

单词 国事访问

See also:

访问 pl

interviews pl

访问 v

access v


call on

External sources (not reviewed)

1983 年,炸弹爆炸,导致 17 名高级
[...] 别大韩民国官员死亡,其中包括当时陪同我国总统前 往缅甸进国事访问的外长。
In 1983, bombs exploded and killed 17 high-level officials of the
Republic of Korea, including our then-Foreign Minister, who were accompanying our
[...] President to Myanmar on a State visit.
蒙古总统在 2012 年 3 月对德国进国 事访问期间 ,就实施建立一个从煤炭生产液体燃料的工厂的项目达成了一项协 议。
During a State visit by the President of [...]
Mongolia to Germany in March 2012, an agreement was reached on the implementation
of a project on building a plant for producing liquid fuel from coal.
从胡锦涛主席一月份的官国事访问 , 到五月份在华盛顿十分成功的第三轮美中战略与经济对话,美国对这段重要的关系表现出深度承诺。
From the official state visit of President Hu Jintao in January, to the very successful third round of the U.S.-China Strategic & [...]
Economic Dialogue in Washington
in May, the United States has shown a deep commitment to this important relationship.
11 月,在以色列总统 40 年来对巴西的首国事访问 中,西蒙·佩雷斯总统在巴西利亚与卢拉总统会见。
In November,
[...] in the first state visit by an Israeli President [...]
to Brazil in 40 years, President Shimon Peres met with President Lula in Brasilia.
英拉 9 月 12 日国事访问之后 ,印 尼总统苏西洛公开强调过程重于结果,他说:“作 [...]
为东盟主席的印尼随时与联合国,特别是安理会保 持沟通,这一问题可以在东盟层面上主要由泰国和 柬埔寨自行解决,印尼作为东盟主席国将参与解决 过程”。
After Yingluck’s
[...] 12 September state visit, President Yuhdoyono [...]
publicly stressed process rather than results: “Indonesia
as the ASEAN Chair has contin ued to tell the UN, especially the Security Council, that this problem can be resolved at the level of ASEAN, primarily by Thailand and Cambodia.
在 2008 年和 2010 年,他对印度进行国事访问。
He paid state visits to India in 2008 [...]
and 2010.
而对东南亚其他国家——2006 年 3
[...] 月,胡锦涛主席前往老挝和越南进 国事访问 ; 20 05 年, 越南;2005 年 12 月,马来西亚;2005 [...]
年 4 月,印度尼西亚、 文莱和菲律宾;2002 年,马亚西亚和新加坡。
Elsewhere in South East Asia, President Hu
[...] Jintao made state visits to Laos and Vietnam [...]
in March 2006; Vietnam in 2005; Malaysia
in December 2005; Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines in April 2005; and Malaysia and Singapore in 2002.
这将是本届政府所主持的第三 国事访问 , 并 回馈欧巴马总统2009年11月对中国 国事访问。
This will
[...] be the third State visit of the administration and reciprocates President Obama’s State visit to China in [...]
November 2009.
而且,当然,我们非常期盼胡主席下周对华盛顿 国事访问。
And, of course, we
[...] are very much looking forward to President Hu’s state visit to Washington next week.
法国当局还利用苏莱曼总统在巴黎进 国事访 问的机 会重申,它支持黎巴嫩,并致力于执行使黎巴 嫩人民得以重新走上对话与民族和解道路的《多哈协 [...]
The French authorities also reiterated, on
[...] the occasion of the State visit of President Sleiman [...]
to Paris, their support for Lebanon
and their commitment to the implementation of the Doha agreement, which has enabled the Lebanese people to resume the path of dialogue and national reconciliation.
奥巴马总统在 2010 年 11 月对印度进国事访问期间 ,他与印度总理曼莫 汉·辛格,作为世界上两个最大的民主国家的领导人,发表了联合声明,重申他 [...]
During President Obama’s state visit to India in November [...]
2010, he and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, as leaders of the
world’s two largest democracies, issued a joint statement reaffirming their strong commitment to the Fund.
柏力早年曾在ABC广播公司和CBS广播公司工作,在1989年报道过美国前总统布什和前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫的对中国 国事访问。
Mitch interned in Beijing for both ABC News and CBS News, covering the 1989 state visit of U.S. President
George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and spend several years in Hong Kong as an
[...] analyst with American Airlines.
(a) 2011 年 3
[...] 月,与拉斯特法里运动合作在金斯敦举行摩托车拉力赛,纪念 埃塞俄比亚前国王海尔·塞拉西 国事访问 45 周年(该运动信奉的神灵);劳动节 [...]
当天(5 月 23 日)非洲外交使团参加部分社区活动;5 月 25 日,即全球承认的非 洲解放日,举办国家研讨会
(a) In March, a motorcade rally was held in Kingston in collaboration with the Rastafarian movement
to mark the 45th
[...] anniversary of the State visit by the late Emperor [...]
Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, (the movement’s recognized deity); the African Diplomatic Corps participated in selected community-based
projects on Labour Day (23 May 2011); and a national symposium was held on 25 May 2011, which is globally recognized as African Liberation Day
