单词 | 国家主义 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 国家主义—statismExamples:苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟国家安全委员会n—KGBn 国家社会主义—Nazism national socialism See also:国家n—nationaln our countryn 国家pl—Statespl nationspl 主义n—nationalismn socialistn imperialismn militarismn
如果这样的团体是一个强大的国 家﹐民族主义便会以寻求扩张形式出现。 hkahe.com | When such [...] a group is a powerfulstate,nationalismmay take [...]the form of a demand for expansion. hkahe.com |
Emergency 协会是一个成立於1994 年、覆盖超过16 个国家的人道主义组织,专为 饱受战争和贫困之苦的平民提供援助。 wthejournal.com | Jaeger-LeCoultre’s participation in the Venice Film Festival takes on a particularly human dimension [...] thanks to its support for [...] Emergency, a humanitarianassociation founded in 1994, present inover16countries anddedicated to [...]helping civilians who [...]are victims of armed conflict and of poverty. wthejournal.com |
马 克 斯 主 义 的 理 论 家 将帝国 主义看成 是 资 本 主 义 的 後 期 阶 段 ﹐ 特 点 是 国 家 的 资 本 主 义 经 济 已 变 为 垄 断 ﹐ 因 而 被 迫 为 其 过 剩 的 生 产 和 资 金 找 寻 出 路 ﹐ 以 便 与 其 他 资本主 义 国 家竞争。 hkahe.com | Marxist theoreticians interpret imperialism as a late stage of capitalism when the national capitalist economy has become monopolistic and is forced to conqueroutlets for its overproduction and surplus capital in competition with other capitalist states. hkahe.com |
都会扩张为全球现象,与资本主义成长直接相关,当前所知的拉丁美洲由资本主义国家组成,亦为全球都市化程度最高的区域,不过都市化过程虽然部分与资本主义相关,其实亦牵涉到全球相互依赖局面。 thisbigcity.net | During European economic expansion between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries, the Roman Empire city system was essentially rebuilt across the globe, resulting in a commercial trading market with the African coast, Middle East and Asia. thisbigcity.net |
c. 因为农民是被动的,也因为农村内的军国主义团体的影响,农村内没有反对军国主义的活跃势力。 hkahe.com | organization in the villages, active opposition tomilitarism was lacking in the countryside. hkahe.com |
y 按可靠资料來源3 被識别为向恐怖主义活动提供资金或支持恐怖 主义活动的 国家(而如 下 文所述,透过以风险为基础的审查方法來鉴别存於金融机构中的恐怖主义活动资金是不可 行的,适当的方法是以支持恐怖主义活动的 国家作为决定国家或地域风险的评估因素)。 wolfsberg-principles.com | Countries identified by credible sources3 [...] as providing funding [...] or support for terrorist activities. (While, as stated below, a risk based approach to identifying terrorist funding in financial institutions is impracticable, considering those countries that support terrorist activities as an evaluating [...]factor for determining [...]country or geography risk may be appropriate. wolfsberg-principles.com |
我们同时深信卫星在电视广播、互联网主干连 接及流动电话方面相对地面传输系统所具备的固 有优势,将会推动长远的市场增长,特别是亚洲发展中 国家政府 致力提升较偏远地区的通讯基 础设施,藉此改善当地人民的福祉。 asiasat.com | We also believe that the inherent advantages satellite has over terrestrial systems in broadcast, internet backboneconnections and mobile telephony will drive growth in the long term, particularly as the governments of developingnations look to enhance communications infrastructure in the more remote areas for the benefit of their citizens. asiasat.com |
除开一些主张「反学校制度」的论调外 - 此论调在今天是无足轻重的理论了 - 现代的社会试图更强调学校的特殊作用:其社会性的意义(家长的参与、逐渐增强的民主化、机会均等);学校的趋向共同协调,甚至包括其他机构的教育工作;各国法定 义务教育的延长。 catholic.edu.hk | Apart from the ideas advanced by the promoters of de-schooling - a theory which now seems of minor significance - contemporary society tends [...] to place greater [...] importance than ever on the specific function of the school: its socialsignificance(parental participation, increaseddemocratisation,equality of opportunity); its tendency to coordinate and eventually include the educational work of other institutions; the extension of the statutory [...]duration of attendance at school. catholic.edu.hk |
