

单词 囚人士

See also:

人士 pl

individuals pl


public figure



External sources (not reviewed)

部分委員關注到,在點票前將 囚人士 及 受 羈留人士所投的 選票與其他選民的選票混和,會阻延整個程序。
Some members expressed concern that the mixing of
[...] ballot papers cast by prisoners and persons held in [...]
custody with those cast by other electors
before counting of votes would delay the whole process.
雖 然懲教署一直以來都能為囚人士提 供必需的服務,但仍有需要 改善部分陳舊的設施,以應付監獄管理及罪犯更生方面不斷轉變 [...]
While CSD has so far been able to provide the
[...] necessary services to inmates, there is a need [...]
to improve some of these older facilities,
so as to meet the changing demands in prison management and offender rehabilitation.
(d) 在點票前把囚人士所投 的選票與一般選民所投的選票混 合。
(d) the ballot papers cast by prisoners should be mixed with [...]
those cast by ordinary electors before the counting of ballot papers.
懲教署亦為本地囚人士提供 多元化及市場導向的 釋前職業訓練,以便他們在獲釋後重新融入社會。
CSD also provided local prisoners with diversified and [...]
market-oriented pre-release vocational training in order to facilitate
their re-integration into the society after release.
他們 並認為,應收集更多有關亞洲國家所採取做法的資料,以及英國 和美國取消囚人士投票權的理據。
They also considered that more information should be collected on the practices adopted in Asian countries,
and the justifications for the United Kingdom and the United States of
[...] America to deprive prisoners of the right to vote.
如果某位選民 是囚人士並以 其在香港的最後居住地方或入境事務處根 據《人事登記規例》( [...]
第 177A 章 ) 最後記錄他的居住地址作 選民登記,而選舉登記主任有合理理由信納該選民已刑期 屆滿及離開監獄,但沒有通知 選舉登記主任其新住址,則
選舉登記主任須按照相關法例所訂的程序將該選民的姓名 及住址載入遭剔除者名單內。
For an imprisoned person who used his [...]
last dwelling-place in Hong Kong at which he resided or the address last recorded
under the Registration of Persons Regulations (Cap 177A) as the address for registration as an elector, if the ERO is satisfied on reasonable grounds that he has served his sentence of imprisonment and left the prison without reporting his new residential address to the ERO, the ERO must enter his name and address on the omissions list according to the procedures prescribed in the relevant legislation.
內務委員會主席表示,該條例草案旨在 修訂《行政長官選舉條例》、《立法會條例》、
[...] 《區議會條例》及《村代表選舉條例》,以解除 對囚人士在相 關選舉中登記為選民及其投票 權的限制。
The Chairman said that the Bill sought to amend the Chief Executive Election Ordinance, Legislative Council Ordinance, District Councils Ordinance and Village Representative Election
Ordinance to remove restrictions on the
[...] registration of imprisoned persons as electors [...]
and their right to vote at the relevant elections.
我們會繼續研究其他重建計劃和 改善工程,以解決設施老化的問題,並配合羈押 囚人士和 更生服務的需要。
We will continue to explore other redevelopment projects and improvement works to address the problem of ageing facilities and meet the custodial and rehabilitative service needs of offenders.
(c) 新船會加裝閉路電視,以加強對船上 囚人士 的 監 視,確保 船上的秩序及安全。
(c) The new vessel will be installed with closed circuit television (CCTV) facilities to enhance surveillance of persons in custody and thus ensure order and security on board.
部分委員認為,應該全面取消對 囚人士 投 票 權所施加的 限制,包括《立法會條例》第53(5)(c)條有關被裁定干犯與選舉有 關罪行或賄賂罪行的人士喪失投票資格的規定,因為 囚人士投 票 權在《基本法》第二十五條、第二十六條及第三十九條中有所 規定,而且囚人士既已 就其違法行為服刑,沒有理由再剝奪囚人士的投 票權,向他們施加額外的懲罰。
Some members were of the view
[...] that the restrictions on prisoners' right to vote should be removed in entirety, including the disqualification of persons convicted of election-related or bribery offences under section 53(5)(c) of LCO because prisoners' right to vote was provided in Articles 25, 26 and 39 of the Basic Law, and there was no reason to impose additional penalty by depriving the right to vote of prisoners who were already serving [...]
their sentences for the unlawful acts.
至 於其他囚人士,該 署轄下福利主任會留意可能需要援助的 人士,將他們轉介社署及適當的非政府機構以作釋後介入和 [...]
For other offenders, CSD’s welfare officers [...]
would identify those persons who may be in need of assistance and refer them
to SWD and the appropriate NGOs for intervention and possible follow up after discharge.
4.4.1 可以獲得法律援助的法律範疇,有家事法、民事法、刑 事法、兒童事宜、精神健康事宜、 囚人士 事 宜及退伍軍人撫恤 金事宜等,詳見附錄I。
4.4.1 Legal aid is available in the areas of family law, civil law,
criminal law, children's matters, mental
[...] health matters, prisoners' matters and veterans' [...]
pension matters, as shown in Appendix I.
(d) 容許囚人士或受 羈押人士將就他人的選民登記提 出反對的通知書或就其本人的選民登記提出申索的 [...]
通知書,以郵遞方式而無須親身前往選舉登記主任的 辦事處提交,以免剝奪其提出反對或申索的機會。
(d) allowing prisoners or persons in custody [...]
to deliver to the office of the ERO a notice of objection to the registration
of another person or a notice of claim for his own registration by post instead of in person so that they will not be deprived of the opportunity to lodge an objection or claim.
現時已有不少囚人士在工 作過程中接受職業訓 練,並取得外界的認證及認可資格。
More inmates now receive vocational training [...]
and attain external accreditation and recognised qualifications in the course of their work.
在審 議《囚人士投票條例草案》期間,議員曾討論與 囚人士 登記 為選民的實務安排有關的事項,包括 囚人士 選 民 的登記地址及 將其姓名加入遭剔除者名單內的問題。
During the scrutiny of the
