

单词 回覆

回覆 verb ()

replies v


回覆期 n

feedback period n

See also:


overturn v

reply to a letter

External sources (not reviewed)

但在此情況下,如果您要求,我 們須給予快回覆。
But in this situation, the rules require us to give
[...] you a fast response if you ask for it.
回覆將幫助我們預算座位 數量。
Your reply will help us estimate [...]
the number of attendees on that day.
如 未 能 在 指 定 時 間回 覆 , 校 方 會 向 投 訴 人 [...]
書 面 解 釋 為 何 需 要 較 長 時 間 處 理 有 關 投 訴 /上 訴 。
If a reply cannot be given within the [...]
specified period, the school will issue a letter explaining to the complainant the
reasons for longer handling time of the complaint/appeal.
在收到法院傳票後,本公司代理律師向法院提交了書 回覆 , 概 括性否認了 UTE對本公司及美國中興的各項指控。
Upon receipt of the writ of summons
from the court, the Company’s attorney
[...] filed a written response to the court [...]
generally denying UTE’s charges against the Company and ZTE (USA).
審核委員會亦會接獲管理層就核數報告內識別出的問題所採取 的行動回覆。
It also received responses from management regarding the actions taken on issues identified in audit reports.
朱先回覆說, 該規例內有些食品是本地獨有的,食品法 典委員會的食物分類未必設有有關類別,因此另訂新的食 [...]
物類別第 17 項,以涵蓋這些食物。
Mr CHU replied that as certain [...]
food items in the Regulations are unique to the local setting and might not fit the relevant
Codex food category system, a new Food Category No. 17 was created to accommodate these food items.
在該項安排下,如資料使用者擬在直接促 銷中使用資料當事人的個人資料、提供有關資料予 他人以供用於直接促銷或售賣有關資料,則須在使
用或售賣資料之前,向資料當事人提供(a)有關資料 當事人個人資料的若干書面資訊( 下稱" 書面通 知 "),以及(b)一項回應設施,讓資料當事人可藉此 以書面向資料使用者表明是否反對擬定的使用或
[...] 售賣,而如果資料當事人在30日內沒有向資料使用 者發回覆表示 反對,便會被視為不反對。
Members raised concern about the Administration's proposed “30day response period”, under which a data user who intended to use the personal data of a data subject, or provide such data to other persons for use, in direct marketing or sell such data had to provide, before the use or sale, the data subject with (a) certain written information about the data subject's personal data ("written notification"), and (b) a response facility through which the data subject might indicate in writing to the data user whether the data subject objected to the intended use or
sale, and the data subject would be taken not
[...] to object if no reply indicating objection [...]
was sent to the data user within 30 days.
一位業界代表不同意黃先生回覆, 認 為對於來自相同致敏來源的不同 配料,在一種配料中標示致敏來源(例如牛奶朱古力、乳糖、乳清蛋白質)已能 達到目的。
They said that, for multiple ingredients of the same allergenic source, labelling of the allergenic source in one ingredient would serve the purpose e.g. Milk chocolate, lactose, whey protein.
民研計劃會盡快以書面形回覆,以 及在適當時間把問題和答案上載到民意平台,集思廣益。
We will reply as soon as possible, [...]
and upload all questions and answers to the platform at appropriate times, to enhance our collective wisdom.
以 簡 易 處 理 程 序 解 決 的 個 案 , 一 般 無 須 書回 覆 , 但 負 責 人 員 可 因 應 個 別 情 況 決 定 是 否 向 當 事 人 /投 訴 人 作 簡 單 的 書回 覆,例 如 對 方 以 書 面 提 出 意 見 /投 訴 或 校 方 需 要 釐 清 立 場 /交 代 細 節 。
However, the person in charge will depending on the situation,
e.g. the opinions/complaints are sent in
[...] written form or the school needs to make clear its stance/details accordingly, decide whether a simple written reply to the person(s) concerned/complainant is needed.
2011年3月29日,UTE對美國中興的異議做出書 回覆 , 請 求法院駁回美 國中興的異議並裁定UTE有權進行相關法律行動。
On 29 March 2011, UTE
