

单词 国家外汇管理局

External sources (not reviewed)

RegPro涵盖向中国银行业监督管理委员会、中国人民银行国家外汇管理局 等 监管机构提交的200多份报告。
RegPro covers over 200 reports for the China Banking
Regulatory Commission (CBRC), People's Bank of China
[...] (PBC) and State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) regulators.
收到银联的紧急通知,银联将根据中国家外汇管理局 (SAFE) 对跨境支付结算业务的最新要求,从 2012 年 8 月 1 日起推行新措施。
As informed by ChinaPay, a
[...] new policy on overseas payment was enforced by SAFE (State Administration of Foreign Exchange) of China start from [...]
1st August 2012.
所有汇款皆须符国家外汇管理局的 有 关规定。
All remittance services are bounded by regulations of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.
国家外汇管理局的规 定,请提供您的居民身份证号码及中文姓名,验证通过後您才可以继续完成支付。
Paypal offers a payment channel for transferring money on email basis.
他从1998年开始担任中国人民银行广州分行副行长国家外汇管理局 广 州分局副局长,后在2002年出国家外汇管理局 党 组成员和副局长。
From 1984 to 1994 he worked at the Shaoguan municipal and Guangdong Provincial
branches of the
[...] People’s Bank of China (PBoC) and of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), including serving Vice President, Party Secretary and Deputy Bureau Chief, etc. From 1998, he was appointed Vice President of Guangzhou Branch of PBoC and Deputy Director of the Guangzhou branch of SAFE, and was later elected as Deputy Director of the SAFE Central Office [...]
in 2002.
根据中国政府机构批准的海外项 目的规模和投资的性质,海外投资项目可能需要经过国务院、商务部、发改委、财政部国家外汇管理局、国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(以下简称“国资委”),以及中国 进出口银行和中国国家开发银行等部门的一系列审批。
Depending on the scale and nature of investment, Chinese government institutions that must approve an overseas project include the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), Stateowned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC), as well as the
China Export-Import
[...] (Exim) Bank and the China Development Bank.55 The most specific requirement can be found in the Administrative Regulation on Contracting Foreign Projects (2008) issued [...]
by the State Council that states that the company, and any people
involved, shall be fined or the certificate shall be revoked when the project is obtained as a result of offering an unfair low price, illegal bidding or acts of bribery.56 However, most articles related to the impacts of company behaviour overseas tend to be general and are not meant to scrutinize companies’ activities.
两个最重要的机构是健康与人类服务部食品和药 管理局 , 其 规范除肉 类家禽之外的所有食品;农业部食品安全检查局主要负责肉和家禽。
The two most important agencies are the
[...] Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services, which regulates all food except meat and poultry, and the Food [...]
Safety Inspection
Service of the Department of Agriculture, which is primarily responsible for meat and poultry.
外,成员 国之间的汇率管理区域 安排能够成为共同市场创建进程中的一个重要元素。
Moreover, regional arrangements for exchange-rate management among member countries [...]
can be an important element in the process of creating a common market.
理事会 第 1810(2008)号决议决定,委员会应继续加紧努力,通过其工作 方案,推动所国家全面执行第 1540(2004)号决议,工作方案包汇编有 关各国 执行第 1540(2004)号决议各个方面的情况外联 、 对话、援助与合作的信息,尤 其应列入该决议第 1 和第 2 段所涉及的所有方面,并列入第 3 段所涉各个方面, 其中包含:(a) 衡算,(b) 实物保护,(c) 边管制和 执法努力,(d) 国家对出 口和转口实行的管制,包括对此种出口和转口相关资金和服务的提供,例如融资, 实施管制。
The Security Council, in its resolution 1810 (2008), decided that the Committee should continue to intensify its efforts to promote
the full implementation by all States of
[...] resolution 1540 (2004) through its programme of work, which includes the compilation of information on the status of States’ implementation of all aspects of resolution 1540 (2004), outreach, dialogue, assistance and cooperation, and which addresses in particular all aspects of paragraphs 1 and 2 of that resolution, as well as of paragraph 3, which encompasses (a) accountability, (b) physical protection, (c) border controls and law enforcement efforts and (d) national export and trans-shipment [...]
controls, including controls on providing funds and services such as financing to such export and trans-shipment.
