

单词 回味无穷

See also:


reflect on
ponder over

无味 adj

odourless adj
non-toxic adj
colorless adj

External sources (not reviewed)

富味乡采用最优质的原料,并运用独家技术炒出芝麻的香脆,让人口齿留 回味无穷。
Flavour Full selects finest ingredients and use unique frying techniques to bring out the crispiness of sesame and a longstanding aftertaste.
口感柔和而独特,有很好的结构感和持久力,单宁的完美组合夹杂一份薄荷的甜意又带来了一份无比的优雅和细腻,令 回味无穷。
Taste soft with well-structured and
persistent, elegant and lubricious thanks to
[...] fine tannins with a sweet sensation mingled with menthol displayed in the aftertaste.
嗅觉能够而且也应该被列入到这些贡献元素中,因为研究证实,与视觉和听觉相比,香味引起的回忆明显更富情感,更令 回味无穷。
The olfactory dimension can and should be enlisted in these efforts, because research
confirms that memories recalled by scents are significantly more emotional and
[...] evocative than those recalled by sight or sound.
遵循1516年德国的酿造法则,我们只使用最为上等的原料酿制出不含香精,口感柔软的纯正啤酒,其浓郁和苦涩的口感不禁令 回味无穷。
Brewed according to the famous 1516 German Law of Purity with our own
high-tech equipment, the characteristics of our beer are initially soft, bitter, of sufficient
[...] body, and free from off flavors.
D.O. 西班牙的目录里包括 27 种来自 8 个原产地命名的佳酿,全都拥有令 回味无穷 的 滋味、芬香和色泽。
The D.O. España catalogue includes 27
wines from 8 denominations of origin and
[...] constructs an evocative route through the flavours, aromas and [...]
colours of them all.
刃扒房 (The CUT) 是北京华彬费尔蒙酒店精心打造的现代烧烤牛排馆,位于酒店二层,可俯瞰酒店大堂,内设 56 张座位,仅提供晚餐(周二至周六晚
[...] 6 点至晚 11 点),您可以在此尽享精益求精的服务和令 回味无穷 的 美 食。
Located on the second level and overlooking the lobby – The CUT, Fairmont Beijing’s uniquely refined contemporary Grill opens exclusive for dinner
only (Tuesday to Saturday, 6PM to 11PM),
[...] with 56 seats sizzles with a combination [...]
of exacting service and inspired cuisine.
举目望去的每条蜿蜒小径,每座葱葱山头,每片开阔海景都是让人精神为之一振的视觉盛宴,让 回味无穷。
Dive headlong into a wealth of adrenalin-boosting activities from fast-paced watersports to rock climbing all complemented by the panoramic backdrops of some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes.
但 是,该国其他地区的妇女仍然要为法医证书相关的经办、检查和护理付费,这味着贫穷的受害人在经济上仍无法 得 到公正。
However, women in other parts of the country continue to pay for the processes, examinations
and care linked to forensic medical
[...] certificates, meaning that justice remains financially inaccessible for poor victims.
清鸡汤可带出食物的天然味道,一般平凡的菜式只要加入Pacific清鸡汤,便可烹制出 味无穷 的 菜 肴。
Pacific Chicken Broth can enhance the fresh taste of the nautral food, the Broth can
be used for hot pot,
[...] noodle soup, sauces, dumpling, congee, [...]
etc. and used as a base for more hearty soups, stews, pasta, risotto, rice and more.
秘书长表示,电子图书和电子出版技术市场的演变为宣传和增加收入带来 无穷 的机会。
The Secretary-General indicates that the evolution of the market for e-books and of electronic publishing technology presents numerous opportunities for outreach and revenue growth.
这实际上味着加快提穷人的生活水平,同时降低或扭转特别是高收 入消费者对地球自然资源的影响。
This means, in effect, accelerating the growth in living standards of the poor, while decelerating [...]
or reversing the impact
— in particular of high-income consumers — on the natural resources of the planet.
虽然间接税可能会比较容易管理,但税率是递减的,这就 味 着 穷 人的 税赋占其收入的比例要高于富人的比例。
These may be easier to administer but are
[...] regressive, meaning that the poor pay a higher proportion [...]
of their income in tax than do the rich.
随着武器流入、粮无保障 等因素造成的 经济困难加剧、移民从利比亚回本 已 非常 穷 的 社 区以及人道主义机构因缺乏 安全而撤离,犯罪活动明显增加。
Criminality is apparently rising in parallel with the influx of weapons and the increase of
economic hardship
