

单词 围击

See also:

all around
surname Wei
wear by wrapping around (scarf, shawl)

External sources (not reviewed)

要获取Impex Metro Europa,
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For an overview of all available Sugar at Impex Metro
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Europa, S.L..
德班审查会议成果文件为我们理解见解和言论自由做出了重要贡献。关于努 力打击歧视和种族主义的第 58 段“强调见解和言论自由权是民主、多元社会的重
[...] 要基础之一,并强调这项权利可在世界 围 内 打 击 种 族 主义、种族歧视、仇外心 理及相关的不容忍现象方面发挥作用”。
The Durban Review Conference outcome document made an important contribution to our understanding of freedom of opinion and expression in the context of the effort to combat discrimination and racism in its paragraph 58, which: “Stresses that the right to freedom of opinion and expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a democratic, pluralistic society,
and stresses further the role that
[...] right can play in the fight against racism, racial [...]
discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance worldwide.
乌克兰在自己权力围内竭击专制 时代的后遗症并阻止专制主义抬头,重申其 与所有会员国通力合作在全球范围内促进和保护人 [...]
Ukraine was making
[...] significant efforts to combat the consequences of [...]
totalitarianism and prevent its future recurrence,
and reaffirmed its commitment to engage with all Member States to protect and promote human rights worldwide.
检察官办公室把努力集中在三个方面:(a) 使办公室充分发挥职能和运作; (b)
[...] 接过对袭击哈里里事件进行调查的管辖权;(c) 加紧调查和追查所有调查线 索,以查明属于其任务围的袭击事 件 的真相。
The Office of the Prosecutor focused its efforts in three areas: (a) becoming a fully functional and operational office; (b) assuming jurisdiction over the investigation into the Hariri attack; and (c) intensifying investigations
and exploring all investigative leads in order to establish the
[...] truth regarding the attacks falling within its mandate.
非索特派团在海港和机场的阵地极易遭到 围 高 地 迫击 炮火的攻击,特派团的补给线也因此受到严重威胁。
The AMISOM positions at the seaport
and airport remain highly
[...] vulnerable to mortar fire from surrounding elevated areas, which presents [...]
a considerable risk for the Mission’s supply line.
[...] 列海军频繁以实弹攻击巴勒斯坦渔船的叙述,包括在限定的 3 海里围之内的攻击。
In addition, the members heard accounts of frequent
live-fire attacks on Palestinian fishing boats by Israeli naval
[...] forces, including within the allotted 3 [...]
nautical mile limit.
1 图片提取:在“浏览区”列表中右键单击文件名选择“提取图片”选项切换到“图片”窗口,此时程序会将该PDF文件中包含的所有图片都显示在右侧窗口中,双击图片会将图片显示在左侧窗口中,此时可以对该图片进行缩放和翻转等操作,如果要截取图片局部,点击“框选工具”按钮,用鼠标选取图片 围 , 在 点 击 “ 将 图片另存为”按钮即可保存截取的图片。
1 Image Extraction: In the "Browse Area" list, right-click the file name select "Extract image" option to switch to the "picture" window, this time the program PDF file contains all the pictures are displayed in the on the right window, double-click the image will be displayed in the left picture window, a time to flip the picture to zoom and other operations, if you want to intercept partial picture, click on "box is
checked Tools" button, select the
[...] picture with the mouse range, the click on "Save [...]
Picture As" button to save the interception of the pictures.
这 些行动有助于强化对《公约》的支持以及在国际 围 内 努力 打 击 在 体 育运动中使用兴奋剂的现 象。
These actions have helped to build support for the Convention and
[...] international efforts to combat doping in sport.
加拿大国家 安全围绕着有效击恐怖 活动和保护人权的双重目标。
Canadian national
[...] security laws are shaped by the dual goals of effectively combating terrorist activity [...]
and protecting human rights.
Velichko 女士(白俄罗斯)说,该国政府非常 重视落实特别报告员在 2009 年访问白俄罗斯后提出 的建议,其所加入的打击贩运人口团结之友小组支
[...] 持特别报告员的工作,并随时准备与其开展全面合 作,以加强在全球围内打击贩运 现象的行动。
(Belarus) said that her Government was following the recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur following her visit to Belarus in 2009 and that the group of friends united against human trafficking, of which her country was a member, was supporting the work of the