同样地,池田的着作也让日本创价学会会员得知菲律宾独立建国英雄──荷西‧黎刹(José Rizal),并学习这位品格高尚,身兼医师、文学家与人道 主义者等 职衔之人的精神,以及为菲律宾独立所展开的奋斗。 daisakuikeda.org | Similarly, thanks to Ikeda's frequent references, members of the SGI in Japan know José Rizal, the hero of [...] Philippine [...] independence, as the heroic, virtuous figure that he was: a medical doctor, literary genius and humanitarian who inspired thePhilippine independence movement [...]and died in his early 30s. daisakuikeda.org |
研究显示,在民主国家,人民一般可以透过两种不同的制度参与决策,并赋予政府施政所需的认受性。 hkupop.hku.hk | Research findings [...] reveal thatin democratic societies, there are [...]generally two ways for people to take part in policy decision-making [...]and to give their governments legitimacy. hkupop.hku.hk |
在 新 的 世 界 经 济 [...] 及 金 融 形 势 下,本 集 团 项 目 所 在 国 的 政 治 风 险、国 家 主权风险 和 转 移 风 险 都 将 继 续 存 在,对 本 集 团 的 经 [...]营 和 控 制 风 险 能 力 提 出 了 很 高 的 要 求。 zte.com.cn | Given recent developments in the global economy and financial market, the Group will [...] continue [...] tobeexposedtopoliticalrisks,sovereigntyrisks andtransf errisksincountrieswhereits p rojects [...]are operated and [...]a very high level of operational and risk control capabilities is required. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
1996年於纽约举行的国际青年演奏会艺术家选拔赛中胜出,曾在义大利名指挥家Claudio Abbado领导下,出任欧盟青年管弦乐团单簧管首席,亦为巴黎 国家歌剧院管弦乐团及马勒室乐团之单簧管首席,2008年更成为欧洲室乐团之单簧管独奏家。 tomleemusic.com.hk | He was the principal clarinet of the European Union Youth Orchestra, conducted by Claudio Abbado; the Malher Chamber Orchestra (MCO) and the first principal clarinet at the "Orchestre Nationalde l'Opera de Paris". tomleemusic.com.hk |
例如,美国法律禁止与确定的恐怖主义国家和组织有所往来。 lockeedmartin.com | For example, U.S. law prohibits interaction with [...] identified terrorist states andorganizations. lockeedmartin.com |
美国国家科学院 (USNRC)定义的低剂量爲 < 100 mSv。 gnetrading.com | Radiation hormesis”isdefined as follows : exposure to low-level radioactivity is beneficial for longevity, growth, fertility and resistance to disease. National Research Council of USA (USNRC) defines thedosage for low level radiationas less than 100 mSv. gnetrading.com |
除上文所披露者外,於最後可行日期,本公司董事、监事及高级管理人员及彼等的 联系人概无於本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第XV部)的股份、相 关股份或债券中拥有任何个人、家族、公司或其他权益或淡仓,而该等权益根据证 券及期货条例第XV部第7及第8分部须知会本公司及联交所(包括根据证券及期货条 [...] 例的条文,被当作或视为拥有的权益或淡仓);或根据证券及期货条例第352条须记 [...]入该条例所指的登记册中;或根据标准守则须知会本公司及联交所。 equitynet.com.hk | Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practicable Date, none of the Directors, supervisors and senior management of the Company and their associates had any personal, family, corporate or other interests or short [...] positions in the shares, [...] underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which [...]would have to be [...]notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required, pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, to be recorded in the register referred therein, or which were required, pursuant to the Model Code, to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange. equitynet.com.hk |