

单词 四面



in all directions
all around
far and near




lit. on all sides, the songs of Chu [idiom.]
fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help

External sources (not reviewed)

一个非政府组织对教科文组四面出 击和插手其他组织 已在处理的课题的这种情况表示关注。
One NGO expressed concern that UNESCO was moving in too many directions and on subjects that other organizations were already addressing.
你们凭着一股坚实的勇气,真心诚意地 四面 八 方 来到这里,带着友好和兄 弟之情,带着坚定信仰,决定在崭新非洲的崭新道路上竖起四座里程碑。
Buttressed by the bedrock of their audacity, [...]
you, men and women of good will, of friendship and fraternity, from every corner
of the world, steadfast in your faith, have gathered here to raise four massive pillars to serve as milestones along the new roads of the new Africa.
促进文化多元化方面的知识与良策的交 流,为多元化社会中来四面八方具有 不同文化背景的个人和群体的融入和参 [...]
Fostering the exchange of knowledge and best
[...] practices in regard to cultural pluralism [...]
with a view to facilitating, in diversified
societies, the inclusion and participation of persons and groups from varied cultural backgrounds.
我们受惠于地球四面八方 每一种语言和文化的影响,但这种多元化也会产生困难的辩论。
We are shaped by every language and every culture, drawn from every end of this Earth.
该旅馆坐落在安第斯山脉中四面环 山 的农田。
The hostal is located in the middle of the Andes, surrounded by mountains and farmland.
成功承包该项目的机构将按照《国际排雷行动标准》使用土地核证无 雷程序,确认存在雷区,并准确界定其范围,将 四面 围 起 ,然后确认指定区域 内的其他土地没有战争遗留爆炸物,可安全释放给公众使用。
The successful contract would use land release processes in accordance with IMAS to confirm the presence of the minefields and accurately define their extent, fence them on all sides and then confirm that the other land within the designated area is free from ERW and safe for release to public use.
用:四面彈蠶絲針織面料 (已通過德國OEKO-TEX 100認證)、蠶絲蕾絲花邊, 適用於生產中、高端內衣。
Mulberry silk knitted fabric with elasticity in 4 directions (with Oeko-tex standard 100 certificate) and mulberry silk lace are both suitable for mid & high-end lingerie & intimates production.
Sphelar®能够利用四面八方 射入的光线,故而其效率极高,在强度和耐久性方面也十分出色。
Sphelar® is extremely efficient as it utilizes incoming light from all directions, and is also very strong and durable.
四面环海 ,而且横跨世界 上最繁忙的海峡之一,而这从我们建国以来就滋养着 我们这个贸易港口,而且今天,即使在这个电子商务 [...]
It is entirely
[...] surrounded by the seas and sits astride [...]
one of the busiest straits in the world, which has nourished us from
our founding as a trading post and continues to sustain us today, even in this era of e-commerce.
先進的性能來自於創新的ZG核心科技,快速離子聚合物中層,高特性氨基甲酸酯Elastomer™軟外皮以及352個圓 四面 體 窩 旋設計。
This advanced performance results from an innovative ZG process core
technology, responsive ionomeric casing layer, Urethane Elastomer cover and
[...] spherically tiled 352 tetrahedral dimple design.
即 使在过渡联邦政 府 因
[...] 得到埃塞俄比亚军队的帮 助而仍然保持 一些控制的摩加迪沙和拜 多 阿 ,也是 一四面楚歌的景象。
Even in Mogadishu and Baidoa, where
[...] the TFG still had some control with the [...]
help of Ethiopian troops, there is an appearance of a state of siege.
质淘汰活动,以确保消耗臭氧层物质淘汰的可持续性;(二)建设国家臭氧机构和政府机构 的能力;(三)补充泰国的氟氯烃淘汰执行工作,包括制定政策和措施,以期实现
[...] 2013 年 和 2015 年的履约目标;(四)面向公 共部门和私营部门开展公共宣传活动,以促进各类氟 [...]
The objectives of the Phase VII of the IS project are to (i) continue the effective management of ODSs phase-out activities to ensure sustainability of ODSs phase-out ; (ii) build capacity of NOU and government agencies; (iii) complement Thailand HCFC phase-out implementation including policies development and
measures to achieve the 2013 and 2015
