

单词 回港

External sources (not reviewed)

憑藉根據第 41I 條發出的通知而獲交回許可證的僱主,須隨即將該許可證 回港 鐵公司或通知所指明的獲授權僱員。
An employer to whom a permit has been surrendered by virtue of a notice under by-law 41I shall forthwith surrender that permit to the Corporation or an authorized employee specified in the notice.
回港後入 選為城市當代舞蹈團CCDC舞蹈中心「舞蹈青年2009」舞者,及為「現代舞培訓計劃2009/10」校內巡迴演出擔任舞者及服 [...]
While in Hong Kong Tang has performed [...]
in various shows, such as Andy Lau 2010 Unforgettable Concert, 2011 HK Dance Award
with Unlock Dancing Plaza, and many programs with City Contemporary Dance Company.
香港 学生须 在 完 成学业回港 工作 最少三年,内地学生则须返回内地工作最 少两年。
Hong Kong recipients must return to the territory [...]
for employment for a minimum of three years, while Mainland recipients
are required to return to the Mainland for employment for at least two years.
如果運載有貨物的貨車在北上路程中於香港關口完成了ROCARS的清關手續及離境後,在深圳口岸被中國海關截查並原車帶貨遣 回港 , 貨 車上的貨物是否需要再一次向道路貨物資料系統申報及作出捆綁才 回港?
In the course of northbound trip, if a laden goods vehicle is repatriated by the Mainland Customs after going through the ROCARS and
immigration departure
[...] clearance at Hong Kong land boundary control point, should the goods onboard be declared via the ROCARS and then bundled with the vehicle before it can enter Hong Kong again?
在以上情況下,司機應先聯絡貨主並立即通知他(或其代理人)重新向ROCARS提交當時車上所載貨物的有關資料以便獲取另一個入口海關貨物編號,並交該車司機或有關代理重新作捆綁以 便 回港 時 能順利經ROCARS通道清關。
Under this circumstance, the trucker should contact the shipper and inform him (or his agent) to declare the onboard cargo information again via the ROCARS to obtain another inbound Customs Cargo Reference Number so that the trucker
or the concerned agent can conduct the required bundling act before
[...] the truck can enter Hong Kong for ROCARS clearance.
本地調查指出,有7-41%的外遊居民在行程中 回港 後 出現因外遊引致的健康問題;當中約有六成的健康問題與預防不當有關,包括腹瀉、腹痛和作嘔。
According to a local survey,
[...] around 7-41% of Hong Kong resident travelers experienced health-related problems during travel or after return. Three-fifths [...]
of the health-related
problems, such as diarrhoea, abdominal pain and nausea, are preventable.
其他国家也报告称对开展非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞活动的国民采取了 执法行动,包括对违反国家或区域措施者进行处罚、罚款或行政处罚。152日本
[...] 强调其立即调查任何日本渔船涉嫌违反区域渔业管理组织和安排的养护和管理 措施事件,对违规者实施的制裁措施包括吊销捕鱼执照, 回港 口 抛 锚。
Other States also reported that enforcement action was taken against nationals in connection with illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, including through the imposition of penalties, fines and administrative punishment for violations of national or regional measures.152 Japan stressed that it immediately investigated alleged violations of conservation and management measures of regional fisheries management organizations and arrangements by any Japanese fishing vessels,
and the sanctions imposed for violations could include suspension
[...] from fishing and returning to the port and anchorage.
這位紐約客自從14年回港發展 ,就一直活躍在香港的夜店中。
Since settlling
[...] back into Hong Kong 14 years ago, this NYC native has been active on many fronts in HK’s nightlife scene.
4.2 如沒有香港身份證,請夾附其他有效的身份證明文件副本,如香港出世紙 回港 證、 簽證身份書、單程證等。
4.2 If the H.K.I.D. Card is not available, please attach copies of other valid identity documents, e.g. Hong Kong Birth Certificate, Hong Kong Re-entry Permit, Document of Identity for Visa Purposes, One-way Permit, etc.
Upon returning to Hong Kong, Maria has been [...]
very active as both a performer and teacher. She has been on the faculty of
the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Music Office since 1995.
