单词 | 四舍五入 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 四舍五入 —discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)less common: round up to the nearest integer
因此,由于四舍五入的原 因,总额可能与各金额相 加数不符。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence totals may not add up due to rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
工发组织解释称,工发组织进度报告与秘书处核定项目清单之间有(14)美元的差 异,该差异是由工发组织将需调整的 四舍五入 引 起 的。 multilateralfund.org | UNIDO explained that US $(14) discrepancy between the UNIDO’s Progress Report and the Secretariat’s inventory of approved projects is a rounding difference which UNIDO would need to adjust. multilateralfund.org |
实际达到的评分均四舍五入到最近 的整数。 multilateralfund.org | Points earned are rounded to the nearest whole number. multilateralfund.org |
人力资产指数的列入阈值定为指数在 60 [...] 个国家中排在第三个四分之一位 置,但在指数彼此非常相近时加以调整 并 四舍五入 到 整 数。 daccess-ods.un.org | The HAI threshold for inclusion is determined by the index number corresponding to the third quartile in the [...] ranking of the 60 countries, but adjusted in case the HAI scores are very close to [...] each other and rounded to whole numbers. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件中的所有数据均为初步统计 数据,有待进行外部审计,并且由于经 过 四舍五入 , 各 金额相加后不一定与总额 相符。 daccess-ods.un.org | All figures in the present document are provisional subject to external audit and may not add up to the totals due to rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
这将使(12)美元的出入无法获得解释,并构成了未完结核对项目,工发组织认为 这是四舍五入引起的出入。 multilateralfund.org | This would leave a US $(12) difference unexplained and constitute an outstanding reconciling item which UNIDO considers to be a rounding difference. multilateralfund.org |
另一成员表示,她反对核准向 [...] 报告氟氯烃消费量为零的国家提供编制经费,除非臭氧秘书处将非常少量的氟氯烃消费量 四舍五入为零。 multilateralfund.org | Another Member said that she was against approving preparation funding for countries with zero reported HCFC [...] consumption, except when very small amounts of HCFC [...] consumption had been rounded down to zero [...]by the Ozone Secretariat. multilateralfund.org |
由于四舍五入,数 字相加可能与总数略有出入。 daccess-ods.un.org | Figures may not add to totals owing to rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
旁注: [...] 将英亩换算成公顷,将磅换 算成公吨可能导致小的统计 偏差或总数字上四舍五入算 法的差异。 barthhaasgroup.com | Due to the conversion of acres into [...] hectares (ha) and lbs into metric tons (mt) there are slight [...] statistical deviations or rounding differences in [...]the sum totals. barthhaasgroup.com |
该委员会建议联大和共同制度各组织从 2002 年 1 月 1 日起将欧元作为发放在此之前一 直是用欧元区 12 个国家的国家货币来计算的那一部分薪酬的正式货币;这一部分薪酬的数 [...] 额应采取先按照固定的汇率折算然后再在一位数上进 行 四舍五入 的 计 算方式折算成欧元。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Commission recommended to the General Assembly and to the organizations that effective 1 January 2002, the euro should be used as the official currency for those emoluments which until then had been set in the national currencies of the 12 euro-zone countries; those [...] amounts would be converted by applying the respective fixed [...] conversion rates and then rounded up or down to the [...]nearest euro. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由 于 种 植 面 积 数 字 的 四 舍 五 入 , 总 数 可 能 会 有 差额。 barthhaasgroup.com | There may be differences in the sum totals due to acreage figures being rounded up or down. barthhaasgroup.com |
世界银行进度报告与秘书处核定项目清单之间有 5 美元的出入,该出入也是由于四 舍五入所引起的。 multilateralfund.org | The difference of US $5 for the World Bank also results from rounding between the World Bank’s Progress Report and the Secretariat’s inventory of approved projects. multilateralfund.org |
因四舍五入,表 内数字加起来不一定等于总数。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tables may not [...] add up exactly due to rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
请注意,如果一个头寸的掉期货币值一日内处于-0.005和0.005之间,它会自 动 四舍五入 为 0。 activtrades.cn | Please note that if the monetary value of the swap for a position is comprised between -0.005 and 0.005 for a day, it will be automatically rounded to 0. activtrades.co.uk |
为顾及当前审查中所观察到的这两个调整因素的减少,并 假定同样的比例适用于 [...] 当前的审查结果,可得出 2.64%的增长率,四舍五入的话也就是 3.00%的增长率。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to accommodate the observed reduction in these two adjustment factors at the current review, by assuming that the same proportion applies to the [...] results of the current review, an increase of [...] 2.64 per cent, or a rounded up increase of 3.00 [...]per cent, could be obtained. daccess-ods.un.org |
财务报表、附表和附注 内的数额四舍五入至千美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The amounts in the financial statements, schedules and notes are rounded to the nearest thousands of United States dollars. daccess-ods.un.org |