Special Rapporteur and was prepared to cooperate fully with her in stepping up
[...] the global campaign against that scourge.
(d) 在其领土内仇恨犯罪的性质和围, 以及 打 击 种 族歧视、仇外心理和 相关不容忍现象国家方案的结果
(d) The nature and extent of hate crime in its
territory, and the outcome of the
[...] National Programme to Combat Racial Discrimination, [...]
Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
恐怖主义法案已提交议会, 如获通过则可: “(1) 将鼓励或美化恐怖主义定为罪行;(2) 建立一个新的罪行,打击传播激 进材料的极端主义书店;(3) 将提供或接受恐怖训练或参加“恐怖分子训练营”定为罪行;(4) 建立一个新的罪行,制止策划恐怖主义行为或准备实施恐怖主义行为者;(5) 将恐怖主义案件 的最长羁押期限延长为 3 个月;(6) 扩大禁止动机围,以打击美化 恐怖主义的团体”,Home Office Press Notice 148/2005。
The Terrorism Bill pending before Parliament would, if enacted: “(1) outlaw encouragement or glorification of terrorism, (2) create a new offence to tackle extremist bookshops which disseminate radical material, (3) make it illegal to give or receive terrorist training or attend a ‘terrorist training camp’, (4) create a new offence to catch those planning or preparing to commit terrorist acts, (5) extend the maximum limit of pre-charge detention in terrorist cases to three months, and (6) widen the grounds for proscription to include groups which glorify terrorism.
[...] 们的决心以及黎巴嫩和其他许多国际行为体的有力支持,我们已获得合作,取得 了资金并扩大了我们的工作围,将 相关 击 包 括 在内。
We have been able by the determination and strong support of Lebanon and many other international players to receive cooperation,
secure funding, and expand our
[...] operations to cover connected attacks, all of which will allow [...]
our mandate to be fulfilled.
最后,我国代表团再次对以色列目前在加沙地带 以及围地区进行击造成 人道主义局势日益恶化 的情况表示严重关切。
In conclusion, my delegation once again expresses its grave
concern over the deteriorating humanitarian situation caused by
[...] the ongoing Israeli attacks in and around the Gaza Strip.
建立网络关 系和结对子必定会在区域和国家围 防 止和 打击 ODS 非法交易方面起到至关重要的作 用,因为更好地了解该区域其他国家有关监测和控制 [...]
ODS 非法交易的情况和采取联合行 动打击非法交易商的可能性能够增强各国处理这一问题的能力。
The crucial role networking and
[...] twinning play in preventing and combating illegal trade [...]
in ODS on regional and national
scale is inevitable since a better understanding of the situation of other countries in the region with regard to monitoring and control of ODS trade and the possibility to take joint actions against illegal traders strengthen the capability of an individual country to deal with that problem.
测试围包括使用击力锤 的简单流动性测试和使用大量响应加速度计的多振动器测试。
The tests range from simple mobility tests with [...]
impact hammers to multi-shaker testing using a large number of response accelerometers.
电源不接地可能会引起火灾、击 或对周围电器设备造成有害干扰。
An ungrounded outlet can
[...] cause fire, electric shock, or harmful interference [...]
to nearby electrical devices.
叛国集团非但没有从其可鄙的困境中吸取应有的教训,反而选择扩大 击范 围,叫 嚣着所谓的“复仇”和“惩罚”。
Far from drawing a due lesson from its
piteous plight, the group of traitors opted
[...] to expand the shelling, crying out for [...]
so-called “retaliation” and “punishment”.
[...] 年“核态势评估报告”中明文承诺,遵守 《不扩散条约》的无核武器国家不在其核 击 范 围 内。
Bangladesh notes that in the 2010 United States Nuclear Posture Review, the United States
committed explicitly to placing non-nuclear-weapon States that are in compliance with the NPT
[...] off-limits for nuclear attack.
我们面前的报告(S/2011/360)指出,索马里沿岸 的击、其地理围以及使用暴力的程度都在继续加 剧。
The report before us
[...] (S/2011/360) notes that attacks off the Somali coast, their geographical range and the level [...]
of violence used have continued to increase.
[...] 算外资金,并支持联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室在其任务授权 围 内 开展 打击 海盗 的工作,包括通过用于追查非法资金流的打击洗钱、犯罪收益和资助恐怖 [...]
Member States and other donors to provide extrabudgetary resources for the purposes of the present resolution in accordance with the rules and procedures of the United Nations and to support the work of the
