

单词 回到

回到 verb ()

go back v

External sources (not reviewed)

然后,显示页面中会出现一条警报,只有测量值 回到 当 前带宽内,警报才能 被重置。
This results in a message alert on the display which is only reset when the
[...] measured value returns to within the [...]
current bandwidth.
当本手册的某处出现这些标志时, 回到 以 下各页以了解对具体 危险的说明。
When these symbols appear throughout the
[...] manual, refer back to these pages [...]
for a description of the specific hazard.
本计划会使国际 局和国家局都受益,因为有关人 回到 国 家局后会开展更全面的推广活动。
The Program will prove its benefits for the International Bureau
and the national offices when the staff carry out more comprehensive
[...] promotional activities upon return to their offices.
它可以让管理员直接在当前访问的页面上直接修改内容,而不用再 回到 后 台 管理界面。
It allows administrators to access the page directly on the current to directly modify the contents , but
[...] do not have to return to the admin interface .
次日,那个不知名的男子依约带着 25 500 美回到首都航空的办公室支 付包机费用。
The following day, as agreed, the
[...] anonymous Somali returned to Capital’s [...]
offices with US$ 25,500 to pay for the flight.
也门回 顾了以色列最 近 对 加沙地带 的 攻 击 ,并指 出,以色列无 视 自 1948 年以来提出的各项建议,所以它也将无视大量的普遍定期审议建议,特别是 与结束
对被占所有巴勒斯坦和阿拉伯领土的占领、承认巴勒斯坦人民有权自 决、 有权建立 一 个 以以色列耶路撒冷为首都 的
[...] 独立的主权国家 、巴勒斯坦难 民有回 到自己 的 家 园 、有权得到赔偿并有权收 [...]
复财产的建议,这 一 点 也不奇 怪 。
Yemen recalled the recent Israeli attack against the Gaza strip and indicated that Israel has ignored recommendations since 1948 and so it is not surprising that it will ignore the largest number of UPR recommendations, specially those related to putting an end to the occupation in all occupied Palestinian and Arab territories and to recognizing the right of Palestinian people to self-determination, to an independent
sovereign state with Jerusalem as a capital, and
[...] to the right of return of Palestinian [...]
refugees to their homeland and their right
to compensation and restitution of their properties.
[...] 平以及所有阿拉伯的权利得到尊重,包括以色列从所 有阿拉伯被占领土回到 1967 年 6 月 4 日的边界、 [...]
建立一个以耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国、根据具有 国际合法性的相关决议,特别是第 194(III)号决议和
安全理事会第 242(1967)号、第 338(1973)号和阿拉 伯和平倡议,解决巴勒斯坦难民问题。
The Syrian Arab Republic seeks a just and comprehensive peace and
respect for all Arab rights, including the
[...] total withdrawal by Israel from all [...]
the occupied Arab territories to the borders
of 4 June 1967, the establishment of a Palestinian State with Jerusalem as its capital, the settlement of the question of Palestinian refugees in accordance with the relevant resolutions of international legitimacy, especially resolution 194 (III) and Security Council resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), and the Arab Peace Initiative.
的确,在我们今天的讨论中,以 回到 纽 约 后,我想说,我们都需要认 真思考,如何帮助艾哈迈德·乌默尔及其各地同事做好本职工作。
Indeed, in our discussion today and going forward in New York, I would suggest that we may all need to think hard about how we can help Ahmed Umer to do his job well, along with his counterparts everywhere.
回到刚果民主共和国后,她将面临因疾病和想到她小女儿作为孤儿成 [...]
Upon return to the Democratic Republic [...]
of the Congo, she would face a “painful death” from the disease and suffering due
to the knowledge that her young daughter would grow up an orphan.
[...] 1860(2009)号决议其他相关规定的集体努力失败,我 们将别无选择,只能再回到安全 理事会,寻求根据 第七章通过一项决议草案,制定适当措施,迫使以色 [...]
Accordingly, if the current collective effort to secure a durable ceasefire and respect for the other relevant provisions of
resolution 1860 (2009) fails, we will
[...] have no choice but to return to the Security Council [...]
to seek the adoption of a draft
resolution under Chapter VII setting out the appropriate measures to force Israel to stop the grave breaches of international law and human rights violations that it is perpetrating against the Palestinian people under its occupation.
