues and their relationship to [...] the NPP for the Philippines, it was agreed that the members seeking clarification should meet informally with the implementing agencies in the margins of the meeting to deal with the outstanding issues for both the HPMP and the NPP for the Philippines together, and then [...]report back to the Committee. multilateralfund.org |
执行局不妨核准特克斯和凯科斯群岛国家方案第二次延长一年,自2010年1 月 1 日延长至 2010 年 12 月 31 [...] 日;执行局不妨核准巴巴多斯和东加勒比国家组 织、莫桑比克和菲律宾国家方案第一次延长两年,自 2010 年 1 月 [...]1 日至 2011 年 12 月 31 日(见表 2)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Executive Board may wish to approve the second one-year extension of the country programme for the Turks and Caicos Islands, from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010; and the first two-year extension of the country programmes for Barbados and the [...] Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, [...] Mozambique, and the Philippines, from 1 January [...]2010 to 31 December 2011 as presented in table 2. daccess-ods.un.org |
目前正在由亚洲开发银行执行并由国际水灾和风险管理中心实施 TA7276 项 目的菲律宾国内组 成部分,执行期为 9 个月,于对亚洲开发银行与国际水灾和 风险管理中心的伙伴关系协定做出修订之后,从 2012 年 4 月到 2012 年 12 月。 oosa.unvienna.org | The Philippine in-country component of project TA7276 is currently being executed by ADB and implemented by the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), with an implementation period of nine months, from April 2012 to December 2012, after revision of the partnership agreement between ADB and ICHARM. oosa.unvienna.org |
加拿大执行严格的 通用签证制度,鼓励家庭工人(住家护工)在该国工作一段时间之后成为长期定 [...] 居者,这项制度对于技能的要求(中等以上教育文凭,接受过关于家庭工作的正 规培训)带动了菲律宾国内培 训学校的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | The well-regulated universal visa system of Canada offers incentives to domestic workers (live-in caregivers) to become permanent residents after a period of time in that country and, through its skills requirements (of at least a [...] secondary diploma and formal training in domestic work), has helped foster the growth of [...] training schools in the Philippines. daccess-ods.un.org |
菲律宾、国际媒体以及民间社会将案件置于公众视线的聚焦中心,从而要求对肇事者进行起诉以及进行更广范围的改革,即使菲律宾即将进入2010年的选举季。 crisisgroup.org | the Philippines and international media [...] and civil society keep the case front and centre in the public eye to demand prosecution [...]of the perpetrators and broader reforms, even as the Philippines moves into election season in 2010. crisisgroup.org |
国家情报协调署(NICA)应在收到移民局背书后的五个工作日内签发初始安全调 查,并在批准试用签证后三个月内签发一份更加详细的涵盖菲律宾武装部队与菲 律宾国家警察的证明。 philcongenxiamen.com | The National Intelligence Coordination Agency (NICA) shall issue an initial clearance within five (5) working days from the receipt of the BOI endorsement and a more thorough verification to cover the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police should be within three (3) months after the grant of the probationary visa. philcongenxiamen.com |
下列成员和准成员的代表在会上作了发言:亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟 加拉国、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 [...] 中国香港、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 [...] 挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄 罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 [...]斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和越南。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the following members and associate members made statements: Armenia; Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic People’s Republic of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; [...] Mongolia; Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; [...] Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; [...]Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon [...]Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam. daccess-ods.un.org |