[...] compliance targets; (iv) conduct public awareness [...]
activities to promote sustainability
of CFCs phase-out and transition to HCFC phase-out to both public and private sectors.
側射喇叭和中央低音管系統完美搭配, 四面 八 方放射極為自然且令人沉醉的聲音。
The side-firing speakers and the central bass sound pipe work in tandem to radiate outstandingly natural and immersive sound in all directions.
在其东北和西北两侧成犄角之势各布置两栋长短不一的条式体量的客房楼,东侧的平行临河,西侧的垂直临河;它们的内部布局都是线形串联结构,两层双坡;底层的中心是一个位于临水平台上 四面 可 开敞的明轩式客厅。
The north-eastern side one is parallel with the river and the north-western side one is perpendicular to the river.
刚果民主共和国〈简称刚果(金),以区别于刚果共和国——刚果(布)〉的民主进 四面 受 阻 ,政府依然摇摇欲坠。
The consolidation of democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is stalled
[...] on almost all fronts, and the Congolese [...]
regime remains fragile.
占据八面体的16d位,而八面体16c全部空位 四面 体 和 八面体共面连在一起为 锂离子的扩散提供了一个互相连通的三维隧道结构,锂离子沿着8a-16c-8a的路 径自由的脱出或嵌入。
All the empty positions of 16c in the octahedron, together with the shared face of tetrahedron and octahedron, form a linking three-D channel structure for the spreading of Li ion, which will come off or insert freely along the 8a-16c-8a path.
9年后,我们也应该清醒地认识到自己的短处,作为立足中国,希望树立中国品牌的临床CRO,面对着汹涌而至的来自全球各大CRO的咄咄逼人的攻势,我 四面 都 隐藏着巨大的威胁和挑战,不进则退,我们只有不断地提升自身的技术能力,改进执行力,向先进的公司学习先进的管理方法,更积极主动地去思考长久发展所需要的东西,打造真正专业的人才和团队,奠定更扎实的发展基础,我们才能够应付挑战,并战胜自己和对手,成为最终的胜者。
9 years later, we also should recognize our own shortcomings clearly, as a clinical CRO based on China and hoping to set up our own brand, facing the surging aggressive offensive from global large CROs, there are great threats and challenges hidden in all directions, not to advance is to go back, we only have to continually upgrade our technical ability, improve the power of implementation, learn the advanced methods of management from the advanced companies, more actively think about the requirements for long-term development, train real professional talents and build a professional team, lay a more solid basis of development, so we are able to cope with the challenges and conquer yourself and rivals, then become the final winner.
美國品牌DL1961採用最新牛仔布料 – XFIT Lycra® 製造,四面伸展 ,減少壓力 ,令牛仔褲能於多次穿著後仍保持原有剪裁及彈力 。
DL1961 is a denim brand from the US where they use a new XFIT Lycra® fabric on their denim range.
試驗樣品架採用平面分度式,可任意調整角度 四面 落 霧 均勻,受霧完全一致,測試結果準確,試驗樣品放置數量多。
We can put a large number of test samples on the rack under stable environment surrounded by uniform fog so as to get accurate result.
如果宠物四面不通 风,则在宠物箱的后上方和后下方各钻出七个直径为四分之三英寸的小孔。
(If the kennel does not
[...] have ventilation on four sides, modify the kennel [...]
by drilling seven holes in the rear top and seven
holes in the rear bottom of the kennel using a three-quarter inch keyhole bit.
暗褐色的成熟小坚果,半球四面体 , 约1.3毫米,疏生具刺具瘤,底部表面小,大小近等2侧面; 背面凸,变得的卵形,钝的棱在边缘,无梗; 正面的在3肋的接合的附件痕。
Mature nutlets dark brown,
[...] semiglobose-tetrahedral, ca. 1.3 mm, sparsely spinescent-tuberculate, adaxial bottom surface smaller, 2 lateral surfaces subequal [...]
in size; abaxial surfaces
convex, becoming ovate, obtuse ribbed at margin, sessile; attachment scar at juncture of 3 ribs adaxially.
这定义意味着教会的功能,不应单 四面 墙 的 范 围内,也应在职场、家庭、公园、校园或其他公共场所中,只要一班人聚集,有神临 在其中,他们又履行教会应有的元素,这班人就是教会了。
Whenever there is a group of people gathering with God among them, they fulfil the essential elements of the church, they are the church.