[...] due, among other things, to rising food insecurity, the return of immigrants from Libya into already destitute communities [...]
and the withdrawal
of humanitarian agencies because of insecurity.
最后,如果孩子们要被送回刚果民主共和国,也会和他们的父亲一起回,既不是无人陪 同,也不是无人帮助。
Lastly, if the
[...] children were to be returned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they would be returned with their father and would thus be neither unaccompanied nor unsupported.
[...] 重,以及告诉当代人和后代人国家当权者以非法的暴力行为取代法制造成 无 法 挽 回 的后 果。
The “Espacio” serves to promoting respect for human rights, as well as to teaching current and future generations the
irreparable consequences of the substitution of the rule of law by illegal violence of
[...] those who exercise the power of the State.
以往危机的经验表明,即便危机过后的经济增长复苏相对较快, 可能需要数年才能回在消除贫穷和 饥饿方面的损失。
As the experience from previous crises have shown, recovering lost ground in the fight against poverty and hunger can take several years even if economic growth is re-established relatively quickly after a crisis.
[...] 本流动(外国直接投资和侨汇)在发展方面的效果,完成非常有利 穷 国 的多 哈回 合贸 易谈判,扩大债务减免并建立一个公正透明的债务解决程序,制订有利于促 [...]
进发展的全球金融法规,并进一步加强发展中国家在国际金融体系中的发言权和 参与。
Measures need to be taken to reduce volatility and increase the development impact of
private flows (FDI and remittances),
[...] complete a strong pro-poor Doha trade round, broaden [...]
debt relief, establish a fair and
transparent debt workout procedure, develop pro-development global financial regulations and further enhance the voice and participation of developing countries in the international financial architecture.
另外还有许多政无法回避的问题,包括:确 保汇率维持稳定状态,但也不要使汇率被高估,以 保护和推动制造业生产和工业生产;打击腐败;防 [...]
止可能出现的通胀;处理猖獗的土地投机行为和可 能发生的土地兼并;以及确保新的土地法规不会造 成小土地所有者以及拥有传统土地所有权的人们的 土地遭到流失。
There are
[...] many other issues that the authorities cannot avoid dealing [...]
with, including: ensuring the exchange rate remains
stable, but also not overvalued, so as to protect and promote manufacturing and agricultural produc tion; tackling corruption; protecting against the possibility of rising inflation; dealing with rampant land speculation and the potential for land grabbing; and ensuring that new land legislation does not lead to dispossession of small landholders and those holding traditional title.
一国或一国际组织不得以保留的撤回违反了关于撤回保留的权限和程序的该 国国内法规定或该组织的规则为理由宣布 回无 效。
A State or an international organization may not invoke the fact that a reservation has been withdrawn in violation of a provision of the internal law of that State or the rules of that organization
regarding competence and the procedure for
[...] the withdrawal of reservations for the purpose of invalidating [...]
the withdrawal.
13 这一下降对儿童免疫方案、必要的药品采购和公
[...] 共保健设施的人员配置都有影响。在农村道路和诊所方面的公共支出的进一步下 降味着,农村穷人将 更难获得初级保健服务。
Declines in public expenditures on rural roads and clinics further
[...] imply that the rural poor will face even greater [...]
barriers accessing primary health-care services.
所以,我懇請局長,世殊時異,事物是在發展的,當你在這議事廳節節 勝利、亦節節敗退時,我希望局長重新考慮給予香港人一個美麗的夕陽,讓 我回味無窮 ,而兩年後,也讓我們迎接一輪大家也歡喜的旭日。
Things are developing and when you are scoring one victory after another in this Chamber but also suffering one defeat after another, I hope the Secretary can reconsider giving Hong Kong people a beautiful sunset so that we can relish it, and after two years, let us also welcome a rising sun that everyone will love.
同比配置计划味着富人比穷人得 到的援助更 多。
Any programme of like-for-like
[...] replacement means that the better off get more assistance than poorer people.
莫桑比克还表示,该国的根本目标是消除 穷 , 这 必然 味 着 确 保社会均衡 发展,从而减少社会和区域不平等。
