

单词 国务委员



Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council (SASAC)

See also:


affairs of state

务员 n

salesman n
civil servant n


committee member

External sources (not reviewed)

一位中国分析家 这样说:“[中国目前的外交部长 ]杨洁篪手中的权力甚至 还不如[国务委员]戴秉国的助手。
A Chinese analyst put it this way: “Yang Jiechi [China’s current foreign minister], isn’t even as powerful as [State Councillor] Dai Bingguo’s assistant”.
目前中国最高级别的外交政策员国务委员戴秉国,甚至不是中国共产党(中共)政治 局的 25 个委员之一。
[...] State Councillor Dai Bingguo, regarded as the highest ranking foreign policy official in China, is not even a member of the Chinese [...]
Communist Party (CCP)’s
25-strong Politburo, the second-highest level decision making organ in the party after the Politburo Standing Committee.
内阁 2007 年批准了一项法令,在送交议会 之前将国务委员会办公室审议。
A bill had been approved in 2007 by the Cabinet and would be considered by the Office of Council of State before being passed on to the Parliament.
本报告国务委员会法律事委员会 和 全 国 委 员 会政治制度委员会分别提 出的两项要求而编写。
The current report has been prepared
[...] in response to two postulates from the Legal Affairs Committee of the State [...]
Council and the Political Institutions Committee of the
National Council, respectively.
经正式批准的国际条约构成该国国内法律制度的组成部分并享有与任何其他立 法法案同等的地位:低于宪法规范但高 国务委员 会 的 决定。
Duly ratified international treaties form an integral part of the country’s domestic legal system and find themselves
on the same level as any other legislative Act: below constitutional norms and
[...] above decisions of the Council of State.
在某些事务上,参议院与众议院行使相同的权力(完美两院制),即:宣布修 改宪法和修宪;表决某些被视为影响国家结构和国家基本利益的法律;个别涉及 国际关系的问题(批准条约的法律);法院和法庭的组织结构以及 国务委员 会有 关的立法;批准国家、社区和大区之间缔结的合作协议的法律。
In certain matters, the Senate has the same powers as the House (perfect bicameral system), namely: the declaration of the revision of the Constitution and the revision itself; the passage of certain laws regarded as affecting the basic structures and fundamental interests of the State; certain matters in the field of international relations (treaty-ratification instruments); the organization of the courts and tribunals and legislation relating to the Council of State; and laws approving cooperation agreements between the State, the communities and the regions.
全国人大行使下列职权:修改宪法;监督宪法的实施;制定和修改法律;选 举或罢免中华人民共和国主席、副主席、中央军事委员会主席、最高人民法院院 长、最高人民检察院检察长;任命或罢免国务院总理、副总理 国务委员 、 各 部 部长、各委员会主任、审计长、秘书长等。
The functions and powers and powers of the Congress include amending the Constitution; supervising the enforcement of the Constitution; drafting and amending legislation; electing or removing the President and Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China as well as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People’s Court and the Procurator-General of the
Supreme People’s
[...] Procuratorate; and appointing or removing the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, Ministers in charge of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General [...]
and the
Secretary-General of the State Council.
拟议修正案目国务委员会正在审 查中,然后再由执行机构进一步评估。
The proposed amendment is currently under review by the Council of State prior to further evaluation by implementing agencies.
该委员会隶属国务委员会办 公室,属于跨部门机构, 负责综合考虑受到此类法律影响的所有人的意见,审查法律改革和修改问题并提 [...]
The Commission, which is under the Office [...]
of the Council of State, acts as an interdisciplinary body to review laws and
recommend legal reforms and amendments by taking into account the opinions of all people affected by such laws.
国务院残疾人工作员会是国务院 负责残疾人工作的议事协调机构,由国务 院主管残疾人工作的副总理 国务委员 担 任 主任,主要职责是:综合协调有关残 疾人事业方针、政策、法规、规划、计划的制定与实施工作;协调解决残疾人工 作中的重大问题;组织协调联合国有关残疾人事务在中国的重要活动。
Chaired by the
[...] State Council Vice-Premier in charge of disabled persons’ affairs or a State Councillor, its primary responsibilities are the overall coordination of the drafting [...]
and implementation
of guidelines, policies, legislation, programmes and planning with regard to the disabled, the coordination of responses to major issues arising in work concerning the disabled, and organizing and coordinating major United Nations activities in China in connection with the disabled.
