

单词 国家质量监督检验检疫总局

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近日国家质量监督检验检疫总局公布 了2012年度复混肥料、磷肥产品质量联动监督抽查结果,并且集体约谈了不合格化肥生产企业相关负责人。
Recently, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) has published [...]
the results of random
checkings on the fertilizer products.
The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People's [...]
Republic of China (PRC)
has specified the BAX® system as an official method for pathogen detection in food imports and exports.
美标所和消委会代表团在北 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 与 葛副局长在一起。
[...] delegation with AQSIQ Vice Minister Ge at AQSIQ Headquarters in Beijing.
政府成立了原料用途监督专家小组; 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 交 流检疫和装运前 消毒处理熏蒸授权数据;开展核查审计;为负责检疫和装运前消毒处理熏蒸许可证的机构 提供能力建设,用于(a) 与负责熏蒸许可证的机构开展联合调查(b) 制定新的检疫和装运前 消毒处理用途监督和管理规定,以及(c) 建立用于甲基溴检疫和装运前消毒处理用途的新 的管理信息系统。
It has: established an expert team for the supervision of feedstock use; exchanged data with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on QPS fumigation [...]
conducted verification audits; and provided capacity building for the 13 agency responsible for QPS fumigation permits for (a) a joint survey with those responsible for fumigation permits (b) the formulation of new QPS use supervision and management regulations, and (c) the establishment of a new management information system for MB QPS uses.
赫格姆还会晤了国家质总局,国家质量监督检验 检 疫 总 局 的代表,以及中国农业大学的代表。
Mr Heggem also met with representatives of
[...] the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine(AQSIQ), and China Agricultural [...]
他还要感谢在访问期间见到的全体人员,包括外交部、农 业部、国家粮食局、国土资源部、环境保护部、人力资源和社会保障部 国家质 量监督检验检疫总局的高 级别代表和专家以及各研究机构、民间组织和国际机构 的代表。
He also thanks all the persons with whom he met during his visit, including high-level representatives and experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
the Ministry of
[...] Agriculture, the State Administration of Grain, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and representatives [...]
of a range of research
institutions, civil society organizations and international agencies.
另外,中国政府已经 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 承 诺 支付大部分的技术援助资金,后者 将成为 2011 年 9 月开始的新的技术援助方案的关键伙伴。
Moreover, the
[...] Government of China had committed a large part of the technical assistance funds to the Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine which will be the [...]
key partner of the
new technical assistance programme that is to start by September 2011.
为 进 一 步 预 防 及 控 制 禽 流 感 爆 发 , 食 物 环 境 卫 生 署国 家 质 量 监 督 检 验 检 疫 总 局 就 落 实 进 口 活 家 禽 接 种 禽 流 感 疫 苗 的 措 施 达 成 协 议 : 由 2004 年 1 月 15 日 开 始 [...]
, 所 有 进 口 活 家 禽 ( 鸽 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 须 接 种
农 业 部 批 准 生 产 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 灭 活 疫 苗 , 才 可 以 进 口 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the
outbreak of avian flu,
[...] FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's Republic of China for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine have agreed [...]
that with effect from
15 January 2004, all live poultry (except pigeons and waterfowls) must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu with deactivated vaccine authorized for production and use by the State Ministry of Agriculture before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
2012年10月23日国家质量监督检验检 疫总局 ( AQ SIQ)和欧盟委员会工业总局一起举行了主题为欧盟玩具指令实施以及欧洲标准化最新发展的讨论会。
On October 23rd the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) jointly with [...]
the Directorate General
Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission held a seminar on the latest developments regarding the implementation of the EU Toy Safety Directive and the standardization process in Europe.
2000年公司“ACS-II密度自动控制固井水泥混浆橇” 被国家科技部、国家税务总局、对外贸易经济合作部、 家质量监督检验检疫总局 、 国 家 环 境保护总局联合认定为“国家重点新产品”。
The ACS-II Density Auto Control Cementing Mixing Skid developed
by SJS was listed into The
[...] 2000 National New Products Program, which was jointly certified by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the Ministry [...]
of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China.
消费者保护与产品安全项目协同德国联邦经济技术部(BMWi)以及中 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 ( AQ SIQ),于2012年7月13日在北京为中方专家举行了一场关于市场监督的信息交流研讨会,其重点在于介绍欧洲的市场监管信息交流系统ICSMS(Information Communication [...]
