

单词 回目

External sources (not reviewed)

如果已瀏覽至數個月前或數 個月後,按一下今天按鈕即可迅速 回目 前 的 月份和日期。
If you have gone several months back or forward, clicking the Today button
[...] will quickly return you to the current month and date.
这些法案尚未回,目前正 有待国家杜马审议。
Those bills have not been
[...] withdrawn and are currently pending before [...]
the Duma.
按右上按鈕 Ⓑ回目前時間顯示。
Press the upper right
[...] button Ⓑ to return to current time indication.
IOC 较早就为 32 C/5 提出自 己的计划草案,这还是头回,目的 是 将委员会的管理工作和教科文 组织的管理工作更好地结合起来,也就是说将列入 32 C/5 的 IOC 的计 划草案是经过 IOC 理事机构通过的,不再是秘书处单方面工作的结果 了。
This early production of the IOC draft input to the 32 C/5 is an innovation that seeks to align better the governance of the Commission with that of UNESCO i.e. the input is endorsed by an IOC governing body and is no longer a product of the work of the secretariat alone.
支持確認由可抵扣暫時差異所產生遞延所得稅資產的未來應課稅溢利包括因 回目 前 存在的應課稅暫時 差異而產生的數額。
Future taxable profits that may be capable to support the recognition of deferred tax assets arising from deductible temporary differences include those that will arise from the reversal of existing taxable temporary differences.
总部委员会审议了三套提价方案,即从 2009 年 1 月 1 日起提高租金标准 20%,15%或 10%,以便逐渐实现全部收回成本,并且作为第一步,确保 回目 前 的 运作和 维修开支,以及一小部分养护开支。
The Committee examined three scenarios for eventual increases (20%, 15% and 10%), starting 1 January 2009, with a view
to gradually achieving
[...] full cost recovery and ensuring, as a first measure, coverage of the current running and [...]
maintenance costs
and a small part of the conservation costs.
如果发生医疗紧急状况,GBG 的被保险人可以依赖由受过高度训练
[...] 的经验丰富的事件管理人员、事件护理人员和医疗主管人员组成的工作 团队去处理事件的各个方面——从事件发生初期的联系到安全运送他回目的地— 通过
In the event of a medical emergency, Global Benefits Group members can count on highly trained and experienced case managers, nurse case mangers and medical directors to work as a team to
manage all aspects of a case – from the initial contact
[...] to safe arrival back to their home destination – through GBG Assist.
這個由SILLY THING的TK與colette的Sarah大概於一年前商討的合作企劃,除了 回目 登 場 的棉花糖香味蠟燭外,稍後將有更多聯名商品陸續推出,敬請拭目以待。
The result of a proposal started one year ago between TK (SILLY THING) and Sarah (colette), this is only the debut of many future collaboration creations to come.
根據開曼群島法例,本公司進行的任何購回可以本公 司的溢利支付,或以就進行回目的 而 發行新股份的所得款項,或倘細則准 許及受公司法所限,以資本支付。
Under the Cayman Islands laws, any repurchases by the Company may be made out of profits of the Company or out of the
proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares
[...] made for the purpose of the repurchase or, if authorised [...]
by the Articles and subject to
the Companies Law, out of capital.
可将 该页作为投资项目、非投资目、回 收 和重复利用项目及甲基溴示范项目的项目完成报告 [...]
It can be used as a starting point for the PCRs for Investment, Non-Investment,
[...] Recovery and Recycling and Methyl Bromide [...]
Demonstration projects.
至于那些不愿意回的家庭,目力 求 改善这些家庭在目前居住地的经济和社会条件,并为其调整适应城镇生活提供 [...]
As for the families who
[...] do not wish to return, the project seeks to improve [...]
their economic and social conditions at their
current places of residence and ease their adjustment to urban life.
应竭尽全力让 该目回到正 轨,在批准的时限和预算内完成该项 目。
Every effort should be made
[...] to put the project back on track and [...]
deliver it within the approved timeline and budget.
秘书处应抓住当前经济气候所提供的机会减少 合同费用和业务费用,从而使目回 到 商 定预算内, 同时确保项目质量和功能。
The Secretariat should seize opportunities presented by the current economic climate to reduce
contract and operational costs in order to
[...] bring the project back within the agreed [...]
budget while ensuring its quality and functionality.
工发组织澄清了有关已安装的回收和再循环机器的 目 、 回 收 和 循环再用的制冷剂的 数量,以及方案的财政状况。
UNIDO has provided clarifications on a number of queries related to the number of recovery and recycling machines installed, the quantity of recovered and reused refrigerant, and on the financial status of the programme.
此外,本公司的年報須披露有關於財政年度內購回股份的詳情,當中包括 回 股 份數 目的每 月分析、每股購買價格或就所有該等購回而支付的最高及最低價格(如屬適用),以及 已付總價格。
In addition, the Company’s annual report is required to disclose details regarding repurchases of Shares made during the financial year, including a monthly analysis of the number of shares repurchased, the purchase price per Share or the highest and lowest price paid for all such purchases, where relevant, and the aggregate prices paid.
回顾千年发目标中的两目标,一个是呼吁普及初等教育,另一个是呼吁 消除教育中的两性差距,以及“全民教育”达喀尔行动框架的两项目标:(a)扩 [...]
大和改善综合幼儿保育和教育工作,尤其是针对最容易受到伤害和处境最不利的 儿童的这项工作;及(b)确保使所有的青年人和成人享有平等的机会,参加有关
的学习和生活技能计划,从而满足其学习需求,又回顾《残疾人权利公约》第 24 条,我们敦促会员国在各自国家综合教育战略中考虑残疾人,特别是儿童的受教 育权。