2006 年 4 月,胡锦涛首次前往华盛顿进 国事访问 期间,美国总统乔治·布什将伊朗、朝鲜和苏丹问题列 [...]
为重中之重,并将其放到了此后总统电话会谈和双边会 议的议程之上。
During Hu Jintao’s
[...] first presidential visit to Washington in [...]
April 2006, U.S. President George Bush made it a priority to
raise Iran, North Korea and Sudan and kept them on the agenda in subsequent phone calls and bilateral meetings.
副国务部长斯泰恩伯格还就美中关系和胡锦涛主席即将进行的对美国 国事访问 的 准 备工作进行了讨论。
Deputy Secretary Steinberg
[...] also discussed the U.S.-China relationship and preparations for President Hu Jintao’s upcoming state visit to the United States.
[...] 苏-恩格索先生阁下分别在 2011 年 10 月和 11 月对基加利进行国事访问。
His Excellency Mr. Pierre Nkurunziza, President of the Republic of Burundi, and His Excellency Mr. Denis Sassou
Nguesso, President of the Republic of the
[...] Congo, made State visits to Kigali in October [...]
and November 2011 respectively.
总统将于1月19日在白宫为中华人民共和国胡锦涛主席的正 国事访问 主 持 仪式。
The President will host Hu Jintao, President of the People’s
[...] Republic of China, at the White House on January 19 for an official State visit.
阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊先生于 3 月
[...] 23 日至 25 日对 中国进行了成功国事访问,中 阿两国领导人就双边 关系和地区局势深入交换了意见,并达成了广泛共 识。
President Karzai of Afghanistan
[...] undertook a successful visit to China from 23 [...]
to 25 March this year, during which leaders
of our two countries carried out an in-depth exchange of views on bilateral relations and the regional situation and achieved broad agreement.
会,并正与利比亚官员联络,期待他们查明 1978 年 在利比亚进国事访问时被劫失踪的伊玛目穆萨·萨 德尔及其两名陪同人员的下落。
In another context, Lebanon has recognized the Libyan National Transitional Council, and it expects Libyan officials, with whom it is communicating for this purpose, to uncover the fate of Imam Musa al-Sadr and his two companions, who were made to disappear in Libya during an official visit in 1978.
月,美国总统奥巴马在他对波兰的第一国事访问中呼 吁两国在能源部门进行更为紧密的合作。 关于波兰页岩气储量相互矛 盾的预估以及缺乏明确的税收 监管制度使得投资者面临了一 些挑战。
Contradictory estimates of Polish shale gas reserves and a lack of clear regulation regarding taxation pose some challenges to investors.
在本报告所述期间,他出席 了在亚的斯亚贝巴的非洲联盟首脑会议,在科特迪瓦接见了美国国务卿,并对法 国进行了一国事访问,访 问期间签署了一份新的防卫协定。
During the period under review, he attended the eighteenth summit of the African Union, held in Addis Ababa, in January 2012; received the
Secretary of State of the
[...] United States of America, in Côte d’Ivoire; and paid a State visit to France, during [...]
which a new defence agreement was signed.
东帝汶已于 2003 年成为教科文组织新的会国,总干 事访问 了该 国。
Timor-Leste has become a new Member State of UNESCO
[...] during 2003 and was visited by the Director-General.
国家已知的法律史大部分是轶闻事,来自在不同时访问这些 岛屿的旅客的著作。
Much of the known legal history of the
[...] country is anecdotal and is derived from the works of travellers who visited the islands at different times.
在阿拉伯国家地区,总事访问了以 下 国 家 : 卡塔尔(2003 年 10 月 11--12 日),同 卡塔尔教育、科学及社区发展基金会主席签定了一项关于建立伊拉克高等教育国际基金的协 [...]
议;2003 年 12 月 19-22 日访问了埃及,参加了九个人口大国(E-9)教育部长会议,随后
12 月 25--28 日与亚力山大图书馆签定了一项合作项目;苏丹(2003 年 12 月 22--24 日),签署 了一项合作联合公报。
The Director-General made the following visits to the Arab States [...]
region: to Qatar (11-12 October 2003) where, with the
Chairperson of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, he signed an agreement establishing the International Fund for Higher Education in Iraq; Egypt, from 19 to 22 December 2003 where he took part in the Conference of Education Ministers of the Nine High-Population Countries (E-9) and then again from 25 to 28 December for the signature of a cooperation agreement with the Bibliotheca Alexandrina; and Sudan (22-24 December), where he signed a joint communiqué on cooperation.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个国干事和 9国一般事务人 员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两 访问 地处 偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15
additional national posts (6
[...] National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices [...]
twice a week; support
is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
作为观察员出席 2001
[...] 年在温得和克召开的地区研讨会(下文简称为“温得和克+10 会议”);B) 在教科文组织总 部采访一些主要的信息提供人;C) 访问 3 个国家的总部外事处( 莫桑比克、印度尼西 亚、南斯拉夫联邦共和国),评估员采访了教科文组织的地区与总部外办事处工作人员,以 [...]
