

单词 国债


重债穷国 n


债务国 pl

debtors pl
debtor countries pl


creditor country

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 球衰退的问题,强调指出危机可能影响风险承受能力和投资向以美元计价的证券国债的回流。
The speaker also noted the need to address the spillover of the international credit crunch into a global recession, and
underscored the impact of the crisis on risk appetite and the move of investment back to
[...] dollar-based securities and treasuries.
需指出的是,该国刚刚达到债穷 国债 务 倡议规定的程度,这表示 在某些社会行业领域(教育)有获得供资的机会。
It is to be noted that the country has just reached the HIPC completion point, which affords an opportunity to fund some social sector components, including education.
如今,中国银行(卢森堡) 公司主要从事企业银行业务、零售银 行业务国债业务
Today, Bank of China (Luxembourg) S.A. is [...]
mainly engaged in corporate banking, retail banking, as well as treasury business.
各国必须商定 一套解决债务危机的原则,这些原则应规定公共和私营部门之间以 债 务 国 、债 权国和投资者之间公平地分担责任。
Countries need to agree on a set of principles for resolving debt crises that provide for fair burden-sharing between public and private sectors and between debtors, creditors and investors.
此外,金融机构应 增加对发展中国家的技术援助,提高它们管理 国债 务的能力。
In addition, financial institutions should increase technical assistance to developing countries in order to enhance
[...] their ability to manage their debts.
第 1 条第 1 款概述了跨国界破产案件中可能产生的、而示范法为其提供了
解决办法的问题的类型:(a)由外向内的要求承认某项外国程序的请求;(b)由内 向外的由颁布国法院或[破产 ]管理人提出的要求承认根据颁布国法律启动的某项
[...] 破产程序的请求;(c)对同时在两个或多个国家进行的程序进行协调;以及(d )外 国债权人 参与在颁布国进行的破产程序。
Article 1, paragraph 1, outlines the types of issue that may arise in cases of cross-border insolvency and for which the Model Law provides solutions: (a) inward-bound requests for recognition of a foreign proceeding; (b) outwardbound requests from a court or [insolvency] representative in the enacting State for recognition of an insolvency proceeding commenced under the laws of the enacting State; (c) coordination of proceedings taking place concurrently in two
or more States; and (d)
[...] participation of foreign creditors in insolvency proceedings [...]
taking place in the enacting State.
12.39 本次级方案有望实现其目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 可以获得最新准确的国家和区域各级经 济和金融信息及数据;(b)
[...] 技术合作方案的预算外资金无重大短缺;(c) 国家相对于国债务 状 况的自身业绩受全球经济趋势的影响,也影响绩效指标的实现;(d) [...]
巴勒斯坦领土和区域的 政治和安全条件有利。
12.39 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that: (a) up-to-date and accurate economic and financial information and data at the country and regional levels are available; (b) there will be no significant shortfalls in the extrabudgetary funding of technical cooperation
programmes; (c) the performance of countries in
[...] relation to their debt position is influenced [...]
by global economic trends and has
an impact on the attainment of the indicator of achievement; and (d) political and security conditions in the Palestinian territory and region will be favourable.
然而,真实的情况是,美联储必须购 国债 发 行 的所有证券中的 57%,才能出清市场,这是因为海外各个政府对 国国债 已 变得不那么热心了。
It’s true, however, that the Federal Reserve has to buy 57% of all securities the Treasury issues in order to clear the market because overseas sovereigns have become less enthusiastic.
十年国债的收益率 不到 2%,令预算赤字更易融资,标准普尔 500 [...]
指数仅今年第一季度就已上涨了 10%,令投资者对其金融健康状况感觉良好。
Ten-year Treasurys are yielding [...]
less than 2%, making the budget deficit cheaper to finance, and the Standard & Poor’s 500
has gained 10% in the first quarter alone, making investors feel better about their financial well-being.
国债比率仍低于欧盟平均水平以及美国 的水平。
The national debt ratio remains below [...]
the EU average and that of the US.
尽管利比里亚于 2010 年 6 月达到了债穷国倡议的完成点,将 国债 务 存 量大幅减少,但是该国政府 只要了少量优惠贷款。
Despite achieving the completion point of
[...] the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative in June 2010, which reduced the country’s debt stock significantly, [...]
the Government
has taken only a few concessional loans.
[...] 的未决事项,例如边界划分、公民身份、财富分享协 议、自然资源管理国债分摊、安全安排、货币安排 以及国际条约和法律义务等。
Along with the status of Abyei, there are other outstanding issues that require urgent attention, such as border demarcation, citizenship, wealth-sharing
agreements, natural resource management, the
[...] division of the national debt, security arrangements, [...]
currency arrangements and international
treaties and legal obligations, which are all equally important.
[...] 事项上,而且如上所述,可能不愿为其他国家的相关程序提供协助,特别是在 其所负责的程序似乎不涉及国债务 人、 外 国债 权 人 或外国业务之类的国际要 素时。
Courts typically focus on the matters before them and, as noted above, may be reluctant to provide assistance to related proceedings in other States, particularly when the proceedings for which they are responsible do
not appear to involve an international element in the form of a
[...] foreign debtor, foreign creditors or foreign operations.
为了进一步提振经济,欧洲央行于9月初宣布计划购买问题成 国国债 , 以 扶持成员国经济并防范通货紧缩,但这一计划的前提是受困成员国需要遵从由欧盟(European [...]
In order to further boost the economy, members of the European Central Bank in early September
announced plans to purchase issues
