

单词 国安局



National Security Agency (NSA)
National Security Bureau (NSB)


Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

7.26 申诉人的一名同事被置国安局的监 控之下并在后来遇刺。
7.26 A colleague of the complainant was placed under SNB surveillance and was later assassinated.
7.12 2007年6 月国安局在浩罕逮捕了55 人,其中包括申诉人的一个朋友, [...]
7.12 In June 2007, the SNB arrested 55 people [...]
in Kokand, including one of the complainant‟s friends, who was forced to incriminate him in a case.
阿尔及利亚警察学院国安局和国家 宪 警的执法人员开展人权培训。
The Algerian Police Academy provides human rights training to law enforcement
[...] agents of the National Security Directorate and the gendarmerie [...]
消息方通报说,Kassem 先生被带到纳斯尔城国安局办公 楼,他被关在那 里将近50 天,据称多次遭受酷刑。
The source informs that Mr. Kassem was taken to the SSI premises in Nasr City, where he was held for nearly 50 days and allegedly tortured on several occasions.
(也是 Kholturaev 先生的同一个朋友,见上文) 被捕后国安局的人来到他的 家进行讯问。
After the arrest of a friend (the same as Mr. Kholturaev‟s
[...] friend, see above), SNB agents came to his [...]
parents‟ house for questioning.
Incidents of arbitrary arrest
[...] by the National Security Intelligence Services [...]
continued to be a major human rights concern in the north.
2009 年,申诉 人和家里的所有男人国安局传唤
In 2009, the complainant and every man in his
[...] family were summoned by the SNB.
申诉人被置于监控之下,他妻子经常受 国安局 人 员 的盘问并由于 同他的关系而受到酷刑。
The complainant was placed under surveillance and his wife was regularly questioned and tortured
[...] in connection with him by SNB agents.
年,在几个朋友被捕后国安局的人找 了他几次。
In 2009, after several friends were arrested, he was
[...] approached by the SNB several times.
但是, 其他因素,例如武装民兵和暴力青年团伙继续存在,“新生力量”前战斗员屯营 行动尚未完成,政府在向进入营地的“新生力量”前战斗员支付津贴方面遇到困 难,“新生力量“地区指挥官仍然控制着北方的地方行政管理,包括税务收缴,国安全局势的脆弱性仍令人关注。
However, other factors, such as the continued existence of armed militias and violent youth groups, the incomplete cantonment of former combatants of the Forces nouvelles, the difficulties encountered by the Government to pay allowances to the cantoned Forces nouvelles former combatants, as well as the continued control by the Forces
nouvelles zone
[...] commanders of local administration in the north, including revenue collection, still draw attention to the fragility of the security situation in the [...]
如果申诉人对缔国安全构成 危险,局则应 以某种罪名对他们起诉并在其法院进行审判。
If the complainants constituted
[...] a danger to the security of the State party, the authorities should have charged [...]
them with a crime
and tried them in their courts.
黎巴嫩针对家庭暴力问题的立法草案如获通 过, 将要求在国的内部治安局成立 一个特殊的单位, 专门处 理家庭暴力问题, 接受举报, 并展开调查。
Draft legislation on family violence in Lebanon, if passed, would require the creation of a special unit
in charge of family
[...] violence at the Directorate General of the Internal Security Forces to receive [...]
and investigate complaints.
美国公民死亡后,通常是由死者亲属、旅伴、 国国 际 旅 行社、 安局 或 中方邀请单位的外事办公室(外办)通知大使馆。
The Embassy is notified of the death of an American citizen by a
relative, traveling
[...] companion, the China International Travel Services (CITS), the Public Security Bureau (PSB), or the foreign [...]
affairs office (Waiban)
of a sponsoring organization of the deceased person's travel to China.
国际社会,包括通过联国安理会 和一个包容性的资助者论坛,应该对刚果 局 表 明需要采取选举制度的必要措施,并应用和2006年一样的标准。
The international community,
[...] including through the UN Security Council and an inclusive donors forum, should make clear the need for the Congolese authorities to include essential [...]
measures in the
electoral system and apply the same standards as in 2006.
在北京的国土安全调查专员与公安部间的相互合作,帮 国 土 安全调查署、纽约特别探员、烟酒枪械管理署以及来自纽约东区的一位美国助理法务官从纽约前往 国 上 海 配合上海 安局 , 检查缴获的武器,并前所未有地获准取得调查资料。
Mutual cooperation between Homeland Security Investigations Attaché Beijing and the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) facilitated investigators from Homeland Security Investigations, Special Agent in Charge New York, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and an Assistant U.S. Attorney
