

单词 回覆期

See also:

回覆 v

replies v


overturn v

reply to a letter

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 節之(1)影響程度大者回覆期限為 自公告日起 7 個日曆天內。
(1)In accordance with section
[...] the response deadline is 7 calendar [...]
days for major effect.
在等候領匯管理公回覆期間,當局已向香 港地產建設商會作出類似的呼籲,並獲該會答應把 [...]
While awaiting the reply from the LML, a [...]
similar appeal had been made to the Real Estate Developers Association of Hong
Kong which had undertaken to distribute the appeal letter to its member organizations.
對於 節之變更項目有意見者,回覆期限為
The opinion response deadline to change items [...]
is stipulated in section
(e) 在擬議"拒絕機制"下提出的30天回覆期, 是 為了應付下述情況:資料使用者在收集 資料時,可能沒有任何計劃使用資料當事 [...]
(e) the 30-day response period under the proposed [...]
opt-out regime was proposed to cater for situations where data users might
not have had any plan to use the personal data of data subjects in direct marketing at the time of data collection; and
legco.gov.hk 處理意見機制 對於變更項目有意見者,於意 回覆期 限 截止前,以本管理中心 儲存庫公告之回覆方式傳送給本管理中心,本管理中心將考量相關意 見,評估變更項目。
For opinion on change items before the
[...] opinion feedback deadline the PublicCA repository will deliver the feedback to the PublicCA [...]
and latter will
consider the relevant opinions and evaluate the change items.
於回顧期內,國際焦煤價格大幅上漲,帶動 內地的焦煤價格覆上揚,於回顧期 內 已上升接近18%。
During the Review Period, the price of international coking
coal had increased significantly, this drove up the price of China’s
[...] domestic coal price by 18% during the Review Period.
曾局長在上期回 覆我的 質詢時表示,全港近400個諮詢及法定組織中,僅25個諮詢及法 定組織有委任30歲以下人士為非官方成員,比例僅佔6.4%。
In his reply to my question raised last week, Secretary [...]
TSANG said that among the 400 or so consultative bodies and statutory
organizations in Hong Kong, only 25 of them have appointed non-official members under the age of 30, representing a proportion of 6.4% only.
回覆特定 查詢時,所有董事均確認就本 期 報 告 所述的會計期間有遵從標準守則及公司有關董事證券交易行為守則所 訂的標準。
On specific enquiries made, all Directors have confirmed that, in respect of the accounting period covered by the interim report, they [...]
have complied with
the required standard set out in the Model Code and the Company’s code of conduct regarding Directors’ securities transactions.
陳家強局長在上期回覆議員 提問時表示,注資強積金及“派錢” 的措施,站在政府的角度來看,其政策推行理念是同出一轍的。
In his reply to a Member's question last week, Secretary [...]
Prof K C CHAN said, from the angle of the Government, the measures
of MPF injection and "cash handout" are identical in terms of the notion of policy implementation.
倘於傳真後兩期內收 不到本小組職員 回覆, 請致電 2339 6667 或 2794 5317 查詢。
If you do not receive any reply within 2 weeks from the date you fax the form, [...]
please call our staff at 2339 6667 or 2794 5317.
朱先回覆說, 該規例內有些食品是本地獨有的,食品法 典委員會的食物分類未必設有有關類別,因此另訂新的食 [...]
物類別第 17 項,以涵蓋這些食物。
Mr CHU replied that as certain [...]
food items in the Regulations are unique to the local setting and might not fit the relevant
Codex food category system, a new Food Category No. 17 was created to accommodate these food items.
[...] 妥表格未能在限期當日或以前送抵發展局,我們將按本封面信所載的規劃及土地 / 契約資料於第二部分內公布;在期 後 收到 的 回覆 將 於 下一輪私營骨灰龕資料 (第一部分及第二部分)的更新中適當的反映。
If the completed form has not reached us on the date specified, the Town Planning and Land/Lease Information in respect of the private columbarium in question
will be published as set out in
[...] this letter and the late reply from the operator of [...]
the concerned private columbarium will
be reflected in the next updating of Part A and Part B of the Information on Private Columbaria as appropriate.
商譽主要與Viterra穀物營銷及推銷業務有關,並基於連同穀物營銷業 務期增加之地覆蓋面 及業務規模所產生的協同效應。
