

单词 国产化

See also:


made in one's own country
made in China

External sources (not reviewed)

1955年日本防卫厅根据武器装国产化 、 现 代话需要,正式决定研 国产化 坦 克
The Japanese defence office in 1955 is according to the needs of weaponry production domesticization , modern, develop the production domesticization tank in formal decision.
水煤浆气化技术在中国已有多年的应用业绩,技术成熟,主要设 备都可国产化,只引进烧嘴、煤浆泵等少量设备。
The main equipment required by this technology could
[...] all be produced locally; only burners [...]
and coal slurry pumps need to be imported.
深圳市中科思创超声科技有限公司是中国声学学会、功率超声学会会员企业,始自于1986年,是中科院声学所、机电部11所技术协作单位,国内首家引进、消化、吸收美国“BRANSON”公司技术再加以创新和提高,并投入批量生产的国内最早的超声波塑胶焊接设备生产商,曾荣获多项国家级科技进步奖项,其中的多工位全自动超声波封焊机,不仅替代了进口而且填补了国内在该领域的空白;同时超声波焊接这种新工艺在各行业的逐步引入,对以中国汽车零部件生产 国产化 为 代 表的制造业技术升级进程也起到了良好的推动作用。
Ltd. is China's record Acoustical Society, Society of power ultrasound companies, began in 1986, is the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Acoustics, Department of Electrical and technical cooperation unit 11, the first to introduce, digest, absorb the U.S. " BRANSON "coupled with technical innovation and improvement, and put into mass production of the first domestic manufacturer of ultrasonic plastic welding equipment, has won several national scientific and technological progress awards, which cover multi-position automatic ultrasonic welding, not only replaced import and fill the domestic blank in this field; while the new technology of ultrasonic welding gradually introduced in all
sectors of the Chinese-made auto parts into the
[...] process of technological upgrading of [...]
the manufacturing sector representatives
also played a role in promoting good .
[...] 月版的该国《采矿业章程》明文增强了支 持本国工业国产化观念
The September 2010 edition of the country’s Mining Charter explicitly strengthens the notion of local
[...] content to support local industries.
深圳一家券商的电子行业分析师在接受证券时报记者采访时指出,该规划突出 国产化 的 政 策导向,既包括设备和芯片,也包括背光和路灯等产品,将有助于天龙光电等MOCVD制造商、南大光电等高纯金属有机源(MO源)厂商,以及背光企业瑞丰光电、路灯龙头企业勤上光电、国内芯片龙头公司三安光电及德豪润达等相关企业的发展。
Shenzhen a brokers electronic industry analysts in accept the securities times reporter to interview points out, this planning highlighted the policy guidance of localization, both equipment and chip, including backlighting and street lamps and other products, will help, optoelectronics, and other MOCVD manufacturers, ntu photoelectric and high purity metal organic source (MO source) manufacturers, and backlight enterprise ruifeng photoelectric, street light leading enterprises frequently on photoelectric, domestic chip leading company three Ann photoelectric and DE hao embellish of related the development of the enterprise.
自由贸易区进口的商品来自各不同的地区,主要来自国外,当然也有智利其他地区的产品,比如PUNTA ARENAS自由贸易区的国产商品或 国产化 的 商 品。
The merchandise imported into the Duty Free Zone comes from different origins, especially overseas, and from Chile, such as domestic or domestically manufactured international merchandise and from the Duty Free Zone of Punta Arenas.
另外,为了加快适应国家钢铁工业”十二五“发展的新形势、新要求,进一步满足国内重点发展的汽车薄板、高强度船板钢、现代装备业和国防等用优质钢材,以及钢铁行业加快轧制技术和品种质量发展 国产化 高 品 质高性能轧辊的不断需求,特别是更好地满足当前国内外钢企在金融危机后日益强烈的降低成本、促进发展的需求,公司将“以铸代锻方法开发研制热轧板带大型离心支承辊”和“以整体铸造方法开发研制大H型钢大型辊环”项目列入了2012年的重点研发计划。
In addition, in order to speed up adapting to new development situation and request of the "12th five years" plan of national iron and steel industry, to meet constant demand of key national projects like car sheet, ship flat steel, excellent steel used in modern equipment industry and national defense, alongside with iron & steel industry speeding up development of rolling technology and varieties quality, especially to meet growing demand of steel enterprises home and abroad for cost reduction and development, the company put the programs of large-size back-up rolls of hot strip mill in centrifugal casting method instead of forged and large-size rings of large H section mill in monobloc casting method into key R&D plan 2012.
S h e l l技术对煤种的 适应性较强,效率高,同时具有良好的环保性能,但是S h e l l技国产化程度较 低,主要设备如气化炉内件依然需要从国外进口,由此投资比较大。
As an environmentally friendly technology, Shell technology could adapt to a variety of coal, with high efficiency.