[...] Voting by Imprisoned Persons Bill, issues relating to the practical arrangements for prisoners to be registered as electors including the registered addresses of prisoner-electors and [...]
inclusion of their
names on the omissions lists were discussed.
我們十分關注中央政府對新一代維權人士的持續打壓,並且強烈促 請中央政府釋放所有和平表達政見和行使公民權利的 囚人士 , 更須從 速履行聯合國《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》。
Amid serious concern about the Central Government continuously oppressing the new generation of human rights defenders, we strongly urge the Central Government to release all the detainees who have peacefully expressed their political views and exercised civil rights, as well as to implement as soon as possible the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted by the United Nations.
政制及內地事務局首席助理秘書長 2
[...] 負責與區議會和立法會選舉 有關的政策和法例事宜,包括就 囚人士 投 票 權一事進行公眾諮 詢,擬備有關法例和實務安排;與選舉制度的司法覆核個案有關 [...]
的政策回應;選舉管理委員會和選舉事務處的內務管理工作;以 及與區議會架構有關的事宜。
PAS(CMA)2 is responsible for policy and legislation relating to District Council and Legislative Council Elections, the public consultation exercise and the
preparation of legislative and practical
[...] arrangements concerning prisoners’ voting rights; policy [...]
response in relation to judicial
review cases concerning election systems, housekeeping of the Electoral Affairs Commission and the Registration and Electoral Office and matters relating to the composition of District Councils.
有關上述數字,懲教署未有備存以 囚人士 類 別 及其涉及罪行的進一步分項 數字。
Regarding the above figures, the CSD has not maintained breakdowns on the types of persons in custody being searched and their offences involved.
懲教署已在這方面採取多項措施,包括定期監察以儘 早識別需要特別注意的囚人士、安 裝閉路電視、改裝囚室和監獄的設施, [...]
Various measures have been put in place, including
[...] regular monitoring of inmates, with a view to [...]
identifying those who need special attention,
installation of the CCTV systems, modifications of cells and building structure, and provision of relevant training to the CSD staff regularly.
(c) 方案三,是取消長期服刑(例如10年或以上)的 囚人士的 投票資格,但准許囚人士在刑 期最後數年( 例如最後 5年 )恢復投票權。
(c) Option Three was to disqualify prisoners from voting if they were serving a sentence of imprisonment for a sufficiently long period (for example, 10 years or over) while enabling them to resume the right to vote when they were serving the last few years of imprisonment (for example, during the last five years).
(iv) 提供廣東話自學教材讓有需要的非本地或少數族裔 囚人士 借 閱 ,以提高他 們的廣東話語言解說能力。
(iv) Cantonese self-learning kits are available for loan by non-local or ethnic minority persons in custody in order to enhance their ability to speak and understand Cantonese.
在保障残疾囚人士方面 ,我们已设有措施确保为残疾 囚人士 提 供 合理 处所,及按同一程序保障残疾 囚人士 与 其他 在 囚人士 享 有 同等的人权。
14.6 Measures have been put in place to ensure that prisoners with disabilities are provided with the required reasonable accommodation, and benefit from the same procedural guarantees [...]
as all other
persons to enjoy fully their human rights.
(a) 羁押残疾囚人士的院所均设置充足的伤残人士护理和治疗设施,包 括经改装的洗手间和浴室设备、拐杖、轮椅及轻便床等。
(a) Prisoners with disabilities are detained [...]
in institutions with adequate facilities that are necessary for their care and treatment.
(ii) 所有囚人士在入 獄時,會獲發一本《囚犯/還押犯須知》小冊子,讓囚 人士了解 他們的權益,以及院所的紀律要求等,該本小冊子有 20 多種不同 語文的版本。
(ii) A copy of “Information Booklets for Prisoners/Remands”, printed in more than 20 languages, is issued to all persons in custody [...]
upon admission
to help them understand their rights and the discipline requirements of correctional institutions.
懲教署會繼續留意各項重新融入社會計劃的成功率,並會視乎情況 需要而檢討各項計劃的成效及改善有關計劃內容,以期更有效地協 助囚人士更生
The Department will continue to monitor the success rates of the various re-integration programmes, and review their effectiveness and enhance their contents as necessary, with a view to rendering more effective assistance in rehabilitating persons in custody.
有评论员认为,在监狱的纪律制度下,院所监督在聆讯及处理其主管的惩 教院所内的囚人士的纪 律投诉的程序中,经常会涉及就其属下惩教人员的可信 [...]
Some commentators were concerned with the prison discipline system, in that the procedure of prison superintendents hearing and
determining disciplinary complaints
[...] against an inmate of the prison he administers, [...]
which often includes determining matters
of credibility of his subordinate prison officers, was considered unfair.
10.22 为更有效及针对性地为囚人士提供更生计划,惩教署于2006年10月 起推行“罪犯风险与更生需要评估及管理程序”。
In order to deliver rehabilitative programmes to offenders in a more targeted and effective approach, the CSD has been implementing the Risks and Needs Assessment and Management Protocol for Offenders since October 2006.
在選舉當 日,懲教人員會在每個投票時段透過廣播系統,或親身到有關 囚人士 的工 場或活動室,通知在該時段投票的 囚人士 可 到懲教院所內的票站 投票。
During each time slot on the polling day, correctional officers will make use of the public address system or go to the workshop or dayroom of the respective voters in custody to inform them that they can go to the polling station set up in the institution to cast their votes.




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