

单词 回软

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在循环系统中 ,将接地的流回料软管连 接至喷枪流体出口 (T)上。
In a circulating system, connect a
[...] grounded fluid return hose to the gun fluid [...]
outlet (T).
无需直接连接计算机,就能在机床上运行生成的程序;从机床上采集的点可用软盘、以太网或RS2 32 读 回 到 软 件 中
No direct PC connection is required to run the generated program on the
machine tool; the points collected on the
[...] machine can be read back into the software using floppy disk, Ethernet, [...]
or RS232.
演示版本将会呈现你回你的档案夹,你无法照搬了IPOD的硬盘数据恢复.为了拷贝你需要购买的数据全部 回 版 软 件.
Demo version will show you the recovered files and folders of your iPod you
[...] can’t copy the recovered data to the hard disk.
泰利特专业的技术支持中心负责为客户提供富有建设性的支持,并且通过收集客 回 馈 更 新 软 件。
A highly skilled technical support center completes the offer by
providing constructive support and gathering
[...] customer's feedback that translates in a true customer driven software evolution.
为了使回流管更柔软、更容易安装在倒刺管接头上, 用吹风机加热回流管 (40)的端头或将端头放到热水里几 秒钟。
NOTE: To make the drain line more pliable and easier to install on barbed fitting, heat drain line (40) end with a hair dryer or place end in hot water a few seconds.
例如,基于文件的应用程序可以根据 VDA 标准规格测定回声消除效果,回声 消 除 软 件 与 整个系统相隔离,以便在生产测试之前预测发布产品的性能。
For example, a file-based test application, which measures echo cancellation performance in the
context of VDA specifications, isolates the
[...] echo cancellation software from the system as [...]
a whole to predict release performance ahead of production testing.
为了装备您的温度调节回路,史陶比尔还提供一系列温度调 回 路 专 用 软 管 产
For equipping your cooling circuits Stäubli can offer you a complete selection of flexible hoses specially dedicated [...]
to your application
DO NOT send the interface cables, software, nor the drive stand.
但由于Adobe Acrobat不能对PDF文件进行任意的修改,重大改动还 回 到 排 版 软 件 处
However, due to Adobe Acrobat for PDF documents can not be any changes or major changes
[...] to Department Back to typesetting software.
此外还软化退火 (回火 O) 铜质水管, 类型 K 或类型 L, 达到 ASTM B88 [...]
Also soft annealed (Temper O) copper water [...]
tube, type K or type L to ASTM B88.
想让Audio Palace - Nicoleit & Gerlach GbR就学软件给您回电,请点击“查看联系方式”键,在邮件表格里留下您的联系方式并点击发送。
If you would like Audio Palace - Nicoleit & Gerlach
[...] GbR to call you back about Learning software, please click [...]
on the button "Display contact
details", enter your contact details in the mailing form and click on Send.
像法律图书馆一样,知识管 理库将与其他反腐败和资产回工具 及应 软 件 完全兼容,如国际刑事警察组 织(刑警组织)/资产追回联络点的追回被盗资产举措数据库以及目前正在开发 [...]
Like the legal library, the Consortium will
be fully compatible with other
[...] anti-corruption and asset recovery tools and applications, [...]
such as the International Criminal
Police Organization (INTERPOL)/StAR Initiative database of asset recovery focal points and the expanded version of the Mutual Legal Assistance Request Writer Tool currently under development.
它可以按自己的安全模式运行,将这些 应软件交付回企业
It can run with its own security to deliver
[...] those applications back to the business.
提升你在Autodesk产品上的技能并确保你能得到最好 软 体 投 资 回 报 率
Upgrade your skills on Autodesk products, and make sure
[...] you get the best return on your software investment.
经济形势软无疑是回返进 程的最主要障碍之 一,但是,我感到关切的是,最近袭击少数族裔回返 者的事件会造成回返热情减退,其中包括:最近有一 名科索沃塞族人于 1 月 28 日在 Istog/Istok [...]
市遭到 攻击;1 月 28 日,一对科索沃埃及裔夫妇在
Deçan/ Dečani 市遭两名科索沃阿族男子袭击。
The weak economic situation is doubtless one of the primary impediments to the returns process, but [...]
I am concerned regarding
the chilling effect on returns of recent incidents of attacks on minority community returnees, including the recent assault on a Kosovo Serb in Istog/Istok municipality on 28 January, and the attack on a Kosovo-Egyptian couple by two Kosovo Albanian males in Deçan/Dečani municipality on 23 January.
更有趣的事,他们会用IOS的信使软件 即 时 回 答 你 的问题。
Even more interesting, they answer your question in real time using the IOS messenger application.
它提供了一个多轨录音机,硬件计算电平峰值和RMS,并且可以分析和显示从任 软 件 返 回 的 数 据,无论是哪种格式的软件。
It provides a multi-track recorder, calculates the level meters peak and RMS
in hardware and is able to analyze
[...] and display playback data from any software, no matter which format the software uses.
本芯片由N型MOS管、整流二极管、振荡器、PWM比较器、电压基准源、误差放大器、限流保护、欠压锁定(UVLO)和过压保护(OV P) 、 软 启 动 回 路 、 最大占空比限制回路、过热保护等模块组成。
