

单词 四邻八舍

See also:


one's nearest neighbors

External sources (not reviewed)

它动员了邻右舍或村子的妇 女,为她们创造了在保健、营养和学习方法方面进行培 [...]
It mobilizes the
[...] women of the neighbourhood or village, [...]
for whom this is an opportunity for training and learning in terms
of health, nutrition and learning approaches.
皮克顿青年舍邻近火 车站、巴士站和岛际(Interislander)渡轮码头,是探索新西兰南北岛完美的交通枢纽。
Close to the train and bus stations and Interislander
[...] ferry terminal YHA Picton Wedgwood [...]
House is the perfect hub for exploring the
North and South Islands of New Zealand.
中國中信集團公司及 GE 現時分別擁有 本公司已發行股本百分之三十七點五九及百分之三十六 八四 之 實 益權益 。
CITIC Group and GE have now a beneficial interest in 37.59% and 36.84% respectively of the issued share capital of the Company.
可持续发展的房屋政策,亦须顾及居民的福祉,以及他们的家 邻舍 和 城 市的关系。
Sustainable housing policies must also take into account the social wellbeing of residents and the relationships of homes to their neighbourhood and city.
阿希帕拉背包客&假日公园青年舍毗 邻 凯 塔 亚林克斯高尔夫球场(Kaitaia Links [...]
Golf Course),客人还可以从旅舍方便地去往商店、外卖店和一间餐厅。
The YHA Ahipara Backpackers
[...] & Holiday Park hostel is adjacent to Kaitaia Links [...]
Golf Course and within easy reach of shops, takeaways and a restaurant.
你可在‘伯明翰家居 有选择’(Birmingham Home Choice)网页(第 9
[...] 页)点击 (联络信息)按键来更改你的个人资料,或者联 络你当地邻舍办事处。
You can change your details by clicking on the button on the Birmingham Home Choice website (page 9) or
[...] contact your local neighbourhood office.
可惜 , 政 府
[...] 在數月前,只 簡 單 地 以 成 本效益和 顧問檢討為理 由,擱 置了四期的109 所 學 校 的 改善工程,於是連同第 五八期的 390 所舍 , 即 共 500 所 的 中小 學 校 的 改善工程都 遙遙無期, 學 生 仍 [...]
然要在低 於 , 甚 至是遠 低 於 標 準 的環境 和 設施中 上 課 。
Unfortunately, a few months ago, the
[...] Government shelved the improvement works of 109 school premises in phase 4 of the SIP on the mere account of cost-effectiveness [...]
and a review
to be conducted by consultants.
但应指出,除第三十六、三八、四 十 三 、四十六和六十 六届会议外,自第三十二届会议起,主席均以鼓掌方式选出。
It should be noted, however, that since the thirty-second
session, with the exception of the
[...] thirty-sixth, thirty-eighth, forty-third, forty-sixth [...]
and sixty-sixth sessions, the President
has been elected by acclamation.
日本政府在工作组八十四、八十五和八十六届会议上与工作组会见并 讨论了有关未决案件的进展。
The Government of Japan met with the Working
[...] Group at its eighty-fourth, eighty-fifth and [...]
eighty-sixth sessions to discuss developments
relating to outstanding cases.
委员会第七次会议还审议了 35 C/COM SHS/DR.1(提案国:刚果民主共和国;附议 国:阿尔及利亚、安哥拉、比利时、贝宁、中国、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、科特迪瓦、厄瓜多
[...] 塞内加尔、南非、苏丹、泰国、多哥、乌干达、坦桑尼亚联合共和国及赞比亚),请执行局 在第八四届会 议上对定稿的可行性报告进行分析,决定以大会的名义将第 [...]
2 类地位授予该 地区中心,并授权总干事签署教科文组织与代表大湖地区国家的刚果民主共和国政府之间关
During its seventh meeting, the Commission also examined 35 C/COM SHS/DR.1 (submitted by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and co-sponsored by Algeria, Angola, Belgium, Benin, China, Colombia, Comoros, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guinea, India, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of
Tanzania and Zambia), inviting the Executive
[...] Board, at its 184th session, to analyse [...]
the finalized feasibility study, to decide
on its behalf on the granting of category 2 status to the regional centre, and to authorize the Director-General to sign an Agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on behalf of the Great Lakes Countries, establishing the regional centre.3 30.
