单词 | 四圣谛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 四圣谛 —the Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)See also:圣 n—saint n • sage n 圣—sacred 谛—truth (Buddhism)
即使阿奎那第一次发现在他的命令没有几个对手,也没有他的所有同胞多米尼加跟随)他在每一个特定的 ( 四 如 Du r an d u s 圣 P o u rç ain,1332。 mb-soft.com | Even Aquinas found at first not a few opponents in his order, nor did all his fellow-Dominicans follow him in every particular (eg Durandus of St. Pourçain, d. 1332). mb-soft.com |
这个项目于 2002 年 1 月在四个国家(圣基茨 和尼维斯、塞舌尔、帕劳和库克群岛)开始实施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The project started in [...] January 2002 in four countries (Saint Kitts and Nevis, [...]Seychelles, Palau and Cook Islands). unesdoc.unesco.org |
加拿大的包括圣卢西 亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘 汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众国淘汰园艺中的甲基溴。 multilateralfund.org | For Canada, [...] those covered the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out [...]project in Serbia; and [...]for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. multilateralfund.org |
理论上说,这个体制的真谛应是 把 教科文组织的总体目标分解成一个一个为之实现服务的具体目标,自上而下,逐级落实到每 一个单位,每一个工作人员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The implementation of results-based management at UNESCO in 2008 should, in theory, result in specific expected results being set at each rung of the ladder and for all staff members so that the overall objectives of the Organization may be reached. unesdoc.unesco.org |
与Donatism的起源有关的文件收集是朝着 第 四 世 纪 初,是 由 圣 他 的 伟大的工作optatus的追加。 mb-soft.com | A collection of documents connected with the [...] origins of Donatism was made [...] towards the beginning of the fourth century, and was appended [...]by St. Optatus to his great work. mb-soft.com |
巴基斯坦的穆斯林须在护照申请表中庄严宣示自己“不承认穆罕默德(愿安 拉赐他平安 ) 之后的任何意义或类型的自称先知者,不承认这种人为先知,也不 承认宗教改革者为穆斯林”,且他们“认为米尔扎·古拉姆·艾哈迈德 · 卡 谛亚 尼是假先知,还认为其信徒不论属于拉合尔派还是 卡 谛 亚 尼 派都不是穆斯林”。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Pakistan, Muslims are required to solemnly declare in their passport application form that they “do not recognize any person who claims to be prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after Muhammad (peace be upon him) or recognize such claimant as prophet or a religious reformer as a Muslim” and that they “consider Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Quadiani to be an imposter nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the Lahori or Quadiani Group to be NON-MUSLIM”. daccess-ods.un.org |
以纯正基因传递修养传统,以精湛技艺凝炼修养实力,以诚恳用心诠释修养 真 谛 , 让每一位奔驰车主感受"修养之道 一脉相承”的真正价值。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Our dedicated customer service team strives to fulfill all of your requirements by always following the key values of"Mercedes-Benz Heritage", "Technical Competence" and "Customer Appreciation", letting you experience the principles of Mercedes-Benz After-Sales services. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
有史以来,凡伟大的教师都有一个共同的信念——教育的 真 谛 在 于 人际关 系。 daccess-ods.un.org | Historically, the great teachers shared the common belief that teaching was about relationships, and for that reason, the stronger the relationship in which teaching was grounded, the more effective the teaching. daccess-ods.un.org |
Magnifique…Lancôme兰蔻最新创作的珍稀香氛,重新诠释了法国高级香水的 真 谛 , 倾 力展现女性特质中至情至性的动人一面。 bcia-shopping.com | Lancome Magnifique Lancôme fragrance latest creations of rare, re-interpretation of the essence of French haute perfume, effort to show the feminine side in the moving Emotion. en.bcia-shopping.com |