该数额加 上终点站费用,四舍五入后得出统一的一次性总付额 750 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | This amount is rounded up to a flat lump sum of $750 to include a small consideration for terminal expenses. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于对实际缉获量四舍五入,区域和全球缉获总量的数字可能有差异。 incb.org | Discrepancies may occur with the regional total seizure figures and the world total figures because of rounding to whole numbers of the actual quantities seized. incb.org |
工发组织还解释称,有 11,612 美元的金额与在 2011 年向财务主任报告的 5 个项目的累计支出有关,需要在 2012 年予以调整,剩下(6)美元出入可能 是 四舍五入 引 起 的。 multilateralfund.org | UNIDO also explains that the amount of US $11,612 is related to cumulative expenditure for 5 projects reported to the Treasurer in 2011 that needs to be adjusted in 2012, leaving US $(6) difference that may be due to rounding differences. multilateralfund.org |
由于表格没有列出最小整数的分数,因此必要 时四舍五入。 incb.org | As fractions of full [...] units are not listed in the tables, figures are rounded as necessary. incb.org |
(b) 有资格获奖励的会员国的奖励分,应按文件 126 EX/35 附件 VI [...] 的详细规定加权计 算,并考虑会费交纳的日期与数额(按千美元整 数 四舍五入 unesdoc.unesco.org | (b) the incentive points of eligible Member States shall be calculated by reference to the weighted scale shown in Annex VI of document 126 [...] EX/35, taking into account dates and amounts of [...] contributions paid, rounded to the nearest [...]thousand United States dollars unesdoc.unesco.org |
注:由于经过四舍五入,各 数值相加后不一定与总数相符。 daccess-ods.un.org | Values may not sum to total due to rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
表 1 显示环境规划署记录与秘书处核定项目清单之间有 28,189 [...] 美元的差异,该差 异是环境规划署即将在进度报告中予以调整的 SIL/SEV/35/TAS/01 项目的 21,960 美元和 秘书处即将在清单中针对 [...] AFG/SEV/43/CPG/02 项目调整的 6,232 美元之和,四舍五入差 额为 3 美元。 multilateralfund.org | The discrepancy of US $-28,189 between UNEP’s records and the Secretariat’s inventory reflected in table 1 is the sum of US $-21,960 against project SIL/SEV/35/TAS/01 to be adjusted in the progress report by UNEP and US $-6,232 [...] against project AFG/SEV/43/CPG/02 to be adjusted by the Secretariat in the [...] Inventory, leaving a rounding difference of US $3. multilateralfund.org |
而2011年的初步数据表明,产量已增加至 [...] 1.54亿吨,其中1.31亿吨供人类食用(见表1及图1,所有数字均 经 四舍五入 )。 fao.org | Capture fisheries and aquaculture supplied the world with about 148 million tonnes of fish in 2010 (with a total value of US$217.5 billion), of which about 128 million tonnes was utilized as food for people, and preliminary data for 2011 indicate increased production of 154 million [...] tonnes, of which 131 million tonnes was destined as food (Table 1 and Figure 1, all data [...] presented are subject to rounding). fao.org |
注:因四舍五入,按 优先领域分列的行动份额之和不等于总数。 daccess-ods.un.org | Note: The share of actions by priority area does not add up to the total because of rounding. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于四舍五入缘故,表中所列数字和百分数加起来不一定等于总数。 vi.unctad.org | x Because of rounding, details and percentages presented in tables do not necessarily add up to the totals. vi.unctad.org |
表 1 显示环境规划署记录与秘书处核定项目清单之间有 3,984 美元的差异,该差异 包括退回执行委员会第五十八次会议的余款数额 及 四舍五入 引 起 的 4 美元的出入,环境规 划署记录未对前一部分的数额做出调整,其为 SAM/SEV/25/PRP/05 项目 3,900 美元的退 回额与 SIL/REF/41/TRA/08 项目 81 美元的退回额之和。 multilateralfund.org | The discrepancy of US $3,984 between UNEP’s records and the Secretariat’s inventory reflected in table 1 is the sum of an amount of US $3,900 against project SAM/SEV/25/PRP/05, and US $81 against project SIL/REF/41/TRA/08 returned to the 58th meeting of the Executive Committee and not adjusted in UNEP’s records, together with a rounding difference of US $4. multilateralfund.org |
虽然,excel的单元格格式中允许你定义小数位数,但是在实际操作中,我们发现,其实数字本身并没有真正 的 四舍五入 , 只是显示结果似 乎 四舍五入 了。 oapdf.com | Although, excel cells format allows you to define the number of decimal places, but in actual operation, we found that, in fact, the number itself does not truly rounded, but the results seem to show that the rounding. oapdf.com |
为纠正四舍 五入造成 的 4 美元的误差,还应通过在 2008 年进行分录,调整受影响的项目,以便把财务 报表中的支出也恢复到正确的数额。 multilateralfund.org | Another adjustment to correct the rounding error of US $4 should be made via a journal entry in 2008 against affected projects to restore the expenditures in the financial statements to the correct level. multilateralfund.org |
为了解 决在两个地点租房所需费用,加上了带家属和不带家属工作地点的平均房租阈值 2 110 美元,使总数达到 3 185 美元,四舍五入后为每月 3 200 美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | To account for the cost of renting accommodations in both locations, an average of the rental thresholds for both family and non-family duty stations was added, namely $2,110. daccess-ods.un.org |