单词 | 四重奏 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 四重奏—quartet (musical ensemble)See also:奏—achieve play music present a memorial to the emperor (old)
1990年,匈牙利政府向高大宜弦乐四重奏颁发“杰出艺 术家奖”,1996年获颁巴尔托克帕兹托利奖。 yp.mo | In 1990 the Hungarian government [...] awarded the Outstanding Artist Prize to [...] the KodályString Quartet, and in1996 the [...]ensemble received the Bartók-Pásztory Prize. yp.mo |
高大宜弦乐四重奏成立 於1966年,在超过四十个年头里,乐团於世界各地表演,推广匈牙利的音乐传统以及高大宜超卓不凡的音乐理念。 yp.mo | The Kodály Quartet, formedin Budapest [...] in 1966, has continued to exemplify the greatest standards of the rich Hungarian [...]musical tradition, which it has carried on with such extraordinary distinction throughout the world during more than forty years of international appearances. yp.mo |
弗朗茨·约瑟夫·海顿(1732--1809),奥地利作曲家,指挥家,古典音乐最着名的作 曲家之一,被誉为“交响乐之父”和“弦乐四重奏之父”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Austrian composer and conductor, was one of the most prominent composers of the Classical period. unesdoc.unesco.org |
塔马斯先生研究与捷尔吉Pauk先生在市政厅音乐与戏剧,并在耶鲁大学的Syoko亚希女士学校,以及字符串四方性能与东京弦乐四重奏小提琴演奏。 internationalmusicacademy.ca | Mr. Tamas studied violin performance with Mr. György Pauk [...] at Guildhall School of [...] Music&Drama and Ms. Syoko AkiatYale University, as well as string quartet performance with the Tokyo String Quartet. internationalmusicacademy.ca |
虽然不能把一个作家联合会或作家协会看作 581-出 [...] 版业的一部分,但是利用类似的方法就可以确定一个企业或画家联合会、一个弦乐四重 奏乐队或知名摇滚乐队,投入商业运营后,它们能够产生可观的收入。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While an authors’ co-operative or writers circle might not be considered as part of 581x Publishing, a similar approach could [...] identify a business or co-operative of [...] painters,astring quartetora major rock [...]band, which could generate large earnings as a business. unesdoc.unesco.org |
香港弦乐四重奏由小提琴家王思恒创立於1993年,乐队精於奏演室内乐,致力参与香港校园及民间的艺术教育、音乐传播工作。 yp.mo | Devoted to [...] promoting chamber music, theQuartet hasmaderecordings [...]and radio broadcasts, participated in activities at [...]schools and hospitals and has organised a number of chamber music workshops for the young. yp.mo |
是对办公室环境的演绎再现,只是办公室的工作被音乐所取代。具体而言,这件作品采用四台办公室桌面打印机的声音,作为四重奏的唯一声音来源。 shanghaibiennale.org | Specifically, it employs [...] the noises of four office desktop printers as the sole sound source foramusical composition. shanghaibiennale.org |
现在乐团工作关於 10 的创意团队,其中拉赫玛尼弦乐四重奏的诺夫,俄罗斯交响乐团的全联盟比赛的获胜者民间乐器"俄罗斯纪念品,"集成 kazačej 歌曲"Ljubo"四重奏"索契惊喜"。 zimniy-teatr.g-sochi.ru | Now the Philharmonic works about10 creative teams, among them the winner of the [...] all-Union contestof StringQuartet of Rachmaninoff, the Orchestra of Russian folk instruments "Russian souvenir", the ensemble kazačej songs "Ljubo"Quartet "Sochi-surprise". g-sochi.ru |
拉弦乐器大提琴属於弦乐器中的低音乐器,其在弦乐四重奏中的地位和男低音在合唱中之地位相等。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The cello is a low pitch bowed string instrument, which serves a similar function as the bass in a choir. tomleemusic.com.hk |
乐团首度来澳献技,将带来一场包罗万有的音乐盛宴,包括贝多芬的经典四重奏、现代作曲家利夫. yp.mo | They draw inspiration from theexploding array of cultures and artistic energy found in their home of Brooklyn, New York. yp.mo |
从那之后,他开始随着洛杉矶吉他 四重奏一起学习古典吉他,并且在各种各样的hip hop组织中作DJ,还在放克和爵士团体中表演,和众多艺术家同台,像Lyrics [...] Born,KRS One,Living Legends等等。 yugongyishan.com | Since then, he has studied classical guitar with the [...] LA Guitar Quartet, DJed in various LA hip hop crews, played in various Funk [...]and Jazz groups, and [...]performed with various artists including Lyrics Born, KRS One, Living Legends, etc. He is part of Los Angeles Hip Hop group, The Oddibles, and Qingdao crew, Ding Zhen Ban (Thimble Clan). yugongyishan.com |
