单词 | 囚室 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 囚室 noun, plural —cells plSee also:囚 n—prisoner n
(d) 為加強保安,2 個主船艙及 6 個囚室的所有閘門均會裝設電子 鎖系統。 legco.gov.hk | (d) All the gates of the two main cabins and six cells will be installed with an electronic locking system to strengthen security. legco.gov.hk |
91/DSAJ/2009 号令中提到的纪律措施的天数,将个人安置 在单个囚室是否 规定了必要的时限,或每年将未成年人安置在此 类 囚室 的 最 长天 数? daccess-ods.un.org | In relation to the number of days of the disciplinary measure mentioned in Order 91/DSAJ/2009, is there a requisite length of time imposed [...] between placements in an [...] individual sleeping room or a maximum number of days per year during which a minor can be placed in such a room? daccess-ods.un.org |
他们可能被禁闭在小囚室,24 小时中 20 小时得不到休息或体育活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | They can be locked up in small cells and deprived of recreation and exercise for 20 hours out of 24. daccess-ods.un.org |
在每間院所內,亦再以分組的 形式管理,囚犯分成每25至 30㆟㆒組,分別安排工 作、囚室及康樂活動。 legco.gov.hk | Within each institution, the unit management concept [...] would be applied, such that each unit, [...] with say 25-30 prisoners, would be separated [...]from the others in work, accommodation and recreation. legco.gov.hk |
此外,伊朗正准备在可能的情况 下,废除禁闭室并扩大囚室面积。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, Iran had attempted to [...] eliminate solitary prison cells where possible [...]and to expand their size. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,妥善 安排囚犯的活動場㆞及囚室的㆞ 點、安裝特別尺寸 及角度的窗戶、設置通風系統及策略性㆞使用廣播 系統等,均可防止集體行動擴散。 legco.gov.hk | Other measures to prevent spread of mass behaviour include proper location of exercise and accommodation areas, installation of windows of special size and angle, application of the ventilation system and tactical use of the public address system. legco.gov.hk |
挪威目前正建立单独 的少年犯囚室,配 备多学科工作人员,并密切跟踪获释情况,以便进一步限制与 [...] 成年人一起服刑的少年犯人数。 daccess-ods.un.org | Norway is currently [...] establishing separate prison units for young [...]offenders with multidisciplinary staff and close follow-up [...]on release with a view to further limiting the number of juvenile offenders serving together with adults. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个正在开展的项目力求减少拘押在警察机构的还押囚 [...] 犯,研究电子监测流动限制情况的前景,增加还押犯人参 加 囚室 外 活 动的机会, 将警方拘押设施升级换代以达到《救援法》规定的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | An ongoing project is seeking to reduce the number of remand prisoners detained in police establishments, to study the prospects for electronic monitoring of [...] mobility restrictions, to increase [...] opportunities for remand prisoners to participate in [...]activities outside of their cells, and [...]to upgrade police detention facilities to meet the standards required in the Rescue Act. daccess-ods.un.org |
他被隔离关押在政治警察管理的囚室 中长达两个月。 daccess-ods.un.org | For two months, he was held incommunicado in cells belonging to the political police. daccess-ods.un.org |
在寢所方面,高度設防院所主要採用個 人 囚室 ( 內 置廁所及其他 設施)收容犯人,規劃標準面積為 7 平方米;其他院所則主要採 [...] 用不同大小的集體囚倉收容犯人,規劃標準面積為每人 4.6 平方 米。 legco.gov.hk | As for accommodation, prisoners in the maximum security [...] institutions are mainly accommodated in independent cells (with [...]toilet and other facilities) with a planning standard of 7 sq m each, while prisoners on other institutions are accommodated in dormitories of different sizes with a planning standard of 4.6 sq m for each person. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 扣 留 在 還 押 中 心、法 庭 囚 室 及 警 署 的 囚 犯,應 有 [...] 權 打 電 話 聯 絡 家 人 或 朋 友,以 籌 措 保 釋。 hkreform.gov.hk | (a) Prisoners at remand centre, court [...] cell and police stations should have a right of access to a telephone to contact family or friends to raise bail. hkreform.gov.hk |
规划预期要在凡被确认需要改善基础设施,避免过度拥挤的每个都市派出 所建造囚室,确 保遭到派出所羁押的任何一位被剥夺自由者,都享有基本的卫生 [...] 条件,和足够的关押空间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The plan envisages the construction of cells in police stations in the metropolitan area that have been identified as [...] those requiring better infrastructure to [...] avoid overcrowding and ensure basic conditions [...]that are hygienic and provide enough [...]space for anyone deprived of their liberty in these police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在警察局囚室和英 国监狱,被拘留人被视作临时拘留的犯人 对待。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the police cells and [...] Her Majesty’s prisons, the detainees [...]are treated like pre-trial prisoners. daccess-ods.un.org |
懲教署已在這方面採取多項措施,包括定期監察以儘 早識別需要特別注意的在囚人士、安裝閉路電視、改 裝 囚室 和 監 獄的設施, 以及定期提供相關的培訓予懲教署人員。 legco.gov.hk | Various measures have been put in place, including regular monitoring of inmates, with a view to identifying those who need special attention, installation of the CCTV systems, modifications of cells and building structure, and provision of relevant training to the CSD staff regularly. legco.gov.hk |