委员会下列委员参加了本来文的审议:阿姆娜·阿里·苏韦迪、穆罕默德·塔拉瓦奈、曼苏 尔·艾哈迈德·乔杜里、玛丽·索莱达·西斯特纳斯、特蕾西娅·德格纳、加博尔·贡布 斯、法谛哈·哈 吉-萨拉赫、金亨植、卢特菲·本·拉拉霍姆、施蒂格·朗瓦德、埃达 赫·万盖奇·马伊纳、罗纳德·麦卡勒姆、安娜·佩莱斯·纳瓦埃斯、西尔维娅·朱迪 思·光-张、卡洛斯·里奥斯·埃斯皮诺萨、达米扬·塔蒂奇,赫尔曼·哈维尔·托雷 斯·科雷亚和杨佳。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following members of the Committee participated in the examination of the present communication: Amna Ali Al-Suwaidi, Mohammed Al-Tarawneh, Monsur Ahmed Chowdhury, Maria Soledad Cisternas Reyes, Theresia Degener, Gábor Gombos, Fatiha Hadj-Salah, Hyung Shik Kim, Lofti ben Lallahom, Stig Langvald, Edah Wangechi Maina, Ronald McCallum, Ana Pelaez Narvaez, Silvia Judith Quan-Chang, Carlos Rios Espinosa, Damjan Tatic, Germán Xavier Torres Correa and Jia Yang. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近,理事会不顾塞尔 [...] 维亚政府和塞尔维亚东正教会的意愿,决定撤出其在 另外四个塞族圣地周围的存在,其中包括属于联合国 教科文组织濒危世界遗产地的 [...]14 世纪早期的格拉查 尼察修道院,这令人深感不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | Its more recent decision to unfix [...] its presence around four additional Serbian holy sites—including [...]the early fourteenthcentury [...]Gračanica monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage in Danger site, against the will of the Government of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church, is deeply troubling. daccess-ods.un.org |
的父亲最后被普遍认为是圣伊西 多尔的塞维利亚 ( 四 6 3 6 ) 在西方 和 圣 约 翰大马士革(dc750)在东方。 mb-soft.com | The last of the fathers are generally [...] considered to be Saint Isidore of Seville (d. 636) in the West and Saint John Damascene [...](dc750) in the East. mb-soft.com |
作者在法国南部公寓教会传统佯称这圣安妮的尸体被带到公寓由圣拉撒路,基督的朋友是 由 圣 A u s pi ci us ( 四 3 9 8 ) 隐藏起来,结果发现在黄袍加身查理曼(盛宴,倍频后的复活节星期一),这些文物在1664年被带到一个宏伟教堂(盛宴,5月4日)。 mb-soft.com | The tradition of the church of Apt in southern France pretends that the body of St. Anne was brought to Apt by St. Lazarus, the friend of Christ, was hidden by St. Auspicius (d. 398), and found again during the reign of Charlemagne (feast, Monday after the octave of Easter); these relics were brought to a magnificent chapel in 1664 (feast, 4 May). mb-soft.com |
教父们”必须毫无疑问包括,在西方 , 圣 格 雷 戈里大 ( 四 6 0 4 ) ,并在东 , 圣 约 翰 大马士革 ( 四 约 75 4)。 mb-soft.com | The Fathers" must undoubtedly include, in the West, St. Gregory the Great (d. 604), and in the East, St. John Damascene (d. about 754). mb-soft.com |
(c) 核准本报告附件二十四所载圣多美 和普林西比政府与执行委员会之间关于削 减氟氯烃消费的《协定》草案; (d) 请基金秘书处在获悉基准数据后更新《协定》的附录2-A,使其包括最高允 许消费量的数据,并通知执行委员会最高允许消费量的最终水平,以及对符 合资格的供资额的潜在的相关影响,包括提交下一次付款申请时需要进行的 任何调整;以及 multilateralfund.org | (d) To request the Fund Secretariat, once the baseline data were known, to update Appendix 2-A to the Agreement to include the figures for maximum allowable consumption, and to notify the Executive Committee of the resulting levels of maximum allowable consumption and of any potential related impact on the eligible funding level, with any adjustments needed being made when the next tranche was submitted; and multilateralfund.org |
当时他们拆除那里的书面约600年才二 十 四 个 神 圣 的 书 籍。 mb-soft.com | At that time they removed [...] thence the twenty-four sacred books which were [...]written about 600 years before. mb-soft.com |
一如既往,FRAAS新2012年秋/冬系列,在表达生活的意义和爱的 真 谛 的 同时,也要充满信心的去创造属于每个人自我的迷人世界,因为每个配饰是对每一个人的灵感组合表现的最佳阐释。 fraas.com | More than ever before, in the the new autumn / winter range for 2012 Fraas lives its purpose and loves its calling to create fascinating worlds with confidence. fraas.com |
永恒经典 - 自然浪漫 - 摩登生活”,无论您偏爱哪一种类型,在您纯粹的发现之旅中,带着您对现实灯光水色的憧憬,可以身临其境,尽情感受和领略其中 真 谛。 oase-livingwater.com | Whether "Timeless Classic - Natural Romantic - Modern Life" is your preferred garden type, on your virtual voyage of discovery you will find yourself in the environment where you feel good and where you would like to see your wishes and longings for the fascinating interplay of water and light realised. oase-livingwater.com |