She is a selected member of CCDC WuDaoQingNian in 2009, and showcased her first choreography in Hong Kong at CCDC My Own Dance in November 2009.
如 受 保 人 只 接 受 門 診 治 療 , 則 須 按 一 般 索 償 程 序 處 理 , 即 先 自 行 支 付 費 用 並 索 取
[...] 收 據 及 醫 生 報 告 以 便 回 港 索 償 , 有 關 治 療 必 須 [...]
由 合 法 註 冊 醫 生 提 供 。
If you only visit out-patient clinics, you should follow the general claims
procedures: pay the consultation fee, get the receipt and medical certificate, and
[...] file a claim upon returning to Hong Kong.
中心主任與定向行走訓練部主管出席2012年2月13日至17日於紐西蘭北帕莫斯頓舉行的第十四屆國際定向行走會議 回港 後 與 會內同事分享定向行走最新資訊及技術。
Supervisor and Unit In-charge of O&M Training Unit attended the 14th International Mobility & Orientation Conference
during 13-17 February 2012 at Palmerston, New
[...] Zealand to bring back the latest information [...]
and technology regarding O & M training for the visually impaired.
VYTAL mei的每位专业美容师都曾于德国柏林总部接受大量培训 回港 后 仍 须接受经验丰富的持久化妆师和专家进行强化训练,并在实习过程中大量使用我们的设备,直至充份掌握各种技巧。
Each and every aesthetician at Vytal Mei has extensively
been trained in our headquarters in Berlin,
[...] Germany and Hong Kong by micropigmentation artists [...]
and experts until every line was in place.
回港後發覺也有此品牌, 精華液質地不油膩亦滋潤。
It is also
[...] available now in Hong Kong. Its serum form [...]
makes it not too oily yet water retaining.
請把填妥的入會表格連同會費郵寄、傳真、或於辦公時間內 回港 樂 會 ,或於音樂會當晚 回港 樂 接 待處。
Simply submit the completed enrollment form together with the membership
fee to our office, either
[...] by mail, fax, in person, or at the HK Phil reception counter on the night [...]
of the performance.
伍博士1965年至1972年間在芝加哥伊利諾工作,任職於伊利諾理工大學旗下的美國燃氣技術研究院,主管環境保護及能源系統研究計畫;19 72 年 回港 後 曾 任Inter-Asia Management Co.
Between 1965 and 1972, Dr. Ng worked in Chicago, Illinois, at the Institute of Gas Technology, a subdivision of the Illinois Institute of Technology, where he managed projects on environmental protection and energy systems.
王家康先生出生于香港,自幼在美国成长及接受教育,1989年 回港 发 展
Born in Hong Kong, brought up and educated in US and returned to HK in 1989, Mr. Wong is a multi-cultural business executive who is fluent in English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Shanghaiese.
本刊列回流香港人士的基本人口、社會及經濟概況,其以前居住的國家/地區,他們在該些國家/地區的居住期間 回港 常 住 年份的資料。
Basic demographic and socio-economic
[...] profiles of these returnees, their previous country/territory of residence, duration of residence in that country/territory and the year returning to ordinary residence in Hong Kong were presented.
林偉而為美國康內爾大學建築學士及碩士,畢業後曾在美國波士頓工作,19 87 年 回港 , 19 93年成為香港思聯建築設計有限公司的董事總經理。
William LIM graduated from Cornell University in USA with a
Bachelor and a Master of Architecture. After graduation, he had worked
[...] in Boston before returning to Hong Kong in 1987.
此外回港後, 曾參與考察團之代表亦為院內其他同事舉辦了匯報會,分享所見所聞,以積極的態度持續發展現有服務。
After returning to Hong Kong, they conducted [...]
report-back session for other staff members for a sharing, and to play an active
part to contribute ideas for continual service improvement.
有 可 能 不 可 以 將 犯 串 謀 詐 騙 罪 的 被 告 從 某 些 國 家 引回 港 受 審
the fact that extradition from certain countries may be unavailable in conspiracy to defraud cases.
