单词 | 四处 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 四处 —all over the placeless common: everywhere and all directions Examples:四处走访 n—round n 四处地 adv—round adv
你可以看到它在屏幕上四处疾驰 ,碾碎一切挡道的东西。 javakaiyuan.com | You can see it gallop around the screen , all crushed out of the way of things . javakaiyuan.com |
在尼日利亚,卫生基础设施不完善,而且有关小儿麻痹症疫苗副作用的谣 言 四处 散 播,因此造成小儿麻痹症病毒肆虐。 unicef.org | There, weak health infrastructure and widespread rumours about vaccine side effects contributed to the spread of the crippling virus. unicef.org |
其中两处涉及到对可移动文化财产 的保护,另外四处是不 可移动的世界遗产遗 址。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two concern the protection of moveable cultural [...] property and the other four are immovable World [...]Heritage Sites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
中石化和中石油也四处发展海 上石油项目。 crisisgroup.org | Sinopec and CNPC are also turning elsewhere to expand into offshore. crisisgroup.org |
这将使以 色列融入中东地区,改变四处受敌 的心态,这种心态 不会带来安全、稳定、和平、睦邻友好或合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | It would integrate Israel into the region, replacing its recourse to a citadel mentality, which does not bring about security, stability, peace, good-neighbourliness or cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员”是在美国、日本和欧洲联盟的操纵下产生的,因上述国家的 支持和庇护而存在,只不过是为了代表这些国家的利益 而 四处 奔 走 的一个傀儡。 daccess-ods.un.org | The “Special Rapporteur”, who originated as a result of the machinations of the United States, Japan and the European Union and has been existing with the backing and patronage of these countries, is only a marionette running here and there in order to represent the interests of these countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
以前她喜欢待在家里,现在她喜欢 四处走动,享受生活。 glenraven.com | While she tended to stay home in the past, today she is on the go and enjoying life. glenraven.com |
他们黎明时到达,稍作休息,当天用了大 部分时间骑车在加布棉四处勘查 警所以选定袭击目 标。 crisisgroup.org | They arrived at dawn, rested, then spent much of the day driving around Kebumen surveying police posts to choose which one to target. crisisgroup.org |
例如,您可能需要切实的 直接帮助(例如,您需要他人提供有关您能力的证明,以获取某 个职位或研究基金),此时,您的网络可以通 过 四处 “ 宣扬您和 您的工作如何如何出色”,为您创造巨大的价值。 biggerbrains.com | For example, you may need tangible direct assistance such as references for another position or a Fellowship, and your network can be of great value indirectly by “singing the praises of you and your work” to others. biggerbrains.com |
然后,挖化石后,比利,小敏和严峻 的 四处 流 浪,找到一个废弃的矿井,比利被捕获了一个巨大的,突变的鸡。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Then, after digging for fossils, Billy, Mandy and Grim wander around and find an abandoned mine, where Billy is captured by a giant, mutant chicken. seekcartoon.com |
(6) 本条与关于国家对国际不法行为的责任的第 23 [...] 条在案文上的不同之处仅在 于本条在一处用“国际组织”一词代替了“国家”,且在另 外 四处 使 用 了“组 织”一词。 daccess-ods.un.org | (6) The text of the present article differs from that of article 23 on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts only because the [...] term “State” has been replaced once with the term “international [...] organization” and four times with the term [...]“organization”. daccess-ods.un.org |
身体坠落、炸开;散落四处,作 为王室象征的宝座上的国王的画像被放在一边,不再被新的领导人需要。 shanghaibiennale.org | The body falls and explodes; bo dy [...] parts are flung everywhere and a portrait [...]of the King seated on his throne is set [...]aside as a symbol of the royal family is not needed by the new leaders . shanghaibiennale.org |
为了检验您的 EPS 设计是否符合能效标准,您是否不得 不 四处 查 询 参考资料? digikey.cn | Are you tired of having to consult multiple sources when checking the efficiency compliance of your EPS designs? digikey.ca |
在这种情况下,当市场遭受大幅下挫是绝望,然后认识的任何方法效率不高,因为有一个B计划,因为如果他们保护了操作,相信,市场是有主权的,可 以 四处 走 动 ,你的愿望,一直在关注,并准备运动相反他的位置。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | In those cases when the market suffers sharp falls there is despair and then recognizing the inefficiency of any method since there is a plan B, because if they had protected the operation, believing that the market is sovereign and can move around as you wish, would have been concerned and prepared for movement contrary to his position. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