年轻时在John Coltrane’s四重奏乐团演奏,当时他的天份就已绽放光芒。 oris.ch | Even listening to him as a young musician in [...] John Coltrane’s quartet, his genius shines [...]through. oris.ch |
近期莫里纳利四重奏二度在瑞士指挥家查尔斯·迪图瓦(Charles Dutoit)执棒下与蒙特利尔交响乐团合作四重奏协奏曲;陆续亮相阿姆斯特丹艾斯布莱克音乐节、巴黎法国电台Présences系列音乐会、法国诺曼底十月音乐节、墨西哥现代音乐国际音乐节、魁北克现代音乐节、温哥华国际音乐节、温哥华新音乐节、加拿大班夫中心音乐季、多伦多音乐节、多伦多新音乐系列音乐会、多伦多夏季音乐节及大师课、渥太华国际室内乐音乐节、加拿大埃德蒙顿音乐节、奥赫佛国际音乐节、蒙特利尔现代音乐节、温尼皮格Ground [...][...] Swell音乐节等重要音乐活动。 wupromotion.com | TheMolinari Quartetwas heardtwice as the soloist with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra under Charles Dutoit and wasinvited to perform in numerous concert [...] series and festivals [...]including IJsbreker (Amsterdam), Présences (Radio-France, Paris), Festival Octobre en Normandie (France), IXth International Festival of contemporary music Musica Nueva (Mexico), Musiques au présent (Québec), Festival Vancouver, Vancouver New Music, Banff Centre, Music Toronto, New Music Concerts (Toronto), Toronto Summer Music Festival and Academy, Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival, Tonus Vivus (Edmonton), Orford Festival, Montréal / Nouvelles Musiques, Ground Swell (Winnipeg), Five-Penny concert series (Sudbury), etc. wupromotion.com |
因为对意中人的无限爱慕,他在去世前六个月倾尽心力,谱写出第二弦乐四重奏《心言》,作品充满对爱情的渴望与激情,撼人心扉,流传极广。 yp.mo | It has been Resident Quartet of Radio Television Hong Kong and the Hong Kong [...] Science and Technology University and has [...] received high critical acclaim,not only [...]in Hong Kong but also for its performances [...]in Beijing and at the Shanghai International Arts Festival. yp.mo |
该音乐会由西班 牙政府赞助,演奏者为和平使者 [...] Daniel Barenboim 大师和东西合集四 重奏。daccess-ods.un.org | A musical concert to observe the anniversary was organized by the Department in the General Assembly Hall, sponsored [...] by the Government of Spain and featuring Messenger of Peace Maestro Daniel Barenboim and the [...] West-Eastern DivanQuintet. daccess-ods.un.org |
高大宜弦乐四重奏专精於演绎最真实的高大宜作品,为後辈提供传统音乐文化的参考价值,备受重视。 yp.mo | TheQuartet has set asits main objective the authentic interpretation of the works of ZoltánKodály and [...] places tremendous importance [...]on the values and traditions that Kodály conceived as essential in musical culture. yp.mo |
1930 年代,他从精确的结构形式(钢琴狂想曲、托卡塔和奏鸣 曲,二弦四重奏以及管乐五重奏)中发现了一种无调性结构的新的表现形式。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the 1930s, he found a new form of expression in an atonal framework, by means of concise structural forms (Rhapsody, [...] Toccata and Sonata for Piano, twostring quartets, and a Quintet [...]for Wind Instruments). unesdoc.unesco.org |
他最着名的作品有:时间的终点四重奏、一部 大型大管弦乐作品图朗加里拉交响曲,以及一部歌剧,他还为其写了剧本(圣弗朗索 瓦·达西斯)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | His most famous [...] works includeQuatuor pourla fin du temps, a large-scale orchestral work [...]Turangalîlasymphonie and an opera, [...]for which he also wrote the libretto (Saint François d'Assise). unesdoc.unesco.org |
瓦德四重奏演奏即兴当代音乐,根植于北欧歌咏和世界音乐。 norway.org.cn | Varde is improvised contemporary music , rooted in nordic chanting and world-music. norway.cn |
他撰写的音乐文章范畴甚广,从文艺复兴时期的蒙台威尔第到後现代音乐家史特拉汶斯基的研究也有。出版刊物包括:《贝多芬的加利钦弦乐四重奏》 (普林斯顿1994) 及《绝对音乐及结构的意义》(剑桥1999)。 hkphil.org | He has written widely on music, from Monteverdi to Stravinsky; his publications include The ‘Galitzin’Quartets ofBeethoven (Princeton, 1994) and Absolute Music and the Construction of Meaning (Cambridge, 1999). hkphil.org |
四位来自美国纽约布鲁克林的骑士,由殿堂级的卡耐基音乐厅,一路驰骋至当代音乐盛典南西南音乐节,以前人所无的冒险精神,打破传统流派框框,将古典、爵士、民谣和原创等不同的音乐领域,加料重新炮制,成立短短六年,已将具有悠悠三百年历史的弦乐四重奏一新耳目,乐团亦因此成为二十一世纪重要的创新演奏组合,获得锺爱不同乐种的乐迷一致激赏。 yp.mo | The members of the group are classically trained musicians with several parallel projects who are also elite veterans of Yo-Yo Ma’s Silk Road Ensemble. yp.mo |