Recalling two of the Millennium Development Goals, one calling [...]
for universal access to primary education and the other calling
for an end to gender disparity in education, and two goals in the “Education for all” Dakar framework of action: (a) expanding and improving comprehensive early childhood care and education, especially for the most vulnerable and disadvantaged children; and (b) ensuring that the learning needs of all young people and adults are met through equitable access to appropriate learning and life skills programmes, and article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we urge Member States to consider the right to education for persons with disabilities, especially children, in their overall national education strategies.
分析员从事各种目,回顾和 总结关键的法律文件及分析基金和监管研究。
Analysts work
[...] on a variety of projects, reviewing and summarizing [...]
key legal documents and analyzing fund and regulatory research.
按下 按鈕以重設所有目回預 設值。
Click button
[...] to reset all items back to their default [...]
Q8 請就以下幾個目回答您 對機器安裝和售後服務的滿意程度。
Q8 Regarding machine installation and after-sales service, please indicate your level of satisfaction with each of the following items.
[...] 是效率高朝的深水项目运营商,有着加速开发、尽可能缩短首次生产所需时间期并显著提高 目回 报 的既往经历和能力。
To complement this, LLOG is a highly efficient deepwater operator, with the history and
ability to accelerate development, minimizing the timeframe to first production and
[...] significantly increasing project returns.
本研究目的是:(一回顧及 總結有關法定最低工資對薪酬階梯連鎖反應的影 響的文獻、研究及其他經濟體系的經驗;(二)進行追溯性問卷調查,以了解香港零售 [...]
業及飲食業的職級及薪酬架構、報酬及福利條件、工資及其分布和工作時數等(統稱為 「組織架構」)及其實際變化;(三)了解變化是否因實施法定最低工資所引致;及(四)
評估實施法定最低工資對零售業及飲食業中的細分行業及不同規模企業的薪酬階梯連 鎖反應的影響。
The objectives of this Study are as follows: (i) to [...]
review and summarise the relevant literature, researches and experience
in other economies on the knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies; (ii) to conduct a retrospective survey to examine the rank and pay structures, remuneration packages and fringe benefits, wage and its distribution, working hours, etc (collectively known as “organisational structures”) of the retail and restaurant sectors in Hong Kong and their empirical changes; (iii) to examine whether the changes were caused by the implementation of SMW; and (iv) to assess the impact of knock-on effect of SMW on pay hierarchies of enterprises in different sub-sectors and of different sizes in the retail and restaurant sectors.
联席主席介绍了本分目,回顾说 欧洲联盟的代表曾针对甲基溴的检疫和 装运前用途提交了一份决定草案,供不限成员名额工作组第三十二次会议审 议。
The Co-Chair
[...] introduced the sub-item, recalling that the representative [...]
of the European Union had put forward a draft decision
on quarantine and pre-shipment uses of methyl bromide for consideration at the thirty-second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group.
一般而論,該等基本資料包括贊助或研究機構的名稱、調查的日期、選樣的對象和方法、樣本 目 、 回 應 比 率、誤差範圍和問卷的提問方法;電子傳媒由於可載資料有限,要求可以略為寬鬆。
Generally speaking, when reporting opinion polls, the media should also give the name(s) of sponsoring or
research organization(s),
[...] date of survey, target population and the sampling method, sample size, response rate, [...]
margin of error,
and the exact wording of the questions.
有限公司( 总部设在联合王国的一家多国连锁超级市场,供应基地在南非) 与惠普公司及其在中国的两家供应厂商共同进行的一个附属 目回 顾 性 地分析了 它们为加强供应商投诉机制所做的共同努力,并按照特别代表的原则进行了审查。
An adjunct project with Hewlett-Packard and two of its suppliers in China retrospectively analyzed their collaborative efforts to enhance suppliers’ grievance mechanisms and reviewed them in light of the Special Representative’s principles.
[...] 年度进展报告中指出,为了使该 目回归 18.767 亿美元核定预算范围,正在开 [...]
展一项价值评估工程,以寻找既减少费用、又不影响质量或功能的机会(见 A/62/364 和 Corr.1,第 30 段)。
In his previous annual progress report, the
Secretary-General indicated that, in order to
[...] bring the project back within the approved [...]
budget of $1,876.7 million, a value
engineering exercise was being undertaken in an effort to find opportunities to reduce costs in a way that did not compromise quality or functionality (see A/62/364 and Corr.1, para. 30).
以民研計劃在2007年3月19-21日進行,即本新聞公報所涉及的定期調查為例,「總樣本數」1,007是指成功樣本 目 , 「 回 應 比 率」63.6%是指在1,583個有效接觸個案中錄得1,007個成功樣本,而非部分傳媒自己錯誤計算的640個成功樣本。
The "response rate" of 63.6% means that these 1,007 successful cases were registered from the 1,583 cases with valid contacts, not that we have only 640 successful cases as some media calculated according to their own interpretation.




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