幸运的是这个风电产业的“新兵”早有准备---2006年,该公司从德国引进850千瓦风机技术,合作开发了2兆瓦风机技术;2007年经自主创新完成了设计定型和样机制造安装,实现并网发电 国产化 率 近90%;尤其是海装风电公司自主研发的2兆瓦风机成功运行,成为国内首台并网单机功率最大、具有全部自主知识产权的产品。
Fortunately, the wind power industry "recruits" well prepared --- 2006, the company imported from Germany, 850 kW wind turbine technology, to develop a 2 MW wind turbine technology; design finalized and prototype in 2007 by the independent innovation manufacturing, installation, and power generation to achieve a localization rate of 90%; especially sea installed wind power company developed the 2 MW wind turbines to run successfully, to become China's first grid the largest single power, with full independent intellectual property rights.
实践中遇到的社会经济政策实例包括 国产化 程 度 (包括制造、劳动力和 材料)、投标书所提供的经济发展潜力(其中包括国内投资或其他商务活 动)、鼓励就业、技术转让以及在管理、科学和操作上的技能培养、发展中小 企业、少数族裔企业、小型社会组织、弱势群体、残障人士、区域和地方发 展,以及增进妇女、青年和老年人以及土著群体和传统群体成员的权利。
Examples of socio-economic policies that have been encountered in practice include allowing for, the extent of local content, including manufacture, labour and materials, the economic development potential offered by tenders, including domestic investment or other business activity, the encouragement of employment, the transfer of technology and the development of managerial, scientific and operational skills, the development of SMEs, minority enterprises, small social organizations, disadvantaged groups, persons with disabilities, regional and local development, and the improvement of the rights of women, the young and the elderly, and people who belong to indigenous and traditional groups.
下游市场热点频出,连接器业绩增长确定性高,未来5年CAGR可达15%以智能手机、平板电脑为代表的消费电子呈爆发性增长态势,预计智能手机未来5年的复合增长率可达34.1%,平板电脑2011年增长率可达284.5%;“十二五”规划助力农村市场,家电下乡及加快农村地区宽带网络建设的产业政策将继续推动PC在农村市场的普及;汽车连接器市场规模巨大,且呈不断增长态势,目 国产化 程 度 很低,发展潜力巨大;预计未来5年国内连接器市场复合增长率可达15%。
Frequent hot spots downstream market, the connector performance up high uncertainty, the next five years CAGR of up to 15% of smart phones, tablet PCs, represented by the explosion of consumer electronics growth is expected to smart phones over the next five-year compound growth rate can be 34.1%, Tablet PC 2011 up to 284.5 percent annual growth rate; "second five" help the rural market, home appliances and broadband networks in rural areas to speed up the construction of industrial policy will continue to promote the popularity of PC in the rural markets; car connection device market is huge, and there was a growing trend, the current low level of domestic production, development potential; the next five years, the domestic market compound growth rate of the connector up to 15%.
中心先后完成科技部“BME高积层片式陶瓷电容器”和“超小型表面贴装元件用氧化铝陶瓷基片”两项国家863计划和国家移动通信产 国产化 专 项“氧化铝陶瓷基片产业化”项目。
The R&D center has undertaken the National Sience&Technology Department projects like”BME Ceramic Lamination Chip Inductors”, “Super Miniature SMD
Alumina Ceramic Substrates” which belong to National 863 projects and
[...] “Alumina Ceramic Substrate Industrialization” project.
中国加拿大联合 设计,系国外主流技术国产化产品 , 国 内 独 家自主知识产权,装置类型与加拿大MDS NORDION公司的JS8900系列辐照装置相同。
Joint designed by China and Canada, the mainstream technologies abroad, exclusive proprietary intellectual property rights domestically, the type is the same with series of JS8900 irradiator of Canada MDS NORDION.
据中国石油化工集团国产化办公 室主任王廷俊介绍,经过五年来的努力攻关,百万吨乙烯和百万吨PTA等石化重大装 国产化 实 现 了重大突破,一些过去一直依赖国外进口的重大设备开始立足国内,并且在大型石化醒目上推广应用。
According to China Petroleum & Chemical Group, the former director of the Office Wangting Jun localization introduced after five years of research efforts, one million tons of ethylene and one million tons PTA and other petrochemical major equipment to achieve a major [...]
breakthrough, some in
the past has been dependent on foreign imports of major equipment start based on the domestic and eye-catching on in large petrochemical application.