Mozambique stated further that the country’s
fundamental objective is the eradication of
[...] poverty, which necessarily implies ensuring a balanced [...]
development of society, thereby
reducing social and regional inequalities.
游戏系统通过感知我们的行动和运动将玩家体验提升到新的水平;汽车通过自动感应和控制车辆的移动提升固有的安全性;工业设备和机床无需人干预即可执行作业功能;移动电话具有内置的智能,可以响应我们的手势和位置,从而简化了用户界面,同时还可为我们提供位置感知服务;周围环境通过配备无线传感器的仪表,对我们进行响应;航空电子设备改装后,性能获得提升的同时还降低了系统成本... 解决方案有效时,可能性无穷的。
Gaming systems have taken the player experience to new levels by sensing our actions and motion; cars are intrinsically safer by automatically sensing and controlling the movement of the vehicle; industrial equipment and machines perform their functions without human intervention; mobile phones have built-in intelligence so they can respond to our gestures and position, simplifying the user interface, and also providing us with location-aware service; the surrounding environment responds to us when instrumented with wireless sensors; avionics equipment has been retrofitted with our high performance yet lower cost systems… The possibilities are endless when the solutions are effective.
在大多数 情况下,人均国内生产总值下降味 着 贫 穷 加 剧
In most cases, a fall in GDP per capita is associated with an increase in poverty.
在这一数量Inedita似乎没有发现更多,但孤立的发现,仍然经常来来,东库,如圣山和帕特莫斯,君士坦丁堡,和耶路撒冷,西乃山者外,已经产生了未知的宝藏,而叙利亚,科普特人,亚美尼亚人,等等,都应该提供许多损失 无 法 挽 回 的。
Inedita in such quantities seem to be found no more, but isolated discoveries have come frequently and still come; Eastern libraries, such as those of Mount Athos and Patmos, Constantinople, and Jerusalem, and Mount Sinai, have
yielded unknown treasures, while the Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, etc., have supplied many
[...] losses supposed to be irrecoverable.
除非正式提出按投票方式表决之要求,而该项要求 无 遭 撤 回 ,否 则,由主席宣布决议案获通过或一致同意通过或获特定大多数票通过或遭特定大多 数票否决或不获通过,且已记录于本公司会议记录册,将为最终凭证,毋须提出赞 [...]
Unless a poll is duly demanded and the
[...] demand is not withdrawn, a declaration by the chairman that a resolution has been carried, or [...]
carried unanimously,
or by a particular majority, or not carried by a particular majority, or lost, and an entry to that effect made in the minute book of the Company, shall be conclusive evidence of the facts without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded for or against the resolution.
提出的 建议包括,改进东道国协定使配偶可以工作,采取措 施确保向人们不太愿去的工作地点调动不会有无 回,并 推行与其他国际组织的交流方案。
Suggestions included making improvements to host country agreements so that partners could work, taking steps to ensure that moves to duty stations perceived as less desirable were not a one-way ticket and introducing exchange programmes with other international organizations.
自 1964 年成立以来,
[...] 马尼·特塞组织一直追求这一目标,即提高公众对南部贫穷原因的认识,游说决 策者和机构,并实施发展项目,这些项目除 回 应 穷 人 的 需求,还有可能启动一 个自决和自力更生的进程。
Since its foundation in 1964, Mani Tese has pursued this aim by raising public awareness on the causes of poverty in the South, lobbying policymakers and institutions and
implementing development projects
[...] which, besides responding to the needs of the poor, may initiate a process [...]
of selfdetermination and self-reliance.
瓦克专门为可消毒食品包装用印刷油墨开发了新型VINNOL® H 5/50 A: 这种表涂树无嗅无味, 能够牢固地粘合在众多聚合物基材上, [...]
Specifically for printing inks in sterilizable food packaging, WACKER has developed the
new VINNOL® H 5/50 A: The surface coating
[...] resin is both taste- and odor-free, adheres [...]
strongly to a wide range of polymer substrates
and offers high pigment compatibility.




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