from the Eastern
[...] District of New York to travel from New York to Shanghai China to coordinate the investigation with the Shanghai Public Security Bureau, examined the seized weapons and were allowed unprecedented access [...]
to investigative information.
安全局倡议下,独国家联合体特 局 、 安 全 和 执法机构主管第三十二次 会议将讨论关于设立一个单独的网络安全委员会的问题。
At the initiative of the Security Service, the issue of establishing a separate commission on cybersecurity will be discussed [...]
at the thirty-second
Meeting of Heads of Special Services and Security and Law Enforcement Agencies of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
从 2006 年开始国际教育局安装了 FABS 集成管理软件19 ,使之能够在过渡到《国际 [...]
公共部门会计准则》标准20 之前充分利用该工具。
The FABS19 integrated management
[...] software package was rolled out to the IBE in 2006, [...]
and so the Institute was fully familiar
with the tool before the switch to IPSAS.20 20.
总部委员会第一六六届会议(第一次会议,2008 年 2 月 13 日)在审议总干事提交给执局第一 七九届会议的报告(179 EX/34)时注意到总干事为加强总部的安全与保卫所付出 的努力,以及缺乏足够的财力和人员,以使教科文组织的安保部门做好有关工作,特别是落 实联国安全协 调员(UNSECOORD)办公室制定的程序和建议以及最低业务安全标准 (H-MOSS);会议还注意到联合国授权总干事为驻法国的“委派官员”,这一新职责带来 了额外工作,以及本组织应遵守东道国“防恐安全计划”的规定。
During its examination of the report by the Director-General to the Executive Board at its 179th session (179 EX/34) at its 166th session (first meeting, 13 February 2008), the Headquarters Committee took note of the efforts made by the
Director-General to
[...] improve security and safety at Headquarters, as well as the lack of sufficient financial and human resources to enable the UNESCO security services properly to fulfil their tasks concerning, in particular, the application of the procedures and recommendations defined by the Office [...]
of the United Nations
Security Coordinator (UNSECOORD) and the Minimum Operating Security Standards (H-MOSS); the increased duties arising from the new responsibilities of “designated official” for France, entrusted to the Director-General by the United Nations; and the Organization’s compliance with the requirements of the host country’s “Vigipirate” plan.
联合国专门机构、部门、基金和方案,非洲联盟、欧洲理事会、东非 共同体、中非国家经济共同体、西非国家经济共同体、欧洲联盟、独立国家 联合体执行秘书处、政府间发展管 局 、 国 际 移 徙政策发展中心、红十字国 际委员会、红十字会和红新月会国际联合会、国际移徙组织、阿拉伯国家联 盟、东加勒比国家组织、法语国家国际组织、伊斯兰会议组织、欧 安 全与合作组织、南部非洲发展共同体和马耳他骑士团。
United Nations specialized agencies, departments, funds and programmes, African Union, Council of Europe, East African Community, Economic Community of Central African States, Economic Community of West African States, European Union, Executive Secretariat of the Commonwealth
of Independent States,
[...] Intergovernmental Authority on Development, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization for Migration, League of Arab States, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, International Organization of “la Francophonie”, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Organization for Security and Co-operation in [...]
Europe, Southern African
Development Community and Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
对此请求,儿童基金会与执局安排在 2011 年 12 月举行非正式磋商,向会国 提供所要求的简报。
UNICEF responded to
[...] this request by arranging with the Executive Board to hold an informal consultation in December 2011 and providing the requested briefing note to Member States.
[...] 注意到申诉人辩称缔约国法庭的裁决依据的是墨西哥提供的外交保证的效用,特 别是对墨西哥局能够控制国安全 部队并因此减轻酷刑风险这一错误假设,但 是,委员会认为,提交委员会的信息并未显示缔约国在审议申诉人提出的申诉和 [...]
While noting the complainant’s contention that the courts of the State party based their decisions on false assumptions about the worth of the diplomatic assurances provided by Mexico, in particular
with regard to the
[...] ability of the Mexican authorities to control the country’s security forces and so lessen [...]
the risk of torture,
