单词 | 固定值 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 固定值 noun —fixed value nSee also:固定 adj—fixed adj • stationary adj 固定 n—fixing n • fixation n 固定 (...) v—fix v • set v • anchor sth. v 固定—regular • fasten • set rigidly in place
指导方针还将规定一 个支付小项目运行费用的固定值。 unesdoc.unesco.org | These guidelines will [...] also include provisions of a fixed fee to cover [...]the processing costs of small projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在图中的水槽表示一个化学驱动力的 固定值 , 这 正象在巴黎的米和千克的原型 表示长度和质量的固定值一样。 job-stiftung.de | The cell in the [...] figure represents a fixed value of chemical drive just as the original meter and the original kilogram in Paris represent fixed length and mass values. job-stiftung.de |
指定的計數為固定值,可提供使用者決定硬碟機裝卸 週期功能的方法。 seagate.com | The specified count is a fixed value and provides the [...] user a means to determine the drive’s load-unload cycle capability. seagate.com |
它避免了不必要的清洗以及涉及到 固定值 衰 减 报告所带来的高昂测量费用。 neutrik.com.cn | It avoids needless cleaning and expensive measurements by reporting [...] attenuation increase related to a fixed value. neutrik.com |
只需要记录气压的变化范围即可;使用每 30 分钟采样一次的固定值法取样较好。 eijkelkamp.com | It only has to register the variations in the atmospheric pressure; a [...] measurement with a fixed sampling speed [...]of 1 per 30 minutes is usually good enough. eijkelkamp.com |
固定值电感器 digikey.cn | Fixed Inductors digikey.cn |
固定值 jvc.com.hk | Fixed values jvc.com.hk |
本网站中的文字已使用样式表中的非 固定值 设 定 样式。 hydratight.com | The text on this website has been styled [...] using a non-fixed value in a style sheet. hydratight.com |
其中rate为各期利率,是一固定值,np er为总投资(或贷款)期,即该项投资(或贷款)的付款期总数,pv为各期所应付给(或得到)的金额,其数值在整个年金期间(或投资期内)保持不变,通常Pv包括本金和利息,但不包括其它费用及税款,pv为现值,或一系列未来付款当前值的累积和,也称为本金,如果省略pv,则假设其值为零,type为数字0或1,用以指定各期的付款时间是在期初还是期末,如果省略t,则假设其值为零。 oapdf.com | For the period in which [...] interest rate is a fixed value, nper for a total [...]investment (or loan), that the investment (or loan) [...]the total number of payment period, pv for the period due to (or receive) the amount, its value in the annuity period (during or investment) remain unchanged, Pv usually include principal and interest, but does not include other fees and taxes, pv is the present value, or a series of future payments and the current cumulative value, also known as the principal, if omitted pv, is the assumption that its value is zero, type for the number of 0 or 1, for the designated time period for payment in the beginning or end, if omitted from t, then the assumption that its value is zero. oapdf.com |
也就是说额定电流基本上不是一个 固定值。 littelfuse.cn | Basically this means that the rated [...] current is not a fixed value. littelfuse.com |
草稿 (固定值): 可让您选择用于决定像素是黑或白的灰阶阈值。 graphics.kodak.com | Draft (Fixed): allows you to select the grayscale threshold used to determine if a pixel [...] is black or white. graphics.kodak.com |
要面对的另一个问题是,的储备被打开之前,监管机构的CVM(证券交易委员会),问的初步招股说明书中包含的信息表明 [...] 风险的错误定价由于受助人的唯一20%的报价 - 机构 - 可能最终得到的固定值。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Another problem to be faced is that before the reserves were opened, the regulator CVM (Securities and Exchange Board), asked that the preliminary prospectus includes information indicating [...] the risk of mis-pricingSince only 20% of recipients of the offer - the institutional - [...] could end up getting fixed value. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
语法形式为:NPV(rate,value1,value2, ...) 其中,rate为各期贴现率,是一固定值 ; va lue1,value2,...代表1到29笔支出及收入的参数值,value1,value2,...所属各期间的长度必须相等,而且支付及收入的时间都发生在期末。 oapdf.com | Grammatical form: NPV (rate, value1, value2, ...) which, rate for [...] the period of the [...] discount rate is a fixed value; value1, value2, ... T 1-29 on behalf of expenditure and income values, value1 [...], value2, ..., affiliated [...]to the length of the period must be equal, but the time for payment and income have taken place in the end. oapdf.com |
要知道,一些券商放弃百分比和保持一个非常低 的 固定值 , 起 初似乎是有益的,但要收取包月费,收费保管的股份或休眠账户费 [...] - 对于那些谁想要长期投资,有些是有利的。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | Be aware that some brokerages Forgo percentage and [...] maintains a very low fixed value that may seem beneficial [...]at first, but charge a flat monthly [...]fee, a fee for custody of shares or a dormant account fee - for those who want invest for the long term is somewhat advantageous. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
委员会还重新审议了一个替代办法,即按 实 值固定 低 人 均收入调整门槛值, 而不是按比额表基期的当前人均收入世界平均值设定门槛值。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee also reconsidered the [...] alternative approach of fixing the low per capita [...]income adjustment threshold in real terms [...]instead of setting it at the current average world per capita income for the scale base period. daccess-ods.un.org |