利用特别数据(美国家海洋与大气 管理局 高 分 辨图像传送卫星的热成 像)、空中测量数据(使用热像仪获取的热成像)和陆上测量数据(使用 外热 温 度计对红外热辐射温度进行点测量,并使用接触式探头进行表层温度测量), 以及使用热像仪获取关于地面和主要高度的热成像,已经确定了最低温度,通 过空间区划拟订了专题图(空间图),从而能够对与旱灾和森林火灾有关的不同 现象加以研究,对土地覆盖的物理特征的变化情况进行量化和监测。
With the use of special data
[...] (thermal images from the NOAA High Rate Picture Transmission (HRPT) satellites), aerial data (thermal images obtained with thermovisors) and land-based data (point measurements of infrared (IR)-thermal radiation [...]
taken with IR-thermal thermometers and surface temperature measurements taken with contact probes) and thermal images obtained with thermovisors from the ground and dominant heights, the lowest-level temperature has been determined and, by means of spatial zoning, a thematic map (space map) has been elaborated, which will make it possible to study, inter alia, dissimilar phenomena associated with drought and forest fires and to quantify and monitor changes in the physical characteristics of the land cover.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷区横跨与莫桑比克的边界,两国 国家 排 雷行 动 管理局 已 经 在 技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两国之间业已存在 [...]
的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题预计不会存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it has mined areas that
straddle its border with
[...] Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility for clearance [...]
of these mined areas have been
discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in dealing with these issues are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at this stage.
(c) 爱尔兰已建立若干独立法定机构,帮助维持大众对公共行政机关的信 心,并规定投诉程序,这些独立法定机构包括平等事 管理局 、 国家 残 疾 人事务 管理局、监察署、儿童事务监察署和爱尔兰警察监察委员会。
(c) Ireland has established a number of independent statutory agencies to help maintain public
confidence in the
[...] organs of public administration and to provide for complaints procedures, including the Equality Authority, the National Disability Authority, the Office [...]
of the Ombudsman, the
Ombudsman for Children’s Office and the Garda Síochána (Irish Police) Ombudsman Commission.
外,根 据第 1949(2010)号决议中要求提供全面 信息,详细说明有关执行西非经共体路线图的拟议的 模式、时间和资源的规定,我向西非经共体委员会主 席提议,西非经共体和葡语共同体的 家 立 即同 本国 对口人员一道开始工作,以便根国 际 伙 伴规定的条 件制定现实的时间表和标准,使我们能够及时向安理事会汇报。
Furthermore, consistent with the provisions of resolution 1949 (2010), which requested comprehensive information detailing the proposed modalities, timing and resources relating to the implementation of the ECOWAS road map, I proposed to the President of the ECOWAS Commission that ECOWAS and CPLP experts begin working together with national counterparts without further delay, with a view to developing realistic timelines and benchmarks in accordance with conditions set by international partners, to enable us to revert to [...]
the Security Council in a timely manner.
该协定是双方于 2009 年 6 月 21 日在联国索马里政治事务处(联索政治处)的主持下签署初步声明之后签 订的,作出下述安排:(a) 过渡联邦政府部队和“先知的信徒”组织的部队合并, 后者将部队交给过渡联邦政府指挥和控制;(b) 为“先知的信徒”组织分配若干 部长级职位以及高级公务员外交官 职位;(c) 酌情整合过渡联邦政府已建立的 地方行政部门;(d) 建立一个宗教领袖咨询委员会,作为与青年党激进理论抗衡 的力量;以及(e) 建立一个监测该协定实施情况的机构,成员包括联索政治处、 非洲联盟以及政府间发管理局(伊加 特)。
The accord, which followed an initial
declaration signed on 21 June
[...] 2009 by the two parties under the auspices of the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), stipulates the following arrangements: (a) the merging of Transitional Federal Government and ASWJ forces, with the latter bringing its troops under the command and control of the Government; (b) the allocation to ASWJ of ministerial posts and senior positions in the civil and foreign services; (c) the integration of local administrations already established by the Government, wherever applicable; (d) the formation of an advisory council of religious leaders as a counterweight to Al-Shabaab’s radical doctrine; and (e) the establishment of a body to monitor implementation of the agreement, comprising UNPOS, the African Union, and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).