在中央圣马丁的那四年是 我最好的时光,读书期间我还在Vivienne Westwood实习,从做茶到选裁布料,各种活儿我都帮着做。 vantageshanghai.com | The four years I spent studying at Central Saint Martins were the best [...] of my life; and when I got to London I also took [...]an internship at Vivienne Westwood where I did everything from making the tea, to cutting and choosing fabrics. vantageshanghai.com |
在设计中,Delugan Meissl的建筑师们旨在创造一个能够带来强烈感官体验的展馆,并且充分反映出保时捷产品、服务以及公司特性的 真 谛 , 同 时,其特征鲜明的外观形象将令保时捷广场焕发出更加迷人的风采。 porsche.com | In their design, the architects at Delugan Meissl set out to create a place of sensuous experience that reflects the authenticity of Porsche products and services as well as the company’s character, while also reshaping Porscheplatz with an unmistakable appearance. porsche.com |
最主要的活动地点是波尔托瓦亚(Portovaya)压缩机站的建设工地——北溪管道在俄罗斯境内的起点,位 于 圣 彼 得 堡北 方 四 小 时 车程处。 triad.de | At the request of Nord Stream AG, the [...] construction site of the compressor [...] station in Portovaya, four hours north of St. Petersburg, was [...]devised as the location of the event. triad.de |
如果前三个世纪,是从东罗马,朝圣 装 满 从 四 世 纪 起,西与东耶路撒冷的一道使这些虔诚的行程主要目标,而这些旅行者带回东多的知识到最遥远的部分西方。 mb-soft.com | If the first three [...] centuries are full of pilgrimages to Rome from the East, yet from the fourth century onward West [...]joins with East in making [...]Jerusalem the principal goal of such pious journeys; and these voyagers brought back much knowledge of the East to the most distant parts of the West. mb-soft.com |
在四世纪中叶,圣埃皮 法尼乌斯对异端邪说的书是学问,却混淆,这是最恼人的思考如何用这本来是有其名虔诚的作者引用了他的当局,尤西比乌斯一样。 mb-soft.com | In the middle of the fourth century, St. Epiphanius's [...] book on heresies is learned but confused; it is most annoying to think [...]how useful it would have been had its pious author quoted his authorities by name, as Eusebius did. mb-soft.com |
决定延续上述专家小组的职权,在 2000--2001 年期间,该小组将由执行局第一五 八届会议的十二个委员国指定的十二名专家组成,每个选举组产生两名: 第一组 加拿大和法国 第二组 立陶宛和俄罗斯联邦 第三组 墨西哥和圣卢西亚 第四组 澳大利亚和巴基斯坦 第五(a)组 马拉维和尼日利亚 第五(b)组 黎巴嫩和摩洛哥 unesdoc.unesco.org | For the 2000-2001 period the Group will comprise 12 experts designated by 12 Members of the Executive Board at its 158th session, two from each group, as follows unesdoc.unesco.org |
应培养慕道者阅读书籍(包括圣经、公教报及灵修书籍)、参加不同团体举办的信仰培育活动、参加堂区礼仪生活的习惯,特别 是 四 旬 期 和 圣 周 的 礼仪。 catholic.org.hk | They should be encouraged to read books (including the Bible, Kung Kao Po and spiritual books), to take part in activities of Christian formation organized by different groups, [...] to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life of the parish, [...] especially in the liturgy of Lent and the Holy Week. catholic.org.hk |
喜科在中国已拥有60余家客户,600多个项目站点,其中包括:ABB、阿尔斯通、阿科玛、博泽汽车、家乐福、长城物业集团、中国电工总公司、抚顺矿业集团、2010上海世博会、法国天然气苏伊士集团、绿地集团、宜家家居、万国纸业、诺基亚 、 圣 戈 班 集团 、 四 川 泸 天化、索格菲、采埃孚等。 sivecochina.com | Siveco has over 60 customers across more than 600 sites in China, including ABB, Alstom, Arkema, Brose, Carrefour China, Changcheng Property Group, CNEEC, Fushun Mining Group, Shanghai World Expo 2010 [...] pavilions, GDF Suez, Greenland Holdings, IKEA, [...] International Paper, Nokia, Saint-Gobain, Sichuan Lutianhua, [...]Sogefi, ZF, etc. sivecochina.com |
游客们可以选择坐火车“Bimmel Bahnen”环游四个主要的圣诞市 场,其中最大的圣诞市场就位于科隆大教堂外,一大片灯火辉煌的帐篷区就是了,这里有上百种娱乐活动。 vantageshanghai.com | Visitors can opt for a train service “Bimmel Bahnen” that [...] travels in a loop, passing four of the major markets. [...]Sprawling out under starlit tents against [...]the backdrop of gothic Cologne Cathedral is the main market, providing more than one hundred stage events for entertainment. vantageshanghai.com |