此外,尼泊尔政府已为尼泊尔军队的民主化编写了一份报 告,该报告已送交制宪会议和议 国务委员 会 中 各政党代表供其审议。
Furthermore, the Government of Nepal has already prepared a report for the democratization of the Nepal Army and the report has been sent to the political
parties represented in the Constituent
[...] Assembly and the State Affairs Committee in the Parliament [...]
for their consideration.
国务院妇女儿童工作员会是国务院 负责妇女儿童工作的协调议事机构,由 副总理国务委员担任主任,负责协调和推动政府有关部门执行妇女儿童的各项 法律法规和政策措施,发展妇女儿童事业。
Chaired by the Premier or a State Councillor, it is charged with coordinating and promoting the efforts of relevant Government departments to implement legislation and policy measures concerning women and children and work for the overall cause of women and children.
荷兰报告说国务委 员会已建议拟定一项关于军备控制和裁军条约的法律;根据这一建议对一项拟议 的法案进行了重新考虑;目前《公约》实施的基础是现行法律,如《进出口 法》、《军事刑法》和《武器弹药法》。
The Netherlands reported
[...] that the Council of State has advised on a bill providing for the implementation arms control [...]
and disarmament treaties,
that this advice has led to a reconsideration of a proposed bill and that at present the Convention is implemented on the basis of existing legislation, such as the Import and Export Act, the Military Penal Code and the Weapons and Munitions Act.
共和国总统的职权包括:主 国务委员 会 会 议、根据《选举法》设置选举 日、召开特别议会、在听取议会 国务委员 会 各 方意见之后解散议会、任命和解 除总理和政府成员职务(在此情况下,根据总理建议),以及根据政府建议任命和 解除审计法院院长、总监察长和武装部队首长的职务(《宪法》第 133 条)。
The PR’s competence includes: presiding over the Council of State; setting the date of elections, in accordance with electoral legislation; convening Parliament on an extraordinary basis; dissolving Parliament, upon hearing the parties represented thereon and the Council of State; appointing and dismissing [...]
the Prime Minister (PM)
and Government members (in this case upon PM’s proposal); and appointing and dismissing, upon Government proposal, the president of the Court of Audit, the Prosecutor General and the heads of the armed forces (Art. 133 CRP).
8 月 8 日,基尔总统在全国立法议会 国务委员 会 联合就职会议上发言,强 调了国家发展计划规定的政府的五个优先事项:教育、保健、基础设施发展、法 [...]
On 8 August, President Kiir addressed the joint
inaugural session of the National
[...] Legislative Assembly and the Council of States, and highlighted [...]
five priorities for the Government
under the national development plan: education, health care, infrastructural development, the rule of law and the transformation of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA).
国家主席根据全国人大和全国人大常委会 的决定,公布法律,任免国务院总理、副总理 国务委员 、 各 部部长、各委员会 主任、审计长、秘书长,授予国家的勋章和荣誉称号,发布特赦令,宣布进入紧 急状态,宣布战争状态,发布动员令;代表中华人民共和国,进行国事活动,接 受外国使节;根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定,派遣和召回驻外全权代 [...]
Pursuant to the decisions of the National
People’s Congress and
[...] its Standing Committee, the State President promulgates statutes; appoints and removes the Premier, Vice-Premiers, State Councillors, [...]
Ministers in charge
of Ministries or Commissions, and the Auditor-General and the Secretary-General of the State Council; confers State medals and titles of honour; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims martial law; proclaims states of war; and issues mobilization orders.
将全国立法议会总共 66 个新席位中的 20 个席位以及 5 个国务委员会席位分配给反对党。
A total of 20 of the 66 new National Legislative Assembly seats and 5 Council of States seats were allocated to the opposition.
克林顿国务部长与戴秉国务委员将 回顾自上次美中战略与经济对话以来双边关系的发展,并讨论我们下半年的议程。
Secretary Clinton and State Councilor Dai will review the development of the bilateral relationship since the last U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue and discuss our agenda for the second half of the year.
委员会注意到本案的一些特殊情况,并考虑 到提交人在此期间提出了其他的申诉即 国务委员 会 提 出了申诉,因此认为不能 将在过了如此久的时间后才提交来文的事实视为滥用提交来文的权利。
A Contracting State cannot claim immunity from the jurisdiction of a court of another Contracting State in proceedings which relate to redress for injury to the person or damage to tangible property, if the facts which occasioned the injury or damage occurred in the territory of the State of the forum, and if the author of the injury or damage was present in that territory at the time when those facts occurred.
