

单词 困难在于

See also:


difficult situation
straitened circumstances


be in
lie in
rest with
depend on
consist in

在于 v

lie v
consist v

困难 pl

problems pl

External sources (not reviewed)

It is rather a lack of knowledge and will that constitute the real barriers.
另一种方法面临困难在于,发 件人不能确定所发通知是否能够检索 到。
The difficulty with the other approach was [...]
that the sender would be unable to determine whether the notice was capable of being retrieved.
从这点看,发展中国家困难在于它 们是“后来者”,在它们到来时,这个世界已经被 “先行者”划分完毕。
The difficulty for developing countries [...]
in this context is that they are “second comers” in a world that has been shaped by the “first comers”.
The main difficulties encountered related [...]
to the lack of human and financial resources of countless museums the world over.
困难在于根据 今日的就业市场,进一步开发妇女技能,传播一个向 妇女授权的文化,并且落实国家方案,促进中小企业的作用,以将自行经营企业 [...]
The challenges lie in further expanding the development [...]
of women’s skills in line with today’s job market, propagating a
culture of women’s empowerment, and operationalizing the role of the national programme to promote small and medium enterprises with a view to self-employment as a source of income for households headed by women.
一项关键性困难在于如何 调整产业政策以供发 展中国家使用。发展中国家市场机制薄弱,政府能力较低,也就是说,由于精英 [...]
A key difficulty lay in how to adapt industrial [...]
policy for use in developing countries where market mechanisms were weak
and government capacity was low – that is, where there was a greater propensity for market and government failure because of narrow elites, patron–client relationships and so on.
最主要困难 在于为实 现人权和千年发展目标以协调的方式集中 统一政治愿望和必要的资源。
The main difficulty involved mustering [...]
the political will and the necessary resources effectively to realize human rights
and the Millennium Development Goals in a coordinated fashion.
主要困难在于缺乏 重新确定的指 挥链、通信系统瓦解、缺乏新修订的应急联络安排细节(员工、总部和东道国)、 [...]
紧急情况下信息技术力量薄弱、办公场地电力及其他基础设施缺乏可查阅的文字 资料、已拨经费缺乏。
Major difficulties arose from the lack [...]
of updated chain of command, collapse of communication system, lack of updated emergency
contact details (staff, HQ and host country), weak IT capability in emergency situations, lack of accessible documentation on electrical and other infrastructure of premises and lack of allocated financial resources.
困难在于如何 说服捐助方和伙伴参加由有关国 家领导的协调努力,并使它们的援助同国家优先重点 保持一致。
The challenge is to persuade donors and partners to participate in a coordinating exercise under the leadership of the country concerned and to align their assistance to national priorities.
该政策认识到这些问题,因此仍然具有相关性, 困难在 于方案 管理层如何能够学习管理这些问题。
While the policy recognises these, and therefore remains relevant, the challenge is how programme management can learn to manage them.
这对于有关有组织犯罪或恐怖主义的调查特别重要,其中主 要困难在于缺乏 对犯罪集团的结构和组成的了解,包括对它们与其他犯罪集 [...]
This is particularly important in relation to
organized crime or terrorist investigations,
[...] where a major difficulty lies in the lack [...]
of knowledge of the structure and composition
of the criminal groups, including their relationship to other criminal groups.
但可预测 的费用分担安排能让国家政府和国际机构准备与执 行实施的计划。 规划方式困难在于实施机构或国家政府必须有 一些基础来建立受到资助的措施的优先性。
Establishment of several new funds could create a need for an umbrella mechanism to coordinate the management of all funds under the Convention.
对教科 文组织而言困难在于要把 两个层面的行动统一起来,即一方面要在自己的职责范围内倡导 和培育“全球对话”,另一方面要通过各种方式方法,“让阳光照耀到每一个角落” (reaching the unreached)。
For UNESCO, there is a challenge to reconcile action at two levels, namely that of promoting and nurturing a “global dialogue” in its areas of competence, and that of “reaching the unreached” through a variety of modalities and approaches.
这些国家面临的其困难在于人力 资源开发薄弱,而且又因全球经济衰 退而进一步加剧,给教育和卫生保健带来了诸多不利 [...]
One further source of difficulty for those countries [...]
lay in their weak human resource development, exacerbated by the global
economic downturn with its many adverse effects on education and health care and an alarming rise in rates of unemployment and underemployment.
履行机构还注意到于 在提供 办公室设施方面的延误而造成的秘书处 困难 , 困难 之 一是 需 在 不 同 地点 办公。
The SBI also noted the difficulties faced by the secretariat due to delays in the provision of office facilities, which include [...]
operating from different locations.
在困难的全 球经济环境中,该国政府的努力集于确保 宏观经济稳定,年增长率目标为至少 8%。
In the difficult global economic environment, the Government’s efforts had focused [...]
on ensuring macroeconomic stability with
an annual growth target of at least 8 per cent.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前 这种财困 难的情况下也坚定地致于实现 一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男女老幼都能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on
[...] all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without [...]
mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.
我们还高兴地看到某些问题已被 置于我们审议工作的重要位置,而那些问题在以往
的报告中未得到有效的详细论述,其中包括:急需 粮食、饮水和医疗用品的人很少能够得到人道主义
[...] 援助;人道主义工作人员、保健中心和向卫生保健 中心运送伤员的救护车遭到袭击;人道主义工作者 遭到绑架;移徙工人及其家庭成在 冲 突 局势中面困难处境;以及提供于人道 主义援助用途的设 备和物品被盗。
We are also pleased to see certain issues broughtintothemainstreamofourdeliberations —issues that had been insufficiently elaborated on in previous reports, such as the limited access to humanitarian assistance by people in need of food, water and medical supplies; attacks on humanitarian personnel, health centres and ambulances transporting the wounded to such centres; the