System for Market Surveillance)。
In cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Economics
and Technology (BMWi)
[...] and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), the GIZ Consumer Protection and Product Safety Programme [...]
organized a seminar
in Beijing on July 13th, 2012 for Chinese officials for an information exchange on market surveillance with a focus on the European Information Communication System for Market Surveillance (ICSMS).
2011年7月5日至7日,德国国际合作机构(GIZ)消费者保护与产品安全项目与深圳出入境检验检疫局在深圳共同举办了“中德(深圳)玩具质量与安全论坛”,通过对欧洲委员会最新颁布的玩具安全指令技术档案指南的阐释,旨在协助中国的玩具生产商应对即将实施的欧盟玩具安全新指令,也为中德双方专家就新指令的相关技术细节进行交流探讨提供了宝贵的契机;与此同时,此次论坛正值《中华人民共和 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 与 德 意志联邦共和国经济与技术部关于产品安全领域合作的联合声明》上周于柏林签署之际,中德双方就深化合作进行了卓有成效的探讨。
The Forum aimed to help Chinese toy manufacturers to address the challenges presented by the implementation of the EU Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC (TSD), which will take effect on 20 July 2011, by elaborating on the guidance of technical documentation of the toy directive, which was published by the European Commission in April 2011.
中华人民共和国家质量监督检验检 疫总局 于 20 01年12月10日发布了《中华人民共和国国家标准-室内装饰装修材料人造板及其制品中甲醛释放限量》标准,标准号GB-18580-2001。
[...] Republic of China State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on December 10, [...]
2001 issued the "People's
Republic of China national standards - indoor decoration materials and wood-based panel products in limited release formaldehyde" standard, the standard of GB-18580-2001.
根据《缺陷汽车产品召回管理规定》的相关规定,戴姆勒股份公司于近期 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 ( AQ SIQ)提交了一份召回报告,表明将召回于2007年11月9日至2011年4月26日间生产的进口梅赛德斯-奔驰乌尼莫克越野货车和越野货车底盘U400, [...]
U3000,U4000, U5000。
In accordance with the relevant provisions in the Management Regulations on the Recall of Defective Vehicle Products, recently,
Daimler AG submitted a
[...] recall report to State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People’s [...]
Republic of China,
in which it expressed that it will recall the imported UNIMOG U400, U3000, U4000 and U5000 manufactured respectively from November 9, 2007 to April 26, 2011.
本次由联信永益公司承建的“金质工程”一期全国网络,覆 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 、 直 属局、分支局等单位,在网络设计上分为三个层面 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 网 络 承担着大量的业务,为直属局、分支局和个办事处提供各种业务应用,是整个网络的最高层次,;第二层为直属局和分支局网络,业务汇聚比较集中,属于本系统的一二级单位;第三层就是各个基本单位,办事处,为其提供必要的数据传输连接通道。
The Phase-I Golden Quality Project contracted by Surekam covers the head office, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine bureaus and sub-bureaus directly under the head office.
2005年度和2006年度,公司生产的啤酒瓶 国家质量监督检验 检 疫总局 组 织的监督抽查中,其质量指标达到了GB4544-1996标准中优等品要求。
Our beer bottles passed GB4544-1996 during the inspection supervised by
[...] the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's [...]
Republic of China(AQSIQ) in 2005 and 2006.
本次”金质工程”一期系统软硬件平台建设覆盖 家质检总局 、 全 国 3 5 个 检验检疫 直 属 局和36个 量 技 术 监督局 、 16 个检验检疫分支局等。
The system hardware and software platform of this
phase covers the head
[...] office, 35 inspection and quarantine bureaus, 36 quality and technology supervision bureaus and 16 inspection and quarantine sub-bureaus directly [...]
under the head office.
强制性产品认证制度的建立由中央政府负责,国家认监委负责按照法律法规和国务院的授权,协调有关部门按照“四个统一”的原则建 国家 强 制性产品认证制度;指定认证机构在授权范围内承担具体产品的认证任务,向获证产品颁发CCC认证证书;地 质量 技 术 监督局 和 各 地出入 检验检疫 局 负 责对列入《目录》产品的行政执法监督工作,确保未获得认证的列入《目录》内的产品不得进口、出厂、销售和在经营服务性活动中使用。
Compulsory product certification system is established by the Central Government, the state commission responsible for the laws and regulations and the State Council in accordance with the authority to coordinate relevant departments in accordance with the "four
unity" principle the
[...] establishment of national compulsory product certification system; the scope of authorization by the certification body assume a specific product certification within the mission, presented to the certified product CCC certification; places around the Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine is responsible [...]
for immigration included
in the "catalog" products of administrative law enforcement supervision, to ensure the inclusion is not certified "catalog" of products shall import, factory, sales and service activities in business use.