约克荣获 2007 年度欧洲旅游城市、英国遗产城市称号 四面 环 墙,依河而立,引人入胜的历史和现代的旅游景点交融相汇,造就了一座散发都市气息而又具 深厚内涵的城市。
Winner of European Tourism City of the Year 2007 and a British Heritage City, York is a walled, riverside city where the fascinating history and modern tourist attractions combine to make a cosmopolitan and sophisticated city.
整个建筑是一四面围合 的多重院落结构,围绕着内向的大尺度主庭院铺展;在其周围是一系列大小不一的分属不同功能空间的独立小院,这些庭院由不同的经营位置生成不同的空间性格,层层相应,左右逢源,形成宜人的工作环境。
These independent courtyards form different spatial features in a harmonious way, which create a pleasant working environment.
從現在至2009年9月,聳立在十六世紀建成的慶熙宮旁 四面 體 展館的結構將會定期切換,藉以盛載不同類型的作品 [...]
— 時裝(六角形/圓形)、電影(長方形)、藝術裝置及展覽(十字)。
A ‘container’ of the events, the structure is going to rotate from one event to the
other — starting with fashion (showing hexagon
[...] and circular facets), film (showing [...]
rectangular facet), art and proceed to the
final special event (showing cross-shaped facet).
要求商業機構以更有效方式使用能源 面 , 四 地 民 眾認為政府應該者有66%至80%不等,平均比率較世界平均數高12個百分比。
As for requiring businesses to use energy more efficiently, people of GCR regions who favored this range from 66% to 80%, while the GCR average is 12 percentage points higher than the world average.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配
办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和
[...] 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六 四 届 会 议通报这 面 的 努 力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the competitive examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at
all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the
[...] Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
9.16 何鍾泰議員歡迎香港的專業人士參與為重建項目提供 意見,但他強調,為確保公帑用得其所,以及保證工程竣工時 符合內地的最新質量要求,香港特區政府與四川省政府在監督 管理工作的責任上必須明確分工,而在確保建設工程的工程質 量和安全面,四川省 政府應負上最終責任。
9.16 Whilst welcoming the engagement of Hong Kong professionals in providing advice to the reconstruction projects, Ir Dr Raymond HO stressed that to ensure proper use of public money and the completion of works up to the latest quality requirements of the Mainland, there should be clear division of responsibilities between the HKSAR Government and the Sichuan Provincial Government in the monitoring work, and that the latter should be ultimately responsible for ensuring the engineering quality and safety of the construction works.
面四个例 子所示,虽然专家组的任务是调查“可能”违反制裁制度的 [...]
货物,18 但安全部队拒绝其接触相关货物使得专家组在证实可疑案件方面遇到极 大困难。
As the four examples above indicate, [...]
while the Group has a mandate to investigate “possible” shipments in violation of the
sanctions regime,18 it is extremely difficult for the Group to substantiate suspicious cases when security forces deny access to the shipments concerned.
在這面,四個支援服務中心 的其中三個的營運機構(即營辦 HOPE 支援服務中心的香港國際社會 服務社、營辦多元色彩閃耀坊的基督教勵行會,以及營辦元朗大會堂 [...]
少數族裔人士支援服務中心的元朗大會堂),在政制及內地事務局的資 助下,自 2000-01
年起為少數族裔提供廣東話及英文實用語言班,及 /或自二零零五及二零零六年起分別於油尖旺及元朗區營辦少數族裔 社區發展小組。
In this regard, operators of three of the four support service centres [...]
(namely, ISS-HK which operates the HOPE centre, Christian
Action which operates the SHINE Centre, and YLTH which operates the YLTH Support Service Centre) have been providing practical Cantonese and English programmes for adults from the ethnic minority communities since 2000-01 and / or Community Development Teams for Ethnic Minorities at Yau Tsim Mong and Yuen Long since 2005 and 2006 respectively, under CMAB’s sponsorship.




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