据超达阀门总工程师邱晓来介绍:目前全世界最大的气化装置-南化德士古87kg水煤浆气化项目、目前全世界单套合成氨最大装置-云南沾化50万吨合成氨煤气化装置、目前全世界最大的煤制油项目-神华集团煤制油工程煤制氢和煤液化系统都采用了超达阀门公司生产的金属硬密封高温球阀/锁渣阀,替代同类进口产品,为重大装 国产化 做 出了应有的贡献。
Chaoda valves the chief engineer Qiu to introduce: the world's largest gasification plant - South of Texaco 87kg, CWS gasification projects worldwide single set of synthetic ammonia the maximum device - Yunnan Zhanhua 50 tons of synthetic ammonia gasification device , currently the world's biggest coal-to-oil project - Shenhua Group coal liquefaction projects hydrogen from coal and coal liquefaction system Chaoda valves produced high-temperature metal hard seal
ball valve / lock slag valve, replace
[...] similar imported products, is a major equipment inside to make due contributions.
当然,目前福格勒超级 3000-2摊铺机价格还是比较高,如果能顺利实国 产化,价格再低一些,相信会得到更多中国用户的青 睐 。
In addition, the large 480mm diameter of the auger blades ensures that exactly the required amount of material is always available in front of the screed and the paving process can continue without interruption.
中国将继续坚持“以 我为主、中外合作、引进技术、推 国产化 ” 的 核电发展方针,积极开展国际合 作,采用多种形式学习和引进国际先进技术。
In nuclear power development, China will stick to the principle of “rely mainly on independent efforts while cooperating with foreign partners, promote domestic production while importing technologies”, actively carry out international cooperation, study and acquire advanced technologies in various ways.
先进的中外合作技术:除前述最新国产装置外,作为国际知名企业的MDS Nordion
[...] 公司在中国内地的唯一技术合作伙伴,北京核二院比尼新技术有限公司多年来致力于将国外先进技 国产化。
the sole technical partner of MDS NORDION in China, has for
[...] years devoted to nationalizing advanced foreign [...]
其中,147,210m3大型液化天然气(LNG)运输 国产化 荣 获 国家能源局科技进步一等奖,147,210m3大型薄膜型液化天然气((LNG)船建造技术荣获上海市科技进步一等奖,8530TEU超大型集装箱船技术分别获得上海市科技进步一等奖和中船集团公司科技进步一等奖。
Since the eleventh five-year plan, a wide variety of 40 items of technical achievements
made by the company have been awarded
[...] prizes for scientific and technological achievements [...]
by the state councils, Shanghai
municipality or CSSC, among which, the domestically built 147,210m3 large LNG carriers won the first prize in National Science & Technology Advance Award for Energy Sources and the building technologies of large membrane-type LNG carriers won the first prize in Shanghai Science & Technology Advance Award, the technologies of 8,530-teu ultra-large container vessels won the first prize in the Science & Technology Advance Award granted by Shanghai municipality and CSSC, respectively.
面对这种形势,全国政协委员、中国机械工业集团有限公司董事长任洪斌建议:一是以国内市场需求为筹码,按市场规则运作,迫使发达国家向我国转让技术,放松对我国高端装备的出口管制,放弃对我国中低端产品的进口限制;二是制定有利于自主创新的高端装备的采购政策,明确国家重点工程有义务做高端装 国产化 的 依 托工程,在项目设备采购招投标时必须优先采购国产装备;对外商的报价应按其3年~5年前在中国市场的实际成交价计算,以防止其恶意降价打压我国新进入该领域的内资企业。
Face this situation, National Committee members, and China machinery industrial group limited Chairman Ren Hongbin recommendations: a is to domestic market needs for chips, by market rules operation, forced developed to my transfer technology, relax on my high-end equipment of export control, abandoned on my in the low-end products of imports limit; II is developed conducive to independent innovation of high-end equipment of procurement policy, clear national focus
engineering has obligations do
[...] high-end equipment localization of relies on engineering, [...]
  In project bidding of equipment
procurement must be given priority when purchasing domestic equipment; foreign quotes should be assessed on its 3 years ~5 years ago, actual transaction prices in the Chinese market, in order to prevent their malicious price pressure on new entrants to the field of domestic enterprises in China.
高阻尼橡胶支座(简称HDRB)应用于桥梁及建筑结构中,其原理有别于橡胶隔振支座的单自由度的质量——弹簧系统,可实现竖向、横向双向阻尼的效果,特别适用于基础减震系统中对于目前的居民区、高科枝工业园区、国家自然保护区等对环境有特殊要求的地区,可以大量采用此类型支座:高阻尼橡胶支座为环保型产品,目前已实 国产化。
High damping rubber bearings(HDRB) are used in bridges and structures. The principle is different from mass—spring system with single degree of freedom of EBP, and they can achieve transverse and vertical damping effect on the basis of two-wad, especially applicable to the basic vibration reducing system.