kidnapping of
[...] humanitarian workers; the difficult situation faced by migrant workers and their families in situations [...]
of conflict;
and the theft of equipment and provisions intended to be used for humanitarian assistance.
工 作换食品以及类似方案于在困难时 期和其他紧急情况下保障粮食供给也 很重要。
Food for works and similar programmes are important to provide access to food during lean periods and other emergencies.
儿童系指任何年龄的男、女孩,可来自不同文化和宗教, 于 各 类 社会 和种族背景,有可能生在困难的环境下,有可能需要特别的援助和保护,并有 可能蒙受过难民和颠沛流离的经历,而且必须对于上述方方面面给予尊重。
Children are girls and boys of any age and belong to different
cultures and religions, come from varied
[...] social and ethnic backgrounds, may live in difficult circumstances, may be in need of special [...] [...]
assistance and protection and may have experienced refuge and displacement, and must be respected as such.
这些前瞻性声明会受到风险和不确定性因素的影响,可能会导致实际结果与声明所述产生重大差异,这些风险和不确定性因素包括但不仅限于,三频无线产品未实现预期功能的风险、技术开发和集成中 困难 、 合作效益未完全实现或实现时间 于 预 期 的风险、竞争、技术变化及其对定价的影响、以及At he r o s 在 提 交给证券交易委员会的截止至2009年12月31日的10-K表格年度报告、截止至2010年3月31日的10-Q表格季度报告以及Atheros不时提交给证券交易委员会的其他报告中提到的风险。
These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially, including, but not limited to, the risk that the proposed tri-band wireless solutions will not function as intended, difficulties in the development and integration of the technologies, the risk that
the benefits from the
[...] collaboration may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected, competition, technological change and their effects on pricing, and the risks detailed in Atheros' Annual Report on Form [...]
10-K for the year ended
December 31, 2009 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2010, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and in other reports filed with the SEC by Atheros from time to time.
同时也确定了纳入健康保障及保健关注的对象,且要求公共 管理部门为健康方面的行动提供导向,其中包含一系列积极措施防止对相关群体 的歧视,这些群体可能于文化 、语言、宗教或社会原因 在 被 纳 入国家健康体 系的健康福利方面有特困难。
It also determines who is entitled to health protection and care and instructs public administrations to orientate the health measures they take so as to include active measures to prevent discrimination
against any
[...] population group which for cultural, linguistic, religious or social reasons has particular difficulty in obtaining effective access [...]
to the
health benefits provided by the system.
然而,于在接 触萨拉马特大区的难民营 方面在困难,而该地区难民营的地理位置太靠近苏丹边界,以及土匪活动导致 该地区普遍具有不安全性,乍得政府核准把达哈营地的难民人口迁往距离边界 [...]
35 公里处的莫约营地。
In view, however, of the difficulty of accessing refugees in the Salamat region, the location [...]
of the refugee camps there,
in too close proximity to the border with the Sudan and the general insecurity in the area owing to banditry, the Government of Chad authorized the relocation of the refugee population from the Daha camp to the Moyo camp, which is located 35 km from the border.
执行委员会审查了申请延长圣文森特和格林纳丁斯体制建设项目的报告,并对 以下情况表示严重关切:报告给臭氧秘书处的 2000-2002 年期间的消费量一直于 其 1 995-1997 年 CFC 平均消费量,因此,圣文森特和格林纳丁斯在遵守《蒙特利尔 议定书》规定的措施上可能在困难。
The Executive Committee has reviewed the report presented with the institutional strengthening project renewal request for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and expresses grave concern that the consumption reported for the period 2000-2002 to the Ozone Secretariat has
consistently been higher
[...] than its 1995-1997 average CFC consumption, and that as a consequence, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines may have difficulties in complying with the Montreal Protocol measures.
对秘书长在其于第 1 325(2000)号决议执行情况的第一份报告(S/2002/ 1154)中所提建议进行了审查,发现在若干关键领域出现行动拖延,这可能反映 了在就行动达成共识方面在困难。
A review of the recommendations made
by the
[...] Secretary-General in his first report on the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) (S/2002/1154) pointed to a delay in action in a number of critical areas, and possibly reflects the difficulty in reaching consensus for action.
这种暴力持续存在可归于许多 因素,包括执 行禁止这类行为的法律和法规 在困难 , 对 现有规章和机制缺乏认识和了解,缺 乏有效措施应对这个问题的深层原因。
The persistence of violence can be attributed to many factors, including difficulties in the implementation of laws and regulations which prohibit such acts, the lack of awareness and of knowledge on existing regulations and mechanisms, the lack of effective measures to deal with the underlying causes of the problem.
同时,这有助于与知识产权有关的地区/国际合作的提倡者显示如何克服 及缓解发展中国家将遇到的某些 在困难 , 更 加积极和全面的争论有 于 发 展 中国家了解 地区/国际合作的有利和不利因素,以做出正确的决定。
At the same time, it may be helpful for the advocates of IP-related regional/international co-operation to demonstrate how some of the potential disadvantages for developing countries may be overcome or mitigated in practice.
讼。主要原在于,难以获取证据、程序冗繁复杂、诉讼时间长;即使胜诉,也难以得 到赔偿;即使获得赔偿、赔偿数额也较少,不足以弥补付出的经济成本,其中,最主要 的原因是企业取困难。
Of all these reasons, the difficulty of gathering evidence stands out as the most important for respondents.
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主困难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《公约 在 确 保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面意义非凡。
Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines are dealt with by affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with.




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