但很可惜,政府㆒飛便飛了兩年多,現在又 回 頭 , 回到 現時 的強制性私營公積金計劃。
It is a pity that the Government has
flown away for over two and a half
[...] years but now it flies back to the starting point [...]
— the mandatory privately-managed provident fund scheme.
[...] 此类审讯结束时,要逐个审查在人口贩运审讯中担任官方见证人的外国国民的情 况,评估其一回到原籍 国是否会有风险。
The State party should also ensure that the situation of foreign nationals acting as official witnesses in trafficking trials is reviewed individually at the
end of such trials, with the aim of assessing whether they would
[...] be at risk if they returned to their country of origin.
[...] 要的努力和致力于确保切实执行该决议,以便结束所 有军事活动和暴力;解决加沙地带长期遭受以色列非 人道封锁的巴勒斯坦平民的人道主义和经济需要;并 帮助各方摆脱危机将我们带入绝境的局面,重 回到 和平的道路上来。
Moreover, we call on the Security Council and all concerned parties to make the necessary efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of the resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, who for too long have been under Israel’s
inhumane siege; and to
[...] help the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has brought us and back to the path [...]
of peace.
[...] KV1 和 KV2 开关的电磁阀必须使空气排出开 关管路,以退回到更高的电压设置。
The solenoid valves used to activate
the KV1 and KV2 switches must bleed the air out of the lines for
[...] the switches to draw back to the higher [...]
voltage setting.
欧共体代表团在表示支持通过该规范时说明,如果食典委不支持通过龙虾的部分, 整个部分应退回到鱼和渔业产品委员会进一步审议。
The Delegation of the European Community, while supporting the adoption of the Code, expressed the opinion that, should the Commission not support adoption
of the section on lobsters, the entire
[...] section should be returned to the Committee [...]
on Fish and Fishery Product for further consideration.
七月,五名成员在克拉登附近的重叠山进行了炸弹制 造试验,几个月后他回到同一 地点练习手榴弹制 造。
In July, five members carried out a bomb-making
experiment on Mt Tumpang, near Klaten; a few months
[...] later they went back to the same place [...]
to practice making grenades.
对于那些想要阻碍索马里实现和平的人,我们必 须采取坚定的立场,其中包括那些想浑水摸鱼,要把 我国重新回到死亡 和战争年代去的破坏分子。
We must take a firm stand against those who would hinder the achievement of peace in Somalia, including those
destructive individuals who
[...] would fish in troubled waters and act to return the country to [...]
the years of loss and fighting.
最后,儿童和成年人都将可以感受在Tofta村重建9世纪维京海盗村,游客在这里可以去购买手工艺品,品尝正宗的食物和观看穿着传统服饰的居民表演将您 回到 那 个 久远的年代。
Finally, children and adults alike will enjoy the reconstructed 9th century Viking Village at Tofta, where visitors can
have a go at handicrafts, sample authentic food and watch the residents
[...] bring this era to life with traditional [...]
What stage had been reached in the negotiations and would participants
[...] soon be able to return to the negotiating table?
对死者的区域位置是一个中间Assyriologists争论的主题,而在一个从死里复活( 回到 地 球 相当),其中有些人会推断,从信仰的美好希望建议的形式从引用“生命水”,以马尔杜克,或米罗达巴拉,为“一谁带来死的生命”,是一个非常令人怀疑的猜想。
The location of the region of the dead is a subject of controversy among Assyriologists, while the suggestion of a
brighter hope in the form of a resurrection
[...] (or rather of a return to earth) from [...]
the dead, which some would infer from the
belief in the "waters of life" and from references to Marduk, or Merodach, as "one who brings the dead to life", is an extremely doubtful conjecture.
安全理事会和所有相关方必须进行所需的努力 并尽力确保该决议得到有效实施,以结束所有的军事
[...] 活动和暴力;解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民严重的人道 主义需要和经济需要,包括通过解除以色列的封锁; 保证实现持久停火;并帮助各方从这场危机导致我们 走上的悬崖回到和平的道路上来。
It is imperative that the Security Council and all concerned parties exert the required efforts and work to ensure the effective implementation of that resolution in order to bring an end to all military activities and violence; to address the serious humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, including through the lifting of the Israeli blockade; to guarantee a durable