The goodwill is primarily related to the Viterra grain marketing and merchandising business and is
substantively attributable to
[...] synergies which are expected to arise in conjunction with the grain marketing division’s increased geographic coverage and scale of [...]
如果我們未在 72 小時內給您覆(若有延期則在延 長 期 結 束前),我們需自動將您的請求提 交至上訴程序的第 2 級,由獨立組織進行審核。
If we do not give
[...] you an answer within 72 hours (or by the end of the extended time period if we took extra [...]
days), we are required
to automatically send your request on to Level 2 of the appeals process, where it will be reviewed by an independent organization.
在該項安排下,如資料使用者擬在直接促 銷中使用資料當事人的個人資料、提供有關資料予 他人以供用於直接促銷或售賣有關資料,則須在使
用或售賣資料之前,向資料當事人提供(a)有關資料 當事人個人資料的若干書面資訊( 下稱" 書面通 知 "),以及(b)一項回應設施,讓資料當事人可藉此 以書面向資料使用者表明是否反對擬定的使用或
[...] 售賣,而如果資料當事人在30日內沒有向資料使用 者發回覆表示 反對,便會被視為不反對。
Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct marketing or sell such data had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's personal data ("written notification"), and (b) a response facility through which the data subject might indicate in writing to the data user whether the data subject objected to the intended use or
sale, and the data subject would be taken not
[...] to object if no reply indicating objection [...]
was sent to the data user within 30 days.
政府當局承諾在2004至 05年度期回覆事務委員會有關建議 的詳情。
The Administration has undertaken to revert to the Panel on the details of the proposal in the 2004-05 session.
本公司亦將於股東週年大會上按股東週年大會通告載列的條款,就授予董事發行授權 提呈普通決議案,以配發、發行及處理不超過本公司於有關決議案通過當日之已發行股本 面值總額20%之股份,以及於截至下列時間(以最早者為準) 期 間 內 任何時間,將相當於 本公司於授出回授權後購回之股 份面值總額之任何股份,加入將授予董事之發行授權 內:(a)本公司下屆股東週年大會結束時;(b)細則或任何適用法例規定本公司須舉行下屆股 東週年大會之期限屆滿時;及(c)該授權於股東大會上以普通決議案撤銷或修訂當日。
Ordinary resolutions will also be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in respect of the granting of the Issue Mandate to the Directors, in the terms set out in the notice of the Annual General Meeting, to allot, issue and deal with Shares not exceeding 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital
of the Company in
[...] issue as at the date of passing the relevant resolution, and adding to the Issue Mandate so granted to the Directors any Shares representing the aggregate nominal amount of the Shares repurchased by the Company after the granting of the Repurchase [...]
Mandate, at any time
during the period ended on the earliest of (a) the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company; (b) the expiration of the period within which the next annual general meeting of the Company is required by the Articles or any applicable laws to be held; and (c) the date upon which such authority is revoked or varied by an ordinary resolution at a general meeting of Shareholders.
[...] 資助的涵蓋範圍擴大至所有培訓機構,不論該機構是否非牟利機構, 以及涵蓋首次和其後的覆審(現時以 期覆 審 形 式進行)。
In line with the recommendations for accreditation grant at (i), we recommend that the grant should be made available to all providers irrespective of whether they are non-profit-making
organisations, and the grant should cover both first-time and subsequent PAA exercises (currently
[...] takes the form of Periodic Review).
审查所依据的数据由公务员制度委员会秘书处收集自共同制度各组织 覆盖 期间为 2007 年至 2009 年这三年。
The review was based on data collected by the ICSC secretariat from common system
[...] organizations, covering the three-year period from 2007 to 2009.
一位業界代表不同意黃先生回覆, 認 為對於來自相同致敏來源的不同 配料,在一種配料中標示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白質)已能 達到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
当局会期覆检所 有羁 留个案,尤其是当个别个案出现具体转变的情况。