the Committee concludes that the information before it does not indicate any obvious errors in the State party’s consideration of the allegations and evidence provided by the complainant.
一些国家认 为尚未发现的或通过考古发掘已经发掘出的文物的所有权属于 局 ( 安 哥 拉 、阿根廷、波斯尼亚 和黑塞哥维那、国、厄 瓜多尔、匈牙利、意大利、墨西哥、波兰和乌克兰)。
Some States consider that ownership of cultural objects that have not yet been discovered or have already been extracted from
archaeological excavations
[...] lies with the public authorities (Angola, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Ecuador, Hungary, [...]
Italy, Mexico, Poland and Ukraine).
本工作文件的投稿部门鼓励各国,特别是利比亚邻国和本区域国家,加强与 利比亚有关当局的情况交流,并酌情同小组、反恐怖主义执 局 、 国 际 民 航组织、 联利支助团和国际伙伴进行情况交流,分享关于源于利比亚的武器弹药(包括便 携式防空系统)的地点、销售、储存或扩散的资料,并与利比亚当局、联利支助 团和适当国际及 区域伙伴密切协作,对它们与利比亚之间共同边界的有力的边安保管理制度加以协调和复原。
Contributors to this working document would like to encourage States, particularly Libya’s neighbours and those of the region, to strengthen information
exchange with the
[...] relevant Libyan authorities, as well as with the Panel, the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, ICAO, UNSMIL and international partners, as appropriate, on the location, the sale, the stockpiling or the proliferation of arms and ammunitions emanating from Libya, including man-portable air defence systems, and to collaborate closely with the Libyan authorities, UNSMIL and appropriate international and regional partners in the coordination and the rehabilitation of a strong border security and management [...]
regime along their common borders with Libya.
此外,俄罗斯联邦的联安 全局在特勤局、安全机构和执法组织负责人会议框架内,一直积极开 国 际 反恐 数据库,该数据库连接 20 个国家和两个国际组织,通过控制进入的网站传递机 密信息。
Moreover, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, within the framework of the Meeting of Heads of Special Services, Security Agencies and [...]
Law Enforcement Organizations,
has been actively developing an International Counter-Terrorism Database, linking 20 States and two international organizations, which communicates confidential information through a controlled-access website.
北京科斯仪器有限公司,作为Artec在 国 的 正式授权经销商, 日前参与了一项和河南省周口市 安局 以 及 北京工业大学建规学院共同发起的联合项目。
The official distributor
[...] for Artec in China, Beijing Coase Instrument Company Limited, recently participated in a joint project of the police for the city of Zhoukou, located in Henan [...]
province, and Beijing
University of Technology-CAUP.
在该背景下,有人建议,缔国 和更 广泛的执行群体应确保满足上述要求,不 局 限 于如何确保女孩、男孩、妇 女和男子平等获得为执行《公约》提供的资源的一般性讨论,而应询问为什么这 方面的进展一直如此缓慢。
In this context, it was suggested that both States Parties and the broader implementation community need to make sure that this actually happens, including moving beyond the general discussions of how to ensure that girls, boys, women and men have equal access to the resources generated through implementation of the Convention, and, by asking why progress has been so slow.
咨询委员会注意到,2010 年拟议资源的增加还反映了以下方面所需 资源的增加:反恐怖主义委员会执 局 ( 9 63 700 美元),因为拟议增设 2 个职位(1 个 P-4 和 1 个 P-2);支安全理事会第 1540(2004)号决议所 设委员会(886 500 美元),因为拟议增设 1 个 P-5 职位;索马里问题监 [...]
察组(311 500 美元),因为依照安全理事会第 1853(2008)号决议增加了
第五位专家;苏丹问题专家小组(225 700 美元),因为专家的月费增加。
The Advisory Committee notes that the increase in the resources proposed for 2010 also reflects additional requirements for the
[...] Committee Executive Directorate ($963,700) in view of two additional positions (1 P-4 and 1 P-2) proposed; for support to the Security Council Committee [...]
established pursuant
to resolution 1540 (2004) ($886,500), in view of the proposed addition of one P-5 position; for the Monitoring Group on Somalia ($311,500), owing to the addition of a fifth expert pursuant to Security Council resolution 1853 (2008); and for the Panel of Experts on the Sudan ($225,700), in view of the increase in the monthly fees of experts.




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