我就这样长大, 直到我满 11 岁,我的幸福时光到此结束……通 常,四舍五邻的成 年人下地干活,走得很远的 时候,小孩子们会一起聚在邻居的房子周围玩 耍,而且其中一些孩子往往都会爬到树上,看看 有没有可能冲我们来的凶徒或人贩子,因为有的 时候这些人会趁我们的父母不在时袭击我们,能 抢走多少孩子就抢走多少……但是,天哪,不久 后我的命运就是这样被袭击和掳走……有一天, 当我们家所有人像平常一样出外干活,只有我和 我的妹妹被留下来看家,两个男人和一个女人翻 过我家的墙,立即抓住我们俩,根本不给我们哭 喊或者抵抗的时间。
In this way I grew up till I was turned the age of eleven, when an end was put to my happiness ... Generally, when the grown people in the neighbourhood were gone far in the fields to labour, the children assembled together in some of the neighbours’ premises to play, and commonly some of us used to get up a tree to look out for any assailant or kidnapper that might come upon us; for they sometimes took those opportunities of our parents’ absence to attack and carry off as many as they could seize.
本文件中的所有数据均为初步统计 数据,有待进行外部审计,并且由于经 四舍 五 入 ,各金额相加后不一定与总额 相符。
All figures in the present document are provisional subject to external audit and may not add up to the totals due to rounding.
在 “來臨,”之後加上“加上政府政策不利青年人,”;及在緊接句號 之前刪除“及 (四 ) 從教育和社會文化入手,投放資源,提升網絡公 民素質,以及推廣理性、互信、互相尊重的溝通模式,從而有效 凝聚社會智慧”,並以“(四 ) 推 廣社會對青年議政採開放態度,包 括其表達意見的形式,以維護其表達的權利;(五 ) 完善選民登記 制度,使年滿八歲的 青年人可以盡快參與投票;及(六 ) 修訂《電 訊條例》及廣播政策,提供大氣電波及電視廣播平台,令青年人 可以充分行使言論及發表自由”代替。
To add "coupled with the fact that the Government's policies are not beneficial to young people," after "network era,"; and to delete "and (d) starting from education and social culture, to allocate resources to enhance the quality of the network citizens, and to promote a way of communication based on reasons, mutual trust and mutual respect, thereby bringing together social wisdom effectively" immediately before the
full stop and substitute
[...] with "(d) to promote an open attitude in society towards young people's political commentaries, including the ways they express their opinions, so as to uphold their right of expression; (e) to improve the voter registration system, so that young people reaching the age of 18 can [...]
participate in voting
as early as possible; and (f) to amend the Telecommunications Ordinance and broadcasting policies to provide the airwaves and the television broadcasting platform for young people to fully exercise their freedom of speech and expression.
因此,由四舍五入 的原因,总额可能与各金额相 加数不符。
Hence totals may not add up due to rounding.
位於小西灣 的樓宇,亦會由社會福利署撥給㆒個非政府福利機構作同 樣用途;這間宿舍則會在本八、九月間投入服務。
The premises at Siu Sai Wan Estate will also be allocated by the Social Welfare Department to a non-government welfare organization to provide a similar service in about August or September this year.
迄今为止,以武汉为中心的城市群(含另 八 个 邻 近 城 市)的交通投资已达$9.5亿美元。
To date, investment in transport of the Wuhan-centred city cluster
[...] (including another eight neighboring cities) has reached [...]
approximately US$950m.
如果你仍不清楚, 请与当地邻舍办事处联络。
If you are unsure, please contact your local neighbourhood office.
該條例上次在一八四年進行大規模檢討和修訂,現時大致與英國《1948 [...]
年公司法》 所載的主要公司法改革,以及其後的一些改革( 例如 《 1976 年公司法》所載的改革) 一致。
It was last substantially reviewed [...]
and amended in 1984, and is broadly in line with the major United Kingdom (UK) company
law reforms contained in the Companies Act 1948 and some subsequent reforms, such as those contained in the Companies Act 1976.
在已经消失的舞厅、谷仓和鸡棚旁边,还有一个可爱的 舍 , 它 毗 邻 跨 坐 河上的石桥,河中鲤鱼攒动。
Located next to a ballroom, a barn and a hen house
which have all
[...] disappeared, the charming dovecote still stands near [...]
the stone bridge which spans the carp-populated river.
[...] 購入近期收購電訊盈科中心的一家公司百分之二十 權益,以及購入蛇口集裝箱碼頭II期百分之七 四八 股權
Capital expenditure and investments are mainly in respect of construction costs for Three Pacific Place, the purchase of a 20% interest in the company