除秘书长的公务差旅费用外,拟议差旅预算包括用以支持执行大 会理事会 立法要求的工作人员差旅费用,包括联合国大会会议、海洋法公约缔 约国会议、特设专家组会议、研 国家管 辖 范围 以 外 区 域海洋生物多样性的养护 和可持续利用问题不限成员名额非正式特设工作组会议、以及海 局 作 为 其成员 或观察员的组织召开的其他会议。
In addition to the official travel of the Secretary-General, the proposed travel budget incorporates staff travel costs to support the delivery of
legislative requests by the
[...] Assembly and the Council, including meetings of the General Assembly, States parties to the Convention, ad hoc experts group meetings, the ad hoc open-ended working group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction, and other meetings convened by organizations of which the Authority is a member or has [...]
observer status.
此外,奥地利主管局将适 用以下奥地利法律来执行限制性措施,如《战争 物资法》(联邦法律公报一,第 57/2001 号,修订本),《外贸法》(联邦法律公报 一,第 50/2005 号,修订本)、《外贸条例》(联邦法律公报二,第 121/2006 号)、 《奥地外汇管制法》(联邦法律公报一,第 123/2003 号)、《奥地利外侨治安法》 (联邦法律公报一,第 157/2005 号,修订本)和《居留法》(联邦法律公报一,第 100/2005 号,修订本)。
In addition, the
[...] competent Austrian authorities will apply specific Austrian legislation in implementing the restrictive measures such as the War Materials Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 57/2001 as amended), the Foreign Trade Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 50/2005 as amended), the Foreign Trade Regulation (Federal Law Gazette II No. 121/2006), the Austrian Exchange Control Act (Federal Law Gazette I No. 123/2003), the Austrian Aliens Police Law (Federal [...]
Law Gazette I No.
157/2005 as amended) and the Law on Residence (Federal Law Gazette I No. 100/2005 as amended).
为拓宽国政府提供的“实物捐助”的范围,目前要 求总外办事处定期向预局汇报所 收到的其他种类实物捐助。
In order to enlarge the scope of the
list of
[...] “contributions in kind” received from governments, the field offices are being requested to report regularly on other types of [...]
contributions in kind.
联合国专门机构、部门、基金和方案,非洲联盟、欧洲理事会、东非 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发 管理局 、 国 际 移徙政策发展中心、红十字国 际委员会、红十字会和红新月会国际联合会、国际移徙组织、阿拉伯国家联 [...]
United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth
of Independent
[...] States, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy [...]
Development, International
Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization for Migration, League of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Southern African Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
管欢迎缔约国开始 注重《儿童改革法》所涵盖的儿童最大利益,但委员 会仍然关注的是,尤其在市政局决 定儿 童 家外 安 置 时以及在 理 无 人 陪伴的寻 求庇护儿童的申请时,尚未充分考虑到儿童的最大利益。
While welcoming the new focus on the best interests of the child encompassed by the Child Reform Act, the Committee remains concerned that it is not yet given sufficient consideration in, particularly, the determination by municipalities of the placement of a child outside his or her home [...]
as well as in the applications
from unaccompanied asylumseeking children.
加盟 Ivy 前,Mehenny 先生为 OLEA Asset Management (家外汇/固定 收益全球宏观对冲基金)效力,期间设计和开发了公司的交 管理 与 风 险系统。
Prior to joining Ivy, Mr. Mehenny worked
[...] for OLEA Asset Management (a FX/FI Global Macro hedge fund), where he designed and developed their trade management and risk systems.
当前, 作为驻布鲁塞尔使团团长,负责全 管理 使 馆并推动其各项工作;清晰制订执国家外交政 策的战略计划和业务计划;起草政策文件和国家声明;代表孟加拉国, 出席欧洲联盟委员会和欧洲议会的各种会议和研讨会;与智囊团和包括妇女组织 在内的民间社会组织建立联系。
Currently, as Head of Mission in Brussels
[...] responsible for overall management of the Embassy and spearheading its various activities; articulating strategic and operational plans for implementation of national foreign policy; drafting [...]
of policy papers and
country statements; representing Bangladesh in various meetings, conferences and seminars in the European Commission and the European Parliament; networking with the think tanks and civil society, including women’s organizations.
澳门特区也获授权发行其货币,并根据法律 理 和 管 控 外汇 储 备 ,和 保障资金自由流入、流出本地区和在澳门特区内自由流动。
It is also vested with the power to issue
[...] currency, to manage and control the foreign exchange reserve according [...]
to the law, and to safeguard
the free flow of capital within, into and out of the MSAR.
(c) 與內地相關部門,包括中國人民銀行、 家外 匯 管理局 、中 國保險監督管理委員會、中國銀行業監督管理委員會、中國 證券監督管理委員會及國家發展和改革委員會等研究推進支 援措施的行動
(c) deliberating actions for advancing progress of the
support measures with
[...] relevant Mainland authorities including the People’s Bank of China, the State Administration [...]
of Foreign Exchange,
the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, etc.