按通货膨胀对临界线进行调整,使其 固定 在 实 值 之 上。 daccess-ods.un.org | The thresholds are adjusted for inflation to keep them fixed in real terms. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 按照本協議,不再用於與電力有關的事宜 的 固定 資產,應自固定資產淨值的年終結餘中注銷,並 作爲下文第(2)段所列的固定資產處置來處理。 hkelectric.com | (1) Fixed Assets ceased to be used for Electricity-Related activities under this Agreement shall be written off from the year end balance of Net Fixed Assets and [...] treated as disposal [...]of Fixed Assets as set out in paragraph (2). hkelectric.com |
指該年度可再生能源固定資產淨值在 期 初和期終兩項 結餘的平均數。 hkelectric.com | means the average for that Year of the opening and closing balances of Renewables Net Fixed Assets. hkelectric.com |
和动态测试一样,陀螺仪漂移的协方差固定在1e-12,另一 个协方差固定在标称值,剩下的其余两个则在1e-14至1e-4 的范围内变动。 analog.com | As in the dynamic tests, the covariance for the gyro drift is fixed at 1e-12, one of the other [...] covariances is fixed at a nominal value, and the other two [...]are varied from 1e-14 to 1e-4. analog.com |
自定义安全选项——作为安全问题的可能的解决方案, 把 固定 属 性 的 值 透 明 转换到数据库中的值(或者相反)现在在XPO.NET中是可行的。 evget.com | Custom Security Options - As a possible solution for security issues, transparent conversions of persistent property values' from/to database values are now available [...] in XPO.NET. evget.com |
紧固力矩不要超过规定值,否则可能造成动作不正常。 kosmek.co.jp | If more than the prescribed amount of torque is [...] used it will lead to malfunction. kosmek.co.jp |
至于 其余三个协方差项,一个值固定在一 特定图形上(在图形标 题中给出);柱高表示SNR的观察值,该值与几个独立的设 [...] 置相关(在10-14至10-4 之间)。 analog.com | Of the three remaining [...] covariance terms, one value is fixed on a particular [...]figure (indicated in the figure title) and the [...]bar levels indicate the SNR observations, which are associated with several discrete settings (between 10-14 and 10-4 ) It is evident that the two rotation orientations produced different results. analog.com |
出售固定資產 的收益或虧損乃所得收入與資產賬 面 值 的 差額,並在全面收益表之「其他收益 ﹣淨額」項目內確認。 asiasat.com | Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with carrying amounts [...] and are recognised within ‘Other [...]gains – net’ in the statement of comprehensive income. asiasat.com |
5) 安装附件 ●用扳手将柱塞的前端固定,按照下表中给出的力 矩 值 进 行 紧固。 kosmek.co.jp | Use a wrench to hold the end of the [...] plunger and tighten it according to the torque in the following chart. kosmek.co.jp |
存貨成本包括有關員工成本、折舊費用 、 固定 資 產 減 值 虧 損及經營租賃費用$574,724,000(二零一零 年:$528,720,000),該數額亦已分別計入上文獨立披露的總額中,以及收益表內各個開支類別中。 kader.com | Cost of inventories includes $574,724,000 (2010: $528,720,000) [...] relating to staff costs, [...] depreciation charges, impairment losses in respect of fixed assets and operating [...]lease charges, which amount [...]is also included in the respective total amounts disclosed separately above and in the income statement for each of these types of expenses. kader.com |
以下表格顯示在資產負債表日其他變量保 持 固定 的 情 況下,美元滙率的合理可能變化導致本集團稅前利潤(由 於 貨 幣 型 資 產 ╱ 負 債 公 允 價 值 的 變 動 )和 權 益 變 化 的 敏 感 性。 zte.com.cn | The following table demonstrates the sensitivity at the balance sheet date to a reasonably possible [...] change in the US$ exchange rate, with [...] all other variables held constant, of the Group’s profit before tax (due to change in the fair value of monetary assets and liabilities) and the Group’s owners’ equity. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
这些挑战包括长距 离海运、货物流量不平均、以及出口品单位 价 值 较 低 等,以及如何使船只的 大小、服务速度、港口装卸能力、安全和舒适程度等要素与航运量较低、而 且常常不固定等实际情况相匹配。 daccess-ods.un.org | These include long voyage distances, imbalanced cargo flows and low unit values of exports as well as challenges in matching ship size, service speed, port capacity, safety and comfort with [...] low and often irregular traffic volumes. daccess-ods.un.org |
劳动力市场的恢复疲软,与一些关键宏观经济指标的改善形成鲜明 对比:2010 年,全球实际国内生产总值、私 人消费 、 固定 投 资总额和世界贸易均 得以恢复并超过危机前水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Weak recovery in the labour market stands in stark contrast to the recovery that has been seen in several [...] key macroeconomic indicators: [...] real global GDP, private consumption, gross fixed investment and [...]world trade all recovering [...]by 2010 and surpassing pre-crisis levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
行動電話通信業務、加值業務及固定 網 路 服務之收入,係依約定費率計價,扣除 折扣後之淨額認列;訂戶基本頻道收入按約定之月租費認列;預付卡收入則依用戶實 際使用量認列。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Service revenues from [...] wireless services, value-added services, and fixed network services, net of any applicable discount, are billed at predetermined rates; the [...]fixed monthly fees on [...]the basic cable TV services are accrued; prepaid card services are recognized on the basis of minutes of usage. english.taiwanmobile.com |