United Nations Office on Drugs
[...] and Crime, within its mandate, in countering maritime piracy, [...]
including through its Global
Programme against Money-Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism used to track the illegal financial flows, its relevant regional programmes, the Trust Fund to Support Initiatives of States Countering Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and other related bilateral technical assistance efforts
这份 早些时候的文件详细介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫击炮和火箭攻击以色列 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000 次此类攻击)而且击范围不断 扩大; 哈马斯的自杀炸弹攻击;哈马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 [...]
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks on Israel’s civilians (some 12,000 such attacks in the 8 years prior to the
Operation) and the
[...] steadily increasing range of such attacks; Hamas’s suicide bomb attacks; and [...]
Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry
and ammunition through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and urgent appeals to the United Nations.
[...] 正在进行的对最佳做法及关于涉及人道主义人员和联合国人员及有关人员的安 全和安保事件(包括对这些人员的击 ) 的 范 围 和 规 模的信息的分析,以便就如何 减少与联合国相关的各项行动中出现的风险,作出客观且循证的决定
Requests the Department of Safety and Security of the Secretariat to further strengthen the analysis of threats and to continue to improve and implement an effective, modern and flexible information management capacity in support of analytical and operational requirements, including the ongoing system-wide analysis of best practices and information on the range and scope of safety and security incidents involving humanitarian
personnel and United Nations and associated
[...] personnel, including attacks against them, in [...]
order to make objective and evidencebased
decisions on how to reduce the risks arising in the context of United Nations related operations
根据上述立场,各位部长重申,击 世 界 范 围 内 的 贩毒问题是一项需要共 同分担的责任,这需要在多边框架内解决,只有通过开展积极的国际合作才能 [...]
有效解决该问题,并且需要采取统一、平衡的解决方法,解决该问题还应充分 遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨与原则以及国际法的其他规定,特别要尊重国家主
Consistent with the said position, the Ministers
[...] reiterated that the fight against the world drug [...]
problem is a common and shared responsibility
that should be tackled in a multilateral framework and that can only be dealt with effectively through meaningful international cooperation, and, it demands an integrated and balanced approach and should be carried out in full conformity with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and other provisions of international law, in particular the respect for national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, the principle of non-intervention in their internal affairs; and based on the principles of equal rights and mutual respect.
这些击在规模和围上超 出了通常与传统的抢 牛袭击有关的暴力行为;不断有报告称,有人在穆尔勒族社区内部进行动员,因 此今后发生袭击的可能性依然是一个令人严重关切的问题。
These attacks have been beyond the scale and scope of the violence [...]
typically associated with traditional cattle raiding
and, with ongoing reports of mobilization within the Lou Nuer communities, the possibility of future attacks remains a serious concern.
是通过出口渠道受 到外部冲击影响的。15 经济脆弱指数的目的不是为了衡量小岛屿发展中国家易受 外部击影响的范围更广 的脆弱性,也没有考虑到今后可能发生的各种不同的冲 击,例如气候变化产生的冲击。
External shocks are captured through the export channel.15 The economic vulnerability
does not aim to
[...] capture the wider range of vulnerabilities of small island developing States to external shocks, or take into [...]
account potentially
different future shocks, such as those arising from climate change.




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