二零零八年 上半年的應佔溢利亦包括(因香港利得稅由百分之十七
[...] 點五下降至百分之十六點五)有關估值收益滾存的一項 遞延稅項回港幣九億四千七百萬元。
The attributable profit in the first half of 2008 also includes a deferred taxation
credit of HK$947 million (resulting from the
[...] reduction in the Hong Kong profits tax [...]
rate from 17.5% to 16.5%) in respect of valuation gains brought forward.
本 集 團 所 佔 無 形 資 產 之 減 值 虧 損回 180,364,000 港 元( 二 零零九 年 : 減 值 虧 損 12,159,000 港 元 )已 計 入 截 至 二 零 一 零 年 九 月 三 十 日 止 期 間 簡 明 綜 合 收 益 表 之「 應 佔 一 間 聯 營 公 司 溢 利 」內 。
The Group’sshare of a reversal of impairment loss of the intangible asset of HK$180,364,000 (2009: impairment loss of HK$12,159,000) is included in the ‘‘share of profit of an associate’’ in the condensed consolidated income statement for the period ended 30 September 2010.
作為本地串流廣播先驅及大中華市場領導者,VCAST曾參與亞太區數百個大型網上廣播項目,包括 港 97 回 歸 、 中國國慶50週年、香港千禧倒數、2008北京奧運、數碼政府合署、施政報告、財政預算案等,主要客戶來自政府部門、工商企業、教育團體以及傳媒機構,並獲多項國際認證包括Microsoft [...] [...]
Certified Partner, Windows Media Product Vendor & Service Provider, Real Partner等等。
VCAST has over hundreds successful track records of large-scale public
webcasting projects across Asia
[...] region, e.g. HK Handover 97, China Anniversary 50¡¦, HK Millennium Extravaganza, [...]
Hong Kong Art
Festival, Intel APAC Training, Central Cyber Government Office (CCGO), Policy Address (2004-2008), Budget Speech (2004/05-2008/09), etc., and we are recognized as the market leader in Greater China and accredited as Microsoft Certified Partner, Windows Media Product Vendor & Service Provider, Real Partner, etc. Our solutions are currently deployed in Telcos/ ISPs, government, education, enterprise and media sectors across the regions.
在 1997 年港回歸前 ,香港的行業政策只有工業邨、工業貿易署針對中小型企業推出的措施、香 港貿易發展局舉行的宣傳及資訊性活動 ,以及對健康護理、社會服務、房屋、造地、運輸及教育等 被視為涉及公共領域的行業的直接干預。
The larger the role of the government in society, the greater is there need to trim a business plan to government policy. Prior to the handover in 1997, Hong Kong’s industrial policy was limited to the Industrial Estates, small and medium sized enterprise initiatives of the Trade and Industry Department, promotional and informational activities of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and direct intervention in industries considered to be part of the public domain including health, social services, housing, land creation, transportation and education.
回歸後首五年,民研計劃的週年調查一般都包括「市民回歸心情」、「市民回歸前後的身份認同感」、「市民對 港回 歸 後 整體環境的評價」、「市民對回歸前後社會轉變的評價」、「市民對中央政府的觀感」及「回歸後市民對中央政府對香港政策的評價」。
For the first five years after the handover, HKUPOP's handover anniversary surveys generally included "People's feelings about the handover anniversary", "People's ethnic identity
before and after the handover", "Overall
[...] evaluation of Hong Kong's condition after the [...]
handover", "People's evaluation of changes
before and after the handover", People's feelings about the central government" and "People's evaluation of the policy of the central government on Hong Kong after the handover".
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为 港回 归 祖 国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参观香港的风水宝地——浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过山车、摩天轮、海盗船等。
At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre,
Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes
[...] ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland [...]
testimony, you can in "forever
blooming Bauhinia " and the return of memorial photo-taking, lunch to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel.
社會指標調查是民眾監察社會發展的重要一環,民研計劃是1997年 港回 歸 前 後推出有關調查,長期監察香港社會的新發展,並在2006年9月5日、2007年3月8日、9月4日及2008年2月19日的新聞公報中簡介了有關調查的發展。
Social indicator survey is a common way to monitor and measure a society's development. HKUPOP first conducted such surveys around the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, in order to monitor the new development of Hong Kong society.




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