进行了文件分析;E) 向国际、地 区和国家的媒体非政府组织,包括“温得和克+10 会议”的与会者发放两份调查问卷,以便 了解他们对教科文组织战略的看法。
The following data collection approaches were employed: (a) Observation of a regional seminar held in Windhoek in 2001 (hereafter referred to as
Windhoek +10
[...] Conference); (b) Interviews of key informants at UNESCO Headquarters; (c) Field visits to three countries (Mozambique, [...]
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) where the evaluators interviewed UNESCO regional and field office staff, as well as NGOs who were beneficiaries of UNESCO’s assistance; (d) Document analysis; (e) Two questionnaires were distributed to international, regional, and national media NGOs, including participants of the Windhoek +10 Conference, in order to receive their perspectives on UNESCO’s strategies.
委员会的建议将增强其效力,优化其与秘书处的关系,使其能够更好地执行 安理会第 1977(2011)号决议规定的长期任务,并重点开展下列活动:执行第 1540(2004)号决议第 1 段至第 3 段,包括应访问各国;建 立机制,借鉴相关专 门知识,包括酌情征得国家同意,借鉴民间社会和私营部门的相关专门知识;应 相关国家邀请促进技术援助;加强与相关国际、区域和次区域组织的合作;帮助 裁事务厅管理好各国根据第 1977(2011)号决议第 22(c)段提供的资源。
The Committee’s recommendations serve to support its effectiveness, optimize its relationships with the Secretariat, make it more responsive to the long-term mandate established by the Security Council in resolution 1977 (2011) and focus on the implementation of paragraphs 1 to 3 of
resolution 1540 (2004),
[...] including through visits to States at their invitation; on mechanisms to draw upon relevant expertise, including of civil society and the private sector with, as appropriate, their State’s consent; on facilitating technical assistance at the invitation of the State concerned; and on enhanced cooperation with relevant international, regional and subregional organizations, and management by the Office for Disarmament Affairs of resources that [...]
States may provide
according to paragraph 22 (c) of resolution 1977 (2011).
此外,中国是否采取步骤设立或指定一项 国 机 制 ,定期、独立地对剥夺 自由场所进行事先通知的访问,以 便防止酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格 的待遇或处罚?
In addition, has China taken steps to set up or designate a national mechanism which would conduct unannounced independent periodic visits to places of deprivation [...]
of liberty
in order to prevent torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment?
这包括:(a) 2005 年,阿格伦斯卡基参加了罕见疾病及罕用药 国 际 会 议的开幕 仪式,并同意开始建设一个致力于家庭方案的中心的网络;(b) 卫生和社事务 部在 2008 年访问了位 于哥德堡的阿格伦斯卡中心后,建立了该中心,并开始了 两个中心之间的合作;(c) 2007 年 10 月,瑞典西尔维娅王后以及爱沙尼亚第一 夫人伊尔韦斯夫人在落成仪式上宣布了为残疾儿童家庭服务的爱沙尼亚阿格伦 [...]
斯卡中心的启用;爱沙尼亚阿格伦斯卡座落于爱沙尼亚的塔米斯图,位于塔尔图 外,该中心与瑞典阿格伦斯卡基金会密切合作;(d)
澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学医院 按照阿格伦斯卡模型,启动了一项家庭方案;(e) 为了开始更好地与北欧国家在 罕见疾病领域合作,启动了一个项目,奥劳松先生担任项目顾问。
This included: (a) in 2005, Agrenska participated in the launch of ICORD and authorized the start of a network of centres that
[...] worked in the field of family programmes; (b) the Ministry built the centre after a visit to the Agrenska Centre in Gothenburg during 2008 and started a cooperation between the [...]
two centres; (c) in October 2007, Queen Silvia of Sweden, together with the First Lady of Estonia, Mrs. Ilves, inaugurated the Eesti Agrenska centre for families who have children with disabilities; Eesti Agrenska is situated in Tammistu, outside Tartu, in Estonia; the centre works in close cooperation with the Agrenska Foundation in Sweden; (d) the University Hospital in Newcastle in Australia started a family programme in line with the Agrenska model; (e) in order to start a better cooperation between the Nordic countries in the field of rare disorders, a project was started in which Mr. Olauson participated as a resource person.
自该委 员会 1968 年成立以来的每一年,委员会在核实以色 列占领及其违反国际法,包括《日内瓦第四公约》事实时,都访问邻国大量 的目击者和受害者。
Every year since the Committee’s establishment in 1968, in the course of verifying the facts of Israel’s occupation and its violations of international law, including the
Fourth Geneva Convention, the
[...] Special Committee had interviewed scores of eyewitnesses and victims from neighbouring States.




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