[...] Treasury bonds to support the economies of Member States and to guard [...]
against deflation, but
the premise of the plan is beset by the EU Member States need to comply with (European Union) to supervise the implementation of economic reform programmes.
关于基金组织,委员会应密切监督旨 在为几内亚比绍达到《债穷国债务 倡议》规定的 完成点铺平道路的中期方案的执行情况,可能还应 就此与最近访问几内亚比绍的基金组织代表进行更 详细的讨论。
With regard to IMF, the Commission should closely monitor the implementation of the medium-term programme intended to pave the way for Guinea-Bissau to reach completion point under the HIPC Initiative and should perhaps engage in more detailed discussions in that regard with the IMF representative who had recently visited Guinea-Bissau.
巴拉克·奥巴马在国会山辉煌的就职典礼背后,一垛问题已经排到了白宫门口:瘫痪的华尔街、高企的失业率、高达11.3万亿美元 国债 以 及 总额可能超过1万亿美元的经济刺激计划。
Behind the glorious inauguration ceremony of the new US President, a series of challenges are waiting at the White House door for Mr. Obama, including a plunging Wall Street,
surging unemployment, and a US 1-trillion economic stimulus plan being introduced despite
[...] a US 11.3-trillion national debt.
公司业务目前覆盖七大产品门类:利率产品、波动产品 国债 、 非 银行业务、能源和大宗商品、信贷和股权。
The business now covers seven major product groups: Rates,
[...] Volatility, Treasury, Non Banking, [...]
Energy and Commodities, Credit and Equities.
Finacle解决方案旨在满足全球零售银行、企业银行和综合银行对核心银行、电子银行、伊斯兰银行 国债 、 财富管理和CRM等业务的需求。
Finacle solutions address the core banking, e-banking, Islamic banking, treasury, wealth management and CRM requirements of retail, corporate and universal banks worldwide.
2011 年 9 月 15 日,公司成功发行了总额为 7 亿元、期限为 365 天的短期融资券,有关资料可在 国债 券 信息网 (www.chinabond.com.cn)以及中国货币网(www.chinamoney.com.cn)上查阅。
On 15 September 2011, the Company successfully issued short-term financing bills with total amount of RMB 0.7 billion and deadline of 365 days; please refer to relevant information on www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.
资金将通过IMF现有贷款、发行短 国债 等 途 径筹集,除此之外希腊还希望将偿还第一笔欧盟-IMF贷款的起始日期从2016年推迟至2020年,按计划,届时该国应开始偿还第二笔救助贷款。
Funds will be through the IMF existing loan,
[...] issue short-term national debt to raise the way such [...]
as, in addition the Greek also hope
will repay brushstroke the European Union - IMF loan starting date from 2016 postponed to 2020, as planned, then the country should start to repay the second pen rescue loan.
为某些产业和行政区域的海外收购活动提供50% 的资金,也有助于从国债券转 向澳大利亚资源硬资产及欧洲基础设施。
Policies providing 50 per cent funding for overseas acquisitions in certain sectors and jurisdictions has also helped the shift from US bonds to hard assets in resources in Australia, and infrastructure in Europe.
尽管全球经济和金融的大环境仍旧不稳定,而八月初欧洲和 国债 务危 机而引起的信任危机依旧存在,但艺术市场在2011年秋初在全球拍卖需求量 [...]
In a particularly worrying financial and economic global context, dominated at the beginning of August by a
sharp drop in confidence caused by the
[...] European and American debt crises, the art [...]
market still looks (at the start of the 2011
autumn) like a safe haven, supported by the optimism of a demand that is more than ever globalised
于2011年下半年,欧洲当局否决承担希腊全 国债 , 个 别欧元区国家出现主权债务危机,令股市大跌,流动资金减少,再融资出现压力,而欧洲银行管理局亦收紧偿债能力要求。
The second half of 2011 was marked by the European authorities' decision not
to cover the full amount of the Greek
[...] sovereign debt, the sovereign debt crisis of [...]
certain eurozone countries, plummeting
equity markets, liquidity and refinancing tensions as well as the more stringent solvency requirements of the European Banking Authority (EBA).
此外,由于所有国家都渴望经济和社会发展,因此战略框架除了讨 论中等收入国家外,还应关注高度 债国 家。
Additionally, since economic and social progress should be for all
countries, the strategic framework should
[...] also address highly indebted countries in addition [...]
to middleincome countries.
该区域的经 济情况具有多样性,一些国家被列为高中收入国家,而某些国家属于贫穷的 债国 家。
The economies of the region are diverse with a number of the countries
classified as upper- and middle-income countries while some of them fall into the
[...] category of highly indebted poor countries.
遗憾地注意到缺乏机制以寻找适当办法解决中低收入 债国 家 外 债负 担 无法持续承受的问题,而且现行的债务解决体制仍然将债权人的利益置 债务 国及其 国内穷人的利益之上,而到目前为止在纠正这种不公平状况方面没有取得 多少进展,为此吁请加紧努力制订有效和公平的机制,以取消或大幅度减少所有 发展中国家的外债负担,特别是受海啸和飓风等自然灾害及武装冲突严重影响的 发展中国家的外债负担
Regrets the absence of mechanisms to find appropriate
solutions to the
[...] unsustainable foreign debt burden of middle- and low-income heavily indebted countries, and that, to date, little headway has been made in redressing the unfairness of the current system of debt resolution, which [...]
continues to place
the interests of the lenders above those of indebted countries and the poor in those countries, and therefore calls for an intensification of efforts to devise effective and equitable mechanisms to cancel or reduce substantially the foreign debt burden of all developing countries, in particular those severely affected by the devastation of natural disasters, such as tsunamis and hurricanes, and by armed conflicts




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