国家质检总局积极 配合相关部委,在对进口废物原料的管理实践中,始终将其纳入法制化管理的轨道,逐步完善建立一套完整的进口废物原料 量 安 全法律法规体系,包括《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》、《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验检疫法》、《进口可用作原料的固体废物 验检疫监督 管 理 办法》等近20部法律法规与部门规章,为保障进口废物原料质量、特别是保护环境安全、规范进口废物原料贸易秩序提供了坚实的基础和良好的环境。
AQSIQ actively cooperate with relevant ministries in the management of imported waste materials in practice, always be included in legal management of the track, and gradually improve the establishment of a complete set of imported waste materials quality and safety laws and regulations, including the "People's Republic of Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law, "" Republic of China Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Quarantine Law "and" imported solid wastes as raw materials inspection and quarantine supervision and management methods [...]
"and nearly 20 laws
and regulations and departmental rules and regulations for the protection of imported waste quality of raw material, particularly the protection of environmental safety, regulate trade order of imported waste materials to provide a solid foundation and good environment.
2010年国家质检总局以科 学发展观为统领,紧密围绕提升 量 安 全水平、服务经济平稳较快发展为主线,继续健全 验监 管 链 条,在企业准入管理、装运前检验、口岸检验检疫和后续监管四个工作环节上有效做好进口可用作原料的固体废物(以下简称“进口废物原料”)检验 疫监 管 工作,扎实提升安全质量保障水平。
In 2010, AQSIQ scientific development concept, focusing on enhancing quality and safety standards, service-oriented line of stable and rapid economic development, continue to improve inspection and supervision chain, enterprise access management, pre-shipment inspection, port inspection and quarantine four work areas and follow-up monitoring of imports used as raw materials to effectively do a good job of solid waste (hereinafter referred to as "import waste materials"), inspection and quarantine supervision, safety and quality [...]
sound to enhance the level of protection.
上 海 市 机 电 产品进出口办公室副主任李磊、上海出入境检验疫局风险管理处处长郑浩国家机 动 车产质 量监督检验中心(上海)主任黄中荣和德国莱茵 TÜV大中华区车辆业务负责人及技术专家等出 席该研讨会。
In attendance at the workshop were Lei Li, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Machinery and Electronic Products Import and Export Office;
[...] Hao Zheng, Director of the Risk Management Department of the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau; Zhongrong [...]
Huang, Director
of the National Motor Vehicle Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Centre (Shanghai) and the vehicle business leaders and other technical experts from TÜV Rheinland Greater China.
国家质量技术监督局负责的对国内产品实施的产品安全认证(CCEE认证)和 国家 出 入 境 检验检疫局 负 责的对进口产品实施的进口商品安全质量许可制度(CCIB认证),由新的国家强制性产品认证制度(CCC)代替,同时CCC认证也取代了部分产品的生产许可证制度和电磁兼容认证制度。
State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision responsible for the implementation of the national product safety certification of products (CCEE certification) and the original Exit Inspection and Quarantine is responsible [...]
for the implementation
of the import of goods imported products safety and quality licensing system (CCIB certification), the new national Compulsory Certification (CCC) to replace, and replace some CCC certification is also the production permit system and EMC certification system.
为保护我国环境,防止境外有毒有害废物向我国转移,维护进口废物原料的贸易秩序,根据《中华人民共和国进出口商品检验法实施条例》第53条,《进口可用作原料的固体废物 验 检 疫监督 管 理 办法》国家质检总局 令 第 119号)第8条、第47条和《进口可用作原料的固体废物国外供货商注册登记管理实施细则》(国家质检总局公告2009年第98号)第24条的规定,现公告如下
To protect our environments and prevent overseas toxic and harmful wastes from diverting to our country and maintain trade order of importing wastes raw material, in accordance with Article 53 of Regulations for the
Implementation of the Law of the
[...] People's Re-public of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection, Article 8 and Article 47 of Supervision and Administration Measures of Inspection and Quarantine of Imported Solid Wastes as Raw Materials (AQSIQ Document [...]