[...] filed a written response to the dissent [...]
of ZTE (USA), pleading the court to reject ZTE (USA)’s dissent
and to rule in favour of UTE’s rights to institute relevant legal actions.
(2) 飛利浦匈牙利 根據稅項審核服務協議,TP Vision Hungary將向飛利浦匈牙利提供對飛利浦作
[...] 據檢索及備檔支援;(iii)支援內部及外部團體,適當呈遞及╱或編製文件回 覆,處理關於過往交易及╱或業務營運的查詢;及(iv)以編製中的過往數據滿足 [...]
(2) Philips Hungary Pursuant to the Tax Audit Service Agreement, TP Vision Hungary will provide to Philips Hungary various services in relation to tax audits with respect to Philips, including (i) accounting and financial support for tax audits; (ii) data retrieval and archiving support; (iii) support internal and
external groups with timely submission and/or
[...] documentation and answers to inquiries on [...]
historical transactions and or business
operations; and (iv) assist with historical data in preparation for any filing requirement.
對於需要較長時間進行研究才能給予實 質答覆的查詢,我們會給予初回覆。
For those that require us a longer time to investigate and give a substantive reply, an interim reply will be given.
如果您的健康狀況需要快回覆,您 必須要求 。
If your health
[...] requires a quick response, you must ask [...]
for a “fast appeal.
在技術支援方面,ATEN對於我們的要求總是迅速 回覆 並 提供適當的幫助。
In terms of support, ATEN Technology has always been helpful and provides quick responses to our queries.
我們都曾經在網際網路上看過某種訊息,顯示我們正在等待伺服器 回覆。
We have all experienced the messages on the Internet that indicate that we are
[...] waiting on the reply from the server.
三,尋找以Q1格式開頭的問句,並用A1為開頭回答,並藉 回覆 或 轉 寄功能和其他與會者互動。
Provide answers using the A1 format, and interact with other participants using replies and retweets.
回覆特定查詢時,所有董事均確認就本中期報告所述的會計期間有遵從標準守則及公司有關董事證券交易行為守則所 訂的標準。
On specific enquiries made, all Directors have confirmed that, in respect of the accounting period covered by the interim report, they have complied with the required standard set out in the Model Code and the Company’s code of conduct regarding Directors’ securities transactions.
[...] 19(1A)條,若警務處沒有持有資料當事人的刑事定罪資料,則只 會給與口回覆。
Under section 19(1A) of the Ordinance, in case
the Hong Kong Police do not hold any criminal conviction data against the data subject,
[...] only a verbal reply will be given.
倘於傳真後兩星期內收不到本小組職員 回覆, 請致電 2339 6667 或 2794 [...]
5317 查詢。
If you do
[...] not receive any reply within 2 weeks [...]
from the date you fax the form, please call our staff at 2339 6667 or 2794 5317.
有興趣的年青人須於香港時間十月八日午夜十二時前,填妥網上的報名表格並以電 回覆 確 認 報名。
Those interested must submit the completed online application form
[...] and confirm by return email by midnight [...]
on October 8 (Hong Kong time).
瀋陽時尚須就該合作項目與 SYNWH 合作,其中包括使 SYNWH 能按合作協議履行其
[...] 職責,放棄瀋陽時尚於該房屋擁有的部份以供拆毁,適 回覆由 SYNWH 提出的合理 要求,以作批准、指示、訊息或協助之用,並按以下標題為「成本投入」分段所列作 [...]
Shenyang Trendy shall, in relation to the Cooperative Project, among others, cooperate with SYNWH to enable SYNWH to discharge its duties under the Cooperation Agreement,
surrender the portion of the Building it owns
[...] for demolition, respond promptly to reasonable [...]
requests made by SYNWH for approvals,
instructions, information or assistance, and make contribution as set out in the sub-paragraph headed “Cost contribution” below.
本署 通常可在兩個完整工作天內就有關貨品是否受管制一事作回覆。
In general, a reply on whether the goods are controlled will be available in two clear working days.