ceasefire; and to help
[...] the parties return from the precipice to which this crisis has led us and back to the path [...]
of peace.
主機可以發出「記錄選取」指令, 回到 記 錄 頁面 15h (背景掃描結果) 並評估「背景 [...]
媒體掃描進度」欄位,以監控目前 BMS 週期的進度。
The host can monitor the progress of
the current BMS cycle by issuing a Log
[...] Select command to return log page 15h [...]
(Background Scan Results) and evaluate the
“Background Medium Scan Progress” field.
2010-2011 两年期将始终保 持和延续 2009
[...] 年采取的费用节约措施,除非普通用途收 回到 2008年的水 平,或者获得了特别用途捐款用于这些具体用途。
The cost-saving measures taken in 2009 will be maintained and extended
through the biennium 2010-2011 unless
[...] general-purpose income returns to the level achieved [...]
in 2008 or if special-purpose contributions
are secured for these specific purposes.
在美 国受过教育的一些研究生学位获得 回到 他 们 的祖国以后 常常会取得领导职位,而且在诸多方面都倾向于积极地跟 [...]
Graduate degree holders
[...] trained in the US who return to their home countries [...]
often achieve leadership positions and have
a positive orientation toward collaborating with the US on a variety of fronts.
当我们讨论 诸如实用新型等二级保护的重要性时会 回到 这 个 问题上。
We return to this issue when we consider the importance of second tiers of protection such as utility models.
由于他的刑事犯罪纪录,他不太可能会有资 回到 澳 大 利亚, 从而不可能在不久的将来与家人在一起。
Due to his criminal record, it is unlikely that he will ever be
[...] in a position to return to Australia and [...]
thus be close to his family in the near future.
应当指出,这是从来没有想过在这种情况下要跟踪一个学 回到 最 早 的时候;圣文森特要求教会的信仰产生怀疑的证据之前, [...]
- 这是他的antiquitas概念,以及在符合有鉴于此,由议会和教皇引用的父亲和父亲的大部分是最近(Petavius​​,德Incarn。
It should be noted that it was
never in such cases thought necessary to
[...] trace a doctrine back to the earliest times; [...]
St. Vincent demanded the proof of the
Church's belief before a doubt arose -- this is his notion of antiquitas; and in conformity with this view, the Fathers quoted by councils and popes and Fathers are for the most part recent (Petavius, De Incarn., XIV, 15, 2-5).
尽管专家中有些人提出要注意“文化产品和服务”的概念有可能使 人想到在国际贸易协定中所使用的这一用语内涵的问题,它们最终还是认为他们提出的定义 能使人们的理回到这一 概念的文化内涵,从而摆脱其纯商业性的意义并达成对这些产品和 服务的双重禀赋的认可。
Though some experts made the point that the notion of “cultural goods and services” evokes the vocabulary used in
agreements on international
[...] trade, the Group felt that the proposed definition boiled down to a more cultural conception of this notion, thus allowing for a distancing from the strictly trade-related understanding, while recognizing [...]
the dual nature of these goods and services.
以妇女为中心的赔偿过程有以下要求:妇女参与赔偿方案的制订、实施、 监测和评估过程;设计便于所有妇女和女孩利用的赔偿程序;对事实进行调查, 以确定是否发生某些侵权事项,并确保纳入针对妇女和女童的侵权事项;确定伤
[...] 行为的责任,包括失职导致的责任以及以妇女和女童为对象的肇事者应承担的责 任;确定补救措施,使受害回到侵 犯行为发生之前的状态,本身具有歧视性或 无法解决暴力的结构性根源问题的措施除外。
Women-centred processes of reparations require participation of women in the process of shaping, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reparations programmes; design of a reparations procedure that renders it accessible to all women and girls; investigation of facts to determine whether certain violations of rights have taken place and making sure that those violations that target women and girls have been duly included; determination of harms, including those which are gender-specific or have a differential impact on women and girls; identification of responsibility for the violation, including by omission, and by those perpetrators that target women and girls; and
determination of measures of
[...] redress aimed at returning the victim to where [...]
she was before the violation took place, except for when those
measures may in themselves be discriminatory or fail to address the structural roots underlying the violence.




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