Each of these ICs consists of an NMOS FET, a diode, an oscillator, a PWM comparator, a voltage reference unit, an error amplifier, a current limit circuit, an under voltage lockout
circuit (UVLO), an over-voltage protection
[...] circuit (OVP), a soft-start circuit, a [...]
Maxduty limit circuit, and a thermal shutdown protection circuit.
优化重点关注:即使是在极为复杂的地势条件下,保 软 管 的高 度 回 弹 性 以及极其简单的铺设兼容性。
The focus in optimization is particularly on the extremely high resilience of protective conduits and on a very simple laying compatibility even in difficult terrain.
我公司利用Outlast空调纤维开发的“空调弹力织物”通过了省级科技成果鉴定,开发生产了吸湿排汗系列产品,以穿着 软 舒 适 、 回 弹 性 良好而著称的SOMALOR纤维面料,具有蓄热保暖功能的陶瓷纤维面料,具有天然冰凉效果的云母纤维面料,具有吸湿发热功能的THERMOGEAR纤维面料等舒适功能系列产品。
I use the air conditioning stretch fabric Outlast air conditioning fiber developed by the provincial science and technology achievement appraisal,
development and production of products of
[...] wicking fiber fabric soft and comfortable to [...]
wear, well known resilience SOMALOR regenerative
thermal mica fiber fabric, ceramic fiber fabric, has a natural cold effect with moisture heating THERMOGEAR fiber fabric, comfortable and functional products.
软[……]回避了定义的问题(ESB Guidance ]网站上耍起了太极:ESB对不同的人意味着不同的东西)。
Microsoft [...] dodges the question of definition (the [ESB Guidance] site plays up the ESB means different things to different people angle).
Mewtwo,他的心脏软化灰凯旋回到他 的出发地,在东关东地区的人类无私的例子,现在已经前往西部地区的城都在寻找的位置是不可达的窥探和苛刻的为了人类克隆的神奇宝贝,其福利Mewtwo只关注他的乐队的判断。
Mewtwo, his
[...] heart having been softened by the selfless example of the human named Ash Ketchum back in his birthland [...]
in the eastern Kanto
region, has now traveled to the western region of Johto in search of a location that is unreachable by the prying eyes and harsh judgments of humans for the sake of his band of cloned Pokémon, with whose welfare Mewtwo is solely concerned.
磁性手柄 由于MagFit功能软管滑回几近无声, 喷头滑回至龙头出水嘴的中间位置。
Thanks to the MagFit
[...] function, the hose slides back almost silently, [...]
and positively locks back into place in the mixer spout.
[...] [...] 前三年完成,从大二开始在每学期最后三周引入企业实际项目实训,大三学生要在软件 园进行为期 40 天的全封闭式实训,在培养的最后阶段我们规定学生必须完成六个月的 企业实习并在实习中完成毕业论文;在研究生教学阶段配备充足的校外导师,并辅以相 应的学期总结实训,而学生也必须进企业完成一个实用 软 件 项 目,然 回 到 学 校总结 凝练出毕业论文。
At the last stage of training, we require that students must accomplish six-month enterprise practice during which they have to finish their thesis for degree.
还要解决民主建设方面软 性问 题,例如选举环境、法治、尊重多样性、和平调解争端、以及接受选举结 果。
There is also a
[...] need to address soft issues in democracy [...]
building, such as election context, the rule of law, respect for
diversity, peaceful mediation of conflicts, and acceptance of election results.
软将买回来的 的40亿美元股5年 - 回购计划表明,没有大的收购计划是在地平线上,之后 软 已 经在2004说, 回 来 高 达30亿美元的股票,在未来四年。
Microsoft will buy back U.S. $ 40 billion in shares 5 years - The buyback plan indicates that no major acquisition plan is on the horizon and comes after Microsoft have said in 2004 that buy back up to $ 30 billion [...]
in stock in the next four years.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準)止期間內任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出回授權後購回之股 份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase Mandate, at any time during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
值得注意的是,本办事处在教育领域开展的计划主要关注以下战略支助领域,所有这 些都直回应肯 尼亚教育部门支助计划(KESSP)所载的战略和成果,教育部门计划实现 [...]
《2030 年展望》:通过教育管理信息系统加强规划、监测和评估教育系统;加强教育部门
以应对艾滋病毒和艾滋病;提高教育促和平计划的质量;以及通过宣传和技术支持战略规划 来加强扫盲发展。
It is noteworthy that programmes implemented by the Office in the area education focused on
the following strategic areas of
[...] support, all directly responding to strategies and [...]
results contained in Kenya Education
Sector Support Programme (KESSP), the education sector’s plan to materialize Vision 2030: strengthening the planning, monitoring and evaluation of the education system through EMIS; enhancing the education sector responses to HIV and AIDS; improving the quality of education for peace programme; and strengthening literacy development through advocacy and technical support to strategic planning.




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