卓悦会尽快以电邮通知客人以安排退款或换货,由发出电邮的日子开始计算,如三天内未收到客人的任 回覆, 卓悦会直接取消缺货产品并安排退款。
To avoid anydelay of product delivery, Bonjour will notice customers by email once the product is out of stock to arrange refund or change product .
環保團體長春社宣佈有 28 名立法會候選人(詳見附表 2)成為「10 分」環保立法會候選人,他 們已經簽署一份「04 立法會環保契約」,承諾如果當選,將在新一屆立法會推動由該社提出的 十大首要環保工作,包括保護喜靈洲,反對在該島興建「超級監獄」、要求政府檢討紅灣半島
事件、促請政府成立海港保育局、要求政府實施處理廢物收費、在 2008 年或以前制定自然保 育法案及保謢文化及建築古蹟法案等等(詳見附表 1);另外,有 41 名候選人簽署承諾將推動 4-9 項環保工作;有 4
[...] 名候選人基於不同理由表示不會簽署;其餘 86 名候選人選擇不作任回覆。
The Conservancy Association (CA) announced today that 28 Legco candidates scored full marks in Environmental Protection; they had signed the “04 Legco Environment Compact” and pledged to commit themselves to dealing with 10 urgent green issues, which include opposing the construction of a superjail in Hei Ling Chau, demanding the Government to conduct a review on the Hunghom Peninsula incident, urging the Government to establish a Harbour Authority, pushing the Administration to implement waste charging scheme, legislating a nature conservation law and heritage conservation law before 2008, etc. (for details, please to Appendix 1) Besides, 41
candidates had supported 4 to 9 green issues in the compact; 4 candidates declined to sign and the
[...] remaining 86 did not reply.
您可以通過本程式發送和接收郵件,進行閲讀 回覆 、 編 寫和刪除電子 郵件等操作。
This application lets you manage email on your Smartphone, you
can send or receive the e-mail through the phone; You
[...] also can read, reply, edit and delete [...]
the email on your Smartphone.
如已填 妥表格未能在限期當日或以前送抵發展局,我們將按本封面信所載的規劃及土地 /
[...] 契約資料於第二部分內公布;在限期後收到 回覆 將 於 下一輪私營骨灰龕資料 (第一部分及第二部分)的更新中適當的反映。
If the completed form has not reached us on the date specified, the Town Planning and Land/Lease Information in respect of the private columbarium in question
will be published as set out in this
[...] letter and the late reply from the operator [...]
of the concerned private columbarium will
be reflected in the next updating of Part A and Part B of the Information on Private Columbaria as appropriate.
如果要切換Office的應用功能鍵時,按下左上角”F”鍵的同時鍵盤原來的F1-F12以及Prtscr鍵就會被應用功能鍵 回覆 、 前進、發送、列印等功能所取代。
By pressing the F key in the left upper corner the whole row of F1-F12 and Prtscr keys gives access to a whole range of extra Office keys which includes functions like Return, Forward, Send, Print etc. Because these extra function keys give the user even more power to directly access certain functions in his application software that would normally require complex multi-level mouse button clicks and movements, the user's work efficiency will be raised considerably!
本公司將於 2010 年 12 月 24 日向股東發出已隨附郵寄標籤以中、英文本編製的信函(「函 件一」)連回覆表格(「回條」),以向彼等,提供選擇 (a) 以電子形式透過本公司網 站 www.microport.com.cn 收取本公司的公司通訊;或 (b) 收取公司通訊的印刷本(只收 取英文本或只收取中文本或同時收取中、英文本)。
On 24 December 2010, the Company will send a letter (the “First Letter”) together with a reply form (the “Reply Form”), in both English and Chinese, with a mailing label to its Shareholders, to offer them the choices to receive the Corporate Communications either (a) by electronic means through the Company’s Website at www.microport.com.cn; or (b) in printed form (in English only, or in Chinese only or in both languages).




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