国务委员唐家 璇告知缅甸外交部长奈温,“中国真心希望缅 甸推进适合该国的民主进程”。
State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan informed Myanmar Foreign Minister Nyan Win, “China whole-heartedly [...]
hopes that [Myanmar] will
push forward a democracy process that is appropri
政府向总统和议会负责,并可由总统或议会解 散:总统在国务委员会协 商之后解散政府,以确保民主体制的正常运转;议会 在否决一项信任议案或批准一项谴责议案之后解散政府(《宪法》第 195 条)。
The Government is responsible before the PR and Parliament, and can be dismissed by either of them: by the PR when it becomes necessary to do so in order to ensure the normal functioning of democratic institutions and after consulting the Council of State; by Parliament upon rejection of a motion of trust or approval of a motion of censure (Art. 195 CRP).
萨默斯博士和多尼隆先生与胡锦涛主席、温家宝总理、王岐山副总理、戴秉 国务委员 以 及外交部长杨洁篪进行愉快会面。
Dr. Summers and Mr. Donilon had the pleasure of meeting with President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao, Vice Premier Wang Qishan, State Councilor Dai Bingguo, and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.
1988 年巴勒斯国务委员会发 表《独立宣言》,明确指 出巴勒斯坦国将遵守《联合国宪章》和《世界人权宣言》的各项规定。
The Declaration of Independence issued by the Palestinian National Council in 1988 clearly stated that the State of Palestine would respect the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
基尔总统在独立日讲话、8 月 8 日全国立法议会国务委员会联 合会议的开幕 词、9 月 19 日在大会第六十六届会议的发言中强调,反腐败在他的国家议程中具 有重要地位。
President Kiir has emphasized the importance of anti-corruption efforts in his national agenda, including in his Independence Day address, his 8 August opening address at the joint session of the National Legislative Assembly and the Council of States, and his 19 September statement at the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly.
由于此方向的优先性,对俄罗斯联邦民族传统文化的保持和发展给予国家 扶持的问题曾被提交到俄联 国务委员 会 进 行讨论。
With regard to the priority of this approach, questions of State support for the preservation and development of traditional ethnic cultures in the Russian Federation were brought up for discussion in the State Council of the Russian Federation.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切适当措施,主要是向国家元首、武装部队最高 委员会、最高宪法法院国务委员会 、 议会( 协商议会和人民议会) 、有关部委和 省市地方当局,以及各省市和地区级儿童保护委员会的成员传达这些建议,供适 当考虑并采取进一步行动,确保建议的充分落实。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all appropriate measures to ensure that the present recommendations are fully implemented, inter alia, by transmitting them to the members of the Head of State, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Council of State, the Parliament (both the Shura Council and the Majlis al-Sha’b), relevant ministries and to provincial and local authorities, as well as to Child Protection Committees at governorate and district levels respectively, for appropriate consideration and further action.
8 月 8 日,南苏丹总统萨尔瓦·基尔在国家立法会议 国务委员 会 的 联合就 职会议上讲话,他呼吁开展一场活动,在新政府就职第一个 [...]
100 天内交付具体成 果。
On 8 August, the President of South Sudan, Salva Kiir, addressed the joint
inaugural session of the National
[...] Legislative Assembly and the Council of States, and called [...]
for a campaign to achieve concrete
deliverables during the first 100 days of the new Government.
布什总统任命安德鲁·纳齐奥斯担任达尔福尔特 使,上任后,他与中国合作,增加美国的介入力度,并 于 2007 年 1 月 8-12 日前往苏丹,国务委员唐家 璇和 外交部副部长(现任外交部长)杨洁篪会面。
After his appointment as the President’s Special Envoy to Sudan, Andrew Natsios
stepped up U.S. engagement with China, travelling there 8-12 January 2007, to meet
[...] with State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs (now Foreign Minister) [...]
Yang Jiechi.
这些法律草案将由议会在 2010 年 3 月 15 日开始举行的届会 进行审查。此外,议会尚未通过对于改革司法系统至关重要的法律,特别是建立 宪法法院、最高上诉法院国务委员 会 的 立法。
In addition, the Parliament has not yet adopted laws
crucial to reforming
[...] the judicial system, notably the legislation creating the Constitutional Court, the Court of Cassation and the State Council.




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