Detention will
[...] be kept under regular review especially [...]
when there is a material change of circumstances.
但在此情況下,如果您要求,我 們須給予快回覆。
But in this situation, the rules require us to give
[...] you a fast response if you ask for it.
以 簡 易 處 理 程 序 解 決 的 個 案 , 一 般 無 須 書回 覆 , 但 負 責 人 員 可 因 應 個 別 情 況 決 定 是 否 向 當 事 人 /投 訴 人 作 簡 單 的 書回 覆,例 如 對 方 以 書 面 提 出 意 見 /投 訴 或 校 方 需 要 釐 清 立 場 /交 代 細 節 。
However, the person in charge will depending on the situation,
e.g. the opinions/complaints are sent in
[...] written form or the school needs to make clear its stance/details accordingly, decide whether a simple written reply to the person(s) concerned/complainant is needed.
回覆將幫助我們預算座位 數量。
Your reply will help us estimate [...]
the number of attendees on that day.
因此,雙方於二零零六年十一月開展 了《珠江三角洲地區空氣質素管理計劃 期回 顧 研 究》﹝《期回顧研 究》﹞,共同回顧及估計當前地區的污染物排放趨勢 和評估既定措施的階段成效,並按需要提出建議以強化措施, 增大減排力度,盡力爭取在二零一零年實現已訂定的減排目標。
The two sides therefore
[...] launched the Mid-term Review of the PRD Regional Air Quality Management Plan (the “Mid-term Review”) in November [...]
2006 to jointly
examine the forecasts on the regional pollutant emission trends, assess the effectiveness of existing emission reduction measures and, where necessary, formulate additional control measures to further reduce emissions in order to fully achieve the mutually agreed reduction targets by 2010.
如 未 能 在 指 定 時 間回 覆 , 校 方 會 向 投 訴 人 [...]
書 面 解 釋 為 何 需 要 較 長 時 間 處 理 有 關 投 訴 /上 訴 。
If a reply cannot be given within the [...]
specified period, the school will issue a letter explaining to the complainant the
reasons for longer handling time of the complaint/appeal.
期回顧研 究》採用該手冊作為排放量估算的客觀基礎,並 以適用於當地的排放因子及排放活動數據,同時考慮珠江三角 洲地區外已有的研究成果及估算經驗,對區內各類污染物排放 量作出科學的估算。
By adopting this Handbook as the objective basis of emission estimation, and the use of available local emission factors and data, the Mid-term Review provided a scientifically sound estimation on the emissions of various pollutants in the Region, having regard to findings of studies and experience gained from emission estimation in other areas.
在收到法院傳票後,本公司代理律師向法院提交了書 回覆 , 概 括性否認了 UTE對本公司及美國中興的各項指控。
Upon receipt of the writ of summons
from the court, the Company’s attorney
[...] filed a written response to the court [...]
generally denying UTE’s charges against the Company and ZTE (USA).
[...] 面收入確認(這與Glencore運用緩衝區法的現有政策有所不同)及規 定計劃資產的期回報( 於損益表確認)須根據界定福利責任貼現 率計算。
The amendments require all actuarial gains and losses to be recognised immediately in other comprehensive income (which differs from Glencore’s current policy
which applies the corridor method)
[...] and require the expected return on plan assets (recognised [...]
in the statement of income)
to be calculated based on the rate used to discount the defined benefit obligation.
(2) 飛利浦匈牙利 根據稅項審核服務協議,TP Vision Hungary將向飛利浦匈牙利提供對飛利浦作
[...] 據檢索及備檔支援;(iii)支援內部及外部團體,適當呈遞及╱或編製文件回 覆,處理關於過往交易及╱或業務營運的查詢;及(iv)以編製中的過往數據滿足 [...]
(2) Philips Hungary Pursuant to the Tax Audit Service Agreement, TP Vision Hungary will provide to Philips Hungary various services in relation to tax audits with respect to Philips, including (i) accounting and financial support for tax audits; (ii) data retrieval and archiving support; (iii) support internal and
external groups with timely submission and/or
[...] documentation and answers to inquiries on [...]
historical transactions and or business
operations; and (iv) assist with historical data in preparation for any filing requirement.




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