which recently acquired the PCCW Tower and
[...] the acquisition of 7.48% shareholding [...]
of Shekou Container Terminals Phase II.
宜人的19世纪的农舍已被广泛地装修,以高标准的所有者·S家庭为5年,直到大约12年前,当他们移动到 邻 的 房 子,让 舍 , 可用于为房屋租赁。
The delightful 19th century farmhouse has been extensively renovated to a high standard and was the owner?s family home for 5 years until about
12 years ago, when they moved into
[...] the adjacent house, allowing the farmhouse to be available [...]
for use as a holiday rental.
人力资产指数的列入阈值定为指数在 60 个国家中排在第三个四分之一位 置,但在指数彼此非常相近时加以调整 四舍 五 入 到整数。
The HAI threshold for inclusion is determined by the index number corresponding to the third quartile in the ranking of the 60 countries, but adjusted in case the HAI scores are very close to each other and rounded to whole numbers.
此外,四川省邻近成 都市的地区发生地震后,Ahura Scientific捐赠了FirstDefender仪器并投入使用。
In addition, Ahura Scientific donated a FirstDefender instrument for use
[...] following the Sichuan Province earthquake just outside [...]
of Chengdu city.
奥玛鲁红壶青年旅舍(YHA Oamaru, Red
[...] Kettle)是一家传统的小型家庭式舍 , 毗 邻 灌 木 海滩风景保护区(Bushy Beach [...]
Scenic Reserve),距奥玛鲁(Oamaru)镇中心与迷人的历史区(Historic District)仅数分钟路程。
YHA Oamaru, Red Kettle is a small,
[...] traditional and homely hostel located close to [...]
the Bushy Beach Scenic Reserve and just
minutes from the Oamaru town centre and attractive Historic District.
如二零四年八月二十六日召開之股東週年大會通過建議, 末期股息將於二零零四年九月八日派發予二零 四八 月 二十 六日名列股東名冊之全體股東。
Subject to approval of the Annual General Meeting to be held on 26 August 2004, the final dividend will be payable on 8 September 2004 to all shareholders on register as at 26 August 2004.
[...] 2010 年 7 月开始,目 的是向地理位邻近的四个特 派团,即联黎部队、联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观 [...]
察员部队)、联合国塞浦路斯维持和平部队(联塞部队)和联合国停战监督组织(停 战监督组织)提供协调一致的信息和通信技术服务。
The consolidated regional service, started in July 2010, aims to provide for a coordinated delivery of
information and communications
[...] technology services to the four missions in geographical [...]
proximity, namely UNIFIL, the United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).
現 時 醫 管 局 的 老 人 科 外 展 服 務 , 於 隨 後 三 年 逐 步 加 強 , 並 於 下 年 度 涵 蓋 另 外八 十 間 安 老舍 。
The Hospital Authority will gradually strengthen its geriatric outreach services in the next three years, covering about 80 more residential care homes for the elderly next year.
在洲与洲之间、城市与城市之间邻 里 地 区 四 周 、 以及进入到家庭和数字化消费者的生意之中,我们提供合适的光纤、光学电缆和组件,以进行高效率、低成本的传送。
Between continents, between cities, around neighborhoods, and into homes and businesses of digital consumers we provide the right optical fiber, optical cable and components for efficient, cost-effective transmission.
12.2.3 蔴 雀或天九牌照的簽發條件是規定年未滿 18 歲的人士不准 在該有關牌照的地方玩這些遊戲(見賭博條例(香港法例第 四八 章) 第二十二條(3)款及賭博規例 5A)。
12.2.3 The prescribed conditions upon which a majong or tin kau licence is granted provide that no person under the age of 18 years shall be permitted to play such games in premises to which the licence relates (see section 22(3) Gambling Ordinance (Cap. 148) and Form 5A Gambling Regulations) .
由行政長官根 據《基本法》四十八(四 )條發 布 的行政命令可提供法律基礎 ,令特區 政府可以保留繼續管理公務人員的行政權力。
An executive order issued by the Chief Executive under Article 48(4) of the Basic Law provides the legal backing to enable the SAR Government to preserve its executive authority for the continued administration of the public service.




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