然而,人们不必进行四处搜寻就可发现 17 年一 党专政、13 次军事政变以及最后还有 11 年内战所留 下的巨大伤痕。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, one [...] does not have to search very widely to discover the tremendous trauma that 17 years of one-party [...]rule, 13 military [...]coups and, finally, 11 years of civil war have left behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
现在,这种杂食动物在水满村随处可 见,它们在路边和路上四处游荡 ,鼻子在 土里乱拱,三五成群地散布在村庄池塘旁, 或是拖着大大的肚子在房屋之间的空地上 蹒跚而行。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | Now one can see the [...] omnivorous creature everywhere in Shuiman, wandering next to or over the road, its snout in the rubbish, four of them by the village [...]pond or dragging [...]their stomachs across the ground between houses. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
UC Voice 750 也是专为那些四处奔波 的员工所设计的。 jabra.cn | The UC Voice 750 is also designed for employees on the move. jabra.com |
尽管 2010 年底遭到失败,四处分散 ,并在邦特兰 武装部队掌控中,但该团体仍持续威胁该区域和平与安全,并表明它能在公开 和秘密行动之间进行转换。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite its defeat and dispersal at the hands of Puntland security forces in late 2010, the group remains a standing threat to peace and security in the region and has demonstrated its ability to shift between overt and covert modes of operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然四处窥探 ,她在一个山洞里发现一个发光的野队徽。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | While snooping around, she finds a glowing Wild Force emblem inside a cave. seekcartoon.com |
在提及各国在移民过程的各个阶段保护所有儿 童权利方面应承担的义务时,他主要指处于如下三 类情况的儿童:被已迁徙家人抛弃的儿童、在各国 四处游走 的移民儿童和在接收国的移民儿童,特别 报告员坚持要求关注女孩遭受性暴力和歧视所处的 极其脆弱的境况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recalling the obligation of States to ensure the protection of all children at all stages of the migration process, who could be divided into three categories (children left behind by migrating family members, children moving across borders and migrant children in host countries), he stressed the special vulnerability of the girl child to gender-based violence and discrimination. daccess-ods.un.org |
他还持“罗伯特·蒙塔亚”这一假名的护 照 四处 流 窜; (b) 弗雷德里克·乐峰。 daccess-ods.un.org | He has also circulated with a passport under the false name “Robert Montaya daccess-ods.un.org |
是第一款能让用户集中精力观看电影,而完全不用担心电脑处理能力不足,也无需费 神 四处 寻 找 合适的编解码器的电影播放器软件。 bsplayer.com | It is the first video player ever to [...] enable its users to focus on watching the [...] movie instead of dealing with poor computer [...]capabilities or running around looking [...]for a proper setting and codec. bsplayer.com |
由于小孩会四处滚, 爬走的情况也增加,再加上开始学习走路, 因此不宜玩有音乐的毛绒玩具和用钥匙上发条的玩具,表面突出的玩具也不宜。 cpsc.gov | Because these children are rolling around, crawling more, and learning to walk, musical plush toys and others with a wind-up key or projecting surfaces are inappropriate. cpsc.gov |
如果需要替换设备或在全公司进行升级,现在也可 非常轻松地管理这些工作,而不需要 四处 奔 波。现在,我们 实现了集中化配置,技术人员可以专注于使用可用资源来处 理关键任务。 igel.com | Now configurations are centralized, and technical staff can concentrate on utilising available resources for mission-critical tasks. igel.com |
BS.Player广受欢迎的原因很多,但有一点尤其值得说明:BS.Player是第一款能让用户集中精力观看电影,而完全不用担心电脑处理能力不足,也无需费 神 四处 寻 找 合适的编解码器的电影播放器软件。 bsplayer.com | Player™ is the first software movie player ever to [...] enable its users to focus on watching the [...] movie instead of dealing with poor computer [...]capabilities or running around looking [...]for a proper setting and codec. bsplayer.com |
这位音乐家的人生旅程将他从芝加哥的贫民窟带到西雅图、波士顿和纽约,甚至抵达众多欧洲城市 , 四处 表 演 并为当时代举足轻重的重要爵士乐手作曲,包括灵魂乐之父查尔斯(Ray [...] Charles)和基尔斯彼(Dizzy Gillespie)。 audemarspiguet.com | The musician’s journey has taken him from inner city Chicago to Seattle, [...] Boston, and New York, and on to various [...] European cities, where he played and [...]composed for the principal jazz heavyweigts [...]of the time, including Ray Charles and Dizzy Gillespie. audemarspiguet.com |
1981年诗人艺术家瑞内.里卡德在美国〈艺术论坛杂志〉以光芒四射的孩子的标题介绍巴斯奇亚,而这成为他艺术生涯的催化剂,在纽约黑人 区 四处 喷 漆涂鸦的小子,如今正式被视为严谨的美术家了。 ravenelart.com | That was a catalyst that launched Basquiat's artistic career The young artist who began as a graffiti artist in the black neighbourhoods of New York had become a seriously regarded professional. ravenelart.com |