No. 119), Article 24 of
Rules for the Implementation of Registration Management of Overseas Suppliers on Importing Solid Wastes as Raw Materials (AQSIQ Annoucement No. 98, 2009 ), hereby the announcement as below
(b) 启动了与欧洲联盟共同实施的一个项目,旨在加强几内亚的一般外部监 督机制(帮助建立各监督机构之间的常设协调框架,对目标机构(审计院 国家稽 查总局和财 政稽核总局)进行有效的结构调整,并通过培训和改善工作条件提监督的质量)。
(b) Launch a joint project with the European Union designed to strengthen the overall system of external oversight in Guinea (support for putting in place a permanent framework for consultation and coordination among oversight structures, structured and effective reorganization of the targeted
[...] (Government Accounting Office, State Inspectorate (IGE), Financial Inspectorate (IGF) and improvement of the quality of oversight through training and better [...]
working conditions).
近期,国家质检总局在其门户网站上公布了《中国进口可用作原料的固体废物检验检疫状况(2010年度)》(详见附件),其中收录了2010年国家质检总局 及 所 属出入境 验 检 疫 机 构 在进口废物原料检验检 监 管 方 面的统计数据和监管信息,是一部比较全面反映中国大陆地区进口废物原料 量 情 况 的年度文件。
Recently, AQSIQ announced on its portal, "China imported solid wastes
as raw materials
[...] inspection and quarantine conditions (2010)" (see Annex), which included the 2010 and belongs to the AQSIQ entry-exit inspection and quarantine agencies in the supervision inspection and quarantine of imported waste materials in statistics and regulatory information, is a mainland China more fully reflect the quality of imported waste materials to the annual data.
16.93 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 会员国拥有和上报足够的毒品和犯罪数 据;(b) 将建立或加强法医和科学能力视为优先事项的各国政府致力采用最佳法医方法,并将 法医科学实验室纳入家缉毒和预防犯罪框架;(c) 各国实验室注重质量,保 证公正,并得到 上级的支持;(d) 各国实验室相互开展合作并同有关 局 ( 例 如 执法 监 管 和 保健 局 ) 合 作, 在本国开展合作并同禁毒办合作;(e) 会员国继续支持进行综合专题方案编制工作,在编制方 案时更多自愿提出意见建议;(f) 预算外资源没有重大短缺。
16.93 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a) sufficient data on drugs and crime are available and reported by Member States; (b) Governments that have the establishment or improvement of forensic and scientific capacity high on their list of priorities are committed to forensic best practice
implementation and integrate
[...] forensic science laboratories into the national drug control and crime prevention framework; (c) national laboratories have quality assurance high on their agenda and have relevant support from higher institutional levels; (d) national laboratories cooperate with each other and with relevant authorities (e.g. law enforcement, regulatory and health) [...]
within and between
countries and with UNODC; (e) Member States continue to support integrated thematic programming by increasing voluntary contributions at the programmatic level; and (f) there are no significant shortfalls in extrabudgetary resources.
通过电子政务系统的建设,促进各级质检机关向管理服务型转变,提质量监督检验 检 疫 执 法的透明度,形成 国 统 一的质检大网络,促进质检系统执法电子化、信息化,为生产企业和外经贸企业带来更大的方便与效益,加大打击假冒伪劣的力度,更有效地规范市场经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展。
The construction of an e-government system will facilitate the transformation of quality inspection authorities at all levels into
management-oriented service
[...] institutions, make quality supervision, inspection and quarantine enforcement more transparent, [...]
build a nationwide
unified quality inspection network, enable electronic and IT-based enforcement in quality inspection authorities, provide more convenience and benefits for producers and enterprises engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation, intensify the fight against fake and forged commodities, better regulate the order of market economy and boost the development of socialist market economy.
通过”金质工程”建设,打 质量监督检验 检 疫 信 息 化平台,进而达到提质量监督检验 检 疫 的 行 政执法水平,提高市场监管能力和质量安全监控的快速反应能力,改进政府行政管理模式,提高质检工作效率,促进对外经济贸易的发展,保护民族产业的发展,推动政务公开,为公众提供广泛的信息咨询服务的目的。
Through the Golden Quality Project, an
[...] IT-based quality supervision, inspection and quarantine platform is built to improve quality supervision, inspection and quarantine enforcement, [...]
increase market regulation
and response abilities, transform the model of government administration, increase quality supervision, inspection and quarantine efficiency, boost foreign trade and economic cooperation, protect national industries, facilitate transparency in government affairs and provide extensive information services for the public.
教育方案将向巴勒斯坦难民儿童和青年提供学习机会,传授知识、技能和验,其质量、标准和规范与东国当 局 在 联 合国各项原 总 框 架内所提供的知识、 技能和经验保持一致。
The education programme will provide Palestine refugee children and youth with learning opportunities, knowledge, skills and
experience that are consistent in quality, standards
[...] and norms with those offered by the host authorities within the overall framework of the principles of the United [...]




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