曾於音乐厅演出的知名中外乐团、演奏家和演唱家包括纽约交响乐团、克里夫兰乐团、维也纳交响乐团、英国皇家管弦乐团、圣彼得堡室乐合唱团、亚蒂密斯弦乐四重奏、萨尔斯堡室乐团、Bee Gees、马友友、艾锡. cityhall.gov.hk | Famous local and overseas orchestras, instrumentalists and vocalists who had performed in the Concert Hall included New York Philharmonic Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, St. Petersburg Chamber Choir, Artemis Quartet, Camerata Salzburg, Bee Gees, Yo-Yo Ma, [...] Issac Stern, Emanuel Ax, Vienna Boys' [...] Choir, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Marcel Marceau, [...]Stuttgart Ballet, Royal Danish Ballet and [...]People's Liberation Army Comrade Dance Troupe. cityhall.gov.hk |
他曾参加过德国青年音乐家室内乐课程、阿斯彭音乐学校高级弦乐四重奏课程、Encore弦乐暑期学校、松树山音乐节、麦道芒夏季音乐学校和东方音乐节培训课程。 wupromotion.com | Festivals in which Mr. Richardson has participated include the Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland International Chamber Music [...] Course, Aspen Music Festival and School [...] Advanced StringQuartet Program,ENCORE [...]School for Strings, Pine Mountain Music [...]Festival, Meadowmount Music Festival, and Eastern Music Festival. wupromotion.com |
被《弦乐》杂志(String [...] Magazine)誉为「室内乐的将来」的型格弦乐四重奏组合「布鲁克林骑士」,演奏难度之高,音乐领域涉足之广,傲视同侪,绝对非常经典。 yp.mo | The intrepid, genre-defying, Brooklyn Rider combines a widely diverse repertoire with a [...] fascinating performing style that is attracting [...] fans and drawingcritical acclaimfrom classical, [...]world and even rock critics. yp.mo |
如果我们要做到这一点,我认为,我们应当 在未来数月特别注重四个问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | If we are to achieve this, I [...] believe we should focus on four issues inparticular [...]in the coming months. daccess-ods.un.org |
大会第六十四届会议请科学委员会继续进行其工作,包括进行重要的 活动, 以增加对一切来源之电离辐射量、影响和危险的认识;请科学委员会下届会议继 续审查电离辐射领域的各项重要问题,并就此向大会第六十五届会议提出报告; 并决心资源分配一旦确定,便在科学委员会第五十七届会议后,但不迟于大会第 六十四届会议结束前,就委员会的组成作出决定(第 [...] 64/85 号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Atits sixty-fourth session, theGeneral Assembly requested the Scientific Committee to continue its work, includingits importantactivities to increase [...] knowledge of the [...]levels, effects and risks of ionizing radiation from all sources; requested the Scientific Committee to continue at its next session the review of the important questions in the field of ionizing radiation and to report thereon to the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session; and resolved to take a decision on the membership of the Scientific Committee once a decision on resource allocation had been made and after the fifty-seventh session of the Scientific Committee but no later than the end of the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly (resolution 64/85). daccess-ods.un.org |
猫头鹰,携带P太太暮光之琵琶,被引导到一个神社运行的神谕针鼹(巴里·奥托),他的五 重奏和指导,他们追求的对象提供漫画,但准确的描述。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The owls, carrying Mrs. P in Twilight’s lute, are guided to a shrine run by an oracular echidna (Barry Otto), who provides comic, but accurate, descriptions of thequintet and guidance to the object of their quest. seekcartoon.com |
他解释说,这项倡议主要侧重四个领域,对参与者进行教育,让 他们了解毒品和暴力活动的危害,不仅要教会他们作出正确决定,学会抵制同龄 [...] 人的不良影响,还要告诉他们如何采取其他积极解决办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | He explained that the [...] initiativewouldbe focusedon fourareas, which would [...]provide participants with education about the [...]pitfalls of drugs and violence and provide positive alternatives, in addition to teaching them about how to make good decisions and how to resist negative peer pressure. daccess-ods.un.org |