他们在卫生条件恶劣的警局囚室被拘 留超过一个星期,但 未受到指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | They were detained in unhygienic police cells for more than a week without being charged. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 新船會增設 2 個囚室,提供合共 4 個座位,其中 1 個囚室會 設有殘疾人士專用設施。 legco.gov.hk | (b) The new vessel will have two additional cells providing four seats in total. legco.gov.hk |
(一) 对囚室和床位的分派进行监督,确保所有囚犯都可免费分得一个像样 [...] 的床位 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Monitoring the assignment of cells and beds to [...] ensure that all inmates have a decent [...]place to sleep without being obliged to pay for it daccess-ods.un.org |
他在囚室裏繼續發聲,劉曉波先生未必相信儒家學說, 他其實是中國文壇的黑馬,跟李澤厚先生經常爭論。 legco.gov.hk | While he does not necessarily believe in the teachings of Confucianism, Mr LIU Xiaobo is actually a dark horse in the Chinese literary circle, and he always argues with Mr LI Zehou. legco.gov.hk |
(b) 应确保囚室和宿 舍的通风,空气容量、最低地板面积、照明和自然采 光;(c) 应为囚犯提供足够的、经过适当维修的卫生设施,卫生设施应足以满 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Ventilation, cubic content of air, minimum floor space, lighting and access to natural light in cells and dormitories should be guaranteed daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,被拘留者在拘留中心可以根据其宗教教派的传统, 在 囚室 以 及 在可 能是专门为此配备的场所参加宗教活动、礼仪和仪式。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, detainees can participate in religious practices, rituals and rites within their cells and, where possible, on premises equipped specifically for such purposes, in accordance with the traditions of their religious denominations, at the centres. daccess-ods.un.org |
他声称,拥有像他这样社会背景的个 人通常可得到较高军衔,但他打扫了14 个月厕所,每天晚上睡在一个上锁的单 独囚室里。 daccess-ods.un.org | He submits that usually individuals of his social background would get [...] high military ranks, [...] whereas he had to clean toilets for 14 months and sleep in a locked solitary prison cell every night. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会看到 了对这个通宵带着手铐的少年被拘留者的限制,当时他被锁在不人道和有辱人格 的待遇和处罚的囚室。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT views this restraining of an adolescent detainee with handcuffs overnight, while locked in the cell as inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在与防范酷刑小组委员会讨论后,Tacumbú 国家监狱的监狱长当场决定将 隔离监禁楼 11 名轻度违纪囚犯中的 8 名转为普通监狱管理,并将其余 3 名囚犯 转到了条件更好的囚室。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following discussion with the SPT, the Director of Tacumbú National Prison decided, on the spot, to return 8 of the 11 prisoners who had been placed in the solitary [...] confinement wing for minor offences to the ordinary [...] prison regime, and to transfer the remaining 3 prisoners to better cells. daccess-ods.un.org |
移民睡在两个囚室,床 垫就铺在地上;只有一个装 200 升热水的热水瓶, [...] 供大约 120 人淋浴用,如果泵坏了,他们也就没有自来水了”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The immigrants [...] sleep in two cells on mattresses placed [...]on the floor. There is only one boiler with a two-hundred litre capacity [...]for heating water to provide showers for approximately 120 people. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 应确保囚室和宿舍的通风,空气容量、最低地板面积、照明和自然采 光; (c) 应为囚犯提供足够的、经过适当维修的卫生设施,卫生设施应足以满 足个人卫生、洗衣和处理垃圾方面的需要 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) Ventilation, cubic content of air, minimum floor space, lighting and access to natural light in cells and dormitories should be guaranteed daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 应立即改善囚室的物质条件,尤其是最低地板面积、空气容量、照明 和通风方面的物质条件 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Material conditions in the cells should be improved immediately, especially with regard to minimum floor space, cubic content of air, lighting and ventilation daccess-ods.un.org |
据报,一名邓盖夫尔被拘留人说,这名越南男子被拘留超过一年,完 全放弃获释希望”。540 关于被拘留的申请庇护者(按照 1971 年移民法拘留), 1996 [...] 年出版的一份研究报告指出,“他们或被放在移民留置中心,或被放在刑 事犯监狱,或被放在警察局囚室。 daccess-ods.un.org | A fellow Dungavel detainee is reported to have said that the Vietnamese man had been detained for over a year and simply gave up hope of being released”.540As regards asylum-seekers under the Immigration Act, 1971, the study published in [...] 1996 stated that they “are placed in detention centres for [...] immigrants or prisons for criminals or [...]police-station cells. daccess-ods.un.org |
惩教署已在这方面采取多项措施,包括定期监察以尽早识别需 要特别注意的在囚人士、安装闭路电视、改 装 囚室 和 监 狱的设施,以及定期提供 相关的培训予惩教署人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Various measures have been put in place, including regular monitoring of inmates with a view to identifying those who need special attention, installation of CCTV systems, modifications of cells and building structure, and provision of relevant training to CSD’s staff regularly. daccess-ods.un.org |
纪律囚室应具备经监狱医生同意之必需之居住条件, 尤其是应有适合之家具、足够空间之 囚室 及 足够之通风设备,以及能进行阅读之 亮度 daccess-ods.un.org | The disciplinary cells must be habitable and certified by the doctor of the facility, in particular with respect to furniture, area, ventilation and illumination for reading (art. 76 of Decree-Law 40/94/M). daccess-ods.un.org |