单词 | 四川大地震 | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | 四川大地震—Great Sichuan Earthquake (2008)See also:四川n—Sichuann 大地震n—massive earthquaken 大地震—great earthquake 大大地adv—welladv
该双年度伊始,教科文组织参与实施了联合国在阿 [...] 富汗和巴基斯坦采取的统一应对措施,包括在中国四川大地震、古巴和海地飓风、缅甸热带 气旋纳尔吉斯和纳米比亚洪灾发生后一个时期以及伊拉克重建过程中采取的统一应对措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since the start of the biennium, UNESCO has participated in United Nations coordinated responses in [...] Afghanistan, Pakistan and in the [...] aftermathof the Sichuan earthquake in China, the hurricanes [...]in Cuba and Haiti, the cyclone [...]Nargis in Myanmar, the floods in Namibia, and in the reconstruction of Iraq. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,怡安曾捐款支持青海玉树、四川大地震及南亚地震和海啸的灾民。 aon.com | For example, we donated money to support [...] the reliefs of SichuanEarthquake andSouthAsia Earthquake & Tsunami. aon.com |
四川大地震,LA NEIGE及Sulwhasoo 赈灾义卖活动共筹得70多万,全数不扣除成本拨捐香港红十字会,予四川地震灾民救援及重建之用。 amorepacific.com.hk | A Charity sale, jointly [...] organized by LANEIGE and Sulwhasoo, raised over HK$700,000, with all proceeds [...]being donated to the Hong [...]Kong Red Cross to save lives and rebuild homes of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake. amorepacific.com.hk |
代表团首先参观位於北京和上海的历 史文化地标,其後又到四川省绵阳市 及都江堰市,探访四川大地震的灾民 及救援人员。 cusef.org.hk | Under the [...] Foundation-sponsored program, the SIIS also hosted [...]visits by U.S. scholars from Princeton University and a delegation from Texas A&M Universitylast year. cusef.org.hk |
六月时,有一些父母针对2008年 四川大地震时倒塌的学校数量进行示威,他提供协助,随即被捕。 amccsm.org | He had been detained in June after offering to help parents protesting about the number of schools that collapsed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. amccsm.org |
希望种子”这个概念源于2008年发生在 四川的大地震。 ycis-bj.com | Seeds of Hope is a concept born out of the overwhelming [...] tragedy of the Sichuanearthquake in 2008. ycis-bj.com |
国际竹藤组织就是在顺应“低碳”的时代潮流以及 四川“ 5·12大地震”灾 后重建的两个大背景下与四川省林业厅、欧盟项目创新中心和比荷卢商会一起申请并执行欧盟援助项目Switch-Asia下的 [...] “四川灾后生计恢复与生态型竹产业链建设” 子项目。 eupic.org.cn | In conformance with the world trend of “low-carbon” [...] and post-disaster [...] reconstruction of “5.12 Earthquake”happened in Sichuan in2008,the International [...]Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), along withSichuan Forestry Department, European Union [...]Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC), and Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, applied and carried out the sub-item under Switch-Asia project, “Sustainable Revival of Livelihoods in Post-Disaster Sichuan: Enhancing Eco-friendly Pro-poor Bamboo Production Supply Chains to Support the Reconstruction Effort”. eupic.org.cn |
除了慢跑比赛外,当天还设有慈善义卖,善款已用于资助在四川汶川大地震的受难者,我们的同事在义卖活动中也都慷慨解囊。 deloitte.com | Deloitte China team members also [...] contributed to the bazaar charity sale, which was held on that day to [...] raise donation for the victims in Sichuan Earthquake. deloitte.com |