外还有 九名发言者的论文着重讨论了 1970 年代 和 1980 年代所开发采矿技术的分析,1970 年代和 1980 年代所制定的示范采矿单 位;过去为深海采矿而确定的项目经济意义和成本模式;先驱制度所依据的经济、 技术考虑因素以国际海底管理局的 规 章;可能把空间程序应用于深海海底采 矿;多金属结核采矿提升系统的状况;红土镍矿提炼的进展以及可能适用多金属 结核提炼的情况;针对多金属硫化物的技术开发以及可能适用结核采矿的情况; 以及用于石油及天然气的立管技术进展以及可能适用于结核采矿的情况。
There were also nine other presenters, whose papers focused on an analysis of mining technologies developed in the 1970s and 1980s and model mining units envisaged in the 1970s and 1980s; project economics and cost models that had been developed in the past for deep seabed mining; the economic and technical considerations underpinning the pioneer regime and the Authority’s regulations; [...]
possible use of space
applications for deep seabed mining; the status of lift systems for polymetallic nodule mining; advances in nickel laterite processing and possible applications to polymetallic nodule processing; technology development for polymetallic sulphides and possible applications to nodule mining; and advances in riser technology for oil and gas and possible applications to nodule mining.
他强调管理局通过的标准和措施必然将为用来保护海 洋环境不国家管辖范围内的海底活动的有害影响的国家措施提供基准,尤其是 为那些没有足够的法律框架的国家提供基准。
He stressed that the standards and measures it had adopted would inevitably provide a benchmark for national measures to protect [...]
the marine environment
from the harmful effects of seabed activities subject to national jurisdiction, particularly for those countries having insufficient legislative framework.
土耳其原子能管理局第 2690 号法令、原子管理局关于国家核材料衡算和 控制的条例、原子能管理局关于特殊核材料实物保护措施的条例以及其他相关法 令和条例,都涉及第 1540(2004)号决议执行部分第 3(a)和(b)段。
Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEA) Act No. 2690, the TAEA Regulations on Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Materials and on the Regulation [...]
of Measures for the
Physical Protection of Special Nuclear Materials, as well as other decrees and regulations related to this Act, address operative paragraphs 3 (a) and (b) of resolution 1540 (2004).
安全理事会第 1533(2004)号决议设立了本委员会,以便除其 外 , 开 展以下 工作:(a) 请国提供 关于其实施军火禁运的资料;(b) 对据称违禁行为的情报 进行审查并采取适当行动;(c) 向理会汇报加 强军火禁运效力的方法;(d) 审 议被发现违反安理会第 1493(2003)号决议所规定措施者的名单,以期就未来可能 采取的措施向安理会提出建议;(e) 接收各国根据第 1493(2003)号决议第 21 段 发出的事先通知,并在必要时决定所应采取的任何行动。
By its resolution 1533 (2004), the Security Council established the
Committee to
[...] undertake, inter alia, the following tasks: (a) to seek information from States regarding actions taken by them to implement the arms embargo; (b) to examine, and take appropriate action on, information concerning alleged violations; (c) to report to the Council on ways to strengthen [...]
the effectiveness
of the arms embargo; (d) to consider a list of those found to have violated the measures imposed by the Council in its resolution 1493 (2003) with a view to submitting recommendations to the Council for possible future measures; and (e) to receive notifications in advance from States made under paragraph 21 of resolution 1493 (2003) and to decide, if need be, upon any action to be taken.
(vii) 大唐已取得就大唐認購大唐優先認股權證而言所需的任何政府機構的所
[...] 有授權、批准、許可、資格或豁免(如有)及履行訂約方的其他責任以及 有 關 授 權、批 准、許 可、資 格 或 豁 免,包 括 來 自 國 家 發 展 及 改 革 委 員 會、家外匯管理局及商 務部(在各情況下均為中國)的授權、批准、許 可、資格或豁免。
(vii) Datang having obtained all authorisations, approvals, permits, qualifications or exemptions, if any, of any governmental entity that are required in connection with the subscription of the Datang Preemptive Warrants by Datang and the performance of the parties’ other obligations, and such authorisations, approvals, permits, qualifications or
exemptions, including
[...] those from the National Development and Reform Commission, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and the [...]
Ministry of Commerce, in each case of the PRC.




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