中石化炼油装国产化率已 超过90%,乙烯和PTA装置关键设备,化肥装置中的合成氨塔、尿素塔,以及合纤原料装置等也实现 国产化 , 我 国 石 油 石化装 国产化 率 大幅提高,这让国人充满了信心。
Sinopec's refining unit more
[...] than 90% localization rate, ethylene and PTA plant key equipment, fertilizers, synthetic ammonia unit in the tower, urea tower, as well as synthetic materials unit, were also achieved domestically, China's petroleum and petrochemical equipment localization rate significantly [...]
, which makes people confident.
此外,专家们强调了小岛屿发展中国家面临的 特殊挑战以及需要确保森林覆盖率高且毁林率较低 国 家 从降低毁林和森林退 化产生的排放制度中得益。
Furthermore, experts highlighted the particular challenges facing small island developing States and the need to ensure that countries with high forest
cover with low rates of deforestation benefited from
[...] schemes to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
[...] 就以下方面提出了政策建议:如何在以国际贸易规则正在变化、南方工业强国影 响力日增、产国际化和气 候变化日益受到关注为特征的新的全球环境中促进非 [...]
Furthermore, it offers policy recommendations on how to foster industrial development in Africa in the new global environment characterized by changing international trade rules, growing
influence of industrial powers from the
[...] South, the internationalization of production [...]
and increasing concerns about climate change.
2006 年,储存的 CTC 几乎全部用完,但在获得设备方面出现了严重的项目拖 延,其原因可能是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国没有批准 国 际 化 学武器公约》(遵守 该公约的其他国家不得向朝鲜民主主义人民共 国 出 口 能够用于 产化 学 武 器的设 备)。
In 2006, the stocks of CTC had been virtually depleted, but there are serious project delays in obtaining equipment, possibly due to non-ratification of the International Chemical Weapons Convention by the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea (other countries
[...] which adhere to this convention are not allowed to export equipment enabling the production of chemical weapons to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).
虽然工化国家产生的危险废物继续被运出 境外,在发展中国家非法倾倒,而且尽管缺乏这方面的完整可靠资料,但现在大 [...]
Although hazardous
[...] wastes generated in industrialized countries continue [...]
to be moved across borders and illegally dumped
in developing countries, and in spite of the lack of complete and reliable information in this respect, it appears that the majority of transboundary movements occur nowadays within the same region, and generally involve industrialized countries.
关 于中国氟氯烃生产行业技术审计的最后报告草案,执行委员会指出,最后技术审计报告的 延迟提交不会阻碍其审议国化工生 产 行 业 氟氯烃淘汰计划的项目提案,并且决定,通过 中国政府邀请氟氯烃生产工厂提供其未向原先顾问提供的数据,并请秘书处审查 国化工 生产行业 淘汰氟氯氢项目提案,供第六十七次会议审议,并考虑到技术审计中取得的信息 以及来自任何其他相关信息来源的信息(第 66/54 号决定,(a)、(f)、(h) 和(i) 分段)。
Regarding the draft final report on the technical audit of China’s HCFC production sector, the Executive Committee noted that the delayed submission of the final technical audit report would not prevent it from considering the project proposal for HCFC phase-out plan for the production sector in China, and decided, through the Government of China, to invite the HCFC production plants to provide data that they had not provided to the original consultant, and requested the Secretariat to review, for consideration at the 67th meeting, the project proposal for HCFC phase-out in the production sector in China, taking into account any available information from the technical audit, as well as any other relevant sources of information (decision 66/54, sub-paragraphs (a), (f), (h) and (i)).
作为耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的占领国,以色列通过作为和不作为继续违反国 际人道主义法和联国教育 、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)的有关公约,允许非 法和侵入性挖掘,对耶路撒冷老城及其城墙的完整性、真实性和 化产 生 了不利 影响并破坏了毗邻的“尊贵禁地”大院的结构和基础,完全无视 1954 年《关于 发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其议定书和 1972 年《世界遗产公 约》。
Israel, as the occupying Power in the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls, continues through acts and omissions to violate international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) conventions by
[...] allowing illegal and intrusive excavations that adversely affect the integrity, authenticity and culture of the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls and jeopardize the structure and foundations of the adjacent [...]
Al-Haram Al-Sharif
compound area, in complete disregard of the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its Protocols and the 1972 World Heritage Convention.
通过清洁发展 机制购买碳抵消并借助于《气候化 框 架 公约》秘书处的咨询,对联 国产 生的 抵消进行清算,可以最低费用和高效率的方式实现碳抵消,同时避免了为实现抵 消付出的经纪费用。
By internally clearing United Nations-generated offsets via the purchasing of carbon offsets through the CDM and with advice from the secretariat of UNFCCC, carbon offsetting could be achieved in a least costly